The debate was a climax, and the two sides finally came to an end.

In the previous debate with Ohnoki, Shokuhou Misaki could only draw with the other party by diverting the focus due to the limitation of her identity as a Konoha ninja. Now that she is wearing the vest of "Uchiha Madara", Shokuhou Misaki can finally fully exert her debating ability. As expected, in front of Shokuhou Misaki who is full of mouth power, Ohnoki is not an opponent at all.

After being fooled by "Uchiha Madara", Ohnoki has realized the problem of the ninja world. That is, a small number of people have mastered most of the chakra, and most people have no power to resist the violence monopolized by this small number of people. As long as this point is not solved, no matter what kind of order the ninja world changes into, its essence will be the tyranny of the minority over the majority.

And from this point of view, Hashirama Senju even did a good thing.

Because he made the five major ninja villages in the ninja world enemies of each other, preventing the ninjas from joining hands to exploit the majority of the ninja world. Imagine if the ninjas in the ninja world were really united, would there be any other force in the ninja world that could compete with them? And such a ninja group without checks and balances will only deteriorate rapidly under the influence of time, and eventually turn the entire ninja world into an unprecedented hell.

What is even more frightening to Ohnoki is that this tyranny of the minority over the majority seems to be an unsolvable problem. Because even if it is not the ninjas but the daimyo or scientists who control most of the chakra, the essence of this problem has not changed. Because natural energy is limited, chakra is destined to play its greatest role only when it is concentrated in a small number of people.

Thinking of this, Ohnoki couldn't help but sigh:

Chakra is indeed an evil force!

It makes most people in the ninja world lose the possibility of controlling their destiny, and makes the ninja world destined to be controlled by only a few elites.

"The essence of chakra is the error of heaven and earth, the loophole of the universe." "Uchiha Madara" said again:

"In a normal world, there should be no such thing as chakra. And the influence of chakra on the world is not just as simple as elitism. In fact, due to its strong stability and compatibility, chakra will inevitably continue to gather. For example, the daimyo of the Snow Country, Fuuka Nutao, will he stop asking for chakra after he becomes a monster?"

"Absolutely not."

"Because the desires of the human heart are unlimited, so are people's demands for chakra. Maybe Fuuka Nutao just wanted to become a daimyo at first, but after becoming a daimyo, he would want to become the overlord of the ninja world, and after becoming the overlord, he would also think about unifying the ninja world, and finally Later, he even wanted to live forever and become a god. "

"Desire will continue to grow with the increase of chakra, and the growth of chakra will in turn give rise to people's greater desire. Under the interaction of desire and chakra, people like Fenghana Nutao will only continue to pursue more chakra and will never stop. "

"And as he grows, the possibility of other people in the ninja world wanting to stop him will become less and less. It can be imagined that people like Fenghana Nutao will eventually eat up all the natural energy in the ninja world, and then go to other planets to devour more chakra, never stopping. "

Hearing the deduction of "Uchiha Madara", Ohnoki finally realized how terrible chakra is.

Because chakra will not only cause a small number of elites to monopolize secular power, but also create an unprecedented dictator. The order in which 100,000 ninjas decide the fate of the ninja world is just the primary posture of the chakra society. With the pursuit of desire by people's hearts, the ninja world will inevitably have a terrible future in which one person controls all chakra.

Faced with this monster who controls all the chakras in the ninja world by himself, the people in the ninja world have no power to resist him. Because the chakras of all the people in the ninja world gathered together are not as good as a tiny bit of that one person. This absolute monopoly of power will only lead to the demise of the ninja world!

"Is this the so-called dusk?" Ohnoki murmured.

At this time, Ohnoki has realized the reason why "Uchiha Madara" created the "Twilight Hermit Society".

That is to prevent the inevitable chakra monopolist in the future and delay the arrival of the dusk of the ninja world.

"Yes, this is dusk, and it is also the future that the ninja world will inevitably face. Just as the sun in the sky will inevitably rise in the east and set in the west, the gathering of chakra is also an inevitable trend of history. In the future, the ninja world will inevitably give birth to a dictator who monopolizes all chakras. This

It is an irreversible fact. "

"Uchiha Madara" seemed to be sighing, but there was a little firmness in his sigh. It was this firmness that made Ohnoki realize the possible ambition of "Uchiha Madara".

"Uchiha Madara, do you want to become the dictator who will inevitably appear and monopolize all chakras?"

"Hehe..." Hearing Ohnoki's answer, "Uchiha Madara" chuckled, and then said frankly:

"So what?"

"Then I will stop you even if I risk my life!"

Even though he was afraid of Uchiha Madara's strength, Ohnoki no longer had any fear in his heart, only an unyielding determination.

"Do you think you can stop me if you risk your life? "

Of course, it can't be stopped.

As an old man in the ninja world, although Ohnoki has never seen the strength of Uchiha Madara in his prime, he also knows that it is not a force that he can match. In Ohnoki's view, unless more than two-digit shadow-level strongmen are sent at one time, there is no possibility of winning the battle with Uchiha Madara.

But the question is, are there so many shadow-level strongmen in the ninja world today?

Maybe. But these shadow-level strongmen will never join forces!

So as long as Uchiha Madara recovers his former strength, it is almost inevitable that he will become a chakra monopolist.

Thinking of this, Ohnoki felt a burst of despair. But at this moment, "Uchiha Madara" said:

"If I were you, I would never fight me at the risk of my life. Because only the stupidest people will bet everything on desperately. As a Tsuchikage, your best way is actually to use the geothermal generation device of the Snow Country to mass-produce monsters like Yatagarasu. As long as the number of monsters is large enough, even I in my prime may not be an opponent. "

"Uchiha Madara" spoke in a calm tone, but it made Ohnoki feel even more desperate. Because Uchiha Madara used to like this. When the enemy thought there was hope, he would crush the hope with absolute strength, thus making the enemy fall into deeper despair. Although "Uchiha Madara"'s approach at this time was much more restrained than before, it was still the same in essence.

But in the deeper despair, Ohnoki finally realized that something was wrong. If Uchiha Madara really wanted to become the only one who monopolized all chakras, Why did he set up the "Twilight Hermits"?

With his strength, he could easily achieve all his goals after the death of the first Hokage!

What made him choose to lie dormant?

What made Uchiha Madara set up a secret organization like the Hermits?

This practice of controlling everything in secret is not in line with Uchiha Madara's usual arrogant and domineering style.

Thinking of this, Ohnoki finally realized the truth of the matter:

"Is there someone else who wants to monopolize all the chakras in the ninja world?"

Until this time, "Uchiha Madara" nodded and said:


"Who is it?"

"That's not something you can know now."

"Is it only if I join the Twilight Hermits that you can tell me the true identity of that person?"

"When you appear here to meet me, you are already a member of the Twilight Hermits. Of course, you can also choose to refuse my invitation, or even expose the organization's information to the ninja world. I don't mind what you will do, because in my plan, no one is indispensable. "

"Uchiha Madara"'s tone was still calm, but the pressure on Ohnoki became even greater!

This is definitely Uchiha Madara, and it is Uchiha Madara who has been tempered by time. He is still so domineering in his bones, even more domineering than before. He doesn't care about the actions of others at all, because he is confident that no one can escape his control. Such domineering is much more terrifying than his previous publicity!

"Since I am already a member of the Twilight Hermit Society, why are you still unwilling to tell me the true identity of that person?"

"Because..." At this point, "Uchiha Madara"'s expression became unprecedentedly solemn:

"Everyone who says it must be known!"

Everyone who says it must be known?

Like Uchiha Fugaku, Ohnoki, who heard this sentence for the first time, was also shocked by the prestige of this sentence.

"Everything in the ninja world is under the control of that person, and the thinking of everyone in the ninja world is under the control of that person. Except for me who is lingering in the ninja world as a residual consciousness, no one's thinking can escape the monitoring of that person. So I can't tell you the information of that person, and I can't even tell you the purpose of that person. Because when you know that person, that person will know you. If you want to stop that person, that person will attack you in return. "


"Uchiha Madara" his tone became more and more solemn, and Ohnoki on the opposite side was already frightened by the description of "Uchiha Madara".

After living for so many years, Ohnoki never knew that a person could be so terrifying. "Everyone who speaks must be known", even the inner thoughts are under the control of the other party. This person has such terrible strength, what is the difference between him and a god?

Is this the strength of a chakra monopolist?

How much chakra has this person monopolized?

"Is this the real twilight that the ninja world is facing?" Ohnoki murmured.


"So that's it, I understand. "

As Tsuchikage, Ohnoki is not a fool. If everything Uchiha Madara said just now is true, then the purpose of Uchiha Madara pulling him to join the Twilight Hermits Society couldn't be simpler.

That is, he hopes that he can let the scientists of the Snow Country go, leaving the geothermal generator as a backup for the ninja world.

At the same time, "Uchiha Madara" also hopes that Ohnoki can secretly accumulate strength as a Tsuchikage and prepare for the future twilight.

And Ohnoki has no reason to refuse. Because from the beginning, he was not prepared to kill all the scientists of the Snow Country. After all, now The Hidden Rock Village was in a period of transition, so Ohnoki naturally had to leave some trump cards for the Hidden Rock Village.

Of course, Ohnoki knew that "Uchiha Madara" wanted more. If the purpose of leaving scientists in the Hidden Rock Village was just to preserve the manufacturing technology of the geothermal generator, then "Uchiha Madara" obviously hoped that the geothermal generator could be innovated and become more powerful than it is now. And this was obviously beyond Ohnoki's ability.

So after thinking for a while, Ohnoki said:

"Although I really want to contribute to the future when we face the dusk, I can't make decisions on the affairs of the Snow Country alone. Because I am only the Tsuchikage, I don't have the ability to guide the development of a country."

Hearing Ohnoki's words, "Uchiha Madara" said calmly:

"I know about this, so I have made arrangements from the beginning."

What, you have made arrangements from the beginning?

Then, in Ohnoki's surprised eyes, a person appeared in this illusion space.

"It's you? "

Looking at Hatsuharu Shikiri in front of him, Ohnoki felt as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

The ruler of the Snow Country whom he had finally chosen turned out to be someone that "Uchiha Madara" had already arranged?

After meeting again, Hatsuharu Shikiri was no longer as timid as before. She bowed to Ohnoki calmly and said:

"Lord Tsuchikage, long time no see."

"You are actually a member of the Twilight Hermits?"


"When did it happen?"

"From the beginning."

From the beginning, doesn't that mean?

"Yes, my meeting with you was just a task assigned by Lord Madara."

I see, how could a person like Hatsuharu Shikiri suddenly appear in the Snow Country? It turns out that everything was arranged.

"Since you were arranged, who else was arranged? "Speaking of this, Ohnoki looked at "Uchiha Madara" and said:

"I think in this huge country of snow, you don't only have two chess pieces, Hatsuharu Shiki and Shokuhou Misaki?"

"Of course not."

"Uchiha Madara" smiled and shook his head, and then Ohnoki saw another old acquaintance coming out of the illusion.

"Red Sand Scorpion, even you are a member of the Dusk Hermit Society?"

Ohnoki just felt that the stimulation he received today was too great!

The three biggest beneficiaries of the Snow Country incident, Shokuhou Misaki, Hatsuharu Shiki and Red Sand Scorpion...

are all members of the Dusk Hermit Society!

It turns out that the three major ninja villages fought in the Snow Country for a long time, and each of them was severely injured, and all the benefits were taken by the Dusk Hermit Society!

"As expected of Uchiha Madara, as expected of Uchiha Madara! "

Onoki sighed like this, but thought to himself:

I wonder how many members of the Twilight Hermits are in the ninja world?

It's not possible that there are a large group of ninjas in our Iwagakure Village, and they are members of the Twilight Hermits, right?

Obviously, at this moment, Onoki has some stress response syndrome caused by Shokuhou Misaki, and feels that the ninja world is full of people from the Twilight Hermits. After all, Shokuhou Misaki is a member of the Twilight Hermits in Konoha, Scorpion is a member of the Twilight Hermits in the Akatsuki organization, and Hatsuharu Shiki is a member of the Twilight Hermits in the Snow Country. The Twilight Hermits must have corresponding arrangements in other ninja villages.

At this time, Scorpion also had the same idea as Onoki.

After the incident in the Snow Country, Scorpion finally made a choice and officially joined the Twilight Hermits.

Then, he met "Uchiha Madara" in the illusion space.

Of course, Saku

As a famous traitor in the ninja world, Scorpion naturally would not easily believe that the guy who appeared in the illusion would be the Warring States Rose who once dominated the ninja world. But this did not prevent Scorpion from showing an incredible shock on his face when he first met "Uchiha Madara".

Later, Scorpion watched "Uchiha Madara" meet with Tsuchikage Ohnoki. Then, as one of the strongest people in the ninja world, Tsuchikage was like a primary school student in front of "Uchiha Madara". On the surface, he held his head high, but in fact he was panicking. This made Scorpion completely sure that the man in the illusion was Uchiha Madara.

Then, what shocked Scorpion even more came.

"Uchiha Madara" first talked about his views on the situation in the ninja world, but these were completely meaningless in Scorpion's eyes. Because he considered himself an artist pursuing eternity, he had no interest in national ninja villages. But Scorpion was panicked by the concept of chakra monopolists mentioned by "Uchiha Madara".

Because with Scorpion's intelligence, he knew that as long as he gained eternal life, he would have to face this chakra monopolist in the future. Because this is the inevitable trend of the development of the ninja world, as long as the power of chakra is still there, no one can stop it. So after "Uchiha Madara" proposed the concept of monopolist, Scorpion's first thought was:

In order to achieve eternity, I must become this monopolist.

Then, Scorpion, who had just set a great ambition, was confused by the truth. It turned out that the ninja world already had a monopolist, and this monopolist also monitored everything in the ninja world! Even people's thoughts and every move were under the surveillance of that person.

How could he play with this?

Finally, the scheming of "Uchiha Madara" made him feel a little scared again.

So many things that happened in the Snow Country recently were actually under the control of this "Uchiha Madara". Because the three biggest beneficiaries of the Snow Country incident were all his "Uchiha Madara" people.

And not only that, this Shokuhou Misaki is likely to be the Hokage of Konoha in the future, and Hatsuharu Shiki will be the future ruler of the Snow Country, plus Ohnoki, the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure, and himself, a member of the Akatsuki organization...

Unconsciously, "Uchiha Madara" has actually got his hands on nearly half of the forces in the ninja world.

Moreover, Scorpion also knows that the people who appeared in front of him are definitely not all members of the Twilight Hermits, and he is more confident than Ohnoki in this regard. Because he knows that Kabuto Yakushi, a first-class spy in the ninja world, is also a member of the Twilight Hermits.

Thinking of this, Scorpion suddenly began to feel extremely fortunate that he was also a member of this mysterious organization. If he was not, and the Twilight Hermits wanted to deal with him, then with the power of this organization, I am afraid that I would not know how I died. Just like the ninjas from the three major ninja villages who died in the Snow Country, they didn't know until they died that it was the layout of the Twilight Hermits that caused their deaths.

In this way, the first gathering of members of the Twilight Hermits ended.

As important members of the Twilight Hermits, Tsuchikage Ohnoki and Scorpion would not know that the entire Twilight Hermits actually only had three people. As for "Hatsuharu Shikiri" and "Uchiha Madara", they were just clones created by Shokuhou Misaki using virtual personalities.

After the meeting, Shokuhou Misaki arranged a White Zetsu for Ohnoki and Scorpion respectively, and said to them:

"This is the creation of the sacred tree, and it also contains the cells of the first generation of Hokage. That adult has injected his spirit into these White Zetsu, so you can establish contact with him at any time through these White Zetsu."

Hearing that this White Zetsu was so precious and even contained the cells of the first generation of Hokage, Ohnoki was naturally overjoyed and wanted to let the scientists of Iwagakure study the White Zetsu immediately. But after the excitement, Ohnoki also knew that this White Zetsu was also Uchiha Madara's surveillance of him. If he dared to defy his will, the Twilight Hermits would never spare him.

Thinking about the means that Uchiha Madara showed in the Land of Snow, Ohnoki knew that even if he was the Tsuchikage, he might not be the opponent of the Twilight Hermits. Not to mention that the unknown chakra monopolist was secretly spying on everything in the ninja world, which made Ohnoki more and more aware of the seriousness of the situation. As the Tsuchikage, he must do everything to protect his own ninja village.

Unlike Ohnoki, the moment he saw White Zetsu, Sasori was once again surprised by Uchiha Madara's magical powers.

It turned out that the mysterious Zetsu in the Akatsuki organization was also a member of the Twilight Hermits!

Who else in this world is not a member of the Twilight Hermits?

It's not that the entire Akatsuki organization is a member of the Twilight Hermits!

With surprise and fear, Ohnoki and Sasori left, leaving Shokuhou Misaki alone standing on the snowy field of the Land of Snow, thinking secretly.

In fact, at the beginning, Shokuhou Misaki

She did not intend to expose the Twilight Hermits, nor did she intend to bring an old fox like Ohnoki into the Twilight Hermits. But watching the events of the River Country re-enacted in the Snow Country, Shokuhou Misaki had no choice but to take a risky move and try to use the tiger skin of "Uchiha Madara" to intimidate Ohnoki, the purpose of which was naturally to leave some hope for the country of Snow.

And now it seems that Shokuhou Misaki's goal has been achieved.

Because of the intimidation of "Uchiha Madara" and the Twilight Hermits, Ohnoki should not kill all the intellectuals in the Snow Country. But even so, those who have been killed will never come back. And in the future, there will inevitably be many people in the Snow Country who will die at the hands of the butchers of the Hidden Rock Village because of the knowledge they possess.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki looked at the snowfield not far away. Looking at the cold corpses lying there, Shokuhou Misaki could not help but sigh, and felt more and more powerless in her heart.

The reason why he was so clumsy in the Snow Country and why he always used the name "Uchiha Madara" to do things was that he was not strong enough. If he was a Beyonder above Sequence 2, he would not need to make so many plans and could just do whatever he wanted.

That is why Shokuhou Misaki made up her mind to be promoted to Sequence 3 as soon as possible.

Only in this way can she prevent possible tragedies in the future and change this tragic ninja world!

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