The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 11: "You got the wrong one"

Chapter 11 "You got the wrong one"

 The next day, Yuan and Wen Huan came to the old lady's house to say hello. They were all smiling, and the atmosphere was very peaceful.

When the sisters were getting along, Wen Huan was cold to Wen Yu, but he got along with the sisters, talking endlessly, and laughing constantly.

 Wen Jiao was originally gentle to Wen and was a little jealous of Wen Huan. At this moment, she was busy making noises. Scattered small side drums were beating left and right, very happily.

Wen Yu did not move forward, and was indifferent to Wen Jiao's instigation. So she became a marginalized person, but she didn't mind and just sat there openly.

Sister Hui couldn't stand it, so she came over to have a few laughs with her.

After saying hello, Wen Yu returned to his room, unlike in the past when he went to his father's courtyard diligently.

Hongdou felt very sorry for her and did not mention the matter. He only stayed with her obediently and did some chores, but secretly complained in his heart that the master was unfair to the girl.

Hongxing was also doing things beside her, but in fact her mind was already far away. The wife hadn't sent anyone to look for her yet. She was distracted and careless in her work, and there was a "bang bang" sound.

Wen Yu and Hongdou both turned to look at her.

Hongxing was a little embarrassed and changed the subject: "Girl, why don't you go to the master and his wife's room?"

Wen Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

"Oh! I will pass by before!"

"Is it strange that I went before but not now?" Wen Yu replied with an indifferent attitude and continued to work.

 “No, no.” Hongxing didn’t dare to say more.

Suddenly, the girl next to Yuan appeared outside the door, smiling brightly, "Miss, the master and his wife are inviting you!"

Hong Dou’s eyes lit up: Master, after all, he remembered the girl! ?

Wen Yu shook her head at Hongdou. She couldn't always have extravagant hopes. She would be sad or even get into trouble!

I still ordered red apricots and went out.


 When Wen Yu entered the house, the family was sitting around a round table, talking and laughing.

The atmosphere was so good that no one even noticed her coming in.

Wen Yu stood there quietly, looking at them...


 Such a warm scene, adding myself is really superfluous.

After they had finished, Yuan saw her, "Yu'er?" She scolded the girls angrily: "The eldest lady is here, why didn't you announce it? Come and sit down quickly, Jin'er, give up your seat to your eldest sister. "

 The little boy stood up obediently and said, "Big sister!" It was very polite.

Wen Yurui, who was older than him, also stood up and shouted: "Big sister!"

Wen Yu nodded and smiled, "Father, madam." He came over, bowed, and sat down.

Wen Huan did not stand up, but smiled and said: "Sister! We have been waiting for you for a long time! We haven't seen you for more than two years, don't you miss daddy? I thought you would come back with father and mother to talk!"

You started instigating me before I could even sit down!

Wen Yu smiled and said, "After returning from a long journey, my daughter thought that her father and wife would have a good rest."

Wen Qian listened to her address: "Madam, Madam" with a cold face.

Yuan smiled and said: "It's not that busy on the way back this time. We could have arrived in the afternoon before, but your father spent an extra night in Lu County. His good friend Mr. Liu happened to come back from the capital to visit relatives. There he Got together with him.”

Wen Yu didn't look at his father's cold face, he just smiled and listened to his wife's words, looking very polite.

Wen Huan's eyes suddenly flashed, "Yes! Our family... went to visit the Liu family! The fish cooked by the Liu family's cook is so delicious. Moreover, Sister Liu is such a nice person, she is really a first-class lady!

I'm very happy to have met such a good handkerchief friend before I even arrived in Beijing! Uncle Liu said that if he could spare time, he would come to his eldest brother's wedding. If he came, I would introduce Sister Liu to her eldest sister. "

With Wen Qian’s intelligence, how could he not understand what Wen Huan meant?

 But he didn't take it seriously and kept observing Wen Yu secretly.

 When I saw her, her appropriate smile remained unchanged, and no emotion could be seen.

  When he came back in previous years, she had already been close to him, trying to please him without saying anything, and even gave him a lot of money that he had never used.

This time I saw him, he looked much more generous, maybe he was an adult.

 The second brother said she is over fifteen...

Thinking about Wen Huan’s birthday, we have to prepare for it for a long time in advance every time. There are many explanations, and they are different every year. Even if I had official business outside at the time, I would still find a way to celebrate her...

 The same is his daughter…

He didn't like this feeling of being indebted, so he said decisively: "Huanhuan, take out the things for your sister!" He went through the motions and asked her to leave quickly.

"Dad!" Wen Huan looked unhappy and pouted, "When you come back, you will only have sister in your eyes! The gifts are ready! They are indispensable! Can't your daughter talk to her eldest sister first? Don't Hurry!”

Wen Qian laughed and said, "You! You have a lot of things to do today. You have been away from your grandmother all year round, so you have to spend a lot of time with her." "Yes, daddy! Eldest sister, when you come back this time, father and mother will give you Leave it to me to prepare the gifts for the sisters. It made me so nervous. I have been busy choosing them myself for a long time. I am afraid that the sisters will not be satisfied with the things I selected." She was proud and proud.

“My heart is precious, how can we not be dissatisfied?!” Wen Yu said sincerely.

Wen Huan smiled, turned around and took out a package and gave it to Wen Yu, "Sister's, this is it! Take it back and take a good look! If you don't like it, give it to your sister and don't tell anyone else, just tell her quietly. La!"

"My sister is so humble. For so many years, my sister has been nurtured by her father and taught by my wife herself. Her vision, taste, and way of doing things are of course first-class! How could my sister not like it? It's hard to scratch her heart, so now I want to open it and take a look!" Wen Yu started to open the small bag.

“Hey!” Wen Huan quickly pressed Wen Yu’s hand, “Take it back and look at it!”

"I just took a sneak peek." Wen Yu gently took away Wen Huan's hand, "I hope that the gifts I received this time will be different from those of my sisters. The gifts I received before were all the same as those of my sisters! Every gift I received was the same as those of my sisters! After my father left, I was teased by them... saying that my father treated his own daughter just like his niece! My sister felt so sad."

As Wen Yu spoke, his hands moved quickly. The bundle had already been opened, and the contents inside were about to be revealed.

Wen Huan became anxious and stepped forward to **** it: "Wen Yu! Oh... Big sister, there are some things inside that are not suitable for father to see!" Her eyes stood up and her tone became serious.

"How could it be?" Wen Yu looked at Wen Huan strangely: "Sister, why are you so anxious?"

 “Take it back and read it!” Wen Huan had a tough attitude.

She had never experienced an emergency before, so she was a little panicked and pressed Wen Yu's hand in an exaggerated manner.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Yuan was shocked. Could it be that her daughter had done something small?

He quickly came to the rescue, "Yes, Sister Yu, take it back to your room and take a look! Someone, please take the packages in the box and send them to each room according to the names on them!"

"Ha! Sister, the more mysterious you are, the stronger my sister's curiosity will be. She can't wait for a moment longer!" After Wen Yu finished speaking, he shook Wen Huan's hand vigorously.

 “Ouch…” Wen Huan felt pain.

Wen Qian was furious: "Wen Yu, what are you doing?!"

"Father...the daughter didn't do anything! She just wanted to see the gift from her father and sister!"

 The baggage was opened, and a bunch of messy things were displayed in front of my eyes...

Wen Huan ignored the pain in his hand, blushed, and bit his lip nervously.

When Yuan Shi saw those things, he felt a little stupid. She never thought that her daughter would behave like this!

I never expected that that **** girl would have to open it in front of her husband...

 Looking at her husband quickly...

Wen Qian couldn't believe it when he saw the "gifts" on the table: a few hairpins that didn't even have boxes: they were neither gold nor silver, just red flowers with green leaves sewn in velvet, tied to a wooden hairpin. The one above... was inserted into the heads of the village girls from poor families when he went to inspect the countryside...

There are a few crumpled handkerchiefs... and... gone, that's all.

 “…” He swallowed.

 Wen Yu was not anxious or annoyed, but with a hint of contempt. He first picked up the hairpin and said, "Oh! There is also... a hairpin? Oh, this hairpin is really..."

 She looked like she couldn't say the words "good-looking" and "precious", either... she thought awkwardly for a while, and then said "kindly": "It's really... special!"

  She knew what her sister had given her this time.

 At this time in her last life, she had just experienced the pain of Hongdou's death and had not yet entered the Song family. When her father came back, she received a handful of toys like this.

 She went back and threw these things all over the floor, which was really heartbreaking!

Now that she doesn't care anymore, she feels much more relaxed.

Jade color fiber, holding a cricket on his head, smiling at Wen Qian's ridicule. Then "pop" and throw it on the table!

 Yuan Shi and Wen Huan feel like they are being thrown in their face!

Wen Yu picked up the embroidered veil again.

Thin grass-green silk, embroidered with crude pink flowers... He glanced at it and put it down, then picked up one of the dark green handkerchiefs steadily. Among the pile of things, this handkerchief was the most valuable.

It was produced by a famous local embroiderer. A piece of handkerchief cost ten taels of silver, making it a quite affordable gift.

"Give it to me..." Wen Huan felt even more guilty and grabbed it.

Wen Yu hid and opened it... In the middle of the veil, there was a hole cut by scissors!

That time, Wen Huan falsely accused her, saying that she was dissatisfied with her father and deliberately damaged it.

"Ah? Sister, this veil...why is it like this?!" Wen Yu held the veil and asked Wen Huan doubtfully.

Wen Huan didn't know what to do and turned red with embarrassment.

Wen Qian can no longer show off his face no matter how much he has a city.

Yuan stretched out his hand and snatched the handkerchief away, "What...what's going on? It shouldn't be! These handkerchiefs are Master Huang's craftsmanship. How could they be broken?!"

Wen Yu smiled and said, "Haha, second sister... It seems that it was an inappropriate decision for my father and wife to leave the purchase of gifts to you!"

Yuan's face turned red, and she looked at Wen Huan intently: "Huanhuan, you got the wrong one!"

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 (End of this chapter)

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