Under the guidance of Shokuhou Misaki, Sarutobi Hiruzen successfully survived this crisis.

Opposite Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo watched his former best friend blame his son for all the faults for the title of Hokage, and laughed in public. He pointed at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him with full of sarcasm, and then pointed at Sarutobi Shinnosuke who was almost crazy by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and said with a smile:

"How about it, Shinnosuke, it feels bad to be blamed by Sarutobi! I understand, I understand how you feel now. Because in the past few decades, I have been blamed by Sarutobi like this! Every time he made a mistake as Hokage, he would blame the mistake on me."

"Just like the time in the Rain Country, why do you think I helped Hanzo to wipe out the Akatsuki organization? Do you think I don't know that the three people in the Akatsuki organization are Jiraiya's disciples and are the objects that our Konoha can fight for? In fact, I know, I know everything. But I still have to join hands with Hanzo to kill the Akatsuki organization. Not for anything else, just because this Akatsuki organization was founded by Jiraiya's disciples!"

As he said, Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him and said:

"Orochimaru is a threat to your position of Hokage, and so is Jiraiya! You are worried that after the Akatsuki organization becomes bigger, it will become Jiraiya's... 's help, so you want to destroy the Akatsuki organization regardless of Konoha's safety!"

"And Hatake Sakumo, why did he commit suicide? Is it really just because of a failed mission? Isn't it because he is the head of the Anbu, the meritorious Konoha White Fang, and the fourth generation Hokage successor who is expected by the village? You let Kakashi graduate from the Ninja School at the age of 6, didn't you use Sakumo's son's life to force him to commit suicide? "

"Oh, yes, there is also the Uchiha clan. "

"Everyone in the village thinks It was me, Danzo, who wanted to exterminate the Uchiha clan, but in fact I just coveted their Sharingan! I never thought of exterminating the Uchiha clan, I just wanted to raise them as livestock and continuously provide me with Sharingan. You are the one who really wants to exterminate the clan, and you are also the one who does not let go of even the civilians of the Uchiha clan! "

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Danzo, who was already despised by everyone in Konoha Village, said half-truths and half-lies, constantly throwing the blame on Sarutobi Hiruzen. And there is only one reason for him to do this, that is, to create as many enemies as possible for Sarutobi Hiruzen in Konoha Village.

Whether it is Jiraiya, Kakashi, or the Uchiha clan, as long as any party believes what Danzo is saying now, they will fight to the death with Sarutobi Hiruzen! Not only the parties involved, but also the neutral forces in Konoha Village such as the Hyuga clan will keep their distance from Sarutobi Hiruzen because of Danzo's words.

In fact, Danzo was framing at this time. As the root of Konoha, at least half of the bad things in Konoha were related to him, but the other half were also related to Sarutobi Hiruzen. Danzo didn't want to prove his innocence by passing the buck at this time. He just wanted more people in Konoha Village to know that he, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was more evil than Danzo!

In the final analysis, Danzo's deepest obsession was to defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In fact, with Danzo's current strength, he could completely escape from Konoha. Then he regrouped outside the village with his loyal old subordinates and waited for the opportunity to turn the tables. But Danzo didn't do this, and he never thought of defecting from Konoha.

Because he was a ninja of Konoha, even if he died, he would not allow himself to bear the infamy of a traitor to Konoha.

And Danzo also knew that once he chose to escape, he would really lose. Those black pots that Sarutobi Hiruzen threw on him would become true because of his defection.

So even if Danzo still had a chance to survive, he still chose to stay in Konoha. He wanted to use his life to complete the final layout. Even though he was already at a dead end, he still wanted to take advantage of the last chance to defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen. Even if he didn't defeat the other party, he would die with the other party.

He just passed the buck under the gaze of all the villagers of Konoha, enjoying the fun of passing the buck for the first time in his life. And opposite him, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't stop him, and he couldn't stop him. Because Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't have the strength to kill Danzo in an instant, his move would only make the villagers of Konoha feel guilty, and instead confirmed Danzo's accusation against him.

In this way, the entire Konoha village fell into a strange silence, and everyone was listening to Danzo's story about Konoha's dark side. Until everything was said and everyone was a little tired of listening, Danzo stopped talking and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen opposite and said:


Sarutobi, I told you before that you will regret it! "

Then, Danzo took out a kunai from his body and pointed it at his neck.

He said to everyone present, and also to his lifelong enemy:

"You all think that I, Danzo, used Kotoamatsukami to control Sarutobi Shinnosuke? Actually, I tell you, I didn't! I, Danzo, have never done anything to let Konoha down in my life, and I swear on my life! "

After that, the kunai cut the artery in the neck, and blood splattered. The dark root of Konoha, Shimura Danzo, just ended his life fiercely in front of everyone. There was no madness in despair, nor a hysterical fight with the ninjas of the same village. Danzo just died in front of everyone.

Danzo, dead?

Everyone present felt unbelievable watching the root of Konoha die like this. It was also with the death of Danzo that his dying words became louder and louder. At this time, not only those discerning people, but even ordinary civilians in Konoha Village began to feel that Sarutobi Hiruzen might be the source of all the darkness in Konoha Village.

It was also with the death of Danzo that Sarutobi Shinnosuke ran to Danzo like crazy . Holding Danzo's gradually cold body, Shinnosuke cried in pain, as if he had really been brainwashed by Danzo's Kotoamatsukami and became his loyal subordinate.

In fact, Shinnosuke's sadness is real, and it is also true that he feels pain because of Danzo's death. It's just that the source of this pain and sadness is not Kotoamatsukami, but the sympathy of the person who took the blame.

As a ninja and son, Sarutobi Shinnosuke faithfully fulfilled his mission and took the biggest blame for his father. But this does not mean that Shinnosuke will not feel pain. In fact, he is mentally prepared at this time. In the last life, use the last blood to complete the last mission. Then, he can also be freed like Danzo.

"Go to hell! "

After crying bitterly, Sarutobi Shinnosuke angrily attacked Sarutobi Hiruzen. He used his own life to complete his final performance, and as a puppet brainwashed by Danzo, he launched a final charge against Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then, he died at Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands.

"Hokage-sama, my mission is complete. "

These were the last words of Sarutobi Shinnosuke before he died. He announced to the Hokage that he had completed his mission as a ninja, instead of bidding his last farewell to his father as a son.

Looking at his eldest son dying in his arms, even Sarutobi Hiruzen felt grief-stricken. An unprecedented loneliness lingered in his heart. For the first time, Sarutobi Hiruzen discovered that his son was so important to him!

Holding his son's body, he looked at Danzo again. Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly discovered that the dead Danzo had a smile on his face. Sarutobi Hiruzen was very familiar with that smile, because Mutian Noguchi also smiled like this before he died.

It was a mocking smile, as if Danzo was still saying to himself after his death:

"Sarutobi, you will regret it! ”

Will I regret it?

No, although I am in pain, I will never regret it.


Danzo, I am the Hokage!

I must be the Hokage, I can only be the Hokage!

Even if you are Danzo, or Shinnosuke, you can't change the fact that I am the Hokage!

With such determination, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the culprit who caused all this, the Uchiha clan represented by Uchiha Itachi. Looking at them, Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Are you Uchiha clan still ready to leave Konoha?"

"Of course." Uchiha Itachi said.

But after Uchiha Itachi finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku said:

"Wait, Itachi, I am the patriarch of the Uchiha clan! Even if there are important matters concerning the family, it should be decided by me. "

Uchiha Fugaku said this, and turned to discuss with Sarutobi Hiruzen to see if the Uchiha clan could continue to stay in Konoha Village and gain a higher status. What Uchiha Fugaku didn't expect was that Uchiha Itachi said coldly as soon as he finished speaking:

"Father, do you think you are still the clan leader now?"

As soon as this was said, the members of the Uchiha clan beside Uchiha Itachi immediately echoed:

"Master Itachi is right, Master Fugaku is not qualified to be the clan leader of the Uchiha clan."

"We support Master Itachi as the clan leader. Whether in terms of strength or in terms of position at critical moments, Master Itachi is better than Master Fugaku!"

"The reason why the Uchiha clan is in this situation today is because of Master Fugaku's indecision!"

"I don't think it's indecision at all. Master Fugaku is simply an undercover planted by Danzo in our Uchiha clan." On the surface, he is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, but in reality he is

Danzo's butcher knife. On the contrary, although Master Itachi joined the Anbu, he saw the darkness of the village, so he stood more firmly on the side of the family. "

"Master Itachi is the clan leader, Master Fugaku abdicated!"

"Master Itachi is the clan leader, Master Fugaku abdicated!"


Because Uchiha Fugaku's performance as the clan leader was really lame, coupled with Shokuhou Misaki's secret guidance, the Uchiha clan quickly reached a consensus that Uchiha Itachi would be the new clan leader. As for Uchiha Fugaku, who was abandoned by the clan, he looked at everything in front of him blankly, and couldn't believe that he, the clan leader of the Uchiha clan, was actually abandoned by the clan.

It was at this critical moment that Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly stood beside Uchiha Fugaku. In front of everyone, he patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder and said:

"Fugaku, as a ninja of Konoha, you have always done a good job. Now that things have developed to this point, you should stop trying to keep them for the sake of the village. Let those who should leave go!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions immediately caused Uchiha Fugaku's brain to crash.

Uchiha Fugaku felt that the world was too crazy and changing too fast. How could he, a good patriarch of the Uchiha clan and a conspirator who had been planning a rebellion, suddenly become a "good Konoha ninja" in the eyes of the Hokage?

And how could his eldest son, who always thought about problems from the perspective of the village, suddenly become a ninja who considered the family and became the popular patriarch of the Uchiha clan?

This What happened?

Under the sudden change of the situation, Uchiha Fugaku has lost the ability to think at this moment. And he chose to hesitate at such a critical moment, which undoubtedly proved to everyone present, including the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, that what Sarutobi Hiruzen said just now was correct.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku has always been a ninja standing on the side of the village.

He, Uchiha Fugaku, has always been loyal to Konoha, to the Hokage, and to the Konoha high-level officials headed by Sarutobi!

"You bastard who betrayed the family!" The ninja of the Uchiha clan shouted angrily.

"Scum, scum!"

"You are still the patriarch, and you actually surrendered to the high-level officials!"

"Go to hell!"

"You don't deserve the surname Uchiha at all! "


The curses of the clan members made Uchiha Fugaku feel particularly wronged. But with his brain, he didn't know how to refute it. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Uchiha Fugaku's wife Uchiha Mikoto chose to stand on her husband's side, and his young son Uchiha Sasuke also stood on Uchiha Fugaku's side.

So the former family was forced to stand on the opposite side of each other because of Sarutobi Hiruzen's small counter-espionage plan. Looking at the blood relatives standing opposite them, the four people had extremely complicated feelings. Especially the young Sasuke, he had no idea what had just happened.

Why did his parents stand against his brother?

Why did everyone in the family stand on his brother's side, while he and his parents stood on the side of the village?

He wanted to stand on his brother's side, and also on his parents' side, but he wanted his family to stand together more. But the reality is that no matter how close the young Sasuke was to his brother, he still chose to stand on his parents' side at the critical moment.

"Everyone in the Uchiha clan, is there anyone like Fugaku who chooses to stay in Konoha? As long as you stay in Konoha, I guarantee that the Uchiha clan will get better conditions than before. After all, it was Danzo who has been suppressing you, and Danzo is dead now!"

Faced with Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, the Uchiha clan still showed some hesitation, and a few clansmen chose to stay in Konoha Village. Most of these people are old, weak, sick and disabled, and they really can't stand too much tossing. As for most of the Uchiha clan members, they still chose to leave the village.

"In this case, let's go our separate ways in the future! "

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to open the gate of Konoha and let the Uchiha clan leave the village. It was also with the departure of the Uchiha clan that the farce in Konoha Village finally came to an end. However, after the curtain fell, two things happened that made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel great worry.

The first is the Uchiha clan. After the Uchiha clan left, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately sent ninjas from the Anbu and the Root to hunt them down. But the result was that when the Konoha ninjas just caught up with the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan members had already boarded the Akatsuki organization's hot air balloon and escaped from the air!

The Konoha ninjas looked at the Uchiha clan members flying in the air, but they could only stand on the ground and stare blankly, with no way out.

In addition to the Uchiha clan, another thing that made Sarutobi Hiruzen

What made Hiruzen worried was that Danzo's body was missing!

Danzo had made a lot of changes to his body, and he also transplanted Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan. Such a body is undoubtedly a huge treasure for Konoha. So Danzo's body was carefully preserved and used as research material for the village. But what Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't expect was that Danzo's body disappeared from the village not long after it was put into the freezer, which made Hiruzen Sarutobi feel a little scared.

Who stole Danzo's body, or did Danzo not die at all?

Of course, Hiruzen Sarutobi quickly ruled out the possibility that Danzo was not dead. Because Danzo's body was personally examined by him, he even pierced many vital parts of Danzo's body, including the heart, with a kunai. Such Danzo had no possibility of false death at all, and he must be really dead!

But the question is, who stole Danzo's body?

While Hiruzen Sarutobi was doubting, in a dark underground of the Ninja Realm.

Orochimaru looked at the embarrassed figure in front of him and smiled:

"Isn't this Danzo-sama? I didn't expect you to be still alive!"

While Orochimaru was looking at Danzo, Danzo was also looking at Orochimaru. Seeing that Orochimaru had now completely transformed and turned into a woman, Danzo couldn't help but ignite the flame of greed in his eyes.

"Orochimaru, I need your secret technique to take over other people's bodies!"

"Okay, but I also need Danzo-sama to pay the same conditions."

"The same conditions? Orochimaru, do you want to?"

"Yes. I want the secret technique that can reverse cause and effect and bring Danzo-sama back to life, Izanagi!"

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