“Wen Yu!” Song Shang sat up straight and became serious.

"In order to marry you, I offered a dowry gift of two hundred thousand to the Wen family! But this money is not only mine, but also yours!"

 “What did you say?” Wen Yu was surprised.

"It's you who are telling the Wen family to redeem yourself! And I just simply like you..."

 “How come the silver is mine?”

"You still remember the salt you and Yan Zhu tinkered with in Zhuyuan that year, right? You gave me the recipe, and I worked on it for a long time, and finally made the finished product, named Xiaoxiang salt. Through operation, It became tribute salt. Nowadays, rich people in the capital are eating it.”

"Huh?! You mean...you stole my recipe back then, which is now Xiaoxiang salt..."

 “You gave me the prescription on your own initiative!”

 “I didn’t have it! You robbed it!”

 “You do, and you wrote me an IOU.”

 “Shameless!” Wen Yu stopped crying and was not sad anymore. She looked at Song Shang with burning eyes, “How much did you earn?!”

Song Shang was both angry and funny, "It's quite a lot. But the output is not large and the time is short. Not many people can afford it, so I haven't earned 200,000 yuan yet."

 “In that case, it is indeed my money!” Wen Yu agreed happily.

"Haha... it's not that simple. I improved your recipe several times before it finally took shape. To be more precise, it belongs to both of us! Ah Yu, there is more than just friendship between you and me. Such an important thing , has brought us together.”

“Are you worried that I will leak this matter?”


"You just said that only the two of us know how to do it. What if, I also find a way to start doing it, you are not the only one, so you want to control me?"

"Ayu, I'm not looking down on you. You can't do this. The white powder in the bamboo tube will eventually become tribute salt. How much money did I spend and how much effort did I spend?

Such a good thing comes out, do you think no one is jealous? How many people come to me to ask about my purchase, inquire, steal, and speculate? Song Laosi has been struggling for so long, spending money to get people... Haha! "Song Shang sneered arrogantly.

"How can you protect me? What's more, the time you did it was very random. If you try it again, you may not be able to do it!"

Wen Yu blinked, but was obviously dissatisfied.

"Wen Yu, since I can confess this to you, I'm not afraid. Moreover, I also told you that if we start, sooner or later someone will imitate it! Besides, even if you say it, who will believe it? I don't admit it. Who can do anything to me?"

“You’re not afraid of the Wen family either?”

Song Wu looked at her intently.

"If my grandparents know about this, and they don't kill half of the Song family in one bite, I'll think it's all in vain!" Wen Yu threatened.

"You!" Song Wu looked at her angrily, and suddenly laughed again, "Haha, the Wen family... Ah Yu! Even if the Wen family takes it away, do you think it will be your fault?

 Do you think I would be afraid of your father who has been promoted? ! Do you think Mrs. Wen loves me so much because she can’t make any money just by holding on to her property, so she has to rely on me and provide for me no matter what? "He looked cunning and cunning.

“Yes! How powerful you are! She can even accept you as her concubine, even her eldest granddaughter!”

 “Wen Yu!” Song Shang glared at her.

"Fifth brother..." Wen Yu said sadly: "In this life, I not only want to fulfill my wish. I also want to allow myself to live a good life. I don't want to come into contact with those people who always make me sad." Look. When she thinks of him, she will think of the misery of the previous life. At least until now, she still can't get over it.

But Song Shang didn't know what she was thinking, and he promised seriously: "I won't make you sad. You see, when you get married, you can do whatever you want, and I will never restrain you. You can do whatever you want, and go out if you want. Just come out. If you are dissatisfied with the Wen family, I can really help you. "

I have to say that Mrs. Wen still has some foresight. She knew this would happen...

“If you don’t want to have children, that’s up to you. No matter what you do, I will definitely be your biggest support!”

Wen Yu has a splitting headache, what’s wrong with this person!

"I respect you, so I'm talking to you so sincerely. Otherwise, as long as your grandmother agrees, you will have to marry in even if you don't want to!" He became threatening again.

"Okay! Then, either your widower will remarry, or my widow will remarry!" Wen Yu said angrily.

"You..." Song Wu pointed at Wen Yu, too angry to speak. "Do you really not want to be with me?"

"I don't want to!" Wen said firmly.

 Song Shang felt empty for a moment, feeling that all his efforts and planning were meaningless. My nose was sore and tears actually fell down.

This made Wen Yu a little confused, "What are you doing..."

 Song Wu lowered his head, sitting blankly and crying. "The year before last, you did a job for your mother, and you deliberately left a piece of it, saying that you couldn't do it well, and asked my mother to give you guidance. When my mother was young, she did a very good job. I don't know what you are thinking, so I will explain it to you very seriously, step by step. The teaching…

The two of you were chatting and laughing softly, and the sun was falling on your body. It was so beautiful... I thought of Webster's deep-rooted superiority in front of his mother! So, from that moment on, I knew I had to give up on her and be with you. "

Wen Yu was a little sad, "That's because among all the relatives, your mother is the best to me! Fifth brother, if you don't mention the marriage, we are still relatives..."

"But, there is one more thing..." Song Shang wiped his tears, "It is also a secret that belongs to both of us."

 “What else?!” What else is there? Wen Yu felt that his previous life had been in vain!

"You don't remember... You were five years old and Zhuzhu was a little over six. I had already started to get involved in family affairs at that time. Several masters took care of me. They liked me very much and often praised me. Song Wei was my second uncle's The eldest son, my second brother, do you remember him? "

Wen Yu blinked, feeling a little impressed, "He's quite tall, quite fat, and loves to laugh, but he ignored me..." At that time, the guy in front of her was kind to her and Zhuzhu, and the most annoying one was Song Si, who always bullied her.

"It's him. One day, he gave me a note, saying very nasty things about my mother, and invited me to go to the broken wall behind the bamboo forest. In fact, I am usually wary of them. But he said that my mother That kind of talk... I couldn't stand it, so I just pretended to be a dagger and went away without saying anything to anyone.

 Hehehe, he wants to kill me, and he brings a knife with him. Maybe he was afraid that others would know, so he didn't tell anyone and came alone. I knew I couldn't beat him, so I took out the dagger as soon as I met him.

During the fight, he knocked me away. I kicked him and he stepped back and leaned against the wall. Then he smiled and pulled out the knife while still cursing my mother.

 I was anxious and rushed over to hit him. He held me in one hand and raised the knife with the other..."

"Ah..." He said it very vividly. Wen Yu had vaguely seen that scene...

"At this time, a brick fell from the broken wall and hit the boss on the head. He was knocked unconscious. I looked up and saw that it was you and Zhuzhu."

 “Huh?!” Wen Yu narrowed his eyes and thought carefully, it seemed like...

"The brick was very heavy. You two pushed it down together. Seeing that he fell to the ground bleeding, you were both frightened. You lay on the wall and just stared at it. I shouted to you: leave quickly. This matter Don't tell anyone! You two just ran away."

"Why can't I remember clearly...then he is not missing, but dead?"

 “Yeah.” Song Shang responded coldly.

"It's me and Zhuzhu..." Wen Yu was confused and didn't dare to ask.

"No! He woke up later. Hehe, he threatened, begged for mercy, promised, regretted, showed brotherly affection, and used all kinds of methods. I was unmoved and killed him. Buried him on the spot... Later, when the bamboo garden was rebuilt , it was moved away.”

 “That’s it…”

"Although he is tall, fat and looks honest, in fact, he is really talented, much better than his younger brother. It is not easy for me to control the Song family if he is alive! But I am the eldest son, he may feel that he is struggling. But me. So, you want me to die like my elder brother."

 “Your eldest brother was also raped by his second uncle’s family…”

“It is speculated that it is. But the evidence has long since disappeared.”

“So, not only have I made so much money for you, but I’m also your savior?” Wen Yu suddenly became tough.

This turn was a bit fast. Song Shang's tears were not yet dry, so he nodded "...you can say that!"

“Oh, Fifth Brother, you see, without me, you wouldn’t be as prosperous as you are now, right? But when it comes to these things, it doesn’t have to be so heavy. You can pay for all my achievements with money!”

 “Wen Yu!” Song Shang was so angry.

"I'm serious! Let's do it, four hundred thousand taels of silver! Two hundred thousand is the recipe for Xiaoxiang salt, and two hundred thousand is your life-saving money, Mr. Song Wu. It's not too much, right!?"

 “If you marry me, the money and I will be yours.”

 “There’s no way!”

   There is really no family left..."Who does the Qi family want you to marry? The fourth young master or..."

 “Fifth Young Master!”

   …” Song Shang knew that person. "No wonder…"

"Understandable, right?! How about four hundred thousand silver?" Wen Yu actually laughed.

 "Wen Yu! Don't go too far, don't make me regret telling you my true feelings..."

"Song Shang, don't go too far. Don't make me regret that I took a risk and saved the wrong person!"

Song Shang blocked it and said bitterly: "The Qi family is very rich, what do you want the money for?"

“Of course it’s useful, there are so many things I want to do! You’ll know when the time comes.” Wen Yu’s face was cold.

“You still blame the Wen family?! But if you really marry into the Qi family, the Wen family will change!”

“I’m not surprised, but the Wen family... will change!”

Song Wu sat there, looking at her, and didn't move for a long time. He didn't expect that the conversation with her would be like this.

It's time to say, it's time to cry, so important secrets are frank, but it still doesn't work.

"Ayu, if you don't marry me, I will be very nice to you. But I'm not happy!" Song Shang said helplessly.

 “I’m very happy!” With a gentle smile, the whole room was filled with flowers.

"Since you deserve it, I will kindly give you another ride. First, don't trust Song Tao, and don't give Madam Xu her little son to him. Second, Webster, she agreed to divorce, maybe she just climbed up Gaomen, you may have a green grass on your head now. Also, she won’t let you and me go!”

 “How do you know this?” Song Shang was very shocked.

“Don’t ask! We have experienced so much together and you still don’t understand? Just believe me!”

  Have a great weekend! I heard that it was recommended by Qingyun today, everyone is happy...a 3,000-word chapter is presented!

There is cause and effect. Many people didn’t understand it before. Now, are you satisfied with the way the two of them get along?

  (End of this chapter)

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