The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 166: girlfriend

Hearing Fisch's sudden revelation, the living room of Weasley's house was silent for a while, and then there was a crash.

At this time, Harry Potter didn't seem so important anymore.

The Weasleys quickly surrounded them, and the most exciting of them was the twins George and Fred.

"Gosh! I heard you right? Percy actually had a girlfriend?"

"Someone can bear to imitate Percy's usual boring topics... That girl must be an angel."

The twins showed exaggerated expressions, joking up and down beside Percy.

This is why Percy has always wanted to cover up this incident-he didn't want Penello and himself to be laughed at by the twins.

"You two, shut up!"

Mrs. Weasley glared fiercely at the twins who feared that the world would not be chaotic, and then leaned over to Percy with interest.

"What kind of girl is the other party? Why not invite her to our house as a guest?"

Others suddenly pricked their ears, and even the twins were temporarily restrained, ridiculing them, they still attached great importance to Percy's girlfriend.

However, Percy just lowered his head and did not speak, and his face was flushed. Later, when he was asked anxiously, he just threw the sentence "I went back to my room to rest" and fled the living room embarrassedly.

"Oh, our prefect sir is shy."

Fred teased with a grin, but Percy escaped faster.

Ginny and Ron laughed and laughed, but it was rare for them to see Percy so embarrassed.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come tell me what kind of girl that Penello is."

Mrs. Weasley had no choice but to find twins to play the sound.

However, the twins are not very familiar with the senior students of other colleges, not to mention that the opponent is not a Quidditch player, so there is no channel of contact.

Not everyone can eat in every grade and every college like Fisch.

So they could only start talking nonsense according to their own guesses.

"Kindness is for sure, after all, Percy can stand it."

"Maybe just like Percy, he's a boring fool."

"When you say that, I seem to remember that the female prefect of Ravenclaw seems to be called by this name."

"That's for sure, she is as boring as Percy."

It was impossible to hear Percy's good words from the twins. After knowing that Penello was also the prefect, the twins who thought that only a fool would be the prefect began to mock even more mercilessly.

"George! Fred!"

Mrs. Weasley snarled and tugged the twins' ears one by one, and she looked very worried.

"Sorry mom, we don't know Percy's girlfriend."

Like Feish, the twins did not hesitate to admit their counsel when facing the anger of their mother.

Mrs. Weasley released her hand and looked at Ron.

However, Ron, as a first-year freshman, didn't know Penello even more. He waved his hands and shook his head, "I even heard this name for the first time."

Seeing that her son couldn't count on it anymore, Mrs. Weasley could only turn her gaze to Fisch.


From just now, the topic of the Weasleys has made Fisch feel inexplicable. He couldn't understand why everyone became so excited when they heard Sister Penello's name.

"Fish, can you tell me about Penello?"

Mrs. Weasley asked softly.

"Say what?"

Feixu shook his ears and asked in a daze, this question was too complicated for him, and Kitty couldn't understand it.

"That's who she is." Mrs. Weasley looked a little worried about her favorite Percy.

"Didn't Fred just talk about meow, Sister Penello is the prefect of the Blue Eagle Academy, her full name is Penello Krivart, and I have been calling her sister with curly hair before."

However, Fisch has been unable to grasp the point.

"Other than that? For example, appearance and personality."

Only then did Mrs. Weasley remember Feish's situation, she explained patiently.

"Sister Penello's hair is curly, very beautiful."

The first thing that cats pay attention to when evaluating their appearance is always their hair.

"As for the character...very gentle with Fei Xu, he always gives me delicious food, he is a good man!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

Although Fisch's answer was slightly off the point, Mrs. Weasley was already satisfied.

The other party is Ravenclaw's prefect, indicating that she is smart enough, and beautiful and gentle, so what's not satisfied?

So she turned her head and trained the twins again, warning them not to joke about Penello when they returned to school, and confessed that Ginny would have a good relationship with Penello when she had the opportunity, as if she had treated her as a future daughter-in-law. .

"Well, Mom, I have to write to Harry."

Seeing Mrs. Weasley's eccentricity with Percy again, Ron suddenly felt extremely impatient. He found an excuse, picked Hemes and left the living room.

"I'll go help Ron to see if there are any grammatical errors."

The twins also took the opportunity to pull Ginny and Fisch and escape her nagging.

"That's enough. It's just that Percy has a girlfriend. Does mother need to be so excited?"

Not only Ron, but the twins and Ginny also complained about Mrs. Weasley's partiality. As soon as they got out of the living room, they started to complain.

Hearing their complaints, Fisch couldn't help but curiously asked: "Fred, what is his girlfriend?"

"Uh... girlfriend..." Fred thought for a while, and replied: "It's just a female friend who is very close and may live together like mom and dad in the future."

"Oh! Fei Xu has a lot of girlfriends!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

"Well, many girlfriends?"

Ginny was taken aback by the words, her eyes widened instantly.

"Yeah, many sisters have said that they want to be with Feishu."

The kitty nodded proudly, not feeling anything wrong with her words.

The twins, who knew that Fisch was telling the truth, covered their chests at the same time very tacitly, feeling a heartbreak.

Although they also know that most of these words are inaccurate, they still know how to get stuck.

Not wanting to continue this sad topic, George quickly changed his words and asked: "By the way, where are you going to sleep tonight? If Harry also comes later, it's probably the same room with Ron, you can stay with us and Perk. Choose one between West."

Although it was only felt by Fisch, Fisch's affinity made the twins still want to spend more time with him.

"I want to sleep with Errol and Hemes!"? (●ΦwΦ●)?

As a result, Fisch gave an unexpected answer.

It's rare that Minerva isn't here, so he shouldn't sleep in bed honestly!


Thinking of Fisch’s habit of sleeping wherever he goes in feels like he is asking too much, even if he is really assigned to his own room, he will honestly sleep in it. What?

George turned his head and glanced at Ginny, who was unknown, and said to Fisch: "It's okay where you want to sleep, but don't just go in Ginny's room."

"I won't just go into a girl's room meow!"? (●ΦДΦ●)?

Fisch protested loudly, and then said something that made George and Fred envy and hate—

"Even the girls' dormitory I only went in at the beginning of school. After listening to Minerva's story, I knew I couldn't do this anymore!"

"I actually went into a girls' dormitory!"

The twins glanced at each other quietly, and strengthened their desire to learn Animagus.


?Recommended ticket??Monthly ticket?


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