The old man was born in a poor family, but he was not very good at it.

Mutannoguchi is a smart man, at least he thinks so.

As a ninja from a commoner family, he has excellent grades in the ninja school since he was a child. After graduation, although he was not assigned to a good class because of his family background, he became a Chunin by picking up leaks on the battlefield, and became the teacher of Class 1 after the Nine-tailed Rebellion.

From a commoner with nothing to a teacher who teaches family ninjas, Mutannoguchi's life is legendary. Because the teacher of Class 1 is already the pinnacle of the struggle of most commoner ninjas. Relying on the accumulation of connections in Class 1, he will gain many students from big families in the future, and rely on this connection to live a good life in Konoha Village.

But the problem is that Mutannoguchi is not satisfied with this.

Because he is a smart man, smart people often know more than stupid people. And the more a person knows, the more he wants to get. The more he wants, the more ambitions will slowly emerge.

Mutian Noguchi is only 24 years old this year, and his best years have just begun. He doesn't want his future life to just stay in school as a teacher. He longs to become a special jonin from a chunin, and even a jonin. Once he becomes a jonin, his reputation will spread beyond Konoha, and Konoha will have his own place.

But Mutian Noguchi also knows that Konoha is a place that values ​​origin.

As a commoner, the chance of going further is too slim. Unless someone from the top promotes him, no matter how hard he works, he will only be a teacher in the school. So Mutian Noguchi taught in the ninja school while lying dormant waiting for the opportunity.

Then, God will not let down those who work hard.

Mutian Noguchi saw the possibility of going further.

As a smart man, he clearly felt the serious situation inside Konoha. He knew that the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials was becoming more and more acute, and the situation within Konoha was becoming more and more chaotic. And chaos is precisely the ladder for the children of ordinary people to rise. Especially when the relevant rumors were flying all over the ninja school, Mutian Noguchi immediately realized that this was an opportunity!

Mutian Noguchi knew that the Konoha high-level officials hated the Uchiha clan.

So according to common sense, they would definitely let Uchiha Itachi graduate early.

But the problem is that the Konoha high-level officials did not take any action.

There is only one possibility, the Konoha high-level officials are afraid of the Uchiha clan!

The Konoha high-level officials are afraid that after Uchiha Itachi graduates early, the Uchiha clan will cause unrest because of despair, and the situation may be out of control. So for the sake of the overall situation, the Konoha high-level officials can only choose to hide.

So, since the Konoha high-level officials can't let Uchiha Itachi graduate early, and the Konoha high-level officials want Uchiha Itachi to graduate. Then why don't I help the Konoha high-level officials do what they want to do but can't do?

Imagine if I, as Uchiha Itachi's teacher, took the initiative to apply for Uchiha Itachi's early graduation to the top management, how would the Konoha top management view me?

Regardless of whether my application is approved or not, the Konoha top management headed by the Third Hokage will definitely remember me as a sensible person. Because I did what they wanted to do but couldn't do. I took the initiative to offend the Uchiha clan on behalf of the top management and cut off Uchiha Itachi's hope of becoming Hokage. They will definitely be very satisfied with what I did and remember me from then on.

Once remembered by the top management, Mutian Noguchi will completely get rid of his civilian origin and become half of the direct lineage of the Konoha top management. When encountering opportunities for promotion or the benefits of becoming stronger, the Konoha top management will easily think of me as a sensible person.

Of course, Mutian Noguchi does not deny that there are risks in his behavior. For example, the Uchiha clan is very likely to retaliate against him in extreme cases. But as long as he becomes half of the direct lineage of the Konoha top management, Mutian Noguchi does not think that the Uchiha clan will threaten his life.

Furthermore, even if there are risks, Mutian Noguchi is willing to take a gamble.

Born as a commoner, he may only have this one chance to make a class leap in his life. He must seize it and bet everything on it. Even his life, he is willing to sacrifice it. Because this is the only possibility for a commoner ninja in Konoha Village to stand out.

So, not long after Mutian Noguchi made his decision, at a parent meeting at the ninja school. The drama that Shokuhou Misaki had painstakingly prepared was about to begin because of Mutian Noguchi, a small figure in Konoha Village.

Konoha's ninja school would show the results of its teaching to the outside world every once in a while. This is the so-called parent meeting.

The meeting is also a supervision of the teaching quality of the Ninja School by the Konoha Ninjas. At this parent-teacher meeting, each class will send several outstanding students to show their strength by fighting each other and prove the teaching results of the teachers.

Of course, with Shokuhou Misaki's grades, she is not qualified to fight on behalf of her class. She is also happy about this, because she is just an audience, and the audience should sit in the audience and watch others' performances.

With the start of the parent-teacher meeting, all students and parents gathered at the corresponding venue to watch the battle of outstanding students. And not only them, but also Konoha high-level officials such as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo will come to the venue on this day.

They will observe and evaluate the students of this class and reserve several suitable seedlings for training. After these outstanding students graduate, they will let them join their departments and become fresh blood in their own forces.

The battle of the parent-teacher meeting starts from the lower grades, and the elites of different classes will continue to eliminate other classes through fighting. Among these classes, the second-year class 9 where Shokuhou Misaki is located is led by Namikaze Mai. They successfully defeated the adjacent classes 10 and 7, and performed very well. But facing the class 3 with many family ninjas, they still had no choice but to lose.

However, even so, everyone still recognized the teaching quality of class 9. After all, most of the students in class 9 are civilian ninjas, and it is already amazing to be ahead of class 3. It can be imagined that if such results are maintained, Takashi Okichi, the head teacher of class 9, will be promoted and get a raise, and get better treatment in the ninja school.

Of course, class 3, which defeated class 9, did not laugh to the end, because this year's second-year class 1 is too strong. As the leader of class 1, Uchiha Itachi alone took care of the three students of class 3 without even taking a breath.

Not only that, with the end of each grade competition, the winning classes between different grades are also allowed to compete with each other. So Uchiha Itachi, representing class 1 in grade 2, directly challenged the senior of class 1 in grade 6. In a one-on-three situation, he still won easily. Such strength shocked everyone present.

There are many powerful ninjas among the parents present, but they were also very surprised to see Uchiha Itachi's performance. Because at the age of 7, his strength has surpassed the scope of ordinary Genin and is almost comparable to a real Chunin.

Is this the genius of the Uchiha clan?

This is the thought of almost all ninjas present.

Even as the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is at the top, is full of fear of Uchiha Itachi at this moment. Although his face is full of smiles, he looks at Uchiha Itachi with relief, as if he is really happy that such an excellent junior has appeared in Konoha. But in the audience, Shokuhou Misaki obviously noticed that Sarutobi Hiruzen bit his pipe tightly.

It's still a complicated performance as always. Sarutobi Hiruzen is really a good actor!

Compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo is much more calm.

Facing a genius like Uchiha Itachi, the malice in Danzo's eyes is almost undisguised. But in this maliciousness, Shokuhou Misaki also felt a little appreciation, which was analyzed from Danzo's breathing frequency and the slightly raised corners of his mouth. It is conceivable that if Uchiha Itachi was not from the Uchiha clan, Danzo might really value and cultivate him.

Combining the two people's completely different attitudes, Shokuhou Misaki was surprised to find that she seemed to have always misjudged these two people.

The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid of Uchiha Itachi was not just because he was afraid of the Uchiha clan. In fact, in addition to Uchiha Itachi, Sarutobi Hiruzen also showed a certain degree of fear of other outstanding students at this meeting.

In other words, the fundamental reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid of Uchiha Itachi, and even the Uchiha clan, was actually the threat these people posed to his position of Hokage. And in addition to the Uchiha clan, as long as someone threatened his position of Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen would show fear.

Maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen himself didn't realize that he actually took the position of Hokage so seriously!

Compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo is much simpler.

The reason why he is afraid of Uchiha Itachi and the Uchiha clan is really just because he is racist.

Judging from his appreciation of Uchiha Itachi, Danzo himself does not value the position of Hokage as much as he imagined. Because compared to the game on the field, Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen more often. In other words, what Danzo really wants is not to become Hokage, but to defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Just watching the two of them silently in the audience, Shokuhou Misaki found that she seemed to understand them better than the two of them themselves. Because she not only saw the emotions on the surface of the two,

He also read the true inner thoughts of the two people that they themselves had not noticed.

At this moment, Shokuhou Misaki's audience sequence adaptability, which had been stuck in a bottleneck, finally began to grow again.

After observing the two people, Shokuhou Misaki looked at the other side of the audience, where sat Uchiha Itachi's father, Uchiha Fugaku. Uchiha Fugaku, who was sitting in the audience, saw his son's performance. Although his face was calm as usual, his slightly trembling hands exposed his mood.

Obviously, Uchiha Fugaku was very satisfied with his son's performance. If he was not used to suppressing his emotions, Uchiha Fugaku's face would definitely be full of smiles now.

Compared with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, this Uchiha Fugaku seemed too thin. Shokuhou Misaki only observed for a moment and easily saw through his heart. Then he shook his head slightly and thought:

This guy always pretends to be majestic, and those who don't know him would think he is a powerful person!

In fact, he is just pretending, and he is essentially a straw bag!

The Uchiha clan has such a clan leader, it's really doomed!

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