Where does Mr. Liu dare to look?

  Crazyly shouting “Stop!”

Mother Cui came up to stop Wen Yu, but her attitude was very respectful: "Miss Wen, the dead person is the most important. Even if you want to stand up for Miss Liu, you must pay attention to the method. Don't be too impatient."

Mr. Liu looked at Granny Cui. Are you really trying to stand up to her with these words? !

“I know about Grandma Cui, I’m so excited.” Wen Yu responded.

She turned to Mr. Liu and said, "As I said, if it goes as I want, we don't owe each other anything. If it doesn't go as I want, I will publicize to the world the abuse you and your wife have done to their siblings! Finally, let you We have no money and no one can live here! Your son will be scolded when he goes out! No one will dare to fill your house!"

This is a girl? She's obviously a shrew? ! I really want to kill her! "What do you want?" Mr. Liu asked.

"What do I think? Mr. Liu, are you a smart man? Let me analyze it for you: Liu Lanfang's parents passed away, and people and money fell into your hands. You just need to find a suitable marriage for Lanfang and give him a share. Marry her with a decent dowry and that's it!

 You have four sons but no daughter. If Lanfang marries well, wouldn't it be a help to you and your sons? "

Mr. Liu lowered his head.

"Besides, Lan Zhou, you don't have to be particularly nice to him. He doesn't have to pay for school fees, marry a wife and have children, or be picky about food and clothing. You just need to... find two people to take care of him, don't bully him, and just take care of him when he's sick. How long can he live like this? If you can do such a simple thing, will Lan Fang still worry about him and insist on marrying him?

 After taking care of him for a few years, when he dies, doesn’t all the property legitimately belong to you? Isn't it good to not only gain a good reputation but also gain property? Do you have to risk a few lives and the reputation of the Liu family? "

Mr. Liu licked his lips... He also regretted it!

 This matter was indeed careless on his part.

I thought my wife could control it, but I didn’t expect Liu Lanfang to be so ruthless...

Even more unexpectedly, Wen Yu would go out of his way to stand up for her...

Thinking about her enthusiasm and current energy... she is in trouble. She won't get any advantage, but she won't get it either, or worse.

After difficult negotiations, it was finally settled: the matter was pressed down, Wen Yu took Liu Lanzhou away privately, and told the public that he was going to recuperate.

Mr. Liu only agreed to give half of the property, otherwise, he would not let him go even if he was ruined.

I say it’s half, but it’s definitely less than that. Because none of the furniture, valuables, and slaves can be found.

As for the house and the land, if Mr. Liu says that Liu Lanzhou can’t live in the house and can’t manage the land, what can he do with it?

 Wen Yu doesn’t want to be entangled anymore. Secret hatred: When I stand up in the future, I must avenge this!

Mr. Liu bitterly took out several thousand taels of silver notes. I was also thinking in my mind: If Liu Lanzhou dies in your hands... Hey, if I don't cause trouble, I will spit back everything I took away.

By the time Magistrate Zhang arrived, the matter had already been negotiated.

Zhang Jiangqing and Zhang Moqing arranged specific matters, including finding a coffin shop and finding someone to take care of the funeral.

Mr. Liu gave up a big house and simply set up a mourning hall. No one would come to pay homage to her anyway.

Wen Yu knew that Lan Fang was not willing to stay here any longer and said he would be buried early tomorrow morning. Then, she took Lan Zhou away directly.

Mr. Liu was eager for this and nodded in agreement.

When the matter came to an end, Wen Yu called Aunt Cui aside. She blushed and was embarrassed: "Aunt Cui... Today, Wen Yu went over the line. He used the name of Madam and took advantage of Auntie. This is really That's too much! I was so anxious that I couldn't think of any other good ideas...

 Liu Lanzhou, you have also seen that if you don't take him away, he will die soon. But no matter how many reasons I have, this is not the right thing to do. Wen Yu apologizes to Madam and you. You go back and explain everything to Madam! If the madam is strange... or the marriage cannot be consummated because of this, Wen Yu will understand. "

 She was uneasy, what she had done was too outrageous!

Which mother-in-law can tolerate such a daughter-in-law?

 If the marriage doesn't work out... I probably won't be able to stay in the Wen family anymore.

When the Wen family let her go, she took Yan Zhu and Liu Lanzhou to find her uncle, and then found a village to live in. This was how she would stay for the rest of her life. If you don't let him go...hehe, with Liu Lanfang as an example...you won't be able to kill him if you don't believe it!

 It was just that her original plan went astray, and she was a little disappointed.

But Aunt Cui smiled and said: "Miss Wen, don't think too much, Madam is not an ordinary woman. Our Cui family values ​​family and friendship the most. When Madam was young, she was also very cheerful. When I go back, I will be careful with Madam. He said, let’s go back first. Where are you, miss?”

"I'll make some arrangements for Lan Zhou and then go home. Lan Fang will be buried early tomorrow morning. I will take Lan Zhou away. It just so happens that I rented a yard before."

"Okay! It seems that the young man is not in good condition. We need to find a doctor as soon as possible. If not, just use some sleeping pills and let him sleep for a few days."

"Ah? It's what I reminded you! Thank you very much..." Wen Yu also realized this.

 After a while, the good coffin and the people in the coffin shop arrived. Yan Zhu coaxed Liu Lanzhou and stood guard outside the door. There was a special person who dressed and tidied up Lanfang, and then she was placed in the coffin.

Wen Yu pulled Liu Lanzhou to the coffin, looked at Liu Lanfang inside, took off the hairpin from his head, and inserted it into hers.

"I remember that when you were a child, you loved beauty. Over the years, you have been honoring your parents' filial piety and have always been in a bad mood, so I have never seen you wearing bright clothes. Today, you are going to see your parents. Dress up nicely. They will definitely see you. I'm very happy... don't worry, I'll leave Lanzhou to you!"

"Lan Zhou, isn't my sister pretty? She went to find your parents. From now on, can you follow Sister Yu and Sister Zhuzhu? Be good and obedient and don't make your sister anxious and angry, okay?"

Liu Lanzhou said nothing, staring at Liu Lanfang, holding the side of the coffin tightly with his hands. It was getting late and she had to go back.

Zhang Jiangqing came over and said: "Ayu, you go back, I will keep vigil tonight."

"Okay. I'll come early tomorrow morning." She looked at Liu Lanzhou, feeling very worried. "Zhuzhu, you should stay here with him. If he can eat, just eat less and drink some water. Spread a mat here and coax him to sleep for a while."

Yan Zhu pulled Liu Lanzhou and nodded.


As soon as Wen Yu returned home, he was summoned to the old lady's room, and Mrs. Wu was also there.

 “What have you done?” Old Mrs. Wen asked angrily.

Hearing that two people from the Liu family died at once, the old lady of the Wen family was shocked. Although I don’t know what happened, it’s definitely not a good thing!

As a result, someone from the Liu family asked the "adults" of the Wen family to come. Their attitude was very bad and they didn't give any explanation when asked. Knowing that Wen Yu was at Liu's house, the old lady was even more surprised. Didn't she go to Mrs. Qi's place? Why did you end up at Liu's house?

Oh my God, will she lose her reputation if she gets involved in this matter?

 Does the Wen family still want their reputation?

Since the situation was unclear, Mrs. Wen would definitely not be able to show up, so Mrs. Wu left angrily.

 But when she arrived at Liu's house, she was unable to enter the back house. She was only in Mrs. Liu's mourning hall in front.

 Actually, at this time, Wen Yu and Mr. Liu were already in the late stages of negotiation. The tone had been set, and Mr. Liu was unwilling to create any further complications, so he did not let Wu in.

Mrs. Wu put some incense in front of her and looked around. The eldest lady of the Liu family didn't show up, not even the hostess. She didn't know who to ask.

 After a while, they invited her out.

 I walked out of the door confused, and even ran to the side door to take a look. The door was closed tightly...I couldn't hear anything.

 When I got home, I talked to the old lady in a heated manner for a long time.

Old Mrs. Wen knew that Wen Yu had a good relationship with the Liu siblings. What on earth was she doing there?

At this moment, Mrs. Wen was shocked and angry when someone was caught.

 “Grandma.” Wen said tiredly and depressed. "Lan Fang is dead. I went to take care of her funeral!"

"Who are you? Who is she? A girl who has not yet left the court went to take care of the affairs of another girl who has not left the court. You can imagine..." Mrs. Wu screamed excitedly.

"Second Aunt, I am a thoughtful person!" Wen Yu replied coldly, glanced at Mrs. Wu, and still said to Mrs. Wen: "Lan Fang and I were close friends. She died and I had to go. have a look."

"Don't do this! What did you do at the Liu family? Why did the Liu family come to the house?" Wu said fiercely.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Wen Yu ignored her.

Wu stood up suddenly and came towards Wen Yu: "You don't know? You did something that embarrassed the Wen family, and that's the end of it if you just say you don't know?"

 She gestured, wanting to slap her twice. She hates Wen Yu so much now. Wen Jiao makes trouble every day...

"Second Aunt!" Wen Yu squinted her eyes and looked at Wu, "What have I done to embarrass the Wen family? I lost my friend, and I'm not as excited as you... What do you want to do? Do you also want to beat your niece?" ? I am Wen Yu, not Liu Lanfang!" Her attitude changed and she looked at Wu fiercely.

 Wu was shocked, "You, you want to rebel?!"

 “Ha!” Wen Yu turned to look at Old Mrs. Wen.

 Old Mrs. Wen remained calm and didn't know the situation, so she let the Wu family watch for now!

Although she has never followed Liu Lanfang, she knows that Mrs. Liu is strong at the tip, hypocritical and mean...it is not impossible to bully Liu Lanfang. But why are they all dead?

Wu pointed at Wen Yu: "Wen Yu, do you think you can forget about it after we have a good marriage? Are you disrespecting your elders?"

"Second Aunt, first of all, you have to behave like an elder. In this regard, your demeanor is quite different from that of my grandmother and eldest wife. You are going to the capital, so learn from it! Don't be alone by then. It’s so ugly!”

 “Little…” The word “bitch” came to her lips again and she swallowed it, and Wu wanted to take action…

"Okay! What's the fuss about?" The old lady glanced at Wu, "Wen Yu, you don't have to fight each other. Someone from the Liu family came to see you today, and their attitude was extremely bad. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will get excited. If, You really did something wrong...Grandma doesn’t care who you marry into, family law is not for show!”

“Grandma.” Wen Yu said respectfully, “Having lived in the Wen family for so many years, my granddaughter certainly knows that family law... is not just for show!”

 “…” The old lady actually choked.

This **** girl's attitude is fine, and there's nothing wrong with every word. But why is it so awkward!

“Grandma, after a tiring day, my granddaughter is going back to her room to rest. She will have to see Lan Fang off early tomorrow morning.”

 After saying that, she bowed politely and walked away...

 The old lady felt that her gentle words today seemed to have changed again...


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