The hidden means of Shokuhou Misaki were not very clever, but relying on the ability of psychological invisibility, Uchiha Itachi and Danzo did not find her trace. In the dense forest, Shokuhou Misaki saw Uchiha Itachi said to Danzo confidently: "Don't forget, Orochimaru is my instructor. Others can't see the abnormality in you, but it's impossible to hide it from me." Because of the influence of Shokuhou Misaki, Uchiha Itachi became Orochimaru's disciple. With Uchiha Itachi's talent, he naturally couldn't be muddleheaded and waste time under Orochimaru. In addition, Orochimaru didn't want to defect from Konoha at that time, and he was also attentive to Uchiha Itachi's teaching. Therefore, compared to the original work, Uchiha Itachi in this world has more information about Orochimaru. It is natural to be able to see the traces of immortal reincarnation.

"When I was in the River Country, I felt strange about one thing. Even if my Mangekyō ability is strong enough, it is impossible to defeat Orochimaru so easily." Uchiha Itachi continued:

"Later, I understood that Orochimaru transformed his soul in pursuit of immortality. Although the transformed soul has become stronger, it is not as round as that of ordinary people. So once encountering a powerful illusion, the distortion of the soul will backfire, which is the fundamental reason for Orochimaru's failure."

"Later, when I jointly established the second ninja village with the Akatsuki organization, I found that Orochimaru changed his body. Although this gave Orochimaru a nearly permanent life, her soul obviously changed again. Obviously, the act of taking over another person's body is also a huge harm to the soul itself."

At this point, Uchiha Itachi opened his Sharingan. A pair of three magatama looked straight at the "Uchiha Izumi" in front of him, and said in a cold tone:

"You are the same as teacher Orochimaru, and you also have problems with your soul. Although compared to teacher Orochimaru, your problem is not very serious, but I can also see that you are not Uchiha Izumi at all. You must have obtained the secret technique of taking other people's bodies from teacher Orochimaru, and then you can't wait to take Izumi's body."

"But unlike teacher Orochimaru, you did not devour Izumi's soul. So the Izumi you played is too poor in my opinion. I realized your problem when I first contacted you. When I contacted you for the second time, I discovered the fact that you took Izumi's body. And now, I will kill you, the robber who took away other people's bodies!"

Shokuhou Misaki originally thought that Uchiha Itachi would have a deformed love affair with Danzo across species, but who would have thought that Danzo's performance would be so poor. It turns out that Uchiha Itachi discovered the problem during the first meeting. During the second meeting, Uchiha Itachi even guessed the method by which Danzo took over other people's bodies.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but secretly shook her head, thinking:

I knew you were a waste, but I didn't expect you to be so wasteful.

From Tsunade to Uchiha Itachi, it turns out that you didn't hide anything from Danzo!

Originally, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to have fun, but now it seems that there is no fun at all, only Danzo, this fool!

But just as Shokuhou Misaki thought so, the development of the next thing once again exceeded her expectations.

Seeing that his secret was exposed, Danzo didn't pretend anymore. Facing the angry Uchiha Itachi, her temperament suddenly changed. No longer the pretentious girl, she turned back into the gloomy old man. Feeling the changes in Danzo, Uchiha Itachi, who was originally shouting at Danzo to kill him, stopped his attack for a moment and said in surprise:

"You, who are you?"

"Since you have guessed the truth, I won't pretend anymore. Yes, I am indeed not Uchiha Izumi, I am the Dark Root of Konoha, Shimura Danzo!"

Although he was using Uchiha Izumi's body, Danzo's tone and aura made Uchiha Itachi instantly realize the identity of the person in front of him. She is Danzo, Shimura Danzo who once controlled the Root!

"How is it possible? You didn't..."

"Committed suicide, right?" Looking at the surprised Uchiha Itachi, Danzo sneered:

"I am the Dark Root of Konoha, do you think I would give up my life so easily? Let me tell you, before committing suicide, I had already used the transcription seal to set up a secret technique on my body. After a certain period of time, the secret technique will be activated, and I will be able to reverse life and death and revive again!"

"The secret technique to reverse life and death? Could it be Izanagi!"

"Yes." Danzo nodded with a little pride.

"I was wondering, how could you, Danzo, commit suicide so simply in Konoha Village? It seems that the so-called suicide is just a way for you to escape! But what I don't understand is why you want to seize Izumi's body? Do you think that after changing your appearance, you can make a comeback in Konoha Village?" Uchiha Itachi said again.

"Make a comeback?" Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Danzo chuckled and said:

"Uchiha Itachi, who do you think I am? I am Shimura Danzo, the dark root of Konoha. The meaning of my existence is to protect Konoha by any means! Do you think I am an ambitious person like Sarutobi who only desires power?"

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Itachi was stunned, and Danzo continued:

"Konoha is now in turmoil. First, there was the Nine-Tails Rebellion, then Orochimaru left, and then the Uchiha clan left. Although I know that you, Uchiha Itachi, are still on Konoha's side. But most of the Uchiha clan members are obviously not interested in continuing to wear Konoha's forehead protectors! In addition, they are ready to move. Akatsuki organization, and some scoundrels in Konoha Village..."

"Do you think that such a Konoha doesn't need a dark root?"

"Well, even if you think my methods are a bit cruel, have you ever thought about why I am cruel? Why do Konoha ninjas choose to leave the village one after another? Why is Konoha's strength getting weaker day by day? The root of all these problems is the incompetence of Sarutobi Hiruzen! He is obviously very old, but he still greedily occupies the throne of Hokage. "

"Faced with such a Sarutobi Hiruzen, doesn't Konoha need me, Danzo, to continue to check and balance?"

Danzo said this with confidence, as if the huge Konoha really couldn't do without her. But in fact, in the more than half a year after Danzo committed suicide, Konoha had no problems running. The root was in Kakashi's hands, and the reputation became better. At least Kakashi, as a normal person, would not do the kind of thing that Danzo did.

So when she heard Danzo's self-praise, Shokuhou Misaki rolled her eyes speechlessly.

However, Danzo's words could not fool Shokuhou Misaki, but they were very effective for Uchiha Itachi. After all, Uchiha Itachi's brain circuits are somewhat different from those of normal people, but they are very close to Danzo. In the face of problems in the village, Danzo's favorite method is killing, and Uchiha Itachi's method is also killing!

As an honorary Konoha man who was born in Uchiha but sat on the side of Konoha's high-level officials, Uchiha Itachi was very disgusted with Danzo's attitude towards the Uchiha clan, but he also agreed with Danzo's means of maintaining Konoha. Because Uchiha Itachi himself also felt that Konoha should have a dark root, and as a true ninja, he should bear all the darkness and protect the light of Konoha. After all, the means he took in the original work were essentially no different from those of Danzo.

However, although he agreed with the statement of the dark root, Uchiha Itachi still found a flaw in Danzo's words.

"But the problem is that the Third Hokage is old!" Uchiha Itachi said:

"The Third Hokage is already 65 years old. No matter how stubborn he is, it is only a matter of time before he leaves the stage of history. And you are now occupying the identity of Uchiha Izumi, but you are still a 13-year-old girl physically. A 65-year-old man does not need too many checks and balances. What really needs checks and balances is the 13-year-old Dark Root."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Danzo just smiled slightly and said:

"Indeed, Sarutobi is old. But do you think that as long as Sarutobi dies, all the problems of Konoha will be solved?"

"Uchiha Itachi, you are too naive!"

"Do you know who is the most likely person to become Hokage in Konoha Village now?"

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Itachi instantly recalled the girl who left a deep impression on him.

"I think you should be able to guess that person's name is Shokuhou Misaki. She is now the director of Konoha Development Department and the most popular rising star in the entire Konoha. So the question is, do you know how she became the director?"

"Let me tell you, as the director, she has been playing mahjong with Tsunade all day long these days, pretending to be lying flat to avoid the open and secret attacks in the village. All the important affairs of the development department are actually handled by me as 'Uchiha Izumi'. Do you think this way of governing is familiar?"

Familiar, how could it not be familiar.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo have been using this method for decades. Who in Konoha doesn't know it?

But the only thing that surprised Uchiha Itachi was that Shokuhou Misaki also used this method.

Does being a Hokage necessarily require a root of darkness?


While Chiha Itachi was thinking, Danzo continued:

"See? Although Sarutobi is old, his methods are not old. The old generation may pass away, but the methods of being a Hokage will exist forever. Now Shokuhou Misaki is the new generation of the Third Hokage, and I have once again become the root of darkness for the next generation. This is the cycle of history and the proof of reality."

"Konoha needs the Hokage of Konoha's sunshine, and it also needs the root of darkness!"

"Light and darkness are the cornerstones of Konoha's existence, and neither is indispensable!"

"So I can't die, and the root of darkness in Konoha can't die. I must rebuild the root of darkness as 'Uchiha Izumi'. If Shokuhou Misaki becomes Hokage in the future, I must check her like I checked Sarutobi. Because, this is the mission I should undertake as a Konoha ninja."

Although he said so, Danzo thought to himself:

What a mission, I am destined to become Hokage!

When I become Hokage in the future, I will not allow others to play tricks with the Dark Root!

Danzo's inner words undoubtedly exposed her true thoughts.

This guy has never thought about being a Dark Root. His goal from the beginning was to become a Hokage.

But Danzo also knows that "I want to be a Hokage" can only move himself, not Uchiha Itachi. That's why Danzo said that Shokuhou Misaki is the second Third Hokage, and he will become the Dark Root to continue to bear the bad reputation for Konoha. It makes her seem very noble, and those who don't know think she has made a great sacrifice!

In fact, if Danzo really becomes Hokage one day, she will only monopolize power. As a Hokage, Danzo will never allow anyone to check and balance himself, nor will he allow anyone to form the Root. Not to mention the Root, he doesn't even want to have reservations about the Elders of Konoha.

Of course, Danzo still loves Konoha in his bones. If Konoha needs him to sacrifice one day in the future, he will probably make an appropriate sacrifice after some struggle and consideration. But now Danzo has only the ambition to become Hokage in his heart. His words to Uchiha Itachi are just pure deception.

Such deception cannot fool smart people, but it can fool Uchiha Itachi. Because Uchiha Itachi in the original work has a deformed mentality of "I bear all the sins, so I am great." It was also encouraged by this mentality that he killed the entire Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi felt that if one person bears all the sins, and then this person who bears the sins sacrifices, all problems can be solved. And the person who bears all the sins and sacrifices is a real ninja. This act of bearing sins and sacrificing is undoubtedly a great thing.

And this deformed self-touching psychology is actually not uncommon in the island country.

For example, in a certain giant animation, facing various sharp contradictions, the method adopted by the comic author is to let the protagonist bear all the sins and kill a large number of innocent people. In the end, the protagonist group kills the protagonist who bears all the sins, and then it seems that all the problems are solved. There is also a prince who likes to play chess first, and finally adopts a similar method.

In the final analysis, the essence of this behavior is laziness.

Blaming a complex problem on a certain big villain is essentially not wanting to face the problem directly, which is a shameful evasion behavior. And this evasion behavior is destined to not solve the problem. So whether it is the future of the giant comics or in Boruto, various problems continue to erupt. Because even these authors themselves subconsciously think that escaping is useless.

Of course, Uchiha Itachi himself did not realize that the essence of this kind of thinking is an escape. Even if Shokuhou Misaki told him that blindly killing can not solve any problems. Uchiha Itachi still thinks that it is a great thing to bear the darkness. That is why he thinks that Danzo, who bears the darkness for Konoha, is an amazing ninja.

This kind of thinking itself has no logic, but Uchiha Itachi, who dropped out of the ninja school early, obviously has no logic. After Danzo's deception, Uchiha Itachi subconsciously recognized Danzo's behavior. Especially after hearing that Shokuhou Misaki became the second Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Itachi even had the idea of ​​replacing Danzo and becoming the root of darkness in Konoha.

However, thinking that he had already left Konoha, he had to support Danzo to continue to serve as the root of darkness in Konoha, while checking Shokuhou Misaki and protecting the interests of Konoha in the dark.

Shokuhou Misaki on the side looked at Uchiha Itachi who was actually fooled by Danzo, and covered her face with her hands speechlessly.

While thinking about Uchiha Itachi's strange thinking logic in her heart, Shokuhou Misaki even had

A bold idea:

Is Danzo really Itachi Uchiha's true love?

Seeing that Uchiha Izumi's body was taken away, he still looked like he wanted to fight and kill. But once he knew that the person in front of him was actually Danzo, Uchiha Itachi immediately changed his attitude. In addition, he was shy in front of Danzo, and he was reluctant to refuse...

Could this be the power of love?

Oh my God!

Originally, Shokuhou Misaki just wanted to have fun, but now she feels a little disgusted by this matter.

But before Shokuhou Misaki was disgusted, another person jumped out of the bushes.

"Hehe, Danzo, long time no see!"

Hearing the voice, everyone looked over. They saw that the owner of the voice was not a familiar face, but a beautiful girl with long flowing hair, beautiful looks, wearing a pink kimono, and a somewhat charming temperament.

Who is this girl?

Everyone was shocked, only Shokuhou Misaki saw the girl's face and thought to herself:


Why didn't she disguise herself and just appeared in her true form!

It turned out that when Uchiha Itachi met Danzo just now, Orochimaru was also secretly eavesdropping.

But Orochimaru also knew that Uchiha Itachi and Danzo were extraordinary. Even if he was lurking, there was a risk of being exposed. So she summoned a small white snake, equipped with radio equipment, lurking on the side and eavesdropping on everything in the field. Because it was just a white snake, neither Danzo nor Uchiha Itachi, or even Shokuhou Misaki, found any traces.

Relying on the means of summoning beasts, Orochimaru has been monitoring the meeting between Uchiha Itachi and Danzo, and at the same time thinking about exposing this matter to Konoha to strike at Danzo. But he didn't expect that after a long time of monitoring, Uchiha Itachi was almost fooled by the captain, which made Orochimaru a little restless.

After all, Danzo was his experimental subject, and Uchiha Itachi was his most proud disciple. Orochimaru didn't want these two guys to unite, and he didn't want his disciples to become tools in Danzo's hands. So at the critical moment, he immediately came here through the reverse summoning technique.

Because he left in a hurry, he didn't even do the most basic disguise. What was presented to everyone at this moment was the figure of the girl possessed by Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation.

This is a beautiful girl, and she was also a loyal subordinate of Orochimaru. She was inspired by Orochimaru's personality charm and willingly offered her body to Orochimaru, so after taking this body, Orochimaru did not have much rejection reaction. But even so, Orochimaru's temperament became much more feminine.

So what appeared in front of everyone at this moment was a completely different Orochimaru, a purely feminine Orochimaru. Because of the huge contrast with the past image, neither Uchiha Itachi nor Danzo realized the identity of this person at the first time. It was not until after detailed observation that the two realized the true identity of this person.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to come?"

Looking at the suddenly appearing Orochimaru, Danzo said with a vigilant face.

At this time, in addition to Danzo and others who were surprised by Orochimaru's arrival, Nara Shikaku and others who were also monitoring "Uchiha Izumi" were also puzzled by this strange girl.

Through the camera on the hawk in the sky, Nara Shikaku can indeed monitor "Uchiha Izumi" and Uchiha Itachi. But the problem is that the camera is in the sky. Even if the camera itself has a high-power zoom, the monitoring equipment cannot capture the sound of the two people communicating because the distance is too far.

So for Nara Shikaku who was monitoring all this, what he saw was:

"Uchiha Izumi" sneaked out of Konoha Village and found Uchiha Itachi, his former boyfriend.

At first, Uchiha Itachi spoke harshly to Uchiha Izumi, looking like a righteous scumbag. But then, "Uchiha Izumi" fought back. Relying on a long speech, Uchiha Itachi was very ashamed, as if he had made a serious mistake.

Just when Uchiha Itachi was ashamed by what "Uchiha Izumi" said, and seemed to agree to the other party's request, a beautiful girl emerged from the bushes. Nara Shikaku didn't know who this girl was, but looking at her charming temperament and arrogant demeanor, she was a coquettish bitch who seduced a good man.

As soon as the coquettish girl came out, she stood beside Uchiha Itachi and confronted "Uchiha Izumi". "Uchiha Izumi" looked at the coquettish girl with hostility, as if the coquettish girl had taken away her most precious thing. Uchiha Itachi also changed his attitude because of the arrival of the coquettish girl, and seemed to have the courage to continue to confront "Uchiha Izumi".

As an elite jonin of Konoha, Nara Shikaku has rich social experience.

Watching everything that happened in the field, he immediately realized the truth of the matter.

This Uchiha Itachi is amazing!

At such a young age, he is actually cheating on two women at the same time!

Speaking of which, Uchiha Izumi's reputation in the village has not been very good recently. I heard that he has a bad face when he sees anyone. I originally thought that the Uchiha clan's ancestral mental illness had broken out, but now it seems... I can actually understand it.

If anyone else had a green hat on their head, their face would not be much better!

And the coquettish bitch next to Uchiha Itachi, I don't know where she came from. Even Uchiha Itachi was played around by her. Women are really dangerous creatures!

Speaking of which, Uchiha Izumi has been running out all day these days, in fact, he wants to catch the adultery!

The first time is to confirm whether there is an adultery, the second time is to confirm that there is indeed an adultery, and the third time is to show his cards directly!

Then although Uchiha Itachi is a scumbag, he is not a scumbag enough. At first, he was confident in front of his childhood sweetheart. Later, he was ashamed after being scolded by his girlfriend. Then, when the slut came out, his attitude changed again. Well, this mentality is simply amazing. All the cheating men I know are like this.

Not bad, I just wanted to get some evidence to frame him, but I didn't expect to get an unexpected reward!

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