The next morning after meeting Tsunade, Shokuhou Misaki arrived at the entrance of the newly established development department of Konoha.

What she didn't expect was that Danzo, who occupied Uchiha Izumi's body, came earlier than her. Although on the surface Danzo tried his best to restrain his inner excitement and pretended to be indifferent. But in front of Shokuhou Misaki, this cover-up is meaningless. Obviously, Danzo has been almost suffocated for the past six months.

After all, before taking Uchiha Izumi's body, Danzo was the high-ranking leader of the root and the elder of Konoha. Even facing Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage, he has the confidence to compete. But since she became "Uchiha Izumi", she changed from the high and mighty elder of Konoha to a lowly Chunin of the Uchiha clan.

Although Uchiha Izumi's status in Konoha is good compared to most people. But compared with the status of Danzo in the past, which was second only to one person and above ten thousand people, the gap between the two is like a world of difference. Especially as a Chunin, Uchiha Izumi has no power at all, which makes Danzo feel even more miserable.

It should be said that Danzo's mentality now is like Sarutobi Hiruzen who became the Hokage for the second time.

When they were in power before, they did not realize how important power was. When power really disappeared, they realized how precious they had lost. So when they had the opportunity to grasp power again, they all wanted to hold power firmly in their hands. Not to mention that Danzo has no power at all at the moment.

It is because of this kind of madness after loss that Danzo left so many flaws in the process of playing Uchiha Izumi. This is not just a problem of Danzo's acting skills. More importantly, as a long-time superior, Danzo cannot tolerate himself as just an ordinary Chunin.

The power of Konoha's high-level officials not only alienated Sarutobi Hiruzen, but Danzo also lost himself under the erosion of power. So when Shokuhou Misaki invited her to become an assistant in the development department, Danzo chose to agree without much thought. He was completely unaware of how obvious his abnormal behavior was in the eyes of those who cared.

"Good morning, Shokuhou classmate."

After half a year of acting, Danzo can already show a sweet girl's smile through Uchiha Izumi's body.

But in the eyes of Shokuhou Misaki, who is a sequence 4 audience, it is an old man in his seventies who is playing a role in reverse, which is a huge impact on both the body and the mind. In other words, Shokuhou Misaki's ability is provided by the system. If it is the extraordinary ability of the original Ke system, even if Shokuhou Misaki does not lose control on the spot, her mind will be seriously polluted.

"Good morning, Izumi."

Resisting her nausea, Shokuhou Misaki smiled and said hello, then said:

"I remember you studied medical ninjutsu from teacher Tsunade for a while last night, and you came to the development department this morning without stopping. Can your body handle such hard work?"

Of course I can! I'm tired of being looked down upon as an ordinary Chunin!

Danzo roared in his heart, but said righteously:

"It is the responsibility of every Konoha ninja to contribute to the development of the village. Compared with this, what is physical fatigue? In fact, after receiving the invitation from Shokuhou, I am now thinking about how to develop Konoha even when I sleep!"

"You even think about contributing to the village when you sleep? Izumi, you are really amazing. I see the shining will of fire in you!"

Shokuhou Misaki complimented, and then walked into the door of the development department with Danzo.

The urban planning of Konoha is a mess, and even the construction level of the Hokage Building is not very good. Therefore, the development department's residence is not a glamorous place, and the office scene inside is also very simple. But it is this kind of place that makes Danzo next to her happy, because she once again feels the taste of power, even if this power is only an assistant in the development department.

Unlike the excited Danzo, Shokuhou Misaki was speechless when she saw the scene in the development department. Just because the development department's office is full of various documents at this moment, and even the ground is messy with cigarette butts and various garbage. Obviously, this department did not have qualified management capabilities in the past, so that even the sanitation of the development department is a mess.

Xiao He said it well: Without magnificence, there is no power. Don't think that superficial work is not important. In fact, if a system does not even value superficial work, then

This system is completely rotten. The current situation of the development department undoubtedly shows one thing, that this department is managed in a mess, and no one is responsible for even such a simple thing as cleaning.

"Who managed the development department in the past?"

Faced with Shokuhou Misaki's question, Danzo on the side immediately said:

"The development department is a newly established department. In the past, it was managed by the Hokage himself. As for the specific person in charge of the development department, it is Senior Noji Roe. He is a special ninja of Konoha. He has participated in two ninja world wars and has made many contributions to the village."

Oh, Noji Roe... I haven't heard of him. He is probably just a mixed-up senior.

By the way, you, Danzo, know the development department quite well. It seems that you have been keeping an eye on this department for a long time!

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki said again:

"What about Senior Nojiroe?"

"He should not be at work yet? After all, it's not even 9 o'clock yet. The office hours of various departments in Konoha are generally after 9:30 in the morning. As for purely government departments like the Development Department, they may have to wait until 10 to officially start work."

10 o'clock? Yes, it seems that the civil servants in Konoha are very idle!

Senior Nojiroe probably regards the Development Department as a place for retirement!

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki shook her head helplessly.

She is not the kind of bastard who regards 996 as a blessing, nor does she think that it is a wrong concept for the older generation of Konoha ninjas to regard civil service positions as a retirement department. After all, they have experienced two ninja world wars, and they should enjoy themselves.

But the problem is that the Development Department is not a clean office for retirement!

Even if Shokuhou Misaki, the director of the Development Department, is not mentioned, the authority and responsibility of the Development Department do not allow the staff of this department to drink tea and retire. After all, Konoha now has so many urban planning problems. A large number of Konoha villagers are eager for a better living environment. Sarutobi Hiruzen has proposed a three-year development deadline, and the major families are coveting the development department...

There are so many problems and such a great responsibility! Such a development department really does not allow such lazy ninjas.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki guessed that Noji Rowei might also know that the development department is important, but he himself is a special ninja without a backstage. So even if he manages the daily affairs of the development department, Noji Rowei chose to lie down. Because he has no confidence to give orders in the development department, and he is worried that his actions will attract hostility from some people.

If this is true, then Noji Rowei is also a smart person.

Without a backstage, at least you won't make mistakes if you don't do anything, but if you work hard, you will become the target of public criticism.

Thinking about the truth of the matter in her heart, Shokuhou Misaki walked to the aisle and picked up a broom.

"Shokuhou-san, what are you doing?"


"Cleaning?" Danzo asked in surprise:

"Is this what Shokuhou-san, as the head of the development department, should do?"

"What else? There is no staff in the development department except the security guard. If I don't clean, will you do it alone?" Shokuhou Misaki said as a matter of course.

"I, do I have to clean too?"

Looking at Danzo, who was occupying Uchiha Izumi's body, with a surprised look on his face, Shokuhou Misaki knew that this guy had long been accustomed to being high and mighty, and had never touched the water of spring spring! So much so that she instinctively wanted to resist such a simple thing as cleaning, because she felt that doing such a humble thing would damage her status.

Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

He doesn't have much ability, but he is quite a big boss. No wonder he has been doing dirty work all his life!

After saying that, Shokuhou Misaki didn't care about the surprised Danzo, and she cleaned up on her own. Danzo, who was standing by, couldn't just stand there and clean up the development building with Shokuhou Misaki. It was also during the cleaning process that Shokuhou Misaki used her ability to observe Danzo's mental state in detail.

During the continuous observation, Shokuhou Misaki discovered a surprising fact:

This guy played Uchiha Izumi for half a year, but his schizophrenia was not very serious? This is unreasonable!

It was not the first time that Shokuhou Misaki saw someone use the Reincarnation of the Corpse to seize the body of another person. When she saw Orochimaru before, she found that his mind became twisted and weird. Obviously, after seizing the body of another person, Orochimaru also devoured the soul of the original owner of that body. As a result, Orochimaru himself became a mental stitching monster, and his self was affected to a certain extent.

However, because Orochimaru has been acting as himself, his self-awareness has not been shaken much. Even though his physical appearance has changed dramatically, Orochimaru still firmly knows that he is Orochimaru.

But Danzo

Unlike Orochimaru.

For the past six months, Danzo has been acting as Uchiha Izumi. Playing another person for a long time, even the body is that person's body. If it were an ordinary person, this situation would cause serious psychological problems. Not to mention that after performing the Undead Reincarnation, Danzo should have devoured Uchiha Izumi's soul.

At this moment, Danzo is just like the extraordinary person who used the role-playing method to digest the potion in the secret. Uchiha Izumi's soul is the potion, and Uchiha Izumi's identity is the object of Danzo's role-playing. After such a long period of role-playing, coupled with the joint action of the soul and the body, the self named "Uchiha Izumi" should continue to revive in Danzo's body.

So according to common sense, Danzo should have split into two personalities at this moment.

But the problem is that Danzo does have certain psychological problems now, but this problem is completely different from Shokuhou Misaki's speculation. Danzo's current schizophrenia is actually the female side of Danzo's own personality, which has nothing to do with Uchiha Izumi. This is obviously unreasonable.

Could it be that Danzo did not devour Uchiha Izumi's soul?

It is possible, after all, the Uchiha clan is not an ordinary ninja. In addition, Uchiha Izumi has opened the three-magatama Sharingan, and his spirit is much tougher than that of ordinary ninjas. In this case, Danzo's old soul may not be her opponent. Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki began to continue to delve into the surrounding subconscious ocean, constantly looking for traces of Uchiha Izumi's soul.

While she was constantly searching, a commotion came from the gate of the development department.

"Noji Rowei, get out of here!"

Who is it, so energetic early in the morning?

Shokuhou Misaki stopped cleaning and walked straight out of the door of the development department. Seeing this, Danzo on the side couldn't wait to throw away the mop in his hand and followed Shokuhou Misaki to the door of the development department. It was seen that the ninja standing at the door of the development department and shouting was a ninja from the Inuzuka clan. A big wolfhound followed him. Amid the wolfhound's roar, the Inuzuka clan ninja shouted at the gate of the development department:

"What does this development blueprint mean? Why do we, the Inuzuka clan, have to stay in the corners of the village? And the Ino, Shika and Chou clans can live in the most prosperous city center! Are we the Inuzuka clan the sons of bitches? Are the Ino, Shika and Chou clans nobler than us?"

Obviously, the Inuzuka clan was very dissatisfied with the new development plan of the village. Because in the latest development blueprint, the Inuzuka clan was arranged in the remote northeast corner, where both life and employment were difficult. In contrast, the Ino, Shika and Chou clans were arranged in the center of the most prosperous village. In this area, even the rent of the store is several times more expensive than other places in Konoha.

Obviously, the Inuzuka clan and the Ino, Shika and Chou clans are not much different in terms of family size, but the treatment of the village is very different. In this way, the Inuzuka clan is obviously not convinced. But they also knew that this blueprint was arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and their Inuzuka clan did not have the courage to challenge the Hokage. That's why they went to the entrance of the development department to make trouble and vent their anger on Nojiro.

Then, a new family came to the entrance of the development department to make trouble. This time, the trouble was more serious than the Inuzuka clan, because this time it was a ninja from the Hyuga clan. Although the ninja had the branch family curse seal engraved on his head, it can be known from the fierce momentum of the other party that he is not a good person.

"We, the Hyuga clan, also have objections to the latest development plan. It's not that we, the Hyuga clan, don't consider the village, it's just that the northwest area is too far away from the original gathering place of the Hyuga clan. Can't we, the Hyuga clan, continue to stay where we are? Anyway, the focus of this reconstruction is just housing, there is no need to make such a big fuss, right?"

The Hyuga ninja had just finished speaking when the ninja of the Inuzuka clan next to him got angry:

"You, the Hyuga clan, still want to stay where you are? What are you thinking! You, the Hyuga clan, were able to occupy such a large area because the village's reservoir and water plant were built in your clan's land. This time, the village layout is undergoing a major transformation, and the reservoir and water plant will have to be relocated. If If the land after the relocation is given to you, the village will wish that one tenth of the area will belong to you, the Hyuga clan! Please don't be too greedy, Hyuga clan!"

Facing the accusation of the Inuzuka clan, the Hyuga clan also got angry:

"What do you mean we are too greedy? The reservoir and the water plant were originally our Hyuga clan's enterprises. Even the cost of relocation and new construction was paid by our Hyuga clan. We have made such a great contribution to the village, shouldn't we get corresponding returns? Besides, the original land of the water plant and reservoir also belonged to our Hyuga clan. "

"But this is unfair! Why do you Hyuga clan occupy such a large land?"


We Hyuga clan are rich!"

"Being rich is great!"

"Being rich is great, you scabby dog ​​from the Inuzuka clan, are you not convinced?"

"I am not convinced, if you have the guts, hit me!"

"Hit me if you want! Look at me, soft fist method... Oh, gosh, you actually let the dog bite me!"

"Come on, Baiwan, bite him to death! Bite this rich Hyuga bastard to death... Oh, you actually pressed my acupoints?"

"Since you don't follow the moral code of martial arts, don't blame me! "


Seeing the noise at the entrance of the development department getting louder and louder, someone finally came out. However, this person was not Shokuhou Misaki, but a middle-aged ninja with a vicissitudes of life. He walked carefully to the center of the two family ninjas and said in a kind tone:

"Um, Lord Inuzuka Yoshiharu of the Inuzuka clan, and Lord Hyuga Tokuma of the Hyuga clan, please stop. We are all ninjas of Konoha, please don't fight each other for such things!"

"Noji Rowei, you are finally here!"

It turned out that this vicissitudes of life middle-aged man was the special ninja Noji Rowei who was in charge of the daily affairs of the development department. The two ninjas fighting at this moment were the ninja Inuzuka Yoshiharu of the Inuzuka clan, and the ninja Hyuga Tokuma of the Hyuga clan. As for the big wolf dog following behind Inuzuka Yoshiharu, it was Inuzuka Yoshiharu's ninja dog Shiromaru.

"Noji Rowei, please judge for us. Our Inuzuka clan is also an old family of Konoha. We have worked hard for the village and shed blood for Konoha. Why can our Inuzuka clan only live in the corners while the Ino, Deer, and Chou clans can enjoy the best life in the city center? "

Faced with Inuzuka Yoshiharu's question, Noji Rowei dared not tell the truth.

Everyone in Konoha Village knows that the Ino-Shika-Cho clan is Sarutobi Hiruzen's base. The three clans of Ino-Shika-Cho and Sarutobi are united with each other to become the largest force in Konoha Village. Even the former Uchiha clan cannot compare with the might of these four clans.

In this case, the Ino-Shika-Cho clan can naturally enjoy the most prosperous area in Konoha Village. In comparison, although the Inuzuka clan has also made considerable contributions, who made them have no connections in the upper echelons? Without connections, there are no resources. Even the former Uchiha clan was squeezed into the corner of the village, not to mention the Inuzuka clan.

So when he heard Inuzuka Yoshiharu's question, Noji Rowei could only say tremblingly:

"This, this is of course because the Inuzuka clan has more ninja dogs. So the village will arrange the Inuzuka clan around the forest area, which is also convenient for everyone in the Inuzuka clan to walk their dogs on a regular basis!"

"Walking a dime dog! Do you think our Inuzuka clan is crazy and likes to walk dogs in the primeval forest! "

Just as Inuzuka Jiahe's question was answered, Hyuga Tokuma said:

"And our Hyuga clan! It's fine to let our family pay for the new reservoir and water plant, but why should our Hyuga clan's land area also shrink? Our current land was bought with money! The tap water we provide to the village has been at a reasonable price for so many years, we don't accept it! ”

It is because you Hyuga clan are rich that the village will think of ways to suppress you! After all, now that the Uchiha clan is gone, you Hyuga clan have become a thorn in the eyes of the top leaders. Especially since the Hyuga clan likes to win people's hearts by means of affordable tap water, it would be strange if people can trust you!

But although he knew the truth in his heart, Noji Rowei couldn't say it. Because if a civilian ninja like him really said something wrong, his life would be over. Not only he himself, but also his family would suffer.

So facing Hyuga Tokuma's questioning, he had to think and said:

"This, this is because...ah, because the Hyuga clan has always been magnanimous and knows how to think about the village. Besides, aren't the expanded reservoirs and water plants still the industries of the Hyuga clan? I heard that in order to prevent fires, the village will also build four water towers around! These water towers will all be the industries of the Hyuga clan in the future, and you Hyuga clan will also make money! ”

“What a joke! Fire prevention facilities don’t make money, and we Hyuga clan have to send people to watch over them every day. By the way, I haven’t talked to your development department about this yet! Why should we Hyuga clan be responsible for all the work of preventing fires? Is it because we Hyuga clan have white eyes? Is this how you bully honest people?”

“We Hyuga clan don’t accept it!”

“We Inuzuka clan don’t accept it!”

“And we, the Abururu clan don’t accept it. Just because our family is the Insect Control Clan, you can’t just move us to the garbage dump. Can people live there?”

“The garbage dump is still okay. Our Kurama clan is next to it.

It's still a prison! What does this mean? What did our Kurama clan do wrong? "

"And we..."


For a moment, the crowd at the development department was furious, and everyone was expressing their dissatisfaction.

And Shokuhou Misaki just looked at everything in front of him indifferently, and then said to Danzo beside him:

"Now I understand why Lord Hokage wants to suppress the Uchiha clan so much!"

Seeing this, Danzo also sighed:

"These family ninjas are like this, they only think about the interests of their own families, and have never considered the village at all!"

"Yes. But..." Shokuhou Misaki said thoughtfully:

"Not all families come here to make trouble! For example, the Ino-Shika-Cho clan, and the Sarutobi clan... are all family ninjas, but the families don't seem to be equal!"

"Oh, right. There are also the Uchiha clan, the Senju clan, and the Shimura clan. These three families are all big families that have made great contributions at the beginning of Konoha! Why did all the families come, but these three families didn't? Are these three families satisfied with the village's plan? Or do these three families not even have the courage to express their dissatisfaction? "

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