The truth is that the contemporary Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, is indeed a fool.

Shokuhou Misaki just changed into the appearance of Uchiha Madara in the dream, and then pretended to fool him, and he obeyed her. This made Shokuhou Misaki feel that the cultural quality of the Konoha ninjas needs to be improved, so that such an old-fashioned trick as "I, Qin Shihuang, send money" can be popular.

However, it was also thanks to Uchiha Fugaku's stupidity that Shokuhou Misaki's plan could be easily implemented. So in the dream world, Shokuhou Misaki, disguised as Uchiha Madara, gave Uchiha Fugaku a few more instructions, and then left Uchiha Fugaku's dream. As Shokuhou Misaki left, Uchiha Fugaku woke up from his dream immediately.

On the bed, Uchiha Fugaku, who suddenly woke up, looked around vigilantly. Out of the caution of a ninja, he began to search for ninjas who might be hiding around him to confirm whether his experience just now was the influence of other people's illusions. But after searching for a long time, Uchiha Fugaku found that there was no breath of other people in the room except his wife who was sleeping beside him.

There was no other person, and there was no disorder in my chakra.

In other words, I was not affected by any illusion just now.

So, the one who just communicated with me in the dream was really the legendary Uchiha Madara?

After excluding all possibilities, Uchiha Fugaku finally believed that Uchiha Madara was not dead.

He successfully escaped the battle with the first generation of Hokage, and then hid in the dark of the ninja world waiting for the awakening of the power of the six paths. Unexpectedly, he sensed the dark forces' covetousness for the ninja world, so at the last moment of his life, he exiled his spirit to the Uchiha clan's dream, hoping to save the world with the help of the Uchiha clan's power!

Although all this sounds a bit outrageous, it is the only explanation that Uchiha Fugaku can think of.

After all, with the current state of the Uchiha clan being hated by people in Konoha Village, he really can't imagine who would give him such a good idea in a dream.

In short, with the guidance of "Uchiha Madara", Uchiha Fugaku's distress was swept away. Now he can't wait to act according to "Uchiha Madara's" advice and reverse the current unfavorable situation of the Uchiha clan.

After leaving Uchiha Fugaku's dream, Shokuhou Misaki did not return to her home. Relying on the ability of the dream walker, she went to the dreams of many Konoha villagers. Although Shokuhou Misaki's ability cannot hypnotize ninjas with certain strength, it is still easy to influence ordinary villagers who do not know ninjutsu.

Of course, she did not hypnotize these Konoha villagers directly. Shokuhou Misaki's plan is to plant the seeds of psychological suggestion in the hearts of these villagers in advance. These seeds will not have any effect on Konoha villagers normally, but once they reach a special state, these seeds will explode and affect the actions of these Konoha villagers.

And the seeds he planted in the hearts of these Konoha villagers are...

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was controlled by Danzo in some way!

As long as similar rumors appear in Konoha Village in the future, these seeds will quietly sprout and change the thinking of Konoha villagers, making them subconsciously think that the third generation Hokage has become Danzo's puppet. The reason why the third generation Hokage did all kinds of perverse things after the death of the fourth generation Hokage was because of Danzo's mistakes.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki wants to use this method to deny the legitimacy of Sarutobi Hiruzen to continue to serve as Hokage and make him lose the trust of Konoha villagers. At that time, Shokuhou Misaki can manipulate public opinion and force Sarutobi Hiruzen to step down!

If he does not step down, then the matter of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan will be exposed, and the fact that he is controlled by Danzo will be confirmed. Then, with the power of the Uchiha clan as the backbone, the overwhelming public opinion in Konoha Village will be manipulated to force Sarutobi Hiruzen to step down by force.

This is Shokuhou Misaki's plan against Sarutobi Hiruzen, and this is just one of her plans.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, facing this chess game involving power and life and death, Shokuhou Misaki can be said to be in full bloom, using every possible means. She wants to use the power of the Uchiha clan, the power of the Konoha villagers, her cheap teacher Kakashi, and the special identity of Namikaze Mai.

Now, the chess piece has fallen. Next, it depends on how Sarutobi Hiruzen will respond on the other side of the chess game!


The next morning, Shokuhou Misaki, who had been busy all night, woke up from her dream.

As usual, she washed up first, then ate breakfast while reading the newspaper, and then went out to carry out the mission with her teammates. Everything was so ordinary, except that she was a little depressed because of the action last night, so that Shokuhou Misaki's face had a little fairy air.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who had been secretly monitoring Shokuhou Misaki, shook his head secretly, thinking:

My old man is really old, and he always likes to be suspicious. This Shokuhou Misaki has a regular life, good character, and follows the rules. Although he has a brilliant performance in the River Country, he is essentially a relatively good Konoha Genin. What is there to monitor? Can this Genin's little cleverness threaten his throne of Hokage?

Obviously, even Konoha's Anbu Minister, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, did not realize the horror of Shokuhou Misaki. He just hid in the dark step by step, observing Shokuhou Misaki's every move. After a certain period of time, he handed over the task to his wife and ended the surveillance mission.

After returning home, Sarutobi Shinnosuke first teased his two-year-old son Konohamaru, and then reported his gains of the day to Sarutobi Hiruzen. After the report, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe and asked with vigilance in his eyes:

"Are you sure Shokuhou Misaki has not made any unusual movements in the past few days?"

"I can be sure."

Compared to the smiling faces of other ninjas in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen's state in front of his son is completely different. At least in front of his eldest son Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been serious, unsmiling, and even frightening. So facing his father's question, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said a little awkwardly:

"According to my observation, Shokuhou Misaki lives a very regular life in Konoha Village. From getting up to eating, her daily activities are very fixed. Even if she has free time, she uses it for training, or goes to Ichiraku Ramen to help. In short, there is nothing abnormal about Shokuhou Misaki's daily behavior. She is a completely normal Konoha ninja."

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen's vigilance did not dissipate, but continued to ask:

"Shokuhou Misaki didn't find your trace?"

"Not at first." Sarutobi Shinnosuke said:

"Later, I told Kakashi about my secret surveillance according to your instructions, and asked him to remind Shokuhou Misaki, wanting to test it through this method Shokuhou Misaki's reaction. As a result, with Kakashi's reminder, Shokuhou Misaki's sleep quality last night obviously declined. "

"I think our secret surveillance made her nervous, so Shokuhou Misaki's sleep quality was insufficient last night. This is the only abnormal behavior of Shokuhou Misaki in my observations these days. But even this abnormality is the normal behavior we expected. "

"Because a Konoha ninja can remain calm when he knows that he is being secretly monitored by the village, this is the most abnormal. Shokuhou Misaki is nervous and suffers from insomnia after facing surveillance, which is the most normal reaction. "

Hearing that Shokuhou Misaki had a normal reaction after learning that she was being monitored, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath of the pipe in his hand. At this time, he was sure that Shokuhou Misaki was definitely not simple, because all her reactions were too normal! So normal that Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little scared, as if all his temptations were seen through by the other party.

Noticing the solemn expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked in confusion:

"Father, what happened?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said as he pushed out a document and handed it to Sarutobi Shinnosuke:

"Take a look for yourself!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke picked up the document and after looking at it for a while, he was stunned and said after a while:

"The Uchiha clan actually wants to form a second ninja village? Do they want to defect from Konoha collectively?"

"The Uchiha clan is an extreme clan. I am not surprised by their rebellious behavior."

In front of his eldest son, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not need to hide his true attitude towards the Uchiha clan, and he just said "extreme" clan.

"What really puzzles me is the Uchiha clan's approach this time."

"Father, is there anything special about the Uchiha clan's approach this time?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke said puzzledly:

"It's nothing more than the Uchiha clan can't stand the pressure within Konoha and want to leave Konoha to establish another ninja village! When the first Hokage founded Konoha Village, didn't some families want to create other ninja villages in the Land of Fire because of their grievances with Konoha? This is a very normal operation, nothing big."

Obviously, even the head of the Anbu,

Sarutobi Shinnosuke did not realize the terribleness of the Uchiha clan's move.

Then he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen continue:

"Back then, other families did want to create new ninja villages in Konoha, but do you know how the first Hokage dealt with these ninja villages? He directly asked Uchiha Madara to visit these families one by one, and used absolute force to intimidate these families to join Konoha. Don't you know the reason why the first Hokage did this?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head, and then he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen solemnly:

"Because a country cannot have two ninja villages, just like a ninja village cannot have two shadows! There is no two suns in the sky, and there is no two masters in a country. The dual system is the easiest of all systems to cause extreme opposition, and extreme opposition will inevitably cause chaos and even war! The Uchiha clan's actions this time are not only to rebel against Konoha, but also to split the Land of Fire!"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Shinnosuke just realized how dangerous the Uchiha clan's means of creating a second ninja village were.

This created a competitor of Konoha within the territory of the Land of Fire, which meant that Konoha would not be able to monopolize the resources of the Land of Fire in the future. Konoha would be forced to get involved with the ninja village created by the Uchiha clan, and this involution would likely cause internal divisions in the Land of Fire, and even lead to a civil war in the Land of Fire.

"In that case, then father, we must stop the Uchiha clan!"

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around abruptly, his eyes sharp and said:

"How to stop it, in what name to stop it?"

"Didn't you see? The reason why the Uchiha clan left Konoha this time was for the benefit of the Fire Country! They said that the Uchiha clan's departure was not a defection, but to strengthen the defense of the Fire Country, to defend the country! This just hit the pain point of the Fire Country, because the first three ninja world wars have proved that Konoha is not absolutely sure that it can protect the safety of the Fire Country."

"So the nobles of the Fire Country will not object to the Uchiha clan's proposal, because the safety of the Fire Country is directly related to their lives. According to the ideas of these nobles, they have long wanted to form seven or eight ninja villages! After all, with the national strength of the Fire Country, it is not a problem to train hundreds of thousands of ninjas. And they also hope to pass the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan is here to check and balance Konoha and maintain its dominance in the Land of Fire. "

"There are also civilians in the Land of Fire, and they don't oppose the Uchiha clan's proposal. Because national security is also related to their lives and property, no one wants to be a slave of a conquered country! Especially these lowest-level civilians, they have nothing but the country, so they often extremely protect national interests. "

"Even outside the village, how many people in the Konoha Ninja Village oppose the Uchiha clan's proposal?"

"The villagers of Konoha hate Uchiha, but they don't want the Uchiha clan to be exterminated. Since the Uchiha clan is so annoying and they want to leave Konoha Village, why don't they go with the flow? Not to mention that the Uchiha clan also took out the national justice, they have even less reason to oppose. Because even in Konoha Village, many people regard the Land of Fire as more important than the village!"

After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's analysis, Sarutobi Shinnosuke realized the seriousness of the matter.

As the strongest clan in Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan was forced into a desperate situation by the Konoha high-level officials because the Konoha high-level officials grasped the righteousness of the village. Opposing the Konoha high-level officials is opposing Konoha itself, and will be hostile to the entire Konoha. It is for this reason that the strongest clan will be restricted everywhere and eventually on the verge of extinction.

But now, the Uchiha clan stands on the national righteousness that is higher than the village.

They shouted the slogan of defending the country, which made the Konoha high-level officials no longer have the moral advantage. Because suppressing the Uchiha clan at this time is to suppress the power of defending the country in the Land of Fire, and to be an enemy of the Land of Fire!

Indeed, the ninja who betrayed Konoha is a traitor.

But is the ninja who betrayed Konoha for the benefit of the Land of Fire still a traitor?

If it is wrong to betray the village for the country, then it is also wrong to betray the family for the village!

Therefore, if the Konoha high-level officials openly oppose the Uchiha clan's creation of a second ninja village, it will not only cause hostility from the Fire Country, but even everyone inside Konoha will not agree with it, and it will also cause the collapse of the will of fire in Konoha Village. After all, the Konoha Ninja Village itself cannot be loyal to the country, so why should these Konoha ninjas be loyal to the village?

"This, this..."

At this time, Sarutobi Shinnosuke finally realized that Konoha had reached a crossroads of imminent destruction. Whether supporting the Uchiha clan's proposal or opposing the Uchiha clan's proposal, Konoha will face a life-and-death test

. Either the internal ideology collapses, or an extremely terrible internal opponent appears outside.

"Why would the Uchiha clan suddenly resort to such terrible means?" Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked puzzledly.

"That's why I just asked you if Shokuhou Misaki has made any unusual moves these days." Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"At least in my opinion, she is the only one in the entire Konoha Village who is capable of coming up with such a brilliant method!"

"That's impossible!" Sarutobi Shinnosuke denied again:

"Shokuhou Misaki has not been close to the Uchiha clan these days, let alone contacted any Uchiha clan ninjas. Her strength is barely that of a Chunin, and she doesn't even know the Shadow Clone Technique. It's impossible for her to escape our surveillance. Moreover, even if she came into contact with the Uchiha clan, with the arrogance of the Uchiha clan, they would never listen to the advice of a Genin!"

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded and said:

"You are right. Shokuhou Misaki is just a Genin after all. No matter how smart she is, she can't escape your surveillance. Then the question is, who gave this idea to the Uchiha clan? Could it be The Uchiha clan came up with it themselves? How is it possible! Even that idiot Uchiha Fugaku couldn't come up with such a brilliant idea even if he had a brain!"

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was puzzled, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said:

"Father, do you think it could be Orochimaru?"


"Father, think about it. On the one hand, Orochimaru is Uchiha Itachi's teacher and a former ally of the Uchiha clan. On the other hand, he is also a popular candidate for the fifth generation Hokage, with corresponding means and strategies. In addition, he defected from Konoha because of you, so he must be jealous of the village. "Sarutobi Shinnosuke said:

"Now he has suffered a great loss in the River Country, and he must hate the village. So it is reasonable to choose to secretly contact the former ally Uchiha clan to split our Konoha!"

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's reminder, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly realized.

"That makes sense. I've been thinking about Shokuhou Misaki all day, how could I forget about him?"

After thinking for a while, from the motive to the means, and then to the ability to persuade Uchiha Fugaku, Sarutobi Hiruzen became more and more certain:

"Yes, it must be Orochimaru who did it!"

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