The truth is that the time has come.

It turns out that Sarutobi Hiruzen is a man who knows the times.

After a brief exchange with Shokuhou Misaki, he realized that the alliance with Shokuhou Misaki was inevitable.

There are many specific reasons. On the one hand, Shokuhou Misaki does have the capital to unite with him, because in just a brief exchange with her, she made Sarutobi Hiruzen see the current situation more clearly. Shokuhou Misaki made him understand that his position as Hokage is not really a lonely one, and there are several forces that support him to continue to serve as Hokage.

On the other hand, Shokuhou Misaki also poses a considerable threat. Even a small figure like Mutian Noguchi almost caused huge losses to Konoha. And the harm of Shokuhou Misaki to the village is definitely ten times that of Mutian Noguchi. If Shokuhou Misaki really had ulterior motives, she could rely on her eloquence and ability to grasp people's hearts, unite all the forces in Konoha Village that opposed her, and overthrow herself completely. And this is something Sarutobi Hiruzen could never accept.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen also thought about killing Shokuhou Misaki directly and put an end to it. But what surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen was that the breath coming from Shokuhou Misaki actually made him feel threatened.

As an old-fashioned Kage-level strongman, Sarutobi Hiruzen still has the instinct of a Kage-level strongman even if he is old. The breath on Shokuhou Misaki undoubtedly showed Sarutobi Hiruzen her strength. Even if she is not a Kage-level strongman, she is an elite jonin comparable to Hatake Kakashi. Facing a ninja of this level, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not dare to act rashly. If Shokuhou Misaki is not dead, Sarutobi Hiruzen does not think that this guy will leave Konoha Village like Orochimaru.

So after comprehensive consideration, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to choose to unite with Shokuhou Misaki. If Shokuhou Misaki wants to pass the Chunin Exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen can help her; if Shokuhou Misaki wants to become a Jonin, Sarutobi Hiruzen will also give her a chance; if Shokuhou Misaki wants to take charge of important departments and even consider becoming Hokage within 5 years, Sarutobi Hiruzen will agree. But correspondingly, Shokuhou Misaki must also maintain her position in Konoha Village. Otherwise, if she gets kicked out of the position of Hokage, the new Hokage will not promote her like she did.

In the face of such a sensible Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shokuhou Misaki did not spare her brain and immediately gave Sarutobi Hiruzen the following suggestions:

First, while the Cloud Village withdrew its troops from the border, publicize Sarutobi Hiruzen's achievements in the Land of Fire. It was said that it was because Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to serve as Hokage that the stability of Konoha and the Land of Fire was maintained, which made the Cloud Village realize that it had no opportunity to take advantage of and chose to withdraw its troops. Focus on publicizing Sarutobi Hiruzen's past achievements to help Sarutobi Hiruzen rebuild his image.

Secondly, facing the second ninja village jointly created by the Uchiha clan and the Akatsuki organization, take the lead in nominating the leader of the second ninja village to the daimyo. As for the specific candidates, the leader of the Akatsuki organization can be nominated, which is one of Jiraiya's disciples. And when nominating the list, this reason can also be added. The key point is to let all forces in the Land of Fire know that the relationship between the Akatsuki organization and Konoha is very close.

At the same time, it is also possible to publicize the relatives and friends of Uchiha Itachi who choose to stay in Konoha Village. For example, Uchiha Itachi often writes letters to his girlfriend Uchiha Izumi, so that everyone knows that the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi, is also connected with Konoha.

In short, it is necessary to skillfully use the weapon of public opinion and create various contradictions as much as possible. Let the members of the Uchiha clan feel that although they have left Konoha, their new boss is actually still a member of Konoha, so that they will be dissatisfied and conflict with the Akatsuki organization. At the same time, it also creates a gap between the various forces in the Land of Fire and the second ninja village, preventing the two sides from further contact. In the final analysis, it is to be the leader of the Fire Country, create as many conflicts as possible, and ensure that Konoha's position in the Fire Country is not shaken.

Finally, it is to promote the Konoha transformation plan and integrate the power of the major families in Konoha Village.

The major families in Konoha Village seem to be powerful, but they are actually nothing in the huge Fire Country. As a Hokage, the most important thing is not to suppress these families, but to help these families get further development, from the original village bully to a behemoth that can influence the national situation. This is the best way to get the support of the major families.

The specific means is to apply to the high-level officials of the Fire Country in the name of the loss of Konoha Village.

Please allocate funds. After all, the second ninja village has been established, and Konoha no longer has the status of having the final say in the Land of Fire, and must obtain corresponding compensation. After receiving the funds, they will form a large construction company with major families including Hyuga to transform Konoha as a whole.

The previous incident of Mutanoguchi has proved that there are huge problems in the layout planning of Konoha Village. In this case, it is better to tear down the entire Konoha and rebuild it. While building the fire isolation zone, a large area of ​​buildings in Konoha Village will also be transformed. All the original wooden structures will be demolished and replaced with reinforced concrete.

Through such a housing renovation plan, on the one hand, the hearts of ordinary villagers in Konoha can be won over. After all, concrete houses are more comfortable to live in than wooden houses. On the other hand, the power of the major families of Konoha can be integrated into one rope. With the help of a large infrastructure project, the large construction company formed by the major families will have the ability to build large projects. Then, Konoha's influence can be mobilized to contract various projects in various places in the Land of Fire, and strive to develop Konoha Construction Company into one of the top real estate giants in the ninja world.

When the construction company develops to a certain extent, Konoha can also organize major families to establish other companies and enter other industries such as medicine, security, and food, striving to develop Konoha from a simple ninja village to a chaebol giant that can influence the world economic situation. The huge commercial benefits brought by this are enough to easily make up for the losses of major families due to the establishment of the second ninja village, and it can also easily buy the hearts of most families in Konoha.

Facing the current Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki made a total of three suggestions. The first and second ones are considered to be quite standard, and Sarutobi Hiruzen can also think of similar plans. What really shocked Sarutobi Hiruzen was the third one, because it was no longer a simple suggestion, but a white paper on Konoha's development plan for at least the next ten years.

If the future Konoha really follows Shokuhou Misaki's plan, Sarutobi Hiruzen feels that his achievements may be comparable to the first generation of Hokage. Because Konoha will evolve from a simple ninja village to the strongest interest group in the Land of Fire under his leadership. This group will have the strongest military resources, strong commercial resources, and extensive influence and deterrence in the Land of Fire, and will control all aspects of the Land of Fire and become the actual controller of this country.

"What can really stabilize the situation is never power, but the correct strategy; what can really unite people is never will, but sufficient interests;"

"What a real Hokage needs to do is not to maintain his own status blindly, but to find the direction of future development for Konoha. Only when you find this direction can you formulate the right strategy, so as to bring enough benefits to the vast majority of people, and then ensure that most people will stand by your side. But if you just maintain the status quo blindly, then unless you have the power of the first generation of Hokage, challengers within Konoha will inevitably rise and fall. Because they can't see the hope of going further, they will inevitably challenge your position."

"Now, I just want to tell you the future development trend of the ninja world. As long as the future ninja world is not unified, the intensity of competition between ninja villages will only increase. And with this trend, the existing organizational form of the ninja village will inevitably face Facing a huge impact, because the war resources that can be mobilized by the existing ninja village system are limited! Therefore, in order to obtain more war resources, the major ninja villages must make various changes and absorb as many war resources as possible from their countries. "

"So the ninja village will form a business group, use military force to promote the development of commercial capital, and squeeze the war potential of the country as much as possible. This is what will happen in the future. Even if Konoha does not do it, other ninja villages will do it, because the threat of war urges everyone to swallow up all the resources they can see and invest them in the war. And since it is bound to happen in the future, Konoha might as well be the first to eat crabs. First of all, it will form a mature business group to unite Konoha and grab enough war resources before everyone else, and then lay the foundation for Konoha's hegemony for another 50 years. "

In Ichiraku Ramen, Shokuhou Misaki faced Sarutobi Hiruzen and opened his mouth to talk about the foundation of the hegemony for the next 50 years. And such a high level of thinking is obviously something that Sarutobi Hiruzen has never had.

Because since Sarutobi Hiruzen became Hokage, all his plans have only been to treat the symptoms. Therefore, for decades, Konoha has not made any progress, but has been accumulating various contradictions. The Uchiha clan's departure from Konoha not long ago was essentially the result of Sarutobi Hiruzen's lack of strategic planning.

Contradictions and conflicts. In contrast, Sarutobi Hiruzen's attachment to power is just a catalyst for the outbreak of contradictions.

In the final analysis, the height of thinking determines that Sarutobi Hiruzen is destined to be a mediocre Hokage. In this regard, there is no essential difference between him and Uzumaki Naruto. All the actions of the two are essentially just to maintain the status quo. The only difference is that Sarutobi Hiruzen relies on power to maintain the status quo, while Uzumaki Naruto relies on strength to maintain the status quo, but in fact this maintenance will only work in a short time. In the face of the development of the world, the actions of the two are destined to be meaningless, and history will only judge them as mediocre masters.

And now, Shokuhou Misaki is like Zhuge Liang in Longzhong, telling Sarutobi Hiruzen the future development trend of the ninja world and formulating a future development strategy for Konoha. As long as it develops along this strategy, Konoha will go a step further and evolve from a simple ninja village to a military-industrial complex with strong organizational and economic capabilities, ensuring that Konoha will still be the ninja village with the strongest comprehensive strength for most of the future!

So when he knew about this plan, Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned. Only then did he truly realize how terrifying Shokuhou Misaki was, and his alliance with her was obviously a very smart decision. Because this strategic plan for future development alone was enough for him to support her as the next generation of Hokage of Konoha.

Although Shokuhou Misaki's talent certainly amazed Sarutobi Hiruzen, the same doubts also appeared in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart. So I heard him say:

"Do you know what it means to tell me this today? If your analysis is correct, I will be one of the best Hokage since the founding of Konoha. Because I, like the first generation Hokage, will bring the entire ninja world into a new era! And once I have achieved such a feat, do you think I will still give up the position of Hokage to you? Even if I really arrange for you to become the next generation of Hokage, how can you govern as Hokage? After all, I am the Hokage who pioneered the era, and even if you become Hokage, you will only live in my shadow forever!"

Faced with Sarutobi Hiruzen's question, Shokuhou Misaki just said calmly:

"You don't think I am the same as you, and I think Hokage is so important!"

"Let me tell you, from the beginning to the end, the Hokage has always been very important to me. As for the ninja of Konoha, it is just a means to achieve the goal. As a ninja of Konoha, my first goal has always been to promote the development of Konoha and lay the foundation for the hegemony of Konoha in the future. As for who will promote the development of Konoha in the future and who will lead Konoha into a new era, I don't care at all. "

"Besides, do you really think it's easy to implement this strategy? Do you really think that as long as a huge company is established, the organizational form of Konoha will be reborn? How can you guarantee that the major families of Konoha will not be corrupted and deteriorated in the process of development? Do you really think that the top leaders of the Second Ninja Village and the Land of Fire will watch Konoha control the economic lifeline of the Land of Fire? "

Shokuhou Misaki kept talking, and the face of Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him gradually became gloomy. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again understood one thing, that is, knowing the strategy and executing the strategy are not the same thing. Especially for a ninja like himself who only knows how to kill and plot, the difficulty of implementing the strategy of the ninja village organization change is undoubtedly hell-level.

Without the help of Shokuhou Misaki, even if I, as a pioneer, know the future development trend, I am doomed to have no way to start. Once I use the power of Shokuhou Misaki in the process of promoting change, the initiative of the change will fall into the hands of Shokuhou Misaki. In this way, Shokuhou Misaki's prestige in Konoha Village will only get stronger day by day, until one day I will replace her.

So at this time, Shokuhou Misaki told me not only the future strategy of Konoha, but also her plan to seize the highest power in Konoha. But facing Shokuhou Misaki's plan, I have no way to deal with it. Because now I am already deserted by everyone in Konoha Village. If I still want to continue to be Hokage, I must promote the change of the ninja village and win people's hearts. Once the strategy is implemented, Shokuhou Misaki's rise to power is a high probability event.

This is an open conspiracy. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen knows Shokuhou Misaki's purpose, he still has to follow the other party's ideas.

Of course, what makes Sarutobi Hiruzen even more indignant is her attitude towards Hokage.

In the face of the position of Hokage that she had to sacrifice her son to keep, Shokuhou Misaki's tone was so disdainful. Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly didn't believe that Shokuhou Misaki's purpose in pushing Konoha's reforms was for the sake of Konoha Ninja Village, but he was sure that Shokuhou Misaki really didn't take the Hokage seriously. Maybe in Shokuhou Misaki's eyes, Konoha Ninja Village

It is just a test field for promoting changes in the ninja world, and the Hokage is his identity proof of promoting changes. Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks that the Hokage is very important, but in the eyes of Shokuhou Misaki, the Hokage is just a more useful tool, nothing more.

That is why Sarutobi Hiruzen finally understood why Shokuhou Misaki said lightly that she would become the Hokage within five years.

Because the other party really didn't take the Hokage seriously, and what's even more annoying is that she really has the confidence to not take the Hokage seriously!

So when Sarutobi Hiruzen left Ichiraku Ramen, he suddenly laughed at himself.

Is it just this that he has been pursuing with all his efforts in the eyes of others?

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