The two sides of the river are still in a state of panic.

Shokuhou Misaki realized that this trip to the Land of Waves would not be safe, and many people in Konoha Village also saw it. For example, Kakashi and Tsunade, who were Shokuhou Misaki's teachers, saw this. So before Shokuhou Misaki was about to leave, Kakashi found Shokuhou Misaki with a watermelon rind:

"Shokuhou, let me introduce you to an excellent ninja!"

Kakashi pointed to Might Guy, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a bright smile on his face, and was wearing a green sportswear, and said:

"This is the senior ninja Might Guy, my friend."

After saying this, Might Guy added:

"Not only a good friend, but also the best competitor!"

As he said this, Might Guy also raised a thumb and showed his eight white teeth to Shokuhou Misaki.

Looking at Might Guy like this, Shokuhou Misaki felt speechless, and Kakashi on the side also rolled his eyes. However, although he was speechless, Might Guy's strength was still worthy of recognition, and Kakashi said:

"Don't look at Akai like this, as an elite jonin in the village, he is very strong. Especially in physical skills, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in the ninja world. This time when you go to the Land of Waves, you may encounter some dangers. So I ask Akai to protect your safety. If you really encounter any enemies on the road, let Akai take you away quickly!"

As a teacher, although Kakashi is usually lazy, he is really reliable at critical moments.

First, he gave Shokuhou Misaki a ninjutsu scroll to help her improve her strength. Now he has mobilized his own connections and arranged an excellent bodyguard like Might Guy for Shokuhou Misaki.

Originally, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to use Zabuza to stir up the situation in Kirigakure, causing chaos inside Kirigakure, and then prevent Kirigakure ninjas from taking action in the Land of Waves. Now that there is Might Guy, a Kage-level physical arts master, and with the cooperation of herself and Danzo, the three Kage-level strongmen, no matter how critical the situation in the Land of Waves is, Shokuhou Misaki is fully confident of ensuring safety.

While Kakashi was introducing Might Guy to Shokuhou Misaki, Tsunade yawned and came to the door of Shokuhou Misaki's house. She greeted Kakashi and Might Guy first, and then used the summoning technique to summon the slug:

"To be honest, Slug Sage doesn't like you very much. Because although you are young, your mind is full of all kinds of calculating things. Slug Sage is always worried that after getting involved with you, something bad will happen. But who made you my disciple! For my sake, Slug Sage finally agreed to sign a summoning contract with you!"

Although Tsunade said this, Shokuhou Misaki knew that the truth of the matter was not like this.

Looking at Tsunade's tired face, Shokuhou Misaki asked tentatively:

"Tsunade-sensei, the Wet Bone Forest should be in turmoil recently, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Tsunade's face was full of suspicion, and she looked at Shokuhou Misaki's face and asked in confusion:

"Strange, how did you know that something happened in the Wet Bone Forest?"

After being puzzled, Tsunade sighed again:

"Okay, I admit that I just boasted! The reason why Slug Sage agreed to sign a contract with you is not actually that important to your teacher's face. The most important reason seems to be that there is a mysterious intruder in the Wet Bone Forest. I don't know who the intruder is. Not only did he find the mysterious Wet Bone Forest in the Ninja World, but he was able to hide from the Slug Sage for a long time. "

"After this happened, the Slug Sage also felt that the Ninja World had become too dangerous recently. In order to ensure safety in future dangers, the Slug Sage decided to sign a contract with you. Obviously, the Sage placed her hopes for the Wet Bone Forest on you. After all, compared to the unknown dangers, the little tricks in your mind are nothing!"

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki has realized the truth of the matter. Obviously, because of her deception, Black Zetsu has begun to explore the three holy places purposefully. As one of the three holy places, the Wet Bone Forest also did not escape Black Zetsu's infiltration. However, the Slug Sage is not a simple character, and he actually noticed Black Zetsu's spying.

Although he failed to catch Black Zetsu, Black Zetsu's actions also made the Slug Sage feel the crisis. He knew that even the three holy places could not always guarantee safety. Especially under the threat of the Otsutsuki clan, even the Slug Sage had to leave a way out for himself. So the Slug Sage agreed to sign a contract with me at the critical moment. The reason was certainly not to recognize me, but to reach an alliance with me.

"In short, this is the situation. I know that Slug Sage will not trust you absolutely, and you will not trust others easily. But if you really encounter any danger, you should use the summoning technique! Although Slug Sage is very noble, she is still easy to talk to in her heart. At least she will not stand by and watch someone die."

After saying that, a scroll appeared on the slug summoned by Tsunade, and then Tsunade spread out the scroll.

Then, regardless of whether Shokuhou Misaki agreed or not, she left here on her own. And Shokuhou Misaki naturally would not refuse the Slug Sage's kindness, and immediately wrote her name on the contract scroll with blood. Kakashi, who was standing by, sighed as he watched Tsunade leave:

"Tsunade-sama is indeed an excellent elder! If those things hadn't happened, she wouldn't be so decadent now!"

Might Guy on the side nodded and said:

"So, in order to avoid regrets in the future, we must bloom our youth now!"

As he spoke, Might Guy took out a green tights for women and promoted it to Shokuhou Misaki:

"Kakashi's lovely disciple, are you interested in wearing this youthful dress?"

As a ninja, Shokuhou Misaki's dress is still very conservative. After all, she has to be ready to fight at any time and needs to practice hard at ordinary times. Naturally, Shokuhou Misaki can't walk around in a white lace dress like in the original book. In terms of choosing clothes, Shokuhou Misaki has always been based on close-fitting and comfortable, and good looks are often only a secondary factor. But even so, Shokuhou Misaki can't accept a green dress.

Because it's too rustic!

"I'm sorry, please allow me to refuse!" Shokuhou Misaki said righteously.

Seeing that Shokuhou Misaki rejected his green tights, Might Guy was not too surprised. He shook the green tights in his hand and nodded thoughtfully:

"Indeed, although green is the color of youth for boys, it is not very friendly to girls."

As he said, Might Guy threw out another pink tights from his body and fiddled with it in front of Shokuhou Misaki:

"What about this one now? Pink is the favorite of girls!"

Bang! !

Without too much explanation, Shokuhou Misaki directly closed the door of her house.


On such a new day, Shokuhou Misaki, Danzo and Might Guy gathered at the gate of Konoha.

The three of them each brought important documents from the development department and their identity certificates for business negotiations on behalf of Konoha, and prepared to rush to the direction of the Land of Waves. Although it was nominally just a simple business negotiation task, the three knew that this task was not simple. Even the eccentric Might Guy didn't say much after the departure, always alert to the surrounding situation.

The three of them set out from Konoha Village and arrived at the strait across the sea from the Land of Waves in less than two days. It was already autumn at this moment, and in the clear and crisp weather, there was a faint mist on the sea. At the end of the mist was a small island occupied by the Land of Waves. Under the surging waves, the island seemed lonely and helpless.

"Is the distance so close?"

Seeing that the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire were only so short apart, Shokuhou Misaki was shocked. Because according to the productivity of the ninja world, such a close distance is not a natural barrier at all. The Land of Waves should have become part of the Land of Fire long ago because of the distance. He also noticed Shokuhou Misaki's doubts. Danzo explained:

"The Land of Waves was originally part of the Land of Fire, and was separated during the Warring States Period when many lords were established. The daimyo of the Land of Waves was originally just a lowly family slave, and he became rich by selling himself to the Land of Water. And after he left the Land of Fire, he quickly drew a line with his former motherland."

"Not only did he openly declare himself a slave of the Land of Water, he also brainwashed the citizens of the Land of Waves in the textbooks of the Land of Waves. After nearly half a century of education, this country no longer considered itself a part of the Land of Fire. When the first Hokage founded Konoha and began to sweep the Land of Fire, When the feudal lords in the country were fighting, the citizens of Wave Country stood up and chose to resist. "

"Facing the army of River Country, the first Hokage might be able to strike hard. But Wave Country and Fire Country are countries with the same language and culture, so the first Hokage couldn't do it when facing the rebellious citizens of Wave Country. It was not until Wave Country found the ninjas of Water Country to confront Konoha for a long time that the first Hokage was ready to take down the country in one fell swoop. "

"But just when Konoha was preparing to act, Uchiha Madara fought back with the Nine-Tails. After the battle with Uchiha Madara, the first Hokage was also seriously injured. In addition to other

The threat from the four major ninja villages forced the first Hokage to give up the idea of ​​taking back the Land of Waves. As a result, the Land of Waves is still an independent country until now. "

Hearing Danzo's explanation, Shokuhou Misaki was secretly shocked and thought:

Why do I always feel that this script sounds familiar?

Might Guy, who was standing by, saw that Danzo, as "Uchiha Izumi", explained the past and present of the Land of Waves clearly, and nodded:

"Izumi, you are worthy of being a ninja of the Uchiha clan, you know so much! I have always wondered why the Land of Waves, which has the same culture and ethnicity as our Land of Fire, had to help the Land of Water in the Ninja World War. It turned out that the citizens of the Land of Waves had been miseducated for a long time and no longer considered themselves citizens of the Land of Fire. "

As an elite jonin of Konoha, Might Guy was mainly stationed on the southern front during the Third Ninja World War. Might Guy's father, Might Dai, also died in a battle with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist. So Might Guy has always had a grudge against the Land of Waves, because it was this neighboring country that provided a strategic stronghold, and the Hidden Mist Ninjas continuously launched attacks on the Land of Fire.

If not for this, with the long sea level between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Ninjas might not be able to enter the territory of the Land of Fire even if they had wings, let alone go deep into the hinterland of the Land of Fire and fight Konoha's ninjas repeatedly. So in the eyes of the Konoha ninjas, the Land of Waves is the executioner and accomplice of the Land of Water's invasion of the Land of Fire.

In the Third Ninja World War alone, the Hidden Mist Village relied on the Land of Waves to bring endless troubles to Konoha. For example, Nohara Rin and the Three-Tails The incident was planned by the Kirigakure in the Land of Waves. A few years ago, the Kirigakure also attacked the Land of Fire through the Land of Waves and snatched a Byakugan from Konoha. If it weren't for the instant body Shisui at that time, the development of the matter would have been even more critical.

So Might Guy really hated the daimyo who split the Land of Waves.

If it weren't for his ambition, if it weren't for his wrong education of the citizens of the Land of Waves, Konoha wouldn't have had so many ninjas sacrificed in the southeastern border over the years, and his father wouldn't have died because of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. It can be said that this person's behavior of inviting wolves into the house has brought endless disasters to the Land of Fire and Konoha.

"Not only that, in the textbooks of the Land of Waves, our Land of Fire is not only not the motherland, but also the invading country that enslaved the Land of Waves for a thousand years, and is the symbol of all evil! Think about it, a person has been receiving such education for more than ten years from birth to adulthood. Will this person have any good feelings towards the Land of Fire? "

"In addition, over the years, the Kingdom of Waves has always stood on the side of the Kingdom of Water. After standing for a long time, the Kingdom of Waves has formed a thinking inertia. Even the wise people in the country know how badly they have offended the Kingdom of Fire and Konoha over the years. If the Kingdom of Waves really turns to the Kingdom of Fire, the civilians may still be able to have a stable life, but these powerful people will only die without a burial place!"

"In such a critical situation, the top leaders of the Kingdom of Waves will only promote hatred education against the Kingdom of Fire more radically, making the citizens of this country hate the Kingdom of Fire even more. Over the years, the Kingdom of Waves, a small island that once belonged to the Kingdom of Fire, has become the sworn enemy of the Kingdom of Fire. "

Speaking of this, Danzo couldn't help but sigh:

"So, this is the reality of the ninja world! Because of the existence of hatred, it is much easier to split a country than to conquer a country. If the ruler of a country is blindly kind, even our Kingdom of Fire will have a split force for various reasons, and then perish and exterminate. "

"So in order to maintain the unity of the Land of Fire, dark and bloody means are necessary. If there is another ambitious person like the first Daimyo of the Land of Waves, we Konoha ninjas must kill him immediately. Because if we don't act immediately, the tragedy of the Land of Waves will inevitably happen again, and who knows how many Konoha ninjas will die. "

Faced with the issue of the Land of Waves, Danzo made a long speech. This was not only to whitewash the Root, but also to let Shokuhou Misaki understand the importance of the Land of Waves to the Land of Fire. I hope that if Shokuhou Misaki has the opportunity to take power in the future, she will not make similar mistakes again. After all, Konoha has paid too many sacrifices for the mistake of the Land of Waves.

Because of the division of this small island country that originally belonged to the Land of Fire, the Land of Fire indirectly lost its dominance over the coastline. As a result, during the three Ninja World Wars, Konoha had to station a large number of ninjas on the southeastern border coastline to guard against the attacks of the Ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village on the Land of Fire.

In contrast, the Hidden Mist Village only needed to be stationed on a small island like the Land of Waves across the strait.

, it can easily contain a large number of Konoha's troops. And even if Konoha is well prepared, the long coastline is still a big fishing net with leaks everywhere for the Water Country.

As long as Kirigakure concentrates a small number of elite ninjas, they can break through Konoha's defenses, march straight into the country of Fire, and kill a large number of the Fire Country's living forces. Even Kirigakure can directly release the tailed beasts into Konoha Village to carry out a large-scale attack on Konoha.

And the source of all these tragedies is just the ambition of the first Daimyo of the Wave Country. It is because of this person that the Wave Country will become a sad place for the Fire Country. The tragedy caused by him alone requires several generations to make up with thousands of blood, and until now this wound has not healed.

Even if Konoha relies on commercial means in the future to force the Wave Country to change its diplomatic orientation, the gap between the Wave Country and the Fire Country will not disappear. Because of the long-term confrontation, sufficient hatred has accumulated between the Wave Country and the Fire Country. The two countries are no longer blood relatives with the same language and race, but mortal enemies.

Thinking of this, Shokuhou Misaki is more and more sure that the Hidden Mist Village will not easily give up the Land of Waves, because the advantage of the Land of Waves over the Land of Water is too great. The Land of Waves is to the Land of Fire as an island is to the continent. With the Land of Waves under control, the richest areas of the Land of Fire are always under the attack of the Land of Water. How could the Hidden Mist Village give up this advantage?

"In that case, we have to fight the Hidden Mist Village this time!"

Shokuhou Misaki sighed, and then took Danzo and Might Guy to the Land of Waves. Although there is no bridge between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire at the moment, it is still very easy to cross the strait between the two countries by treading water. But after crossing it, Shokuhou Misaki and Might Guy sighed again:

It's such a shallow strait! But it has separated the two places for nearly a hundred years!

Because it was a semi-public business activity, Shokuhou Misaki and the others did not hide their identities. The three of them wore Konoha's forehead protectors and walked into the Land of Waves. After entering this country, the three of them immediately felt the rejection of the people of this country towards the Land of Fire and Konoha ninjas.

"Are they Konoha ninjas? Are they here to invade our Wave Country?"

"I don't think so! There are two children among these three Konoha ninjas. They should be ninjas on ordinary missions."

"I think they are probably spies who are here to collect intelligence about the Wave Country! Since the ninjas from the Hidden Mist Village left, there have been more and more spies in Konoha!"

"Damn, damn Konoha ninjas!"

"Yes, they keep saying that the Fire Country and the Wave Country are one family. Who is one family with you?"

"These barbaric guys are just eyeing the wealth of our Wave Country!"

"I heard that Konoha is still conducting various human experiments. It's so terrible and cruel!"


The whispers of people on the street did not escape Shokuhou Misaki's ears.

Shokuhou Misaki was not too surprised by the remarks of the people of the Wave Country. What really surprised her was the level of development of the Wave Country. As a country that can easily build a cross-sea bridge, the science and technology of Wave Country is not weak at all, so the country has a good level of development in all aspects.

At least from the street, most of the people in Wave Country can be regarded as middle class, the clothes they wear are more elegant, and even the houses in the corners are more regular, which is completely different from the desolate and lonely appearance in the opening of the original comic. The supply of goods in the surrounding shops is also relatively sufficient, and people's living conditions are obviously very high.

Seeing this, Danzo said:

"In order to win over the important strategic partner of Wave Country, Water Country will provide certain economic support every year. So although Wave Country is a small country, the living standards of its citizens have always been good. Especially more than 50 years ago, because of its reliance on Water Country, the citizens of Wave Country had eaten rice and miso soup very early."

"In comparison, most people in Fire Country couldn't even eat radishes at that time. Even ninjas like the first Hokage could only eat enough to fill their stomachs. The huge gap in living standards is also an important reason why Wave Country refused to return to Fire Country."

I see!

Shokuhou Misaki nodded, and Might Guy said:

"In that case, I can understand the choice of the people of Wave Country. Compared with unification with Fire Country, filling their stomachs is more important!"

Shokuhou Misaki also agreed with Might Guy's words. After all, the world is big, and eating is the most important thing. Great men may sacrifice their lives while starving, but ordinary people only want

It's just a life of food and clothing. No one is qualified to ask a group of civilians to sacrifice for the Fire Country. The citizens of the Wave Country have the right to pursue their own happiness.

However, Danzo sneered at such an idea:

"Humph! The citizens of the Wave Country have filled their stomachs, but what have we, the citizens of the Fire Country, done wrong? Originally, the southeastern region should have been the hinterland of our Fire Country, but because of the betrayal of the Wave Country, so many innocent citizens of the Fire Country died tragically. Even in terms of economic development, the Fire Country is restricted in the development of the southeastern region."

"The good life of these people in the Wave Country was exchanged for the blood and tears of our civilians. If the citizens of the Wave Country can betray their motherland for food, then the citizens of our Fire Country can also kill all the traitors of the Wave Country for food. After all, eating cannot be a reason for betrayal! Sooner or later, the Wave Country will pay the price for this!"

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