The key is to make a decision.

As an extraordinary person in the audience channel, Shokuhou Misaki's planning ability is naturally very strong. But even so, she knows that compared with the planning itself, what is more important is the ability to make decisions at critical moments!

As the saying goes, once you lose an opportunity, it will never come again. Even the most perfect plan needs the right time to execute. And the opportunity to bring out the effect of the plan is often only a short period of time. Once such an opportunity arises, even if the decision maker himself is not fully prepared, it is best to make a decision.

Because one opportunity is already very precious, fate rarely gives a second chance!

It is precisely because of this understanding that when the fire in the Death Forest ignited, Shokuhou Misaki concluded:

The next three days will be her most important strategic decision-making period!

Even though she had not yet cooperated deeply with the Akatsuki organization, even though her relationship with Orochimaru was not close at this time, even though she had no connection with Danzo's roots at this time... Even though Shokuhou Misaki had not made the best preparations for all of the above, opportunities are opportunities!

Is there any perfect plan in the world?

The result of wanting to be foolproof will only be nothing!

So when the opportunity appeared in front of her, Shokuhou Misaki made a decisive decision and seized it!

So on the night when she returned to Konoha Village from the Forest of Death, Shokuhou Misaki used the ability of a dream walker to disguise herself as Uchiha Madara and enter Uchiha Fugaku's dream, persuading him to act immediately and take the Uchiha clan away from Konoha.

Then, something happened that made Shokuhou Misaki speechless.

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Uchiha Fugaku actually hesitated!

"Now the people in the village are in a panic. If our Uchiha clan leaves Konoha at this time, will it cause hostility from the whole village? On the contrary, if our Uchiha clan stands on the side of the village now and overcomes the difficulties together with everyone in Konoha, can we regain everyone's trust?"

Hearing Uchiha Fugaku's question, Shokuhou Misaki almost rolled her eyes on the spot, thinking;

No wonder the Uchiha clan in the original book was exterminated, you and Sarutobi Hiruzen are really a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes!

At this time, the butcher knife of the Konoha high-level officials is about to chop off the neck of your Uchiha clan, and you, the clan leader, are still thinking about compromise and concessions? Do you really think that the Uchiha clan will be merciful to the Konoha high-level officials if they put the overall situation first?


Your retreat and tolerance at the critical moment will only make your enemies more presumptuous!

If you don't take the Uchiha clan with you now, the Konoha high-level officials will think that your Uchiha clan is cowardly and can be bullied!

They will be more determined to suppress the Uchiha clan, and even immediately make plans to massacre the Uchiha clan. Because you chose to be tolerant at the critical moment, you made the Konoha high-level officials completely realize that the so-called Uchiha clan is a group of cowards, and there is no need to pay any price to kill you!

Such a simple truth, don’t you, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, know it?

So, in order to convince Uchiha Fugaku, a stupid pig-like character, Shokuhou Misaki had to talk to Uchiha Fugaku in his dream. It took a whole night for Shokuhou Misaki to finally make Uchiha Fugaku understand that the Uchiha clan had no choice at this time. Either leave now or wait for the clan to be exterminated!

So on the second day, Shokuhou Misaki was waiting for the Uchiha clan to take action, and she also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Uchiha clan to complete the promotion. Just wait and wait, until the next night, the smoke from the forest fire was almost dissipated, and the Uchiha clan still did not take action!

This almost pissed off Shokuhou Misaki to death!

She then disguised herself as Uchiha Madara again and entered Uchiha Fugaku's dream, asking him why he hadn't taken any action on the second day. Then, Shokuhou Misaki heard Uchiha Fugaku say:

"After all, our Uchiha clan has thousands of members, and they have a lot of property in Konoha Village! And clothes, all kinds of daily necessities need time to pack. So if you want to take action, you need at least three or four days of preparation time!"

Hearing Uchiha Fugaku's explanation, Shokuhou Misaki was almost amused! She thought:

Your life is almost gone, and you Uchiha clan still have the leisure to care about property and clothes?

If it was her, Shokuhou Misaki, when the fire in the Death Forest started, she would have rushed out of Konoha with her clansmen! If any of the clansmen hesitated at all, they would be killed with a huge fireball.

Burn it. You, Uchiha Fugaku, are so leisurely now!

Two days, two days of golden decision-making time!

Konoha Village has been shrouded in the smoke of the fire for two days, and large areas cannot see the surrounding conditions at all. And the Konoha high-level officials, who are the core of Konoha, are also burned by the fire. Such a good opportunity, if you, the Uchiha clan, leave Konoha under the cover of smoke at night, who can stop you?

But such an opportunity, you actually wasted it!

You, the Uchiha clan, are really a bunch of pig teammates!

However, while being angry, Shokuhou Misaki was also glad that she did not put all her hopes on the Uchiha clan.

While waiting for the Uchiha clan to act the next day, Shokuhou Misaki took the opportunity to go to Konoha Hospital for a physical examination and found Kabuto Yakushi who was pretending to be sick there, and contacted Orochimaru through Kabuto Yakushi, asking Orochimaru to immediately notify the Akatsuki organization to act quickly.

Compared to the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru and the Akatsuki organization are obviously more than one level smarter. Shokuhou Misaki only gave them a little reminder, and they immediately realized the importance of these two days. This is a great opportunity for them to take the Uchiha clan away from Konoha. Once they miss it, they may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

So on the morning of the third day, Xiaonan of the Akatsuki organization brought Kakuzu and came to the Uchiha clan with the help of Uchiha Obito's space-time ninjutsu. Regardless of the attitude of the Uchiha clan, they were almost commanded to evacuate from Konoha quickly.

Faced with such arrogant behavior of the Akatsuki organization, the Uchiha clan represented by Uchiha Fugaku was naturally very angry. But no one took the anger of the Uchiha clan seriously! This is the case with the Konoha high-level officials, and the Akatsuki organization is the same.

At this time, the Akatsuki organization also knew what kind of person Uchiha Fugaku was, and did not give Uchiha Fugaku a good face. Xiaonan even threw out 100,000 detonating tags as a threat, which means:

Either leave now or die now!

What else can the Uchiha clan do in the face of such a tough approach by the Akatsuki organization?

They naturally have to choose to surrender!

Just like they always gave in when facing the high-level officials of Konoha, now facing the equally tough Akatsuki organization, the Uchiha clan made the same choice. That is to accept it, be humble, and do whatever you ask us to do!

But while surrendering, some smart people in the Uchiha clan also came to their senses.

We, the Uchiha clan, were bullied by the high-level officials of the village in Konoha in the past. Now we are bullied by the Akatsuki organization after leaving Konoha? Then why did our Uchiha clan leave Konoha?

It was in this thinking that this part of the clan members looked at Uchiha Fugaku.

Obviously, they were smart and realized that all this was the fault of the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku. It was because of this overly weak clan leader that the Uchiha clan fell into this situation. So they looked at Uchiha Fugaku with dissatisfaction in their eyes!

No matter how dissatisfied they were, the situation was stronger than the people. The Uchiha clan members walked out of the clan land under the threat of the Akatsuki organization. Most of these clan members were just ordinary people, so when they evacuated Konoha, they brought their families with them, carrying their children and wives, holding the most important property and basic living supplies, and walked towards the gate of Konoha Village in a mighty manner.

As for the remaining property of the Uchiha clan... Kakuzu said sorry, he would accept it on behalf of the Akatsuki organization!

So at this time in Konoha, almost all the villagers were attracted by the actions of the Uchiha clan. It was at this moment of public attention that Shokuhou Misaki looked at her system page. On the page, she saw that her adaptability to the dream walker had reached 93%.

Almost there, almost there!

Seeing that the promotion ceremony had been completed, but her adaptability to the dream walker had not yet reached 100%, Shokuhou Misaki felt a little more anxious. As soon as she felt the urgency, Shokuhou Misaki immediately activated her extraordinary ability and calmed herself down through illusion and comfort.

Now is the most critical moment. Shokuhou Misaki must remain calm and must not let her mentality affect her judgment.

While Shokuhou Misaki was observing in the crowd, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, also brought Sarutobi Shinnosuke to the center of the village. Looking at the mighty Uchiha clan in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen completely took off his usual hypocritical mask and said to Uchiha Fugaku, the leader:

"Fugaku, what are you Uchiha clan going to do?"

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Fugaku instinctively felt awe, and his momentum was also taken away. After a moment of stunned, Uchiha Fugaku just said:

"Hokage, our Uchiha clan is following the order of Fire.

"The Daimyo's order? Do you have the Daimyo's handwritten letter?" "Of course I do. "As he said that, Uchiha Fugaku took out a piece of paper from his bosom.

On that piece of paper, the tone of the Fire Country Daimyo was used to order the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha and form the second ninja village. And below the order, there was the handwritten signature and seal of the Fire Country Daimyo. It can be said that just from the style, it is exactly the same as the real Daimyo's handwritten order.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that this handwritten order must be forged. Because including the Fire Country Daimyo, the entire Fire Country aristocracy has been threatened by the Root. These nobles are basically timid and have no courage to issue an order to split Konoha, even the Fire Country Daimyo is the same.

So facing this forged order of the Uchiha clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen said in an affirmative tone:

"You Uchiha clan are a member of our Konoha. If you want to leave Konoha, you must get permission from the village. A Daimyo's handwritten order alone is not enough to prove that the Uchiha clan can leave Konoha. Not to mention that the Daimyo's order could not be issued only to the Uchiha clan, but would certainly inform us in Konoha. So before the village receives the Daimyo's order, you Uchiha clan should stay in Konoha first! "

Even though he was caught off guard, Sarutobi Hiruzen still did not lose his basic judgment. He knew that it was meaningless to entangle in the authenticity of the order at this time. He should start from the procedure of the high-level officials of the Fire Country to issue orders and indirectly deny the legitimacy of the order.

Under normal circumstances, the Daimyo's order must first be approved by the Fire Country Cabinet, and then gradually passed to the bottom of the country. For example, in this case, if the Daimyo really wants to order the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha and establish a second ninja village, he must bring the news to Konoha through the cabinet minister, and then announce the news in public.

The Daimyo's order is only legitimate if it complies with fixed processes and procedures. If If anyone took out a handwritten letter and said it was an order from the daimyo, the Land of Fire would have been in chaos long ago! So although Sarutobi Hiruzen's words did not directly deny the authenticity of the handwritten letter, they denied the legitimacy of the handwritten letter from the procedure, turning the handwritten letter forged by the Uchiha clan into a piece of waste paper.

Facts have proved that Sarutobi Hiruzen is worthy of being the Hokage for decades. Although he is not as good as Shokuhou Misaki in planning, Uchiha Fugaku is obviously not his opponent. It was just a short sentence, and Uchiha Fugaku was speechless, and he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

But just when Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he had won, someone in the crowd of the Uchiha clan said:

"Hokage, what you said is not right!"

The abrupt voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

It was a young Genin of the Uchiha clan, and at this moment he said righteously:

"Do the villagers of Konoha really need the permission of the village to leave the village? Isn't it a basic right of every citizen of the Land of Fire to freely choose where to settle? Although we, the Uchiha clan, are now a member of Konoha, we are citizens of the Land of Fire. We have the right to choose to leave Konoha and settle in other places in the Land of Fire. This is our basic human right! "

This statement affirmed the legitimacy of the Uchiha clan leaving Konoha from the perspective of the national constitution and basic human rights, which is extremely brilliant. So as soon as this person's words came out, everyone present was immediately surprised. Even Uchiha Fugaku secretly said:

When did our Uchiha clan produce such a talent?

But when everyone's attention was on this Genin, the Genin who was originally righteous and stern suddenly looked around blankly like a deflated ball, muttering to himself:

"Strange, why would I say such a thing..."

In fact, with the level of this Genin, he didn't have the ability to say such a thing at all. The one who really made him say this was Shokuhou Misaki. In In the past month, Shokuhou Misaki has been constantly making moves through dreams. These chess pieces include not only ordinary villagers of Konoha, but also those weaker ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

For example, the Uchiha clan's Genin just now, Shokuhou Misaki has planted the seeds of guidance in his mind. Once Sarutobi Hiruzen stops the Uchiha clan from leaving through words, he will subconsciously say this sentence, denying Sarutobi Hiruzen's authority from the perspective of basic human rights.

And it's not just him, there are many people who have been planted with the same seeds by Shokuhou Misaki. So when this Genin finished speaking, he was at a loss, and immediately the Uchiha clan ninjas and some Konoha villagers started to make a noise:

"Yes! This is a basic right granted by the Constitution.


"If we don't allow the Uchiha clan to leave the village, won't we be trapped in the village in the future?"

"We, the Akimichi clan, still have to go out to do business, and settling down outside is inevitable. If we stop the Uchiha clan today, what will happen to our Akimichi clan's business in the future?"

"In fact, isn't it good to let the Uchiha clan leave? Why stop them?"

"Yes, the Uchiha clan is not a good person to begin with, and staying in the village is a disaster! "


With the detonation of each spiritual seed, the surrounding public opinion began to develop in a direction that was favorable to the Uchiha clan. As the mastermind behind all this, Shokuhou Misaki's system page's adaptability to dream walkers also began to increase rapidly. In just a blink of an eye, it increased from the original 93% to 96%.

Obviously, with the continuous effect of these spiritual seeds, Shokuhou Misaki's promotion is just a matter of course.

But Shokuhou Misaki is satisfied, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally dissatisfied. He originally wanted to use The public opinion in the village forced the Uchiha clan to stay in Konoha, but who would have thought that the direction of public opinion was beyond his expectations. It was as if someone had brainwashed half of the villagers in Konoha, and the surrounding villagers actually felt that they should support the Uchiha clan to leave.

Seeing that public opinion was about to get out of control, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but fall into entanglement.

On the one hand, he still wanted to keep his hypocritical mask, and on the other hand, he wanted to kill all the Uchiha clan right now!

In such entanglement, the savior came.

"Uchiha clan, are you going to betray the village?"

The angry voice once again attracted the attention of most people.

Then Danzo brought a large number of Root ninjas and directly surrounded the Uchiha clan.

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