The Duke's Imposter Sister

Chapter 55 - Her Master (2)

Chapter 55 – Her Master (2)

Gris thought he was deplorable for twisting with her emotions like that. There was a growing dislike inside her for him that made her want to rebel.

She wanted to love everything in the world with a clear conscience. Even if he killed something out for his fancy, she tried to comfort her grievances with the fact that Vianut would not be able to take everything in this world.

Gris, who had been agonizing over the ideas in her haid, laid powerlessly on bed. It puzzled her why he was incredibly conscious of her. Why does he care so much for just a mere fake sister?

She stared at the ceiling and slowly drew the things that she loved in the air so that she wouldn’t forget them. She was drawing her father, her mother, her older and younger siblings, Bellin, Lorell, and Teer until she fell asleep.

Fortunately, she dreamed of her and Teer leisurely enjoying the afternoon together in the fields, and basked in warm sunlight. She thought this was how the day would end, but then she suddenly heard a knock at her door waking her from the dream.

When she opened her eyes slightly, all she could see was pitch-black; it was evening now. Gris opened the door, relying on the moonlight leaking through the window to guide her as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

She obviously thought that it would be Bellin who was at her door, whether it was to change the burnt out candles or give her some urgent news. As it was only Bellin who would come to her door at this hour.


However, the minute she opened it, her heartbeat seemed to have stopped. Standing in front of the door was a white-haired old gentleman. There was vigilance in Gris’ eyes, who knew that this man was the Grand Duke’s butler.

“What brings you here? At this time…” she asked.

Gris prayed and hoped that he was here on special business and that Vianut was not planning something sinister for her. She hoped it was something on the lines of the Grand Duke changing his mind and decided to send his fake sister away, or that he wouldn’t marry her to Dirk… nothing special and especially nothing bad.

The butler’s answer rang as her lips were drying up. “His Highness is looking for you, miss.”

Gris’s eyes quickly darkened, the thought of going to him disgusts her.

The butler began to take the lead without even asking or waiting for any kind of consent from her, it once again reminded Gris she had no power nor right to refuse Vianut, and so she walked after him in silence until they arrived at the library of the Grand Duke that she had visited a few days ago.

“Your Highness, I have brought Lady Yuliana.” The butler announced and his voice echoed in the halls.

It was dead silent around them, as if everyone was asleep now. The only sounds one could hear came from the garden, and it was the faint sounds of the bugs.

The candles on the wall, which lit the hallway at regular intervals, felt cozy as if they have been lit for a while now. It was the perfect atmosphere to fall asleep, so why was the Grand duke still in the library?

“Come in.” Vianut’s calm low voice was heard from inside the room. The butler opened and held the door open, while gesturing Gris to go in alone.


Gris looked down at her clothes, the butler had been in haste so she wasn’t able to change into her everyday attire. Now she was wearing the clothes she had just slept in, a pink lace dress designed to be worn with a zig-zag string from the chest to the belly to hold it together was now a little loose, and her dress was already quite rumpled.

Fortunately, the ribbon that Bellin tied back around noon was still good. This should be enough to make her appearance decent. Gris stepped into the study silently. And as soon as she entered the room, she saw Vianut was laying on the window frame like usual, as he stared up at the ceiling. The full moon was peeking through the window and with his delicate silhouette against it, his appearance was like a piece of painting.

He glanced at her and sat on the window frame, holding the edge of his seat with his hands. Thanks to his long legs, his feet could touch the ground and still have room to step forward. The candle light shone on his sleek leather shoes that slightly glowed in the dark.

Gris stopped walking after one step and was now quietly watching his every movement. He looked at her dress meaninglessly and folded his arms over his chest. She thought that he might have had a very busy day, as he looked very exhausted to her.

“Come closer, Yuliana.” He ordered.

As naive as it may be, Gris clung on to a hope that he had been repulsed enough to tell her to leave the mansion or not taint the family name by marrying Dirk. She sent a silent prayer to the heavens, that of her liberation as she went and stood before him.

However, instead of giving her freedom, Vianut simply held out a palm-sized black frame to her, he had taken it from the window frame.

“It’s a gift.”

He extended it only slightly before him, beyond his casually parted thighs as if beckoning her to come and snatch it from him. She felt awkward and embarrassed at the improper gesture and was racking her thoughts on how to proceed.

When the silence had stretched on, Vianut then shook the frame lightly. Almost in a challenge as if to ask why she was not taking it yet. The atmosphere from the gentle candlelight made the Vianut’s smile seem beautiful as he sat in front of the window where one could see the full moon.

No matter who it was, they would of course be attracted to beautiful beings.

However, refusing to be drawn in, Gris walked forward with her head down trying to not look at him. When she stopped walking, she could see the man’s long slender calves.

She knew now what this was.

What he was doing was showing her who was the owner and the puppy.

Vianut was telling her what their relationship was – she was the puppy, who had to run when called, eat when given snacks, and be happy with small gifts he would give her. It would be a natural relationship between the Grand duke and a pr*stit*te. She bite her trembling lips in an effort to calm herself as she stretched out a hand to take the frame.

Inside the frame, there was something she never thought she would ever see again. It was a black butterfly with its wings spread out.

The same butterfly cursed by him, hardened never to fly into the sky again. He killed and framed it…

Gris touched her eyes trying to cover the tears that threatened to escape. Vianut was a cruel man. This she was sure of.

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