The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 188: Story will

By the time it's dinner time, everyone knows the farce in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Guidro Lockhart has also not appeared in the auditorium. I don't know if he is afraid of being asked, or if he hurt his hand.

The students of the four colleges all talked about it.

Although Lockhart hated him before, most people still recognized his strength. After all, he had been dual-certified by the Ministry of Magic and the Defense Against the Dark Arts Association.

So after hearing that he was actually bitten by the elf, many people felt incredible.

"Maybe he was just careless... at the time he just wanted to show closeness, didn't he? And he didn't even pull out his wand."

Hermione rigorously analyzed that it was not that she wanted to speak for Lockhart, but that after experiencing the Philosopher's Stone incident last semester, she would subconsciously consider more when looking at problems.

However, Ron, or most Gryffindors, would not think so much, they had already determined that Lockhart was a reputation man.

"Come on, Hermione," Ron waved his hand, disdainfully said: "Lockhart is a liar. You can't think he is a good professor just because he praised you in class."

"I don't think he is a good professor!"

Hermione glared at Ron angrily as if receiving some insult.

"I'm just reminding you not to draw conclusions to one person easily. Think of Quirrell and Snape last semester!"

After speaking, she picked up her dinner plate and ran to Feishu.

"Hermione is right."

Compared with Ron, who had passed out of a coma earlier, Harry, who had experienced more behind the trapdoor last semester, listened.

He said to Ron, who was still muttering, "We can't think Lockhart is an unlearned guy so easily...Although he really hates him."

"Okay, okay..." Ron shrugged, he still insisted on his opinion, and joked in a frivolous tone: "Then I'll look forward to the next defense against the Dark Arts class for a while, I hope Loha will be there. Te's hand is already healed."

When it was mentioned, even Harry couldn't help but smile.

"It should be no problem, Madam Pomfrey's medical skills are very powerful, besides..."

Harry teased, "Didn't Lockhart boast about his medical skills?"

Even if he agreed with Hermione's statement, Harry still believed that Lockhart was a liar, just like Ron.

This kind of disagreement occurred everywhere in the auditorium. There were many people who thought Lockhart had a false name and that Lockhart was just a momentary miss. So gradually, everyone began to look forward to Lockhart’s next Dark Arts Defense class. Come.

As long as there is another lesson on Defense Against the Dark Arts without Fisch, everyone should be able to figure out Lockhart's true level.

But unfortunately, because Lockhart felt that the injury on his hand was detrimental to his demeanor, he refused to appear in front of other people until the wound was completely healed.

The saliva of the elf seems to have some special ingredients. It is not difficult to heal, but it takes a while to completely remove the scar...

In fact, Madam Pomfrey didn't want to spend this effort at all, and it was not a big deal, but Lockhart was a colleague anyway, and she had to pinch her nose and prescribe him the scar removal medicine.

In the end, Lockhart was not very satisfied, because the medicine that Madam Pomfrey prescribed was a bit strong, and it was a bit hot when applied, and he was worried that it would hurt his skin.

When he had to make a new request, hoping to change to a more suitable ointment, Madam Pomfrey, who finally couldn't bear it, directly blasted him out.

While Lockhart was waiting for the scar to disappear, the task of teaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts class fell temporarily to other professors.

To be precise, it was on the head of the four deans.

In short, which dean’s course does not conflict with the Defense Against the Dark Arts course of the day, the dean will temporarily replace that section of the course.

In the past few days, students from different schools and different grades have experienced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class given by Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Sprout.

In addition, Professor Snape, who temporarily replaced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last semester, is equivalent to having experienced the courses of the four deans.

Among them, the most well-received course is the provisional course of Professor Flitwick.

Needless to say, Professor Snape's class, apart from Slytherin, no student at any college would like it.

The courses of Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout are divided into different situations. The higher grades are full of praise, and the lower grades are not as good as Professor Flitwick...

But there is no way. The defense against the Dark Arts class in the lower grades mainly allows students to learn about some dangerous creatures and evil curses.

But even so, it is much better than Quirrell, who was stuttering, and Lockhart, who was injured after only one class.

Professor Flitwick’s courses seem to be much more flexible. As a curse professor and Ravenclaw’s dean, he prefers to allow students to do a lot of practice and is naturally more popular with lower grades.

"You said, who will substitute for us today?"

Soon, Harry and the others were about to usher in the second Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and everyone was discussing enthusiastically.

As for observing Lockhart's reality...Is it so important?

"I hope it's Professor Flitwick," Seamer said excitedly. "Those first and second grade students who have taken his class have very high ratings!"

"As long as it's not Snape."

Neville's requirements were not high, and Harry on the side nodded in sympathy.

"What are you talking about?" ω

Fisch, who had never paid attention to these, looked at Harry and the others who were discussing enthusiastically.

Dean quickly explained to Fisch, but Fisch did not appear very happy.

He was waiting for Lockhart to tell him stories!

"Gidro won't come, Meow? And maybe it's Minerva?"


In that case, wouldn't he even be able to sleep even when he sleeps?

It's too bad!

When everyone was full of expectations and Feish was worried, the door of the classroom was slammed open, and Lockhart, who was smiling, strode in, not to mention the scar on his bitten hand. You can't even see a little red mark.

"Long time no see! My lovely students! I have kept you waiting!"

The students below all let out a moan of annoyance, and Seamus even slammed his brain on the table with a "boom".

Only Feish slapped his face excitedly.

"Professor Guidro! Is it going to tell a story today?!"


Fisch stared at Lockhart with scorching eyes, and asked expectantly.


Lockhart tapped Fisch twice with his fingers, and said happily: "I even suspect that you have used sensationalism on me... yes! Let everyone follow the great Gilderro Lockhart today. Together, enjoy his thrilling adventure!"

The student below looked boring and didn't respond, but Feish was the only one slapped in the hands of the venue.

Lockhart, who was encouraged by Fisch, was even more excited. First, like a stage actor, he bowed in different directions in the audience, as if everyone else was applauding.

"Thanks! Thanks!"

Lockhart, who straightened up, raised his voice again, pointing to Fisch and said, "As a thank you, Fisch will choose today's course. This is a special benefit! What do you want to hear?"

"Werewolf! Fei Xu wants to hear the story of the werewolf!"


Fisch responded immediately Although he has understood that he is different from Minerva, he is still interested in humans who can become different animals.

"Ah, "Wandering with the Werewolves"!" Lockhart's performance is also very stable with the little fancier of Fisch. "This is probably the book I am most satisfied with."

In fact, as long as he wrote it himself, he was most satisfied.

Harry and the others looked helplessly at the interaction between Lockhart and Fisch, and wanted to remind him, but they couldn't bear to pierce his illusions when they saw the look of Kitty's expectation...

That's it, Feish is happy.

In the end, everyone could only reluctantly accompany Fisch to listen to Lockhart's bragging there.


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