The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 295: Hermione is such a good girl

Except for the disappointed Hermione, the little wizards of the Weasley family felt quite unhappy after hearing what Feish said...

   Two Jin Jialong is not enough to buy birthday gifts? You are too ignorant of the suffering in the world!

   But when they thought of Hermione’s 10-gallon birthday gift purchase, they fell silent again...

   It's not that Feish doesn't understand the sufferings of the world, but that their Weasleys are too poor.

   This is also the reason why Percy quickly became speechless after seeing the twins take out the money they earned.

Because in his eyes, only by studying well and entering the important department of the Ministry of Magic in the future can his family get rid of the current predicament, and the things that George and Fred do are not doing their jobs properly and are wasting the family to give them money. Of tuition.

So when the twins showed their results, Percy was more or less proud of them in his heart. It was just that at the time he was desperate for face and couldn’t hold back his face, but his arrogant attitude changed a little before he was caught. Fei Xu wakes up if he accidentally said something.

   After the three Weasleys glanced at each other, Qi Qi sighed, knowing this was something they couldn't penetrate, so they stood aside wisely and kept silent.

   After the loss, Hermione quickly regained her spirit and began to advise Fisch.

"If it’s just a normal friend, it doesn’t matter if you send anything, it’s fine to express your wishes, even if you send a card with paw prints, if it’s a gift to a friend with a better relationship, you can Choose according to their preferences."

   Hermione taught Fisch very seriously how to give birthday gifts to different people... The little girl hadn't given up yet, even if she could receive a birthday card.

   But she didn't forget about business because of this.

   "But you are going to give Professor McGonagall a birthday present, so you have to choose it carefully..."

  Speaking of this, Hermione patted her forehead a little annoyed, "Speaking of which, I haven't given my mom and dad a birthday present, thanks to Phil Xu for reminding me."

   Ron and the others looked at each other again, and there was also a look of shame on their faces, but with the thickness of their wallets, there was really no good thing to give to the Weasleys.

   And Harry's expression is a bit lonely, he can't talk about this kind of topic, can't let him go and give the Dursleys a birthday present, right?

   Not to mention that he didn't know the birthdays of Vernon and Petunia at all. Even if he knew it, he would only give them a few big dung eggs and the like.

   "I have to choose meow..."


   Kitty felt a little troublesome, so she asked, "Can't Fisch go directly to ask Minerva what she wants?"

   "No, no! Ask Professor McGonagall, I can't surprise her!"

Hermione waved her hand again and again and gave an example to Fischer, "When you received a Christmas gift, you suddenly found a gift that you didn't expect and fits your heart. Wouldn't it be a little bit happier? To Professor McGonagall The same is true for birthday gifts."

Fei Xu thought for a while and nodded in agreement. It was like Professor Flitwick’s cat climbing frame and the "Encyclopedia of Cats" given to him by Hermione. They all gave him a feeling of surprise, indeed. Will be happier.

   "What should Nafeixu give Minerva something?"

Compared to making Professor McGonagall happier, it’s nothing if I’m a little troublesome, but it’s still the first time to give someone a birthday gift. Feish doesn’t have a clue at all, he can only scratch his cat’s head, Xiang knows a lot. Hermione asked for help.

   "This is a simple gift. Of course you have to choose something that suits your partner's hobbies."

   Hermione raised her index finger, drew a circle in the air, and asked, "What is Professor McGonagall's favorite?"

   "Minerva likes Feixu the most!"

  ? (●ΦωΦ●)?

  Fei Xu answered without hesitation, leaving Hermione silent for a while.

   "Ahaha...I know that, not only Professor McGonagall, everyone likes Fisch..."

After a long silence, Hermione smiled and explained to Fisch: "I mean, besides Fisch you, what other things do Professor McGonagall like or do? For example, favorite food, or usual Entertainment and the like."

  Hermione said that, Phil Xu understood.

   Isn’t it like he likes to eat Chinese food and likes things like pipe sliding?

   Kitty nodded, and said with certainty: "Minerva usually likes to tell Feishu stories, and she also likes to groom Feishu."


   "Uh...except for those related to Feishu?"

   Hermione reluctantly grabbed her thick brown hair, and continued to guide patiently.


   Kitty hugged her hands, tilted her head and fell into thought.

  In my impression, Professor McGonagall seems to have been stunned at all times except when she was with herself. Apart from herself, the only time she was different was...

   I gave Scarhead a flying broom when I was in first grade!

   (●? 益?)

   The little cat who finally remembered this incident immediately glared at Harry.

   Seeing Feish suddenly staring at him fiercely, Harry was really dazed and didn't know what was going on...

   It's not that I was picking a gift for Professor McGonagall. Why did I get into Fisch?

   The others were also at a loss, wondering why Fisch suddenly became angry with Harry.

   "Fei, Fei Xu? What happened to me?"

   inexplicably Harry asked cautiously.

   "Minerva still likes Harry! She also gave him a flying broomstick!"


   Kitty groaned and complained.

   "Ah this..."

   Harry didn't expect that the matter two years later would be uncovered, didn't it all pass back then?

Fortunately, Hermione spoke for him at this time, "I think Professor McGonagall mainly wants to find a good seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team... By the way, Professor McGonagall should be Quidditch. A lover of wonderland, I have seen it in her personal experience!"

While talking, Hermione suddenly slapped her hands and said to Fisch in surprise: "In the information I saw, Professor McGonagall was also a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team at the So you can try to give Quidditch gifts."

   As for why Hermione knew so much about Professor McGonagall...

  Don't ask, ask is that Professor McGonagall is her idol.

After Hermione’s reminder, Fisch remembered that several of the decorations in Professor McGonagall’s office were related to Quidditch. He had torn a book about Quidditch before, and then was taken by McGonagall. The professor scolded badly.

   "Thank you Meow!"

  ? (●ΦωΦ●)?

   Feixu rushed over to give Hermione a hug, and rubbed her cheek against the other person's cheek to express her gratitude.

   Hermione is such a good girl!

   Kitty thought so sincerely.

   And after being hugged by Fisch, Hermione made a big red face again and fell into silly joy...

   Ginny looked aside with envy, and kept looking at Harry Potter beside him, but it was a pity that Harry didn't notice Ginny's expression at all.

   And how did Hermione say that Fei Xu, who was holding a cat, swaggered through the market for a long time, so he quickly recovered from the shock of happiness, and then asked Fei Xu a very important question——

   "By the way, Feish, do you know when Professor McGonagall's birthday is?"

   "Meow?" The kitty was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly surprised, "Fei Xu doesn't know Meow!"



  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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