Mrs. Qi’s motorcade arrived in the west of the city.

The Qi Family Courtyard is located in a quiet area amidst the bustle. With its high gray courtyard walls, one cannot see the other from one corner.

The vermilion door has a big lion at the door, showing the aura of wealth and nobility.

The motorcade went directly to the side door near the back house, and there were already many servant girls waiting to greet them.

Her eldest daughter-in-law, Xu Minghui, stood in front of the crowd.

 “Mother!” Ms. Xu gave a gentle salute with a faint smile on her face.

“Hmm. Is Qi Xiao back?” Mrs. Qi asked with a slight smile.

The eldest daughter-in-law in front of me has thin and curved eyebrows, red phoenix eyes hanging from the ends of her eyes, a small red mouth, and a face with oval seeds... she is indeed beautiful.

 But in Mrs. Qi’s mind, Wen Yu’s calm and beautiful eyes appeared...

"My husband wrote a letter saying that something has delayed me and I have to wait a few more days."

 “Oh. Where is Bao’er?”

Mrs. Xu put on a big and sweet smile, but her eyes were cold, "Bao'er's grandmother misses her. My daughter-in-law took her back to her parents' home a few days ago. Grandma insisted on keeping her for a day. But, after staying, He didn't put it back at all!" She wiped her mouth with the handkerchief and looked around: "Mom, where is my cousin?"

 She was asking about Yuanyuan.

 “Her father picked her up at the city gate.”

"Oh, I'm so envious of Yuanyuan. She has traveled so many places at such a young age. There are still so many people who feel like their eyes are sore...after all, blood is thicker than water. My daughter-in-law's mother, who hasn't seen Bao'er for more than ten days, just wants to It’s terrible. My uncle hasn’t seen Yuanyuan for almost half a year, so he must be thinking bad.”

This means that I ignored my granddaughter for half a year and didn’t think about Baoer, but I took others with me to so many places?

But Mrs. Qi has nothing to do with this. If Mrs. Xu finds other faults, she can return them without hesitation.

 But if it involves your granddaughter... How can you miss her after being away from home for such a long time?

 She is very kind to Yuanyuan, how can she be bad to her granddaughter?

 “I brought some stuff to Bao’er and sent it back to her room.”

"Thank you, mother. Bao'er is younger than Yuanyuan and is not very good at playing yet. There is no need to prepare it specially. Later, when Yuanyuan plays, just throw her one or two items. Bao'er also picked a lot. What if she... It would be a waste of my mother’s love.”

 I really don’t like coming back...

Mrs. Qi was a little desperate, thinking of the harmonious and warm scene when she was with Wen Yu. Sighing: Fortunately, there is hope, just let Wen Yu come in.

 So, she stopped talking.

“Mom, where is the fifth uncle?” Xu Minghui asked again.

 “He has something urgent to do first and will be back soon.”

"Yeah?! It seems to be a very urgent matter, otherwise, grandma would have waited in vain!"

Mrs. Qi stopped: "In order to rush back, I haven't washed myself properly for several days. I will go back to the house first, and you can tell the old lady for me... just tell me: everything is fine."

 “But mother and grandmother are always in the house...”

Mrs. Qi’s eyes were cold and heavy, “Didn’t you hear what I said?”

Xu's face turned red, her mouth pursed, and her eyes lowered.

 “Humph!” Mrs. Qi couldn’t bear it any longer, flicked her sleeves and left.

 You have to see that **** **** as soon as you enter the door?

 I'm even afraid that I can't help but slap her!

Mrs. Xu was embarrassed and humiliated when she saw Mrs. Qi leaving like this, and she clutched the veil bitterly. After a long while, he sneered and went to the old lady's room.


 Wen Qian received a letter from his family. After reading it, I frowned...

He quickly judged the pros and cons. Finally, he just sighed, took a leave of absence, took the letter and went home.

Yuan Shi was a little surprised when he came back: "Why did Mr. Wen come back so early?"

 Wen Qian's journey back was much calmer. At this point, the risk is uncertain if we continue, but if we want to stop it... I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome. Let’s ask about the Qi family first.

 “I have something to tell you.”

"What's going on? Are you still so serious? Tell me..." Mrs. Yuan poured a glass of water for her husband, and then drank a glass herself, looking very relaxed.

 In the days since she arrived in the capital, Wen Qian's official affairs have gone smoothly. I went out to socialize with my husband and made friends with a few nice ladies. The upward path slowly opened up and I received invitations from respectable families one after another.

 Family affairs are also on the right track.

 The front study, the old lady’s yard and Wu’s yard were arranged according to the husband’s hobbies. However, the yard belonging to several girls was given to Wen Huan. After working hard for such a long time, Wen Huan has made great progress. Work in an orderly manner and command with grace.

 So, we got good news again. Her new friend Mrs. Li is Li Qi, the legitimate son of brother Li Ge. She is seventeen this year and is already a scholar. Because of my studies, I haven't gotten engaged yet.

Mrs. Li likes Wen Huan very much and intends to match her up... Judging from her intentions, I'm pretty sure!

 Anyway, after entering Beijing, everything was fine.

 “What’s wrong, Mr. Wen!? I’m listening!”

Wen Qian said: "My mother wrote a letter and made an engagement to Wen Yu."

Yuan's smile faded and she said, "It's time for the eldest lady to decide. Is it the Zhang family?"

"No. He is the fifth son of the Qi family of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion in the capital."

Yuanshi blinked, "With whom?!"


 “With whom?”

The man threw the glass ball on the table with a bang. The ball rolled twice from the table and fell to the ground.

Qi Wu picked it up and put it back.

 Silently looked at the man in front of him, Zhao Qihuan, the grandson of the current dynasty.

 In his early years, he saved his own life. Now, I gave him my life.


Qi Wu sighed. This person really didn't know about his subsequent engagement. Because the people he sent to follow him came back one after another with messages.

 So, he only knew that he had been tricked by the Qin family...

"Your Highness, we decided just before we come back. Here's the thing..."

Zhao Qihuan took a stern look outside the window... There was someone trembling at the base of the window...

He lazily interrupted Qi Wu: "I said Qi Xiaowu, your heart can change no matter how you say it?! You are heartbroken. This is not the Qi Xiaowu I know! I don't even know that you are a Here’s the big radish!”

Qi Wu couldn't answer these words.

"Originally, I was still thinking about how I had disturbed the marriage between the Jiang and Qin families and asked Qin Dongshi... uh, to help you get him back! Why did you change your mind again..."

“Your Highness, the daughter of the Wen family in Jiangzhou has been selected. Miss Wen’s father, Wen Qian, has just been transferred to the capital to take up the post..."

"Okay...just a country girl." Taisun said with contempt on his face, "Have you seen anyone?"

"I've met a few times." Qi Wu knew: he had to tell the truth, otherwise it would be the beginning of bigger troubles.

"Hey! How many really went on a blind date! How can a man and a woman alone meet each other several times!? From this, it can be easily inferred that she is by no means a well-behaved woman!"

Qi Wu couldn’t argue...he could only listen.

Then Taisun muttered something more, not knowing what he said, and asked sideways, "What does this firewood girl look like?

"Your Highness!" Qi Wu became serious, otherwise it would be endless, "You also know that when I return home this time, my mother will be engaged to me."

"Hmph!" He rolled his eyes, "Then how do you think her appearance compares with Qin Dongshi's?" He picked up the cup and drank some water, and asked in a long voice.

“…The main reason why mother settled on her was…” Qi Wu quickly cut through the mess and told the story of how he rescued Yuanyuan.

The grandson listened carefully, and then his face became gloomy for a while, then he snorted and turned to look at Qi Wu, "Could it be this Chaihuo girl who did this? Could it be that she was somewhere? I saw you on the occasion and knew that Mrs. Qi wanted to get you engaged, so I designed this situation to get to know Mrs. Qi better. Then, you know..."

His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were full of energy, making his whole person suddenly look different.

But Qi Wu was unwilling to say any more, and directly took out the baggage, "Your Highness, take a look at this again... Before, I had someone send some of it back. I was afraid it wouldn't be safe, so I took it all with me."

Taisun glared at him, took it and looked at it one by one.

This time, he stopped his rogue expression and became serious and serious...

 Sorry, it’s even later.

 Just when I was about to go to sleep yesterday, I saw the earthquake video, and then I couldn’t fall asleep.

 How cold it is! Why disasters always happen in the most difficult times...

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