The Wen family and his party arrived home.

Unexpectedly, Song Shang was at Wen's house, drinking and talking with Wen Feng.

Hearing that the old lady was back, the two of them hurriedly welcomed her out.

Wen Feng drank happily and his eyes were misty. There was curiosity on his face: "Mother, why did you come back early?!"

 This question made the old lady very embarrassed. Ignoring him, he turned to Song Shang with an extremely kind attitude, "Brother Shang, why are you here?!"

Song Shang: "I have something I want to tell you."

 Old Mrs. Wen said, "Is it an emergency?"

 “There’s no rush to leave, just take a rest first!”

"Then you eat first, and I'll go back and freshen up first."

Wu was in a bad mood, so she pretended to smile and said a few words to Wen Feng and Song Shang. Wen Feng looked at the bags under her eyes and waved her hand impatiently: "Go and do your work first!"

Song Shang didn't see Wen Yu's car, "You go in first, I'll wait for a while."

Wen Feng didn’t know what he was going to do, so he wandered back.

 After waiting for a long time, Wen Yu's car arrived.

 This is not her car!

 He has been busy recently, and later he found out that the Wen family went to Zanquan Villa. After analyzing the reasons for a long time, the Wen family is now going to decide on Wen Yu's marriage. The Qi family has two unmarried young masters.

Although the two families have different family backgrounds, their shortcomings can be made up for by the A language. When someone mentioned it, the old lady would definitely respond, secretly hating herself for being too careless.

As soon as he received the news that Webster agreed to divorce, he ran to the Song family and waited.

 But he didn’t know the situation of the Wen family this time.

Wen Yu got out of the car and was stunned when he looked up and saw Song Shang.

Song Shang asked: "Ayu..."

“Cousin, why are you here?” Wen Yu asked.

"I have something I want to talk to the old lady about." He hesitated whether to talk to Wen Yu first.

Wen Yu looked very unhappy, "I have something to do with my grandmother... cousin, go and do it. Just don't worry about me!" After that, she turned around and left.

 What's wrong with her? !

Look at Sun Ying and Li Jiang again. They all look bad and seem to be injured. Some of the girls even have their faces covered...

 “What happened? Where are the Yanzhu people?” he asked.

Just as Xiao Ji was about to speak, Li Jiang was there first, "Fifth Master, we don't know anything!"

“…” Song Shang stopped asking, turned around, and winked at the person next to him.


 The old lady returned to the house and freshened up. I drank a cup of hot tea and sat quietly for a while. I haven’t had this feeling of failure for so many years.

Wen Yu, it’s a good thing about the Qi family’s marriage proposal, and it’s also a disaster about being frightened on the mountain road. Why is it so noisy when you get to her place? !

I don’t know what Wu did. Did anyone notice it?

 The feeling of not having control is really bad.

  No, we have to take care of Wen Yu’s matter quickly.

After a long while, she got up and came out and asked someone to invite Song Shang.

 Song Shang came in, "Auntie!"

 “Sit down quickly, is your mother okay?!”

 “Mother is very good.”

Song Shang's face didn't look good either. When he found out that Wen Yu almost had an accident, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweats. He didn't have time to analyze the reason.

Mrs. Wen saw that Song Wu was not smiling as usual, and her face was solemn, "A Shang, is nothing wrong?!"

Song Wu was silent for a while, "Auntie, what I am about to say may be a bit abrupt. But at the moment, my mind is so disturbed that I can't think of a better way, so I want to apologize to you first... Please don't blame me if I am inappropriate. ”

 When he said this, Mrs. Wen was shocked and did not dare to agree rashly.

"A Shang, after so many years, you have become mature, steady, smart and capable. My aunt is well aware of how much you have helped the Wen family. Why would you say anything rude?! Just say it!"

You should still discuss it with Ayu first...

 It's just that he was a little afraid that she wouldn't respond. If I am rejected, I am afraid that I will never be able to do anything else...

 So he gritted his teeth.

"Auntie..." He stood up and slowly knelt down.

Mrs. Wen was startled, quickly got out of her seat, and pulled him hard: "What are you doing? Get up! Is there anything you can't say properly?!"

Song Wu stood up, sweating on his forehead.

“Me, I like Wen Yu! I want to guard her for the rest of my life.”

 “Wen Yu?!” The old lady was shocked, why was it Wen Yu again? !

 At the moment, I couldn't think of anything else, I just cursed secretly, what a monster this is!

"Yes." Old Mrs. Wen's face darkened, she turned and sat down, turned her face to one side, and said lightly, "Keep her for the rest of her life? Do you want her to be your concubine?"

"No. Webster and I have decided to separate."

 “Heli?! With Webster?”

"Yes. After my mother's birthday party, I sent her back to her parents' home. I just received the letter and she agreed to divorce!"

 “Nonsense!” Old Mrs. Wen was anxious. "This is absolutely crazy! The Wei family, are you easy to mess with? You married her Wei Xiangyu and had a daughter, and divorced her?! Do families like ours reconcile or divorce their wives? I fought with the dead old man. I haven’t reconciled in my whole life! You are so shameless!”

“Auntie, let Song Shang say something outrageous, are you happy in this life?”

“Happiness?! Having children and grandchildren, status and property, that’s happiness! You don’t understand this? Song Shang, could it be that I have misjudged you after so many years?!”

“I don’t know what you think of me. Although power, status and wealth are important, being able to spend a lifetime with the person you love is fundamental.”

“Nonsense! You really **** me off!” Old Mrs. Wen was confused and shouted.

 “Is it because that girl Wen Yu is so good?!” How did she escape that disaster!

"I didn't want to get married to the Wei family in the first place. I'm afraid she had no better choice at the time, so she married me."

"Haha. This is funny. Whose husband is the ideal? Whose wife is the ideal? The foundation of marriage is to be well-matched and support each other!"

Song Shang did not answer her words: "After she came in, I also wanted to have a good life with her. But in the end, we still couldn't get along. Although Wei Shi seemed to care about me, in her heart, she also looked down on my background! "

 “…” Old Mrs. Wen was speechless. She still doesn’t know that Webster’s eyes are higher than the top?

 A few days ago, I even said something to myself out of nowhere. Now it seems that you know this? Think about it carefully, no?

 I don’t even know about this!

“Auntie, Ayu is the woman that I have longed for. Will you make it happen?!”

"You reconciled with the Wei family, turned around and married your cousin! Throwing the Wei family's face to the ground? You have done things well these years, do you think you can have nothing to worry about?"

Song Wu said in a low voice, "I don't underestimate the Wei family. But they can't underestimate me either! Webster's acceptance means that she has figured it out. Auntie, I can't reconcile for nothing." Xu Nuo He killed many people in the Wei family.

 “Does your mother know?!”

"I didn't say it clearly, or she would have guessed it."

 “That’s ridiculous!” the old lady shouted angrily.


In the garden, Webster was sitting under a tree. Today she was wearing a green silk dress with a large group of peonies embroidered on it.

 The round fan in her hand is embroidered with two butterflies.

Opposite her, a man in his twenties was sitting, looking at her dreamily.

 The man is thinking: He is no longer the poor classmate of her eldest brother.

There is no need to hide in the corner anymore, looking at her crazily but not daring to go up and talk to her.

He was not a tragic man who got drunk and was heartbroken when he found out she was married.

Now, he was born second in the college entrance examination and was valued by his elders. His life was like riding on a firecracker and ascending to the sky.

 This time I am on a business trip and will also participate in the celebration of Tianlong Temple. Even Webster's eldest brother must be respectful to him.

 King Wu was a thousand years old, so he went out of his way to meet with him alone.

 Now, the person whom I miss so much is sitting right in front of me. The holes in my heart were filled one by one.

 Suddenly, someone came from outside: "Sir!"

His eyes were still looking at the beautiful woman, and he responded in a deep voice: "Come in!" The voice was gentle, but the superior person's style was sufficient.

 The visitor knelt down on one leg and delivered a letter.

 He opened it and took a quick look, frowning slightly.

Webster asked slowly: "Didn't it work?"

"Yes. It was done, but it didn't work. Qi Jia Si Lang was nearby and rescued her. Her car broke down before it could reach the ridge and rolled over on the road. What a coincidence. If it hadn't been broken... it would probably have been lost. Go down!"

There was a stern look in Webster's eyes: "Is this all okay? What a good life!"

"Ayu, when a cat catches a mouse, it doesn't mean he kills it with one bite. Don't be impatient..."

"I'm not in a hurry! If it doesn't work, I have a way to do it!" She was still so arrogant, and her words seemed to mean something.

The man said gently: "Don't worry while I do my work. After you are done with the Song family, you can go to Beijing and I will wait for you there."

 “Okay~~I’ll listen to you!” Her smile made the flowers in the whole garden lose their color.

One hundred chapters.

    Thank you all friends for your company, affirmation, rewards and various votes.

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  (End of this chapter)

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