The next morning, when Shokuhou Misaki and others gathered together to prepare for the Chunin Exam, Katsumura Yota told everyone what happened yesterday. He didn't care about the warning from the Root last night, because Katsumura Yota looked down on the Root and Danzo from the bottom of his heart. After all, the Root organization even seemed so euphemistic in its final threat. What future does it have with such a group of people? What big shot wants to destroy the Namikaze clan? Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid like Katsumura Yota? If you guys in the Root are so awesome, why don't you just kill the Namikaze clan yourself? Is there any need to talk so much nonsense? In comparison, it's better to choose Kakashi. Even if Kakashi didn't take him too seriously, it shouldn't be a problem for him to become a special jonin of a clean office under Kakashi. In comparison, what can he get by following the Root? Can the Root make him a jonin and take charge of an important department of Konoha?

Katsumura Yota is not a fool, he knows what is important!

So after returning home last night, he didn't struggle too much. The next morning, he told everything, even the fact that the Namikaze clan was targeted by a big shot. There was no intention to hide anything, and there was no uneasiness on his face, he completely regarded the Root as a paper tiger.

But compared to Katsumura Yota, Namikaze Mai was obviously much simpler. She didn't even care about the ambiguous relationship between her and Katsumura Yota in the eyes of the Root. When she heard that her family was targeted by a big shot, her face turned pale with fear. She kept saying:

"Has a close relationship with a certain brat? What does that mean? Has our Namikaze clan offended the young master or young lady of a certain big family? That's impossible. No one in our family works as a servant for the young master or young lady of a big family! Could it be the matter of Uncle Minato's inheritance? But our Namikaze clan didn't even get to eat this extinct family..."

In contrast to Namikaze Mai's reaction, Shokuhou Misaki almost rolled her eyes. She thought:

I knew that you, Danzo, were a waste, but I didn't expect you to be such a waste. Threatening a civilian ninja, but letting him see through your own strengths and weaknesses. Look at Katsumura Yota's fearless look. Is this the behavior of a threatened person? This is clearly like watching a tiger baring its teeth in a zoo, knowing that you can only scare people!

No wonder the Root did so many tricks in the original work.

They supported Hanzo to suppress the Akatsuki organization, and ended up turning the Akatsuki organization, which was originally close to Konoha, into a mortal enemy.

There is also the killing of Yakushi Nono and Yakushi Kabuto, which caused Konoha to lose two ace spies in one day.

That is, Konoha has a strong foundation and can withstand the torment of this gentleman and Sarutobi Hiruzen. If other ninja villages dared to play like this, they would have fallen apart long ago!

Of course, Danzo and the Root's trash are one thing, and Katsumura Yota's decision is another. To be honest, even Shokuhou Misaki was very surprised at Katsumura Yota's performance this time, because even Shokuhou Misaki couldn't think of a better way to deal with it than Katsumura Yota.

In fact, facing the threat of the Root, the best way is to tell Kakashi about it. After all, as a disciple of the Fourth Hokage and the son of Konoha White Fang, Kakashi's power within Konoha is very strong. That is to say, his current strength has not reached the level of Kage, otherwise he is definitely the strongest competitor for the next generation of Hokage. So as long as Kakashi is willing, it is easy to keep a Katsumura Yota. The Root cannot fall out with a powerful person like Kakashi for a mere civilian ninja.

Moreover, Katsumura Yota told Kakashi about this incident the day after he encountered the Root, which was undoubtedly a token of his allegiance. For such a sensible person, as long as Kakashi holds the real power of Konoha in the future, he will definitely have the opportunity to come forward. Even if he can't become a jonin, he can still be a special jonin.

In fact, just as Shokuhou Misaki thought, Kakashi was also very satisfied with Katsumura Yota's performance. After Katsumura Yota finished speaking, he first patted Katsumura Yota's shoulder with a look of approval, looked into his eyes and said:

"Yota, you did a good job."

Then he turned to Namikaze Mai and Shokuhou Misaki and said:

"If you encounter similar things in the future, you must deal with it like Yota. You can express a certain resistance, but you must show an attitude of obedience in the face of threats. Don't be a hero, and learn to be hypocritical with the other party. The most important thing is to keep

Your own life, understand? "

Kakashi said this, but his eyes could not help but stay on Namikaze Mai's face for a while, thinking:

In fact, this sentence is meant for Mai. After all, once you open your mouth, Shokuhou Misaki is not just a hypocrite!

"Then, don't hide everything in your heart, tell me about this matter as soon as possible. Don't worry about the threats of those people, your teacher Kakashi is the disciple of the Fourth Hokage after all, an elite jonin of Konoha, and has certain connections in the Anbu and the village, and can definitely guarantee your safety! "

Kakashi's eyes lingered on Shokuhou Misaki's face for a while, and the meaning in his eyes was clearly:

You heard it, tell me the matter as soon as possible, instead of fooling around. It's not that I'm worried that you'll be in danger, the key is that Danzo's brain is not very good. If you really kill the Third Hokage under your deception, then the matter will be a big deal! At least don't say that you are my student Kakashi, I can't protect you.

As a spectator, Shokuhou Misaki naturally knew what Kakashi meant. So after Kakashi finished speaking, Shokuhou Misaki nodded obediently, indicating that he would definitely follow the rules and would not fool poor Danzo. After all, it was enough for Orochimaru to fool him!

Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki expressed his attitude, Kakashi turned to Katsumura Yota and said:

"And Yota, if you meet someone from the Root again in the future, just say that Kakashi teacher has told the Hokage about this matter. I believe that the people of the root know the seriousness of the matter and will not continue to entangle! "

In response, Katsumura Yota nodded to show that he understood, and then Kakashi focused his attention on Namikaze Mai.

"Teacher Kakashi, did our Namikaze clan really offend any big shots?"

Faced with Namikaze Mai's question, Kakashi was also speechless for a moment.

As a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and as an Anbu ninja who has been active in the dark for a long time, Kakashi obviously knows the intrigues within Konoha. As a clan member of the Fourth Hokage, the Namikaze clan has indeed been under the surveillance of Konoha's high-level officials for a long time, because they are the blood relatives of the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki!

The Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, who seals the tailed beast, is Konoha's most important strategic weapon today. Especially after the death of the Fourth Hokage, when the Konoha high-level officials are aging, the importance of the Nine-tailed has been infinitely elevated. It can be said that in Konoha today, whoever controls the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki controls the most important thing in Konoha. Great power.

One of the important reasons why the Konoha high-level officials have been targeting the Uchiha clan for so many years is that the Sharingan can control the tailed beasts. Similarly, the Namikaze clan, as the blood relatives of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, can also control the Nine-Tails with the bond of family ties. Therefore, the attitude of the Konoha high-level officials towards the Namikaze clan is actually no different from that of the Uchiha clan.

Be vigilant, monitor, isolate, and then completely eradicate!

After all, if Uzumaki Naruto knew his true identity, and knew that both the relatives of the Namikaze clan on his father's side and the friends of the Uchiha clan on his mother's side were willing to adopt him as a family member, how would he view the Konoha high-level officials?

So Uzumaki Naruto Uzumaki's last name can only be "Uzumaki", not "Namikaze". Naruto Uzumaki can only live as an orphan, and cannot have any contact with his parents' relatives and friends. Not to mention Namikaze and Uchiha, even Kakashi, the backbone of the Hokage lineage, and Jiraiya, who regards Naruto as his grandson, have never had contact with Uzumaki Naruto.

Kakashi knows all of the above.

Otherwise, as a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, he would not have taken care of his teacher's orphan.

But it is because of this that Kakashi cannot tell Namikaze Mai everything. Because this is not his personal problem, but a matter of stability within Konoha. A major decision.

Imagine, if Uzumaki Naruto's identity was exposed, how much turmoil would this cause within Konoha?

Konoha is now in a state of shocking internal strife because of the Uchiha clan's plan for the second ninja village. If even the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has problems, this will undoubtedly add fuel to the boiling oil pan. The huge variables brought about by this may even lead to the demise of Konoha!

As a ninja of Konoha, Kakashi may not care about the open and secret struggles of the top leaders, but he must not watch Konoha go to destruction.

So facing Mai Namikaze's worried face, he had no choice but to say:

"Don't worry, the Namikaze clan is still safe now!"

At least before the Uchiha clan's incident is resolved, the Namikaze clan is absolutely safe.

Mai Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Kakashi's assurance.

But while Mai Namikaze breathed a sigh of relief, Katsumura Yota frowned.

, thinking:

Kakashi teacher said that the Namikaze clan is safe now, doesn't that mean it may not be safe in the future?

Kakashi teacher is not afraid of the mysterious Root, but he is so tactful about the Namikaze clan...

Is it possible that even he dare not offend the big man who wants to destroy the Namikaze clan?

How is this possible!

Obviously Kakashi teacher is not afraid of Danzo, the elder of Konoha, who is more terrifying than the elder of Konoha in Konoha Village? Could it be...

It didn't take too much time for Katsumura Yota to figure out the truth of the matter.

The one who wants to destroy the Namikaze clan is the Hokage!

Thinking of this, Katsumura Yota couldn't help but clench his right hand, and looked at Namikaze Mai who was smiling on the side, and gradually made up his mind.

I want to join the Root!

Anyway, the Root has idiots like Mutian Noguchi and traitors like Yakushi Kabuto. This organization composed of idiots and traitors is nothing big. And the so-called leader Danzo is probably just a clown who got promoted by relying on his qualifications and background. As long as he controls this organization, he will have the power to protect Mai!

After making up his mind, Katsumura Yota first looked at Shokuhou Misaki.

He wanted to ask his best friend for his opinion. After all, Katsumura Yota alone was not sure that he could control the Root. But when he looked at Shokuhou Misaki, he noticed that Shokuhou Misaki showed a meaningful smile, and then gently put his finger to his mouth.

Although it was just a very subtle movement, Katsumura Yota realized what Shokuhou Misaki meant.

First of all, Shokuhou Misaki must have known that it was the Hokage who wanted to deal with the Namikaze clan.

Secondly, my thoughts must not have been hidden from Shokuhou Misaki. She must have known that I wanted to join the Root.

Finally, she asked me not to speak. Why?

Is it necessary to hide my desire to join the Root from Teacher Kakashi?

I think Kakashi-sensei wouldn't object to me joining the Root as his undercover agent there, right?

Or is there someone else besides Kakashi-sensei who needs to be kept secret? It can't be Mai, right?

No, there is only one reason why Shokuhou Misaki is so cautious. We are under surveillance now.

But who is monitoring? Who has the guts to monitor Kakashi-sensei, an elite jonin?

Could it be the Root?

No! If the Root is always monitoring us, then Mutanoguchi wouldn't need to ask me for information about Shokuhou-sensei.

It's the Anbu!

Although I don't know the specific reason, it is certain that the Hokage is afraid of the Namikaze clan. And based on Shokuhou-sensei's performance in the River Country, she can definitely guess why the Namikaze clan is feared. If Shokuhou-sensei knew this reason, coupled with her relationship with Mai, she would definitely not watch her friend being exterminated.

So from this logical reasoning, there is a great probability that the Hokage will monitor Shokuhou and Mai to prevent Shokuhou from using the Namikaze clan to do anything extreme. Since they are under surveillance, they must be cautious when they speak. So Shokuhou reminded herself not to speak.

Oh, I am such a fool. It is such a simple thing, but I only figured it out now!

If I had realized earlier that we were under surveillance, I would not have said so much just now!

With this thought, Katsumura Yota glanced at Kakashi again. Noticing that Kakashi also nodded meaningfully, Katsumura Yota was once again annoyed by his simplicity.

I am so stupid, really!

Since the first year of the ninja school, the teacher has been teaching the logical reasoning ability of a ninja. And I have received six years of complete training, but when I encountered a critical moment that needed to be dealt with, I actually needed Shokuhou's reminder to realize the truth.

I am still too young!

Although Katsumura Yota was not satisfied with his performance, in fact, in Kakashi's eyes, Katsumura Yota was already very good!

Whether it was dealing with the root or responding at critical moments, Katsumura Yota was the best among his peers. Even Uchiha Itachi might not be able to match him. It was because there was a monster named Shokuhou Misaki beside him that Katsumura Yota looked a little mediocre in comparison. In fact, Katsumura Yota's performance was absolutely worthy of the word genius!

Thinking of this, Kakashi couldn't help but feel sorry for Katsumura Yota.

This child was so hardworking and excellent, and he had enough affection for his friends. He had almost all the qualities to become an excellent ninja, but he just lacked a little bit of bloodline.

This determines that his upper limit will only be a special jonin. Fate is so unfair to this child!

Sighing in his heart, Kakashi said to his three students:

"Okay, don't think too much! Today is the first day of the Chunin Exam, you should focus all your energy on the exam. Leave the rest to your teacher, me!"

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