The door was closed, but the door was closed.

Bang! !

This was the sound of Danzo closing the door.

Looking at the door that was slammed shut, Shokuhou Misaki sighed:

"It seems that the door of the development department will have to be repaired frequently in the future."

"Yeah!" Tsunade on the side also relaxed from the laughter and continued:

"This guy should know everything!"

"After going through all these things, plus the words I just said deliberately, she must know unless she has a problem with her brain." Shokuhou Misaki nodded.

"Got it? What can you do if you know it? Danzo is dead, and the person who is alive now is Uchiha Izumi." Tsunade said:

"Since she has assumed the identity of Uchiha Izumi, she can only live as Uchiha Izumi. And once she subconsciously really thinks of herself as Uchiha Izumi, she is no longer the person she used to be! This guy was simply tricked by Orochimaru. Do you really think Orochimaru is so kind that he will teach others the art of immortality casually?"

The two of them communicated like this for a while, and then continued to play mahjong in the office.

One day later, new photos were published in the newspaper. Six consecutive photos completely ignited the already boiling public opinion. Originally, the villagers of Konoha thought that "Uchiha Izumi" was preparing to rekindle his old relationship with Uchiha Itachi, but who would have thought that the truth was that Uchiha Itachi had abandoned him after having an affair with him.

Looking at the charming girl next to Uchiha Itachi in the photo, and the aggrieved and pitiful appearance of "Uchiha Izumi" in front of the charming girl, the public opinion that was originally unfavorable to "Uchiha Izumi" immediately reversed. No one would suspect that "Uchiha Izumi" and Uchiha Itachi had an affair, because the entire Konoha Village felt that "Uchiha Izumi" was cuckolded, and went to Uchiha Itachi to ask for an explanation.

So when the development department went to work the next day, Noji Rowei found "Uchiha Izumi" and apologized to her in person.

"I'm sorry, Miss Izumi, I admit that I was a little distant from you in the past. But there's nothing I can do about it, who made me not know that you actually suffered such a huge blow!"

Obviously, Noji Rowei regarded the various impoliteness of "Uchiha Izumi" before as a stress response after being cuckolded. After all, this kind of thing is too harmful to people. If he, Noji Rowei, experienced similar things, his temperament would also change drastically.

"So, Ms. Izumi, stay strong and live!"

As he said this, Noji Royori showed an encouraging look.

"Everyone in the development department, including me and Director Shokuhou, will support you!"

Noji Royori's performance made Danzo speechless.

Later, during the work of the development department, many people found Danzo and expressed their support for "Uchiha Izumi".

If it was other people, it would be fine. What surprised Danzo the most was that Uchiha Itachi's parents, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto also found Danzo. As Uchiha Itachi's parents, the two looked at Danzo with obvious embarrassment, as if they felt sorry for their son's abandonment. Seeing this, Danzo couldn't help but curse inwardly:

This Shokuhou Misaki, what kind of idea did she come up with!

However, although they were very embarrassed during the contact with "Uchiha Izumi", in fact, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto were very satisfied with their son's performance, and even a little proud. When he thought of his son who was only 13 years old and two women were fighting for him, Uchiha Fugaku sighed more than once:

"He is worthy of being my son!"

Even the gentle and virtuous Uchiha Mikoto, after seeing the great achievements of Uchiha Itachi in the newspaper, would show off to her circle of girlfriends from time to time. Facing the housewives in Konoha Village, Uchiha Mikoto often pretended to be distressed and said:

"Our Itachi is really too ignorant! It's ok that he left Konoha with his clan members at a young age, but he is also fickle in terms of feelings. He had a good relationship with Koizumi when he was in the village. I didn't expect that he would be flirting with other women outside after only leaving Konoha for half a year! I am really worried. What should I do if he gets into trouble in the future!"

As we all know, people are double-standard.

Whether it is a man or a woman, they all hope that their partner will be loyal to them, but they can be fickle. The same is true for the women of Konoha, represented by Uchiha Mikoto. On the one hand, they want their husbands to be devoted to them, and on the other hand, they want their sons to have many wives and concubines.

This is human nature!

No mother

Parents would hope that their daughters would meet a scumbag, but most mothers don't want their sons to be too honest. Let's not talk about Uchiha Itachi's personal future, just the fact that there are women fighting for him is a big plus in the eyes of many mothers. Anyway, it's their own piglets that are digging for other people's cabbages, so mothers naturally hope that their sons dig as many cabbages as possible.

So Uchiha Mikoto's seemingly distressed words are pure bragging in the eyes of married women:

See? Our Itachi can dig cabbages at a young age, and two at a time!

Look at the charm of our Itachi!

What do you think I'm distressed about? I'm distressed about how to take care of so many grandchildren when I become a grandmother in a few years!

In short, because of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto have a worse reputation in many circles! Compared with the couple's embarrassing and secretly complacent attitude, their second son Sasuke's attitude is very simple. Hearing that the whole Konoha was cursing his elder brother as a scumbag, Sasuke, who was still young, felt very painful.

He wanted to make excuses, but the photo in the newspaper was the ironclad evidence.

His brother had indeed failed Sister Izumi, and he also found a coquettish bitch as his current girlfriend.

When he thought of this, and thought of the scene where his brother took most of the clan members away from Konoha half a year ago, Sasuke couldn't help but feel hatred in his heart. However, the main target of this hatred was not Uchiha Itachi, but the coquettish woman next to Uchiha Itachi in the photo.

Sasuke, who was still young, had no idea about the intrigues in Konoha Village. He only thought that it must be this coquettish bitch who seduced his brother, so his brother would take the clan members away from Konoha and abandon Sister Izumi. Influenced by this, Uchiha Sasuke made up his mind at a young age to kill this coquettish bitch and bring his brother back to the village.

However, although these six photos caused quite a stir in Konoha Village, this kind of thing is essentially just ordinary gossip. Not to mention the stars in the film and television industry, there are always similar things in Konoha Village. Most people just regard it as a romantic affair and don't take it too seriously.

On the contrary, after seeing these six photos, the expressions of the members of Akatsuki changed one by one when they looked at Uchiha Itachi.

It should be noted that the members of Akatsuki did not know that Danzo had taken Uchiha Izumi's body. They only knew that the coquettish bitch standing next to Uchiha Itachi was Orochimaru who was reincarnated from the corpse. When they thought that Uchiha Itachi actually stood with the feminine Orochimaru and spoke harshly to his childhood sweetheart, everyone in Akatsuki had only one thought in their minds:

I didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to have such a strong taste at such a young age!

Not to mention others, even when Nagato saw Uchiha Itachi, his eyes became wandering. Obviously, they are worried that Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru will unite and threaten the dominance of Akatsuki in Akatsuki Village. And Konan has complained to Nagato privately more than once:

"First, there is Tsunade who likes gambling, then there is Jiraiya who always peeks at others taking baths, and there are various human experiments and Orochimaru who turns himself into a woman, and finally there is Uchiha Itachi... Is this village of Konoha a paradise for perverts?"

Because of the change in everyone's attitude, Uchiha Itachi has been feeling difficult to move in Akatsuki Village recently. But it's just that he can't explain this kind of thing, so Uchiha Itachi can only bury everything in his heart like Danzo. At the same time, he secretly cursed the newspaper that exposed all this, why is there no big news!

In short, whether inside or outside the village, everyone just treats this matter as a joke. Even as the parties involved in the incident, Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru didn't take it too seriously. Only as the mastermind behind this public opinion war, the Hokage family was forced into a dead end by the reversal of public opinion.

Originally, they wanted to use public opinion to frame "Uchiha Izumi" for having an affair with Akatsuki Village, and then force her to give up her position in the development department. As long as "Uchiha Izumi", the white glove, was defeated, Shokuhou Misaki, the director of the development department, would naturally be blamed. At that time, the development department would no longer have the motivation to continue to implement the new district housing allocation plan.

But now public opinion has reversed, and no one doubts that "Uchiha Izumi" will betray the village. On the contrary, because of sympathy for "Uchiha Izumi", the resistance of the development department to promote the new district plan has been reduced a lot. Seeing that Konoha's public opinion is about to get out of control, Sarutobi Hiruzen will also agree to the new district housing allocation plan under the impetus of public opinion, and the Hokage ninjas can only choose to take risks.

They are going to kill Shokuhou Misaki by assassination!

The reason why they chose to attack Shokuhou Misaki instead of "Uchiha Izumi" was that the Hokage faction had naturally gone through careful consideration.


On the one hand, in the eyes of most people in Konoha, "Uchiha Izumi" is stronger than Shokuhou Misaki. Even during the Chunin Exam, Shokuhou Misaki defeated Uchiha Izumi. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shokuhou Misaki's victory depends on tactics. If we really talk about the hard power of ninjas, Uchiha Izumi is definitely above Shokuhou Misaki.

On the other hand, it is also out of consideration for public opinion. As the most popular ninja in Konoha today, Shokuhou Misaki is undoubtedly a thorn in the eyes of many people. In addition, she is a civilian ninja and lacks a foundation in Konoha Village. So once she is killed, it is unlikely to cause too much trouble. At most, everyone will sigh for the fall of the genius again.

In comparison, the identity of "Uchiha Izumi" is more sensitive. As a member of the Uchiha clan, once she dies strangely, it is likely to affect the unity within Konoha. In addition to the recent public opinion storm, there are many sympathizers in Konoha Village, so the impact of assassinating "Uchiha Izumi" must be much greater than assassinating Shokuhou Misaki.

The last and most important reason.

That is that the ninjas of the Hokage faction know that Shokuhou Misaki is the mastermind behind the new district development plan.

Although "Uchiha Izumi" has certain abilities, she is essentially just a white glove. Even if "Uchiha Izumi" is really dead, Shokuhou Misaki can just change a white glove. Only when Shokuhou Misaki dies can the problems of the development department be truly solved. So in order to solve the root of the problem, the ninjas of the Hokage faction began to plan an assassination plan against Shokuhou Misaki.

However, when the assassination plan was just formulated, a primary problem was placed in front of the ninjas of the Hokage faction:

Who will assassinate?

Of course, it is impossible to let the ninjas of the Hokage faction assassinate personally. As a ninja of Konoha, some bottom lines should still be followed.

Otherwise, if there is a mistake in the assassination process, people will find out that their Hokage faction assassinated ninjas from the same village, and the development of the matter will be out of control. Nara Shikaku, who knows Sarutobi Hiruzen's temper very well, does not believe that the Third Hokage will stand on the side of their Hokage faction at a critical moment. Because Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, will only stand on his side.

Since he can't do it himself, the Hokage faction can only let others do it.

Originally, the Akatsuki organization is a good candidate for this kind of thing. But now the Akatsuki organization has co-founded the Akatsuki Village with the Uchiha clan. With the financial support of the Fire Country, it has gradually given up the assassination missions in the past. Even Kakuzu, the most greedy person in the Akatsuki organization, has now changed his career to become a developer.

As a well-known rising star in the business world of the Fire Country, and also the financial steward of the Akatsuki Village, Kakuzu now has tens of millions of dollars every minute. If you want him to do an assassination, it is impossible without 300 million taels. Although the Hokage faction's families are rich, they can't get so much money in a short time.

Since the Akatsuki organization has been excluded, the Hokage faction can only use the ninjas from the five major ninja villages.

Among the five major ninja villages today, the strength of Sand Village and Mist Shadow is weak, and the Ohnoki of Rock Village is mature and steady. The only one who is truly capable and willing to assassinate Konoha ninjas is the Hidden Cloud Village. And because of the Snow Country, the Hidden Cloud Village also hates Shokuhou Misaki. So the Hokage faction only revealed some information to the Hidden Cloud Village, and an assassination against Shokuhou Misaki began.


"In short, the key to the problem now lies in the construction technology."

In the Hokage's office, facing the pressure of Konoha's public opinion, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally chose to give in and agreed to the new district development plan provided by Shokuhou Misaki to a certain extent. But before really agreeing, Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Compared to the housing allocation problem, the most important thing now is the technical difficulties encountered in the development of new areas. After all, the development of new areas is not like the renovation of old areas, and many infrastructures need large-scale renovation. The Konoha Construction Company, which has just been established in the village, obviously does not have the corresponding technology. So I hope to find a reliable technical partner for the construction company before finalizing the plan."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Shokuhou Misaki's first reaction was:

The Hokage faction should be trying to do something weird again!

As expected, just as Shokuhou Misaki had this idea, Nara Shikaku said:

"Except for the large construction companies in the Fire Country, the most advanced construction technologies in the Ninja World are undoubtedly the Rain Country and the Wave Country. Among them, the Rain Country is best at large-scale sewer laying technology. They have built a large number of underground passages in the rainy country, ensuring that even if it rains all day, the cities in the Rain Country will not have waterlogging problems."

"Compared to the Rain Country, the Wave Country's bridge-building technology is also unique. It is said that this country only needs dozens of construction workers and a small amount of investment to build a bridge.

Build a bridge across the strait. If we have similar technology in Konoha, the construction of the new area will be completed quickly, and the cost will be greatly reduced. "

After listening to Nara Shikaku's description, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded without thinking:

"Shikaku, from what you said, it seems that you hope that our Konoha will cooperate with the Kingdom of Waves!"

"That's right, Lord Hokage." Nara Shikaku immediately responded:

"The area where our Konoha is located has moderate rainfall, and the requirements for sewer technology are not very high. In contrast, the construction technology of the Kingdom of Waves is what we need. And the Kingdom of Rain is the birthplace of the Akatsuki organization after all. We can't discuss technical cooperation with the Akatsuki organization in Konoha, right? So I think that the Kingdom of Waves is the most suitable partner. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, then looked at Shokuhou Misaki on the side and said:

"Since the construction technology of the Kingdom of Waves is what our Konoha needs, then Shokuhou, this matter will be handled by you. As the director of the development department, you have the responsibility to represent the village to go to the Land of Waves and determine the general framework of technical cooperation. "


Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku singing a duet on the spot, they decided the matter one by one without giving others a chance to interrupt, Shokuhou Misaki knew the truth of the matter.

Obviously, the Hokage faction was preparing to drive her out of Konoha Village and find an opportunity to kill her outside.

With this idea in mind, Shokuhou Misaki looked at Nara Shikaku intentionally or unintentionally. Feeling the hostility in the other's eyes, Shokuhou Misaki shook his head disdainfully and said to himself:

It's a pity that Nara Shikaku is also the think tank of the village, but you are essentially a bankrupt version of Jia Xu and Chen Ping. There is no big strategy or tactics, but the means of public opinion assassination are very good. No wonder Konoha has been declining in recent years. Except for Konoha F4 headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, You, the Konoha think tank, must also bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Nara Shikaku obviously also felt Shokuhou Misaki's disdain, but this made him more determined to kill Shokuhou Misaki. Otherwise, if Shokuhou Misaki really became Hokage in the future, his son Nara Shikamaru would never be able to inherit his father's career. Not to mention these, the survival of the Ino, Shika and Chou clans would become a big problem.

After all, the smarter people are, the more suspicious they are, and the harder it is to trust others. If Shokuhou Misaki becomes Hokage, even if she does not deliberately target the Ino, Shika and Chou clans, the Ino, Shika and Chou clans will suffer because of Shokuhou Misaki's suspicion. Because any small action of the Ino, Shika and Chou clans will be infinitely magnified under Shokuhou Misaki's suspicion.

So whether it is the Ino, Shika and Chou clans or other Konoha clans, they all hope that The person sitting in the Hokage's seat is a fool who can easily trust others. It would be best if he is the kind of fool who only has power but obeys the orders of the major families. Because this kind of fool will trust them unconditionally, and the major families can rely on the trust of the Hokage to dig into the corners of Konoha.

It is not only the ancients of Shenzhou who pursued ruling by sitting back, from ancient times to the present, everyone hopes that their boss is a fool. But the problem is that such a stupid boss will only bring destruction to the entire system. Because all kinds of rats will not choose to keep themselves clean because of trust, they will only rely on trust to eat up all the roots of the big tree.

Therefore, the contradiction between Shokuhou Misaki and Nara Shikaku is all-round. It can be said that as long as Shokuhou Misaki wants to become Hokage, Nara Shikaku must die. Because every emperor has his own ministers, and every emperor kills his old ministers . If the old forces are not cleaned up, who will take the new Hokage seriously?

Of course, although Shokuhou Misaki looked down on Nara Shikaku, the assassination plan he formulated was still very good.

If Shokuhou Misaki refused to go to the Land of Waves, Nara Shikaku could use technical problems as an excuse to stop the development of the new area. But if Shokuhou Misaki went to the Land of Waves, he would inevitably encounter assassinations from various ninjas on the way. It can be said that no matter what Shokuhou Misaki did, Nara Shikaku had a way to stop the development of the new area.

So don't think that assassination is a simple and crude method, but it can easily reverse the situation.

After all, if you can't solve the problem itself, killing the person who caused the problem can also solve most of the problems. Similar cases have been practiced in many places, and most of the practices have good results. So if it were an ordinary ninja facing Nara Shikaku's killer move, the best thing to do would be to take a step back.

But Nara Shikaku would never have thought that Shokuhou Misaki himself was a shadow-level strongman. Ordinary ninjas might choose to retreat, but Shokuhou Misaki had the confidence to face it head on. Facing Nara Shikaku's embarrassment, she said calmly:

"I accept this mission, and I will be ready to represent the village to go to the Land of Waves in the next two days."

Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki actually agreed to go to the Land of Waves, Nara

Liang Shiku frowned slightly, thinking in his heart:

Is she planning to let Lady Tsunade go to the Land of Waves with her?

But Lady Tsunade's body should not be able to protect her!

Unlike Nara Shiku's doubts, Sarutobi Hiruzen was not surprised by Shokuhou Misaki's choice. Because as early as half a year ago, he realized that Shokuhou Misaki had hidden her strength. And the reason why he cooperated with the Hokage to carry out the assassination plan this time was to collect information about Shokuhou Misaki. Otherwise, if he really had to wait until the showdown with Shokuhou Misaki, he would not even know what ninjutsu the other party was good at, and he would have lost half of the battle without fighting.

In short, at this high-level meeting, Shokuhou Misaki officially made the decision to go to the Land of Waves. At the same time that Shokuhou Misaki decided to go to the Land of Waves, the Fourth Raikage Ai in the Hidden Cloud Village looked at the information provided by the Hokage, and slammed the table and said:

"In order to commemorate the Hidden Cloud Ninja who died tragically in the Land of Snow, this time we must kill this Shokuhou Misaki who is fanning the flames!"

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