The old man was in a hurry to get married.

In Konoha Village, Kabuto Yakushi, who had just woken up from a dream, sat on the bed and recalled what happened to the Twilight Hermits.

The leader suspected to be "Uchiha Madara", the three future enemies of the Ninja World, and the history of the Otsutsuki clan...

All these things have caused a huge impact on Kabuto Yakushi.

But what Kabuto Yakushi can't understand the most is the inexplicable attention he has received. He really can't understand why the first-party force that monitors the entire Ninja World would use him to realize his plan? And Uchiha Madara, who secretly formed the Twilight Hermits, has also set his sights on him early.

Am I so special?

Before meeting Lord Orochimaru, I seemed to be just a small figure in the Ninja World.

Why do the first-party forces think that they can gather the Kage-level strongmen in the ninja world together?

Why did Uchiha Madara start to monitor me when I entered the orphanage?

At that time, I had nothing and was not worthy of being noticed at all!

Or is their attitude of attention related to my lost memory?

As an orphan who survived on the battlefield, Kabuto Yakushi lost his past memories. This has always been his heart disease, and he has been looking for traces of his past. But the result is that his past seems to have been deliberately erased. Even as the strongest spy in the ninja world, Kabuto Yakushi has not found his lost memories.

Was I a special person before I lost my memory?

For this reason, they all turned their attention to me.

Thinking of this, Kabuto Yakushi became more and more curious about his past.

Now, he wants to find out who he was before he lost his memory more than ever.

When Kabuto Yakushi was confused about his past, Ohnoki, who left the illusion space, also sat up from the bed. At this moment, he recalled the information he had just obtained at the secret gathering, and thought to himself:

You can't believe everything Madara said.

The information he provided should be viewed dialectically, because it is very likely that this information is false, and he is deliberately calculating us. For example, the history of the Otsutsuki clan sounds so nonsense, and it is a scam with ulterior motives. Maybe we try to reproduce the power of the Otsutsuki clan, and the result will fall into his calculation.

So we must be careful about the things related to the Otsutsuki clan!

In contrast, the three major forces are more credible. Of course, this is only more credible. After all, if there are really three major forces in the universe, they are probably not interested in the mere ninja world. And even if the three major forces really exist, how does Uchiha Madara know? He even knows the attitudes of the three major forces.

Either the three major forces are his scam, or he himself is a member of the three major forces.

The reason why he hides so much is largely due to his betrayal of the three major forces.

However, although the three major forces are in doubt, it should be true that the ninja world is facing threats. Otherwise, with Uchiha Madara's strength, he has no need to hide in the dark to organize the Twilight Hermit Society, because this does not fit his outspoken personality at all.

In short, Uchiha Madara is not a simple character, and even Shokuhou Misaki, who is about to become the next generation of Hokage, is difficult to deal with. In addition, the ninja world is likely to face unprecedented threats... In the near future, this world will definitely become very strange!

The resurrected dead, the radical Hokage, the unknown strong enemy...

In the face of all these changes, can our Iwagakure survive on its own? Or will it be thrown onto the beach in the tide of history.

Thinking of this, Ohnoki couldn't help but look to the north. Now he just wants to find Hatsuharu Shikiri and Red Sand Scorpion to see if he can cooperate with them. Because Ohnoki sadly discovered that his own Iwagakure seems to have only a few partners in this huge ninja world.

Of course, in addition to these two companions who are also members of the Twilight Hermit Society, Ohnoki can also try to cooperate with the Kara Organization. But recalling Uchiha Madara's reminder to himself, Ohnoki is also full of vigilance against the Kara Organization. After all, according to Uchiha Madara's introduction to the Otsutsuki clan, the mastermind behind the Kara Organization is likely to be a member of the Otsutsuki clan.

Finally, Ohnoki looked to the south.

That is the direction of the River Country.

Perhaps compared to ninjutsu, what the Hidden Rock Village needs most now is the power of science!

Compared to Ohnoki as the Tsuchikage, Scorpion, as a rebel ninja, is obviously much more free and easy. What are the three major forces?

, the Otsutsuki clan and the like, he has no interest at all. At this moment, he came to the Snow Country, just to use the country's technology to realize his pursuit of eternal life. In a computer room full of computers, Hatsuharu Shikiri said to Scorpion:

"In theory, the human brain is a naturally evolved computer. This computer is very powerful, because in just 30 seconds, the brain can process information that a supercomputer takes 30 years to process. But at the same time, the human brain is also very weak, because even the most ordinary computer has a signal processing accuracy that is more than a million times that of the human brain."

Speaking of this, Scorpion on the side said:

"This is not surprising. The higher the accuracy of information processing, the higher the energy consumption requirement. If the human brain has the processing accuracy of a normal computer, then the brain The energy consumed is undoubtedly an astronomical figure. That's why the human brain simplifies massive amounts of data into a few bytes of information, all for the purpose of saving energy. "

"And if it is only to simulate the operation of the human brain in this regard, it is not difficult for computers. Compared with the human brain, the biggest problem facing computers today is computing power. The human brain has hundreds of billions of neurons, so the computing power of a small brain is hundreds of thousands of times that of an ordinary computer. "

As the No. 1 puppeteer in the ninja world, what Scorpion wants most now is to get rid of the limitations of flesh and blood, to completely transform himself and become a digital life. In this way, he can control a large number of puppets and achieve eternity in life form.

It's just that ideals are full and reality is very skinny. After truly understanding the information technology of the ninja world, Scorpion realized how big the gap is between modern computers and the human brain. In short, with the existing computer technology in the ninja world, it will take at least a hundred years for computers to replace the human brain.

"Of course, all this is based on the premise that chakra has not been introduced into information technology."

"With the existing technology in the ninja world, it is almost impossible to create a computer with the computing power of the human brain. And even if it has the computing power of the brain, such a computer must be a huge supercomputer, and lack the excellent information processing and storage functions of the brain."

Hatsuharu Shiki said this, and then performed the shadow clone technique, and then pointed at his shadow clone and said:

"But it's different with chakra!"

"Although my shadow clone is just an illusion created by a small amount of chakra, this illusion But it has almost all the functions of the brain. She can remember, calculate, and think. In other words, the brain of the shadow clone is functionally the same as that of a human brain. The shadow clone created by a small amount of chakra can surpass the existing supercomputers in computing power! "

"Through the shadow clone technique, we can prove one thing. That is, chakra, which looks like only energy, can actually replace various electronic components for computing, and the efficiency of the computing power it can provide is far higher than that of neurons and computer components. And this is exactly the focus of our current research in the Snow Country, chakra computer!"

Chakra computer?

After hearing what Hatsuharu Shikiri described, Scorpion thought:

"A computer that relies on chakra for calculations? But even a chakra computer may change the laws of physics. The higher the calculation accuracy, the greater the energy consumption. If you really want to have both the accuracy of a computer and the computing power of the human brain, the energy consumption of a chakra computer must be a huge number."

"Not bad." Hatsuharu Shikiri nodded:

"According to the calculations of scientists in the Snow Country, if the computing power of the human brain is to be fully utilized, the energy consumed per second is more than 400 million joules. If converted to daily, it is at least 30 trillion joules. The energy level of a general tailed beast ball will not exceed tens of millions of joules. That is to say, a human brain running at full power consumes more than 100 million joules every month. At least the energy of a tailed beast ball, such energy consumption cannot be supported by anyone except the tailed beast. "

"So we must weaken the calculation accuracy of the chakra computer. However, even the weakened chakra computer is still a huge advantage over the human brain. And we can also modify the operation mode of the chakra computer and isolate the department used for calculation."

"In short, the development prospects of chakra computers are very broad, but they also face many problems. For example, the architecture of chakra computers, the energy source of chakra computers, and the uploading of human consciousness to chakra computers also face many difficulties. "

Speaking of the problem of uploading human consciousness, Hatsuharu Shiki suddenly said to Scorpion Road


"Mr. Scorpion, do you know about the dragon veins?"

Scorpion pondered:

"You are talking about the natural energy flow surging underground in the ninja world, right? Of course I know this. After all, the ancient country of Loulan, which was once the best at using dragon vein energy, is now within the borders of our Wind Country. It is said that the almost infinite chakra of the tailed beasts comes from the dragon veins, and the tailed beasts can only be resurrected by natural energy. But why are you talking about this?"

"Because recently when we were researching the technology of uploading human consciousness, we in the Snow Country discovered something interesting." Hatsuharu Shiki explained:

"That is, the natural energy throughout the ninja world is itself a continuously running supercomputer. This computer is spread throughout every corner of the ninja world, recording a huge amount of information about the ninja world from the past to the present, and even to the future. The life of each of us is recorded on this supercomputer, which means that the information of each of us is in There is a backup on the dragon vein. "

"So in theory, each of us has actually uploaded our own consciousness. Once our original body dies, we can completely download the backup of our own consciousness from the natural energy pulse, that is, the dragon vein, and revive. "

Speaking of this, Scorpion suddenly realized:

"So that's it, it makes sense! I was wondering why the tailed beasts can be resurrected every time they die. It turns out that their own consciousness is backed up on the dragon vein!"

"And Konoha's Impure World Reincarnation has also been explained." Hatsuharu Shikiri said:

"In the final analysis, death is irreversible. Unless time goes back, true resurrection does not exist at all. Whether it is the resurrection of the tailed beasts or the Impure World Reincarnation, it is essentially just creating a replica of the deceased. "

Hearing this, Scorpion couldn't help but covet the natural energy and dragon veins.

Not to mention that this is a much larger energy source than the tailed beasts, the massive data recorded in the dragon veins is a priceless treasure.

However, while coveting it, Scorpion also became wary of the power of the dragon vein.

"It is a supercomputer in itself, and it records countless information from the past to the present in the ninja world... Such a dragon vein will not have self-awareness, right?"

"Maybe!" Hatsuharu Shiki shrugged, and then continued:

"But even if it really has consciousness, the consciousness of the dragon vein should be the collective consciousness of all mankind."

Or should I call it, the collective subconscious ocean!

Hatsuharu Shiki, or Shokuhou Misaki thought so.


A new day, Shokuhou Misaki sat up from the bed. After washing up, she looked at her system page.

Ninja: 10 Body: 8 Illusion: 11 Sage: 11 Strength: 10 Speed: 10 Precision: 10 Seal: 9 Total: 78

God's Path: Visionary Path, Sequence 4 Operator (Fitness: 98%)

Today's Shokuhou Misaki is only one step away from being promoted to Sequence 3. Now all she has to do is to complete the Sequence 3 promotion ceremony, and then she can become a Sequence 3 ability user. From now on, the clones of different identities will be relatively independent, and their own strength will truly be promoted to the Super Shadow level, reaching the level of the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara.

As for the Sequence 3 promotion ceremony, Shokuhou Misaki has also been prepared.

Because the new district development plan she prepared for the villagers of Konoha is the ceremony she prepared. The guaranteed housing and public housing in the new district development plan are the bonuses that Shokuhou Misaki prepared for the villagers of Konoha. Imagine if the villagers of Konoha can get a house of their own in the new district, wouldn’t they be excited about it?

After all, in reality, how many people regard a house as a lifelong goal. Although the ninja world is not as exaggerated as reality, a house is enough for the villagers of Konoha to feel the happiness of a dream come true. And not only that, now Shokuhou Misaki has the loyalty of the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Chou, then everything will be even smoother.

So a new day, at the door of the development department

Facing the major families and villagers of Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki officially announced the new district development plan.

"After comprehensive consideration, the Konoha Development Department is ready to abandon the old district renovation plan and build a new district of Konoha in the northeast of the village. The area of ​​the new district is more than three times that of the old city of Konoha. The entire new district will also adopt new-style buildings, and the living environment will be more pleasant. As for the housing in the new district, it is mainly divided into three categories: affordable housing, commercial housing, and public housing."

"Among them, affordable housing is not for the market, but only for sale to Konoha villagers. All Konoha villagers can qualify for an affordable housing. Of course, each Konoha villager can only buy one affordable housing, and affordable housing is not allowed to be bought and sold at will or the price is driven up."

"As for commercial housing, it is for the market, and the price depends on

Market environment, Konoha Development Department only gives certain suggestions on the general direction of price. Finally, there are public houses. These houses are not involved in sales and distribution, and the ownership belongs to the village. Any Konoha ninja can live in public houses for free. And according to the ninja's job, different levels of public housing are provided. "

"Public housing is a welfare for ninjas from the village. Any Konoha ninja, or former Konoha ninja, is eligible to live in a public house in the new area for free. Although the ownership of this house belongs to the village, as long as the ninja is still alive, he can live here forever. "


In front of all the Konoha villagers, Shokuhou Misaki announced her plan. At this moment, her prestige in Konoha is at its peak, and naturally no ignorant guy will jump out to oppose her plan. Not to mention that this plan benefits the majority of Konoha, so the possibility of such opposition is even smaller.

In fact, when Shokuhou Misaki mentioned the price of guaranteed housing, the Konoha villagers cheered. When it was mentioned that Konoha ninjas could be allocated public housing, a group of civilian ninjas also cheered. Although Konoha's housing is not allocated for free, this makes Konoha's villagers more certain of the authenticity of the news.

Everyone knows that free is the most expensive!

If Shokuhou Misaki really distributes free housing to Konoha villagers, these Konoha villagers will worry about some conspiracy behind it.

After the housing allocation plan for the new district was announced, Shokuhou Misaki talked about the recruitment of workers by Konoha Construction Company:

"In view of the shortage of manpower for the development of the new district, the development department is preparing to expand the scale of Konoha Construction Company. Konoha Construction Company will give priority to recruiting workers in Konoha Village, and hire Konoha ninjas to assist engineers from Wave Country, and strive to complete the construction of the new district within three months. "

If the construction progress in the real world is followed, the development of Konoha's new district will take at least two or three years. But who makes Konoha a ninja village? Relying on the power of ninjas, three months of development time is enough!

And the focus of the matter is not on the development time of Konoha's new district, but the salary of Konoha Construction Company. Many Konoha civilians counted on their fingers and found that the three-month salary of Konoha Construction Company was almost the same as the down payment of Konoha's guaranteed housing. In other words, as long as you work in a construction company for three months, you can buy a house in Konoha's new district.

Faced with such a high salary, all the villagers of Konoha were shocked.

Everyone couldn't imagine that the top leaders of Konoha valued them so much. Civilians!

In fact, the high salary of Konoha Construction Company was not in Shokuhou Misaki's plan at first. It was the Ino, Shika and Chou clans that provided a lot of funds after they knelt down, so Shokuhou Misaki had the money to buy the hearts of the people in Konoha Village. In fact, the Ino, Shika and Chou clans were very dissatisfied with Shokuhou Misaki's approach. Because they couldn't understand, what was the point of helping the villagers of Konoha?

Can these powerless civilians help you become Hokage?

Even Danzo opposed Shokuhou Misaki's decision, because she felt that Shokuhou Misaki had treated the villagers of Konoha well enough. If you give them bonuses again, they will be arrogant!

Only Tsunade, who has wandered in the ninja world, can understand Shokuhou Misaki's decision. The reason why Shokuhou Misaki did this.

However, Tsunade also reminded Shokuhou Misaki that her approach might not necessarily win over everyone's hearts. And even if it is popular, it doesn't really mean much in the ninja world. Didn't the River Country back then also have a united front, with 100,000 people working together to fight against the first generation of Hokage. Then the bond of 100,000 people was rubbed to the ground by the first generation of Hokage's Wood Release, which was meaningless!

The ninja world, after all, depends on strength.

Only those with strength are worth buying. As for those civilians, they are just background boards and atmosphere groups.

However, Shokuhou Misaki doesn't mind this at all. In order to ensure that her promotion goes smoothly, she doesn't mind giving more concessions to the civilians of Konoha. As long as she can successfully advance Upgrade to Sequence 3, then all this is meaningful.

Of course, the reactions of the Ino, Deer, and Chou clans and Danzo also chilled Shokuhou Misaki. After all, she was just raising the salary a little and distributing some benefits to the villagers of Konoha. This benefit is not enough to buy a whole house, but only enough for these villagers to pay the down payment for their guaranteed housing. The villagers still need to find a way to pay for most of the remaining housing purchase money.

But just such a small amount of benefits has caused so many voices of opposition. It is conceivable that if Shokuhou Misaki really wants to treat civilians and ninjas equally, how much opposition will be caused.

So the performance of the Ino, Deer, and Chou clans made Shokuhou Misaki more disappointed with Konoha. At this moment, she is more disappointed than ever before.

It is clear that Konoha cannot bear the future of the ninja world. Even if Konoha unifies the ninja world in the future, this village cannot create a long-term stable order, because the ninjas in this village are too narrow-minded!

In the following three months, Konoha's development department started working at full capacity. Relying on the relevant technology provided by the Land of Waves, coupled with the joint efforts of Konoha villagers and ninjas, the development of the new district went very smoothly. In just three months, Konoha's new district has established bright buildings.

Although these concrete houses have just been built, many supporting facilities have not been completed, and the interior is also lacking in decoration. But the eyes of the Konoha villagers when they see these houses are undoubtedly full of hope. And such eyes, Shokuhou Misaki in her previous life, have seen many workers on their faces.

It was also by looking at the yearning in the eyes of these Konoha villagers that Shokuhou Misaki knew that her Sequence 3 promotion ceremony was stable.

So at the opening ceremony of the new district, amid the cheers of the Konoha villagers, Shokuhou Misaki was officially promoted to Sequence 3!

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