The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Although the communication between Uchiha Itachi and Nagato was full of lies, Uchiha had a good impression of Nagato.

Because even in Nagato's lies, he could feel Nagato's concern for the civilians of the Rain Country and his emphasis on the future and peace. In Uchiha Itachi's view, Nagato is a realist with ideals. Compared with the neurotic masked man and the hypocritical and vicious Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nagato is undoubtedly a normal person who can communicate. Although they may be hostile to each other in the future, dealing with such a realist is better than communicating with those weird guys.

But even so, Uchiha Itachi still chose to contact the masked man. This was a decision that Uchiha Itachi had made when he left Konoha. Uchiha Itachi needs to find out the truth about the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" in the masked man's mouth through contact with him. In Uchiha Itachi's view, the masked man must have some incredible secrets, otherwise he would not have proposed the strange idea of ​​dragging humans into the dream world, because that is not something that the current science and technology of the ninja world can do.

In order to find out this secret, Uchiha Itachi felt that he had the responsibility to bear the humiliation. So shortly after contacting Nagato, Uchiha Itachi met with the masked man Uchiha Obito again. But even if he wanted to find out the secret of the masked man, Uchiha Itachi did not immediately say that he wanted to join the other party, but said:

"I think compared to the illusory infinite moon reading, reality is not too bad."

Today's Uchiha clan has successfully left Konoha and started a new life under the framework of the second ninja village. As the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi is in a good situation even though he faces many difficulties and challenges. At least compared to the embarrassment and despair in Konoha Village, the current Uchiha Itachi gives people a more vibrant feeling. If Uchiha Itachi said now that he wanted to join the plan of Infinite Tsukuyomi, the masked man would only think that he had ulterior motives. That's why Uchiha Itachi expressed his attitude at the same time as they met, indicating that he was not interested in Infinite Tsukuyomi now.

Obviously, Uchiha Itachi's attitude was also within Uchiha Obito's expectations. It can only be said that the little man Mutian Noguchi set a fire and disrupted everyone's layout. Uchiha Obito had just started to bewitch, and the Uchiha clan left Konoha, and Uchiha Itachi stood on the side of the clan at a critical moment. In just a few days, the situation has changed dramatically. Uchiha Obito's plan to bewitch Uchiha Itachi was completely shattered, which made Uchiha Obito obviously feel a little disappointed.

But even so, Uchiha Obito was basically satisfied with the change in the situation.

On the one hand. The Uchiha clan parted ways with Konoha, and Konoha's strength suffered a huge blow. In the future, whether it is to capture the Nine-Tailed Fox or other tailed beasts, the difficulty will be reduced a lot.

On the other hand, the establishment of the Second Ninja Village gave Akatsuki a platform to infiltrate the Land of Fire, and the Uchiha clan also became a quasi-ally of Akatsuki. In the future, both the Land of Fire and the Uchiha clan will be excellent chess pieces. It will be much easier to steal the Sharingan from the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, when Konoha suffered such a blow, Sarutobi Hiruzen still sat firmly on the throne of Hokage. As long as Sarutobi Hiruzen continues to serve as Hokage, the contradictions within Konoha will become increasingly acute. In the future, once the ninjas of Konoha encounter difficulties in the village, they may directly jump to the Second Ninja Village. After all, this is also a ninja village in the Land of Fire, and it is not considered a rebellion to defect here.

It can be said that from the overall development of the situation, Akatsuki is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this incident. As a secret supporter of Akatsuki, Uchiha Obito is obviously very happy with this change. In comparison, Uchiha Itachi's alienation is not a big loss. And even when facing Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito has his own opinion. Then he said calmly:

"Since you choose reality, I respect your decision. The Infinite Tsukuyomi plan that I want to promote respects everyone's freedom. Whether it is you or others, they have the right to choose dreams or reality. I just hope that when those who are disappointed with reality choose dreams, you don't stop them."

Hearing Uchiha Obito say that the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan actually fully respects personal freedom, Uchiha Itachi was a little curious and said:

"If someone is disappointed with dreams and wants to return to reality, the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan will be implemented.

Can you do it?"

"In theory, it is possible, but I believe that as long as people experience the beauty of dreams, they will not choose reality." Uchiha Obito said firmly.

Is it true?

Not only can you freely choose whether to enter the dream, but you can also choose to return to reality after entering the dream. Is infinite Tsukuyomi that good?

However, this question only existed in Uchiha Itachi's mind for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. Because if infinite Tsukuyomi is really that good, this masked man doesn't need to hide at all. He can stand up and promote the concept of infinite Tsukuyomi to everyone, and then there will definitely be many people supporting him.

As for Uchiha Itachi's thoughts, Uchiha Obito actually guessed eight out of ten. However, Uchiha Obito did not continue to explain, because Uchiha Itachi has just left Konoha, and his relationship with the Akatsuki organization is not too close. At this time, it is appropriate to leave a lingering feeling in the words. It is the right choice to let Uchiha Itachi start his own association.

Because when the Akatsuki organization is preparing to collect the tailed beasts in the future, Uchiha Itachi will probably think of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan in an instant. He thinks that Nagato is collecting the tailed beasts to achieve peace through military deterrence, while he wants to use the energy of the tailed beasts to create Infinite Tsukuyomi and eliminate conflicts through dreams. One of them conquers the world through power, and the other conquers the world through dreams. Only by taking a two-pronged approach can a peaceful world be brought about.

In this way, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito ended their meeting. But after they left each other, the same idea came into their minds:

If the Infinite Tsukuyomi is really that free, the world will definitely become more peaceful, right?

The sudden change in the situation caught too many people off guard. Unexpectedly. The contact between Danzo and Orochimaru, the alliance between Shokuhou Misaki and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the hypocrisy between Uchiha Itachi and the Akatsuki organization, all the forces related to the changes are adjusting quickly after the changes, striving to welcome the new era in the best state.

When everyone barely completed the adjustment, the third round of the Chunin Exam was finally about to begin. As one of the candidates for this Chunin Exam, Shokuhou Misaki can finally do her job after a series of planning and decision-making, and participate in the Chunin Exam as a Konoha Genin.

At this time, the venue of the Chunin Exam was still as lively as before. The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was still high above, smiling at the people below. Sitting next to him was Konoha's ally, the Kazekage Rasa of Sunagakure.

According to the relationship between Konoha and Sunagakure According to the covenant of the two ninja villages, the two ninja villages will hold a Chunin exam every six months, and the location of the Chunin exam will be rotated in the two ninja villages. At that time, the shadows of the two ninja villages will gather together to express a message of peace to the outside world. At the same time, the shadows of the two ninja villages will also take the opportunity of the Chunin exam to discuss each other's defense issues. So this Chunin exam can actually be regarded as a high-level meeting between the two ninja villages.

However, compared with the smiling Sarutobi Hiruzen, Luo Sha's mood is obviously not very good. On the one hand, it is because the Sand Village did not perform well in this Chunin exam. Among the 10 candidates in the third round of the Chunin exam, there are only two candidates in Sand Village, which undoubtedly reflects the huge gap in strength between Sand Village and Konoha. On the other hand, the changes in the internal situation of the Land of Fire have brought pressure to the Sand Village.

Although for Konoha, the establishment of the second ninja village means that a terrible competitor has appeared in the Land of Fire. But for the ninja villages of other countries, the second ninja village has undoubtedly greatly enhanced the strength of the Land of Fire. What worries the major ninja villages even more is that after the second ninja village, will there be a third ninja village and a fourth ninja village in the Land of Fire? After all, with the national strength of the Land of Fire, it is more than enough to support ten Konoha villages. In contrast, the impoverished Land of Wind is already struggling with just one Sand Village.

In the final analysis, the creation of the second ninja village means that the ninja world has entered a new era. From now on, the war will no longer be just about the strength of the ninja village, but the comprehensive national strength of a country. Even if Luo Sha did not realize what changes the competition of national strength would bring to the battlefield, he knew that the cannon fodder ninjas provided by the second ninja village alone could bring huge military pressure to Sand Village.

Now the only thing that Luo Sha is thankful for is that the relationship between the two major ninja villages in the Land of Fire is not harmonious, and there is still the possibility of sowing discord. If the two major ninja villages are as close as a family, then Luo Sha feels that he may be awakened by fear at night.

It was with such a heavy heart that the third round of the Chunin Exam officially began. Looking at the young candidates in the field, Luo Sha immediately focused his attention on Shokuhou Misaki. Recalling the performance of this kid in the River Country, Luo Sha once again

Luo Sha was envious of the talents of Konoha. From Konoha White Fang to the three ninjas, to Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Shisui, and finally to the current Shokuhou Misaki and Uchiha Itachi, every generation of Konoha will have amazing ninjas, which makes Luo Sha lament, why do the gods of this world love Konoha so much?

But thinking of the endings of these Konoha geniuses, Luo Sha felt much better. Thanks to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Konoha is a famous genius graveyard in the ninja world. The former prides of Konoha either died or defected, and those who stayed in Konoha Village were also playing dumb and cautious. In comparison, Luo Sha felt that their Sand Village was better, at least they were united enough internally and didn't have so many troubles.

Obviously, Luo Sha forgot that he was also a jealous person. The fate of the former Scorch Release Ninja Ye Cang was actually no different from those geniuses of Konoha.

It was during Luo Sha's thinking that the candidates for the Chunin Exam entered the examination room one by one and proved their strength through fighting with each other.

Shokuhou Misaki, who was the first to take the stage, already had the strength of a Kage, but in order to maintain her own personality, she only showed the strength of an elite Chunin. But even with such strength, it was enough to amaze the audience. After all, Hyuga Neji, who was called a genius in the original work, had only this level of strength in the Chunin Exam. Considering that Shokuhou Misaki was not from a big family in the ninja world, it was enough to amaze everyone present that she had the strength of an elite Chunin at the age of 12.

After Shokuhou Misaki, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai also appeared one after another. However, compared to Shokuhou Misaki, their strength was obviously much more mediocre. However, even so, the two defeated their opponents one after another and showed their style at the Chunin Exam venue. And compared to Shokuhou Misaki calmly accepting her victory, the two were obviously much more excited at the moment. Especially Katsumura Yota, at this time, he grasped his right hand, and felt that his long-term efforts had finally paid off.

After the two of them, another heavyweight ninja appeared. She was one of the few Uchiha clan ninjas who chose to stay in Konoha Village, Uchiha Izumi.

At this time, she was greatly stimulated by the changes in her family and the departure of Uchiha Itachi. So much so that by the time of the Chunin Exam, she had already opened the three-magatama Sharingan, and her own strength had skyrocketed to the level of a special jonin. Relying on such a strong strength, she easily defeated Shokuhou Misaki's two teammates and finally met Shokuhou Misaki in the last round of the finals.

The audience present had already been amazed at Shokuhou Misaki's strength, but they didn't expect that Uchiha Izumi's strength would be even better than Shokuhou Misaki. Especially noticing the three-magatama in Uchiha Izumi's eyes, everyone present couldn't help but wonder: After most of the Uchiha clan members left, could the remaining few clan members still burst out with extraordinary geniuses?

Among the audience, Orochimaru, who was collecting intelligence for Danzo, couldn't help but stick out his tongue when he saw Uchiha Izumi's three-magatama Sharingan, and he was coveting it. After all, even in the Uchiha clan, three-magatama Sharingan is an extremely rare resource. Not to mention that Uchiha Izumi is only 12 years old this year, such a talent can't help but make Orochimaru want to use Uchiha Izumi's body for himself.

However, thinking that he had just performed the Reincarnation of the Corpseless, he couldn't change his body for more than two years, so Orochimaru had to give up this tempting idea. At the same time, he secretly sighed at Danzo's good luck for getting such an excellent body.

While marveling at Uchiha Izumi's strength, Orochimaru set his sights on Shokuhou Misaki. At this time, Orochimaru had roughly guessed Shokuhou Misaki's purpose, and knew that Shokuhou Misaki wanted to use Sarutobi Hiruzen's power to quickly improve his status in Konoha Village. But the problem is that the status of the ninja world is linked to strength. For Shokuhou Misaki, she must win the Chunin Exam. Otherwise, even if Shokuhou Misaki has a lot of tricks, failure in the Chunin Exam will become a huge obstacle on her way forward.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru looked forward to this exam more and more. Looking at Uchiha Izumi and Shokuhou Misaki gradually approaching each other, Orochimaru said to himself:

Shokuhou-san, let me see your true strength!

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