The more Orochimaru thought about it, the more he felt that Akatsuki's plan was a brilliant one.

Because facing Akatsuki's plan, Konoha's high-level officials would lose no matter how they responded.

If a conflict broke out between them and the Uchiha clan, Konoha would be seriously injured, and Akatsuki could operate unscrupulously in the Land of Fire from then on.

If Konoha's high-level officials did not conflict with the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan really left Konoha to create the second ninja village, they could also borrow chickens to lay eggs and intervene in the Land of Fire more blatantly.

And for this, the price Akatsuki needed to pay was minimal. They only need to give Uchiha Fugaku an idea, secretly establish certain connections, and then stir up trouble a little, then they can sit back and watch the twists and turns within Konoha and reap the greatest benefits!

However, after sighing at the cleverness of Akatsuki's strategy, Orochimaru saw through the essence of this plan.

Is it really because of how clever Akatsuki's plan is that Akatsuki can remain invincible in this chess game?

Actually not.

Akatsuki's plan, after all, is just an alternative English shit-stirring tactic. Similar plans not only happen in the real world, but are also used in the Naruto world. Even Konoha often uses this method to stir up internal conflicts in neighboring countries and weaken the strength of these countries.

For example, the conflict between Akatsuki and Hanzo was the result of Danzo's root instigation. The purpose is to weaken the strength of the Rain Country and prevent this strategically important geopolitical country from becoming a threat to Konoha. And now, Akatsuki is just using the same method to treat Konoha itself.

The reason why this plan was so effective is that Konoha itself had problems.

As the current rulers of Konoha, the Konoha high-level leaders headed by the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen neither united the Uchiha clan to reduce the contradictions within Konoha. They also failed to divide and disintegrate the Uchiha clan and weaken the strength of the rebels within Konoha. Faced with the problem, the choice of this group of old men was to suppress it violently, which naturally caused the Uchiha clan to unite and resist, causing a huge rift within Konoha, and then gave external forces an opportunity to intervene.

In the final analysis, all the problems facing Konoha now are essentially a problem.

That is, the Konoha high-level leaders with Sarutobi Hiruzen as the core no longer have the ability to control the Konoha carriage!

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen is an old driver who is drunk and forcibly occupies the driving seat. Under his driving, Konoha's carriage will inevitably have frequent accidents. And as Sarutobi Hiruzen gets older, his mistakes will increase. The high-speed carriage of Konoha is moving towards the end of car destruction and death at a rapid speed!

After sighing in his heart, Orochimaru began to think about what kind of benefits he could get from the plan of the Akatsuki organization.

First of all, if there is a conflict between the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha clan, then Orochimaru can naturally use her connection with Danzo to collect dozens of pairs of Sharingan as experimental materials.

Secondly, if there is no conflict between the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha clan, then she can also join the new ninja village created by the Uchiha clan like the Akatsuki organization. I believe that with Orochimaru's ability, the scientific research unit of this new ninja village will definitely be completely controlled by her. By then, she will have the research resources of a ninja village and the strong national strength of the Land of Fire. The scientific research conditions are much more comfortable than the underground caves of the Land of Fields!

Of course, in the spirit of caution, Orochimaru will not give up his bases in various parts of the ninja world. But she must occupy a place in the new ninja village of the Uchiha clan.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru found that he was just like the Akatsuki organization, invincible in the chess game between the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha clan. No matter who wins or loses between the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru will be the winner of this chess game.

It can be said that you can win if you advance or retreat, and you can win if you win!

The above are the considerations and thoughts in Orochimaru's mind after he learned about the strategy of the Akatsuki organization from Shokuhou Misaki. Although it seems a bit complicated, with Orochimaru's IQ, it only took a few seconds to figure out everything.

At this time, she has concluded that the mysterious Akatsuki organization must be the one who gave advice to the Uchiha clan. As for Shokuhou Misaki, Orochimaru felt that his previous judgment was indeed wrong. He seemed to value the so-called intuition too much, and his perspective on thinking about problems was a bit narrow. Lacking the wisdom of Shokuhou Misaki,

The strategic thinking of looking at the problem from a macro perspective led to a major error in judgment.

However, after figuring out all this, Orochimaru became interested in Shokuhou Misaki herself.

Because from the previous contact, Shokuhou Misaki herself was still loyal to Konoha. At least in the critical situation of the River Country, she still chose to stand on the side of the village. So Orochimaru really wanted to know what choice Shokuhou Misaki would make when Konoha was facing a major crisis.

Was it to stand on Konoha's side as in the past and make suggestions for the village? As a result, because of her threat to Konoha's high-level officials, she was secretly eliminated by the ninjas of the Anbu.

Or did she choose to change her position and turn from a ninja of Konoha to an enemy of Konoha? For personal safety, she chose to fight against the high-level officials of Konoha. At the cost of destroying Konoha, in exchange for personal safety.

To be honest, Orochimaru was very curious about Shokuhou Misaki's decision.

He also knew that he was not qualified to play tricks in front of Shokuhou Misaki, so Orochimaru asked his question directly. Then Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Orochimaru, do you know what the Hokage is thinking now?"

Orochimaru was startled when he heard this. Before she could continue, Shokuhou Misaki said:

"All the problems facing Konoha now are rooted in the Hokage's obsession with power. As long as the Hokage chooses to abdicate and hand over power to the next generation, all problems can be solved. But the problem is that this is impossible. Because of the loss in the past, the Hokage now values ​​power more than life."

"He can't give up the power in his hands, so the Hokage can't really solve the problems within Konoha. And since there is no way to solve the problem, his only means is to solve the person who raised the problem. So facing the biggest problem in Konoha now, the threat of the Uchiha clan, the most likely approach for the Hokage is..."

"Exterminate the clan!"

Orochimaru agreed with Shokuhou Misaki's analysis.

As a student of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru realized long ago that Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards the Uchiha clan was to kill them all. It's just that Orochimaru's understanding of the problem is not as profound as Shokuhou Misaki's. He just thinks that Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to use this to re-establish the prestige of the Hokage. Now it seems that his understanding of Sarutobi teacher is still superficial, not as profound as Shokuhou Misaki.

"So? Since you know what Sarutobi teacher will do next, can you guess the specific strategy that Sarutobi teacher will implement, Shokuhou classmate?" Orochimaru asked again.

"Does this need to be analyzed?" Shokuhou Misaki said with some disdain:

"From the assassination of me by the Anbu this time, it can be seen that the Hokage's style of doing things is still so old-fashioned and unoriginal. The genocide of the Uchiha clan is nothing more than finding someone to kill the Uchiha clan first, and then putting the blame on others. And the people who are capable of taking this blame, except for the mysterious Akatsuki organization, there are only two people left."

"One is Danzo, and the other is you, Orochimaru!"

"I see, it is indeed the style of Sarutobi teacher!" Orochimaru nodded.

At this time, she had finished a bowl of ramen, but she felt that it was not enough, so she ordered another bowl.

Shokuhou Misaki thanked this generous guest on the surface, but secretly continued to analyze through illusion:

"As for who is most likely to take the blame for Hokage, I think Danzo is the most likely. Because the dark root of Konoha is also threatening his throne of Hokage all the time."

Orochimaru agreed with almost all of Shokuhou Misaki's analysis. But Orochimaru was reserved about the last analysis:

"Shokuhou-san, your analysis just now seems to have missed someone."

"Who?" Shokuhou Misaki was a little surprised.

Relying on the extraordinary ability of Sequence 5, her psychological analysis is almost predictive, how could she miss someone?

"Sarutobi Sensei's son, Sarutobi Shinnosuke!"

It turned out to be him!

"It's really surprising, Shokuhou-san. As one of the best strategic analysts in the ninja world, how could you forget the prince of Konoha? You know, as the head of the Anbu and the eldest son of Sarutobi, he can also take the blame for the extermination of the clan for Sarutobi!"

"I know." Shokuhou Misaki said calmly:

"In my analysis mode, I will analyze this possibility and respond to it. But I will definitely not put Sarutobi Shinnosuke's name on the list of scapegoats for Hokage."

"Why?" Orochimaru asked in confusion:

"Since you know the darkness of human nature, you should know that there is no room for father-son affection in the struggle for power. Throughout history, there have been more princes who have fought with their fathers than

There are many examples of this, and the princes who were killed by the daimyo are also scattered throughout the history books. "

"You are clearly aware of this possibility and even prepared for it, so why did you take Sarutobi Shinnosuke's name off the list? This approach, in my opinion, is not only meaningless, but may even cause errors in analysis. This should not be a mistake that you, Shokuhou Misaki, should make."

Orochimaru's words make sense, but Shokuhou Misaki still said firmly:

"The reason I did this is very simple, because I am a human being."

"The darkness of the human heart is an abyss. If you stare into it, it will also affect you. In order to ensure that I will not be assimilated by the abyss, I must stick to my bottom line as a human being."

"So I know that Sarutobi Shinnosuke can also take the blame for the Hokage, but I still want to remove him from the list. Although this is likely to cause errors in analysis, it can also help me stick to my bottom line and my humanity. I think Orochimaru, you don't want to see a Shokuhou Misaki who has lost his humanity! "

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's explanation, Orochimaru couldn't help but imagine what Shokuhou Misaki would look like when she completely lost her humanity.

When she thought of such a monster who could see through people's hearts and acted recklessly in this ninja world, even she felt a chill on her back:

"You are right, Shokuhou Misaki. People like you should stick to something!"

Then, Orochimaru said:

"However, since you already know the actions and strategies that Sarutobi teacher is about to take, what will you do next? Will you help Sarutobi teacher or stop Sarutobi teacher?"

"My purpose has never been to help or stop Hokage-sama. My idea is actually the same as Hokage-sama. Compared with solving the problem itself, I want to solve the person who caused the problem!"

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's murderous words, Orochimaru chuckled:

"Are you going to kill Sarutobi teacher?"

"Not me, but you."

"Me? "Orochimaru said puzzledly.

"Not only you, but also Danzo, Akatsuki, and the Uchiha clan!" Shokuhou Misaki said:

"If Sarutobi Hiruzen is still alive, the strategy of the Second Ninja Village will be almost impossible to implement. Then in this chess game between the Konoha high-level and the Uchiha, you, Akatsuki, and the Uchiha clan will not be able to obtain the greatest benefits. So in order to remove the biggest obstacle to the strategy of the Second Ninja Village, your best way is to unite and send the Hokage to heaven!"

"As for Danzo, as the most likely scapegoat for the Hokage, he also has no choice. In this chess game of power, he and the Hokage are destined to survive only one. So Danzo is also an object you can fight for. After all, this guy dreams of defeating the Hokage and becoming the new Hokage!"

"As for me, all I have to do is to help you analyze the situation and let you unite all the forces that can be united, so that the Hokage can die in the most appropriate way! Similarly, as a sign of cooperation, you, Orochimaru, the Akatsuki organization behind you, the Uchiha clan, and even the Root, need to ensure my safety in this operation as much as possible. "

"Because I can not only help you get the most benefits, but also overturn the entire chessboard and make all the players in this chess game lose!"

After a thorough analysis, Shokuhou Misaki finally made Orochimaru understand her plan.

It turned out that she was actually preparing to unite all the forces against Sarutobi Hiruzen to send Lord Hokage to death!

"So that's how it is. It seems that even Shokuhou-san has chosen to stand on the opposite side of the village this time!"

Orochimaru sighed, but heard Shokuhou Misaki say:

"Are you mistaken, Orochimaru? I have never betrayed Konoha. The reason why I want to send Lord Hokage to death is for Konoha. Because I know that Konoha's broken carriage really can't stand the tossing of Lord Hokage. So as a Konoha ninja, I will make these plans. I'm not trying to destroy Konoha, I'm trying to save Konoha!" Hearing this, Orochimaru thought for a moment and smiled: "That's right. With Shokuhou's ability, if she becomes Hokage in the future, the Second Ninja Village created by the Uchiha clan will definitely become a part of Konoha again. Even with the help of the power of the two major ninja villages, it is not impossible for Konoha to become the core of the Land of Fire! The temporary division between Konoha and Uchiha now has a brighter future, and Shokuhou's approach is indeed in line with Konoha's long-term interests. " "But that's why I really want to kill you, Shokuhou! At least after the Uchiha clan leaves Konoha, I will definitely find a way to kill you. I think it's not just me, the Akatsuki organization at that time will definitely have the same idea! Shokuhou, the ability you show now is much more terrifying than Sarutobi's teacher.


Faced with Orochimaru's murderous smile, Shokuhou Misaki also responded with a smile.

Because she knew that Orochimaru would not kill her for the time being, and neither would Akatsuki and other forces.

As for the reason, it was of course because she had just deliberately revealed her insistence on the bottom line of humanity.

Shokuhou Misaki did stick to the bottom line of humanity, but if she didn't want to, she would never let Orochimaru know about this. The reason why she deliberately revealed her flaws was to exchange for the peace of mind of Orochimaru and others, and it was also a deterrent to Shokuhou Misaki.

After all...

They are not Shokuhou Misaki, how do they know that Shokuhou Misaki really sticks to humanity?

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