The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

With Shokuhou Misaki's victory, this Chunin Exam ended. After the Chunin Exam, everything was just as Shokuhou Misaki had discussed with Sarutobi Hiruzen before. She became a Chunin, and her two teammates Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai also became Chunin. Of course, as Shokuhou Misaki's strongest opponent in this exam, Uchiha Izumi also became a Chunin.

For ninjas, Chunin is undoubtedly the dividing line of their careers. Because after becoming a Chunin, you can lead the team on a mission in the name of the team leader. So generally, when one person in a three-person team becomes a Chunin, the team leader will leave, and the members who become Chunin will lead the team to perform the mission. If two or three people become Chunin, the three-person team will disband. Or join other classes, or these Chunins take other Genins to perform tasks.

In short, those who become Chunins and follow Jonin teachers to perform tasks like the Twelve Little Strongmen in the original work are very rare. And the class where Shokuhou Misaki is is obviously not a rare one. So when the three students become Chunins, it is time for this class to separate.

Katsumura Yota will go to the Root with Kakashi, and Namikaze Mai will join the Anbu. The strength of the two is good among their peers, but it is still far behind the requirements of the Root and Anbu. So after receiving the notice, they both felt a little nervous. But they also knew that they were Kakashi's disciples after all. As the leader of Kakashi's Root, the two did not have to worry about how much trouble they had in their respective departments. As long as they work hard, they don't have to worry about their future.

Compared with Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai, Shokuhou Misaki performed better in this Chunin exam, so the village arranged the best for her. Although she was not assigned to a specific department, the village claimed that she would become a disciple of Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, together with Uchiha Izumi, who performed very well in this Chunin Exam.

As for whether there were other people who would become Tsunade's disciples, Shokuhou Misaki was not sure. Because in fact Tsunade did not return to Konoha, the identities of Shokuhou Misaki and Uchiha Izumi as Tsunade's disciples were claimed by the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen himself, without Tsunade's consent. Tsunade might accept Shokuhou Misaki and Uchiha Izumi for the sake of the village, but other people should not have such treatment.

After all, the Konoha ninjas of Shokuhou Misaki's generation were far less talented than the generation of the Twelve Little Strongmen. In addition to herself and Uchiha Itachi, two outliers, and Uchiha Izumi who was stimulated to open the three-magatama Sharingan, there were almost no outstanding ninjas left. If you have to say, only Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yōta are okay.

But Namikaze Mai is indifferent and lacks ambition. Katsumura Yota was born in a commoner family and lacks excellent bloodline. Both of them have great flaws and are unlikely to be favored by Tsunade. Of course, it is not ruled out that Tsunade thinks Namikaze Mai is good and accepts her as a disciple for the sake of the Fourth Hokage. But Katsumura Yota is definitely out of the game, unless he undergoes human body modification at the root, otherwise his bloodline has locked his upper limit.

In short, all of the above are just speculations by Shokuhou Misaki. And according to common sense, Shokuhou Misaki should be sent out by the village with Uchiha Izumi to invite Tsunade back to Konoha. And get Tsunade's approval in the process of invitation and become the other party's disciple. But in fact, only Uchiha Izumi went out of the village to invite Tsunade this time. Because as a newly promoted Chunin, Sarutobi Hiruzen arranged a very important task for himself.

"Snow Country?"

In the Hokage building, Shokuhou Misaki looked at the S-level task list in her hand and couldn't help but secretly said:

Hokage-sama, you really think highly of me!

I just got promoted to Chunin, and you test me with an S-level task? Which Chunin can withstand the test of an S-level mission!

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly:

"According to the information sent back by the hidden Anbu ninja, Ohnoki of Iwagakure seems to be intent on provoking civil strife in the Snow Country and then controlling the country's internal affairs. If the Snow Country really falls into the control of Iwagakure, it will be very disadvantageous to Konoha. Because in the past few years, the reason why Iwagakure has not made things difficult for us Konoha is largely because of the threat of the Snow Country in the rear."

In the original Naruto, the plot of the Snow Country comes from the theatrical version, and the story line takes place 5 years later. The reason why Iwagakure is interested in the Snow Country now is largely due to the butterfly effect of Shokuhou Misaki.

After all, in addition to being wary of the Snow Country, the Hidden Rock Village is even more wary of the Leaf Village.

And now, because of the Uchiha clan's problems, the Leaf Village has split into two major ninja villages, and there is no power to interfere with the outside world in a short period of time, which naturally gives Ohnoki the opportunity to eliminate future troubles. So when the second ninja village in the Fire Country was established, Ohnoki, as the Tsuchikage, immediately turned his attention to the Snow Country, striving to control the Snow Country in his own hands during the rare strategic opportunity period.

Facts have proved that Ohnoki's judgment was not wrong. At this time, Konoha was indeed as expected, and there was not much ability to interfere with the situation in the Snow Country. Sarutobi Hiruzen would stay in Konoha Village to stabilize the situation for any ninja with some strength. That is why he gave this task to Shokuhou Misaki, wanting to see if Shokuhou Misaki could make a big news by secretly planning and fueling the flames like in Konoha.

"Your mission this time is to sneak into the Snow Country and find a way to stop the Iwagakure Village from interfering with the Snow Country. If the Snow Country really falls into the hands of the Iwagakure Village, the national defense pressure faced by our Fire Country will inevitably increase greatly!"

As Sarutobi Hiruzen narrated, Shokuhou Misaki also looked at the map of the Ninja World. On the map, the Snow Country is located in the northwest of the entire Ninja World, and most of the country is located in the Arctic Circle. It is a bitter cold place in this Ninja World. But it is in such a place that the Snow Country has developed extremely advanced technology.

Shokuhou Misaki still remembers that in the theatrical version of Naruto, the Snow Country not only has chakra armor, airships and trains that can enhance the strength of ninjas, but also geothermal generators that can change the natural environment! To be honest, when I saw this section, Shokuhou Misaki was dumbfounded. Geothermal generator, is there such an outrageous thing in the Ninja World?

At first, Shokuhou Misaki thought that the so-called geothermal generator might just be an enhanced version of floor heating, with a limited area of ​​effect. But from the subsequent plot of the movie, Fenghua Xiaoxue's ambition to build the Snow Country into the "Spring Country" shows that this floor heating generator can really achieve the effect of changing the environment, which is really out of the ordinary!

It should be noted that changing the environment is not a trivial matter. To transform a high-altitude extremely low country into a pleasant climate, the energy required is an astronomical figure. Unless humans have achieved controlled nuclear fusion, the energy consumption of this level of environmental transformation may not be enough for the Ten-Tails.

So after traveling through time, Shokuhou Misaki has always been interested in this geothermal generator in the Snow Country. Now that she has the opportunity, she must figure out the principle of this geothermal generator. This is a Ten-Tails-level energy device, comparable to the civilization-level technology of controlled nuclear fusion, and its value to the ninja world is really too great!

After thinking about it, Shokuhou Misaki raised another question:

"The Snow Country is not only adjacent to the Earth Country, but also across the sea from the Lightning Country. There is also the Sand Village of the Wind Country, which is also the main land rival of the Rock Village. The Rock Village wants to attack the Snow Country, so don't they have any action?"

The Ninja World is not a world where the sky is round and the earth is square. The various countries in the Ninja World also exist on the same planet. Therefore, the major countries in the Ninja World are connected to each other. It is not like the map shows that the Fire Country is at the center of the world, and the other four countries exist in the four corners. In fact, many countries that seem to have no contact with each other on the map are very close to each other.

For example, the Wind Country is not only adjacent to the Fire Country and the Earth Country, but also across the sea from the Water Country. There are even many conflicts between the two countries, and it is for this reason that Ye Cang of the Sand Village died in the hands of the Mist Shadow. Otherwise, the Sand Village would not have formed an alliance with Konoha. Because the Sand Village does need an alliance with Konoha to deter the surrounding Rock Village and Mist Shadow Village.

The distance between the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning is also very close, which is why conflicts often break out between the two countries and they become each other's enemies. In addition, many islands of the Land of Water are also close to the Land of Earth, so the second generation of Tsuchikage and the second generation of Mizukage died together in the war for territory.

Therefore, in such a ninja world where one move affects the whole body, the changes in the situation in the Land of Snow cannot only cause a reaction from Konoha, and Sand Village and Cloud Village will not want Iwagakure to deal with the hidden dangers behind them. Before entering the Land of Snow, Shokuhou Misaki must first understand the reactions of the two major ninja villages.

"Among the five major ninja villages today, the Cloud Village has the best relationship with the Land of Snow. The current daimyo of the Land of Snow, Fuuka Nuto, was able to launch a rebellion and seize the position of his brother's daimyo because he received the support of the Cloud Village." Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Before Fuuka Nuto launched the rebellion, the former daimyo of the Land of Snow, Fuuka Soyuki, had already realized the danger. So he entrusted the task to our Konoha in advance, and sent his daughter to the village.

Please ask us to take care of her. The ninja who performed this task at that time was your teacher Kakashi. "

"As for Fenghua Xiaoxue who was saved by Kakashi, she has changed her name under the protection of our Konoha and lives in the Land of Fire with a new identity. It is said that she has just graduated from a middle school in the Land of Fire and seems to be interested in the film and television industry. If you want to take action in the Land of Snow, you can start with this Fenghua Xiaoxue. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen said it very tactfully, "entrust his daughter to Konoha for care." The actual situation is clear to everyone. As a princess, Fuuka Koyuki is the hostage of the Snow Country and a tool used by Konoha to interfere in the situation in the Snow Country. But now, this hostage has not yet come into play.

Konoha does not need to control the Snow Country now, nor does it have the power of the Snow Country. On the contrary, Konoha at this time needs to consolidate the power of the traitor Fuuka Nutao, so that he can better fight against the Hidden Rock Village. After all, the Snow Country and Konoha are separated by 108,000 miles. No matter how strong the Snow Country is, it cannot threaten Konoha, but will improve Konoha's diplomatic environment.

So after listening to the situation in the Snow Country, Shokuhou Misaki shook her head and said:

"The Snow Country does not need Princess Fuuka Koyuki now. The legal heir of a daimyo will only bring chaos to the Snow Country."

"But if you don't use Princess Fuuka Koyuki, how are you going to interfere in the Snow Country? "Sarutobi Hiruzen said puzzledly:

"You have to know that we Konoha will not interfere in other countries' internal affairs casually. Especially now that the internal situation of the Fire Country is very tense, there can be no major problems outside. If you don't use Fenghana Koyuki, you must conceal your identity as a Konoha ninja. But in this case, how can you play a role in the Snow Country? Do you rely on your mere Chunin strength?"

"Don't worry about it." Shokuhou Misaki said confidently:

"In many cases, strength is not the main factor that determines the development of the situation. As long as there are enough forces involved in the game of Snow Country, I am confident that I can unite the forces of all parties and turn Snow Country into the imperial graveyard of Iwagakure! "

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's confident face, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again lamented that he was getting old. He remembered that when he was young, he was also like Shokuhou Misaki now. Even though he was still very weak, he had a fearless spirit. On the contrary, he became timid as he got older and stronger.

"In that case, let me wait and see in Konoha Village!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Let's see if you, who claims to become Hokage within 5 years, can rely on the strength of a Chunin level to make the Iwagakure Village fail in the Snow Country! ”

Just like that, Shokuhou Misaki, who accepted the mission of Snow Country, left the Hokage's office. Then, she began to prepare for going to Snow Country. But before leaving Konoha, Shokuhou Misaki still had one thing to deal with, that is, to attend the farewell party with Katsumura Yota and others.

After all, they were classmates who had grown up together, and Shokuhou Misaki had a deep relationship with Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai. Now that everyone has become a Chunin, it's time to go their separate ways, and everyone feels a little sad. Especially Namikaze Mai, looking at Katsumura Yota who is about to join the root, she feels very uncomfortable. Because she knows that Katsumura Yota joined the root for her.

As a ninja from a civilian background, Katsumura Yota would never be a powerful ninja under normal circumstances. That's why he joined the root. He wanted to gain strength in the deepest darkness of Konoha and try to control this darkness. This boy named "Sun" threw himself into the darkness for his beloved, just to gain the power to protect important people.

It was also felt that Katsumura Yota With the determination of Kakashi, Mai Namikaze also made a decision secretly. She wanted to become stronger, as strong as Kakashi, and become the best ninja in the Anbu. She wanted to know the reason why the Namikaze clan was targeted by the Konoha high-level officials, and she wanted to change from being protected to protecting others. Her parents, her family, and her companions should all be protected by herself. If she only thought about relying on others, Mai Namikaze herself would look down on herself.

In such a complicated thought, this farewell banquet ended. Although everyone was forcing themselves to laugh at the banquet, everyone was actually in a heavy mood. Because this is a ninja. The so-called ninja is never the kind of person who is in the light. Everyone is destined to carry something.

It was also when Shokuhou Misaki was about to leave Konoha that Uchiha Izumi, who was looking for Tsunade's trace, met Orochimaru outside Konoha Village. With Uchiha Izumi's strength, she was no match for Orochimaru at all, so she was easily captured by the other party in the underground base and brought to Danzo. Looking at the lively Uchiha Izumi in front of him,

clan body, Orochimaru said:

"This is an excellent body with the three Magatama Sharingan. Danzo-sama, you have really earned it!"

Danzo was also very satisfied with Uchiha Izumi's body. After a brief inspection, he began to reincarnate with the help of Orochimaru. But during the reincarnation process, Danzo suddenly discovered that his own soul seemed unable to swallow Uchiha Izumi's soul. On the contrary, relying on the power of the three Magatama Sharingan, the opponent even began to erode his own soul.

What exactly is going on?

In such panic, Danzo's soul could only seal Uchiha Izumi's soul through the sealing technique. In this way, although he barely controlled Uchiha Izumi's body, Uchiha Izumi's soul has been attacking the seal in his body, always ready to take back the body that originally belonged to him.

Seeing that Danzo almost overturned in taking the body of the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru on the side was also frightened, thinking that it was better to ask Danzo to help him, otherwise things would be in trouble.

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