The two sides have been in a state of panic, and the two sides have been in a state of panic.

Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki has already deduced the situation to be almost accurate, Uchiha Itachi asked again:

"Shokuhou, since the undercover we planted in the River Country is likely to betray Konoha, what should we do next?"

"Or, just give up the mission!" Kakashi suggested:

"Go back to the village and report this matter to the Hokage. I believe that with the ability of the Hokage, it will be perfectly resolved."

Hearing Kakashi's suggestion, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to raise her hands to agree.

The current situation in the River Country is not something she, a small Genin, should get involved in.

But before Shokuhou Misaki expressed her support for Kakashi, Uchiha Itachi said dissatisfiedly:

"Senior Kakashi, as Konoha ninjas, how can we give up the mission casually? Not to mention that the senior Anbu lurking in the River Country has not yet confirmed his betrayal of the village. Even if he betrayed, with the abilities of seniors Kakashi and me, it is possible to continue to complete the mission."

As he said, Uchiha Itachi looked at Shokuhou Misaki and said:

"Besides, I should also believe in Shokuhou classmate's analytical ability. She will definitely help us find a way to complete the mission!"

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's trusting eyes, Shokuhou Misaki almost burst out with swear words.

Believe me, believe your sister!

You, Uchiha Itachi, what's wrong with your brain?

The mission has obviously exceeded the upper limit of your ability, why are you still staying in the River Country?

Shokuhou Misaki now feels more and more that this Uchiha Itachi is the nemesis of her extraordinary ability. Because no matter how powerful the visionary path is, it can only analyze the psychological activities of normal people. For someone like Uchiha Itachi who has a hole in his brain, Shokuhou Misaki can't understand his brain circuit at all.

But who can blame Uchiha Itachi for now that he already has the Mangekyō Sharingan, and his fist is the biggest among the three people present. In addition, Kakashi listened to Uchiha Itachi's advice and felt that he should continue to carry out the mission. In a situation where the situation is stronger than the person, Shokuhou Misaki can only bite the bullet and analyze:

"Our biggest advantage now is that we realize that there is a problem with the spies of Konoha Anbu who infiltrated the River Country, while Sand Village and Orochimaru are not aware of this. In other words, to a certain extent, we have a certain initiative in the River Country game. If we want to complete the village's mission, the most important thing is to make good use of this initiative."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's analysis, Uchiha Itachi nodded again. Kakashi said again:

"What should we do with this initiative?"

"It's very simple, think about it from another perspective." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"If you two were Kazekage Rasa and Orochimaru, what strategy would you adopt now?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi pondered:

"If I were Orochimaru, I would use the spies who betrayed Konoha in my hands to lure us all to the ambush site, and then catch us all in one fell swoop."

Kakashi also said:

"This is indeed the safest way. As long as we enter the trap prepared by Sand Village, with the advantage of the number of Sand Village ninjas, plus the strength of Orochimaru and Rasa, two Kage-level strongmen, even if Itachi and I are strong, we are not sure of saving our lives."

Hearing the judgment of the two, Shokuhou Misaki nodded and said:

"Now that we know the next move of Orochimaru and Sand Village, we can use it."

Said, Shokuhou Misaki spread out a map of the River Country and said to the two:

"In the past two days, I have conducted a detailed investigation on the distribution of hydropower stations and power grids in the River Country, and drew this map based on this. On this map, the red dots are hydropower stations in the River Country, and the blue lines are the power grids in the River Country. Considering that the River Country does not have long-distance power transmission and transformation technology, the place where the red dots and blue lines converge on this map is where the power of the River Country converges, and it is also the most likely place for nuclear weapons research and development facilities to exist."

Said, Shokuhou Misaki marked these places. Then Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi saw that on the huge map, Shokuhou Misaki had marked 17 places where nuclear weapons research and development institutions might exist.

"Considering that the nuclear weapons development plan is very confidential, and cities themselves are also large consumers of electricity, there should not be densely populated cities around nuclear weapons development institutions in theory."

Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki crossed out 11 of the 17 points where the lines converged, excluding these locations.

"Also, nuclear weapons development is not very important to

There are also certain requirements for water and transportation. Therefore, it is unlikely that there are R&D facilities in remote areas with inconvenient transportation and lack of water sources. "

Speaking of this, Shokuhou Misaki ruled out two more locations.

These two locations are both on the edge of the River Country. The reason why there are a large number of power facilities in such remote areas is that the River Country is selling electricity to neighboring countries through these facilities. Therefore, it is unlikely that there are nuclear weapons research facilities in these two locations, because the enemy country may get the news at any time.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki, who easily analyzed the locations where relevant facilities may exist in the River Country with just a map and the public information of the River Country, Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi sighed again Shokuhou Misaki's talent in intelligence analysis. Feeling the surprise of the two, Shokuhou Misaki was speechless.

This is clearly the basic ability of intelligence analysis, okay!

You two are both famous geniuses in Konoha, don't you understand this?

Then Shokuhou Misaki remembered that both Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi graduated from the Ninja School early. Although both of them had the strength of ninjas when they graduated, strength does not equal experience.

After graduation, the two have been performing various dangerous tasks as ninjas. So the two of them are ninjas. Although they are very strong, their intelligence analysis ability involving the overall situation is not that good!

It can only be said that ninjas are uneducated and will be lackeys all their lives.

Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi are both geniuses of Konoha, but both of them were obviously ruined by graduating early!

I think this may be the intentional act of the Third Hokage. After all, Kakashi's father is Konoha White Fang, and Uchiha Itachi is from the Uchiha clan. In the eyes of Konoha's high-level officials, these two people are the kind of ninjas that are difficult to trust. So these two geniuses graduated from the ninja school early without mastering many skills as ninjas. .

In contrast to the two of them, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze is a trustworthy civilian ninja. So even though Minato Namikaze is also a genius, he still graduated with his peers. His ninja career after graduation was smooth sailing, and he even became the Fourth Hokage. The difference in opportunities for these three people should be said to have been destined since birth!

After a sigh in her heart, Shokuhou Misaki pointed to the remaining three locations and said:

"These three locations are the Kohoku District in the south, Samukawa Town on the western plateau, and Oi Town in the northeast. Coincidentally, the Konoha spy who lurked in the interior of the River Country gave us the meeting place, which is Oi Town. Considering that this spy is likely to betray the village, Oi Town is most likely the place where the Sand Village and Orochimaru ambushed, not the location of the research and development facilities."

"The most important thing for us now is not to meet with that spy, but to determine which of the remaining Kohoku District and Samukawa Town is the location of the nuclear weapons facility. As long as we can determine the specific location of the research facility, we can launch a surprise attack to destroy it, and this mission will be completed. "

"As for how to determine the specific location of the research facility, this must start with the initiative I just mentioned."

When Shokuhou Misaki said this, Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi had already understood something. Then Uchiha Itachi said:

"As long as we ask the spy to change the meeting place, and take the initiative to propose any place in Kohoku District or Samukawa Town as the meeting place, we can use this to test the specific location of the real research institution."

Kakashi also said:

"Considering that we are very close to Samukawa Town now, we can ask the spy to meet in Samukawa Town. If Samukawa Town is the location of the nuclear weapons research facility, the spy will definitely ask to change the meeting place. And if Samukawa Town is not, the spy will agree to meet in Samukawa Town."

"In short, no matter how the spy responds, we can determine the specific location of the research facility! "

After this analysis, both Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi showed excited smiles on their faces. They thought that the chance of completing this mission was close to zero due to the betrayal of their own people. But after Shokuhou Misaki's analysis, the mission that was originally full of dangers seemed to become very simple. With a little flexibility, everyone can easily avoid the ambush of Sand Village and Orochimaru and complete the mission easily.

But just when Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi felt that they had a sure win in this mission, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly said in a cold tone:

"Do you think this mission is already very simple? As long as we contact the spy a little bit, we can easily complete it? Haha, I can guarantee you. If we really do this, the result for the three of us will only be death without a burial place!"



Misaki's cold words immediately brought Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi back to reality. Looking at Shokuhou Misaki, both of them were puzzled.

"Don't forget who our opponent is this time? Let's not talk about Kazekage Rasa for now, Orochimaru was once a candidate for the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha, and he has been fighting on the front line as our Konoha's battle commander for a long time! It's okay that our trick just now can be hidden from others, but how can it be hidden from him?"

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes are shining with stars at this moment, and her extraordinary ability is fully activated, and she has imitated Orochimaru's thinking mode almost exactly.

"When Orochimaru knew that Yota and Mai were contacting the River Country officials with the wounded Anbu, he would certainly realize that the three of us have extraordinary planning and analytical abilities. In addition, he is cautious by nature. Even if he holds the trump card of the Anbu traitor, he will not underestimate us. He must be worried that we may guess the possibility of the Anbu ninja's betrayal."

"So once we ask to meet at a sensitive location on the street, his first reaction must be that the identity of the Anbu traitor has been exposed. If not, we can't have such a sensitive location. So under this kind of caution, he is likely to use our mindset to go with the flow."

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi on the opposite side did not react, Shokuhou Misaki continued to analyze:

"It's very simple. If we put ourselves in their shoes and think about it, we can figure out the actions that the other party may take. If we really ask to meet in Samukawa Town, there are only two possibilities."

"First, Samukawa Town is indeed the location of the nuclear weapons facility. The first reaction of Orochimaru or Rosa after knowing this news will not be to order the Anbu traitor to change the meeting place, but to suspect that Konoha still There is a spy, and our intelligence has been leaked. At this time, they can't continue to ambush us, but will choose to defend Samukawa Town with all their strength. And facing such a heavily guarded Samukawa Town, we have no possibility of destruction. "

"Secondly, if there is no nuclear weapons research facility in Samukawa Town, will Orochimaru and Luosha definitely ask to continue to contact? Not necessarily. Because Orochimaru is not a simple person. Just from the location of Samukawa Town, he can guess that we have inferred the specific location where the nuclear weapons facility may exist. In this case, he will still ask Sunagakure to go to the nuclear facility with him to defend the relevant facilities. "

"That is to say, if we ask the undercover to change the location, regardless of whether Samukawa Town is the specific location of the nuclear weapons facility, Orochimaru and Sunagakure will most likely take the same action, that is, to defend the real nuclear facility with all their strength and give up the ambush. In this case, we are likely to crash head-on into the heavily guarded nuclear facility, and then nine out of ten will die on the spot! "

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's analysis, Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi broke out in cold sweat again. I thought to myself that it was fortunate that Shokuhou Misaki had figured out Orochimaru's thoughts, otherwise if it were just them, they would most likely be greeted by the heavy defenses of Sand Village and Orochimaru!

"Then Shokuhou-san, since we can't change the meeting place, how can we make good use of the initiative in our hands?" Uchiha Itachi asked again.

"It's very simple, just convey a message to the undercover."

"What message?"

"The intelligence is in hand, we can retreat!"



At this time, Orochimaru looked at Kabuto Yakushi in front of him and said in surprise:

"Itachi-kun and the others said that the mission has been completed, and they also asked you to retreat with them?"

As a ninja from the root, Kabuto Yakushi was a spy of Konoha when he was very young, performing undercover missions in various parts of the ninja world, and made great contributions to Konoha. For this River Country mission, Danzo naturally chose to let this ace spy of the root take action. But Danzo would never have thought that this ace of the root had betrayed Konoha long ago and became a subordinate of Orochimaru.

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru. According to the latest code left by Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi, they said so."

Facing Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi said respectfully.

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