Jiang Pingting said to Wen Yu calmly:

"Here, I also live behind closed doors. I don't go to the concubine's place. Every ten days, I show up when I greet the concubine. The concubine has a domineering temperament, but I have an ordinary appearance and don't If you stay with your grandson, your life will be very easy!"

Wen Yu couldn't help but feel distressed: "What about your great youth!?"

"Ayu, take it one step at a time. If you can live a good life, of course you can't live a bad life. But if you don't live a good life, you can't just live a good life!"

 “Then can you go out on weekdays?”

 “It’s not very convenient. Occasionally, I can go back to my parents’ home.”

“What a pity. After the New Year, I’m going to open a shop! You have the best idea, and I’d like to ask you to help me take a look!”

"You're welcome to do whatever you want me to do. I'll give you some money later. When my grandfather came back, he felt that he was in debt and made up a lot of dowry. But where can I use it? I don't have any enthusiasm for the moment. You can just use it. !”

“Oh, he’s my eldest brother after all, that’s so interesting!” Wen Yu leaned on her shoulder.

This time, I was not disliked.

“Lan Zhou, let him move to my house! Let my mother take care of him.”

“Zhuzhu takes good care of her.”

 “But she has to get married!”

“Let’s talk about it then. Hey, will you follow me to the front and meet Mrs. Qi?!”

 “Okay!” Jiang Pingting did not hesitate.

 Two people held hands and talked while walking.

 I feel like I can’t finish saying that!


Even though Mrs. Qi had an argument with the concubine, she also knew that something had really happened and it would be too late to say anything.

 She didn’t know what method the other party used, she stood there blankly, full of anger and despair...

 “Mother!” Qi Wu came.

 “Xiao Wu!” Mrs. Qi was excited, “Tell her tenderly…”

 “Mother, she’s okay!”

 “Really?!” Mrs. Qi felt that her back was soaked with sweat.

“It’s true, my grandson has been following him. Wen Yu met an old friend. Let’s wait at the front. He will probably be here soon.”

"Okay. It really scared me to death. My son, it's Xue Ying..." Mrs. Qi gritted her teeth.

"Mother, don't say it here." Qi Wu supported her and walked forward.

County Lord Huiyi came over: "Third Sister, what's wrong with you? You're sweating?"

Mrs. Qi said: "Oh, I'm in a hurry!

 “Where is Wen Yu? I want to introduce someone to her.”

 “I said I met an old friend and will come over soon!”

“Third sister, how old is she? I also met an old friend...”

At this moment, a breaking news spread like wings.

Jinzi, the eldest son of Duke Xingguo, and Zhang Jinjin, the eldest daughter-in-law of Prince Consort in Daliushu Hutong, had a tryst in the east palace.

 The two of them were too "happy" and made a huge noise, and were discovered by Taisun's guards.

Reported to the grandson and caught him.

The grandson was furious and took the gold with disheveled clothes back to the Duke's mansion!

 Let Zhang Jinjin’s husband come and take her back.

When the concubine heard this, she was shocked. How could Zhang Jinjin have a tryst with Jin Zi?

she is not…

I just wanted to defend her a few words.

 The Crown Princess glanced at her and she didn't dare to move.

Then, the grandson arrived at the back and scolded the grandson in front of the princess, asking her how incompetent she was and how she guarded the house. He actually let people break into the back house of the East Palace to do lewd things!

 This was the first time that the grandson had scolded her without mercy, and the concubine cried when she was scolded.

 The Crown Princess looked at her son, silently, thinking in her mind.

 Perhaps the grandson had greeted the prince in advance.

 When the prince was talking to others, his expression remained unchanged and he did not mention this matter.

 The guest room exploded.

 “Oh my God, really!? How is this possible?” Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Yeah, this is too outrageous. Zhang Jinjin already has two sons?!”

"With her status, how could she be willing to have a tryst with Jin Zi..."

Most people don’t believe it and write conspiracy theories one after another.

But someone stood up and clapped his chest to testify: "I saw it with my own eyes: it was Zhang Jinjin's girl delivering the message to Jin Zi. Then, Jin Zi said: "Hou'er is in a hurry! He left."

"Prince Yongqing also saw it! Right?!" He even asked Prince Yongqing to testify.

The Prince of Yongqing County was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke. Isn’t that exactly what he saw with his own eyes!

 He believed it.

He said calmly: "There is a girl talking to Jin Zi, but I don't know who that girl is."

"I saw it too. Although I don't know who the girl is with, she is definitely not a palace maid!"

  Everyone looked at it and said, "Sure enough!"

 “No wonder that time...” Someone started to make up a story.

 “Yes, yes, once, I was wondering, why...”

Various stories appear out of thin air. Everyone was shocked and happy.


 “Madam!” Wen Yu brought Jiang Pingting over.

Seeing Wen Yu, Mrs. Qi was excited, "Ayu, are you okay?!"

"Don't worry, Madam, I'm fine. Let me introduce to Madam, this is my good friend Jiang Pingting. She is the granddaughter of Mr. Jiang Yunqi and the daughter of Mr. Jiang Qian. We grew up together since childhood. Now she is the grandson's concubine. !”

Mrs. Qi looked at the peaceful Jiang Pingting and said politely, "Concubine."

"Madam, you don't have to be polite. Wen Yu and I are good friends. Just call me Pingting in private."

 “And this one...is Mr. Qi Wu.”

Qi Wu hasn’t left yet.

 Jiang Pingting looked at Qi Wu and said, "..." Oh my god, is this Wen Yu's future husband?

Alright, she!

Qi Wu bowed according to the rules: "Concubine!"

 Jiang Pingting nodded: "Master Qi Wu." Then she turned to look at Wen Yu, the smile in her eyes clearly meant: You have earned it!

 Wen Yu is a little embarrassed...

 “Wen Yu!” Old Mrs. Wen also came over hurriedly.

 In the past half day, she was like an ant on a hot pot, losing her usual strength.

 “Grandma!” Wen Yu didn’t want to say more to her: “Who do you think this is?”

 Old Mrs. Wen felt relieved when she saw Wen's smiling voice.

 Jian Wenyu refers to a woman in palace attire, huh? Looks familiar?

 Jiang Pingting smiled and said nothing.

“Grandma, this is sister Pingting! Now, she is the grandson’s concubine!”

When the old lady heard this, she was very excited: "Oh, I think she looks familiar! It's Miss Pingting... Oh, look at my rules, she is the general empress! Wish you a happy empress!" The flattery was obvious.

 Jiang Pingting nodded: "Old Mrs. Wen. I'm very happy to see Wen Yu... and the Wen family in the capital!"

"After a few years, you became the empress! The relationship between the Wen family became closer, and you and Wen Yu often played together! At that time, I felt that you were much more stable than the others! She is indeed the most promising! They are all queens! Look at their magnificence!"

 Old Mrs. Wen smiled from ear to ear.

 It made Jiang Pingting laugh...

Laba came over and told Wen Yu about the development of the situation.

Wen Yu expressed satisfaction, "Can you enter the Prince Consort's Mansion? If there is any news, spread it out in an exaggerated way!"


County Princess Huiyi also came to meet with Jiang Pingting, and murmured to Mrs. Qi: "This Lady Jiang, at such a young age, is quite stable."

"No, she is a hundred times better than Xue Ying! I have something else to tell you later!" Mrs. Qi's eyes were cold.

 They have attracted many relationships of their own.

 For a time, this place also became a lively place.


Taisun asked someone to **** the gold back to the Duke's mansion.

His grandfather, the Duke, did not go to the East Palace today. He was playing with the birds at home.

 The eldest grandson was sent back in disheveled clothes. Before he could ask in detail...

 Jin Zi’s father came back in a hurry.

Jinzi's father went to the East Palace today and was bragging to others when someone told him: Your Jinzi had an affair with Zhang, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Prince Consort's Mansion in Daliushu Hutong, in the east palace. He was caught by his grandson and escorted back. The government is over.

Jin Zi’s father shouted: “Take him back? Ouch, don’t get hurt!” He jumped up and ran away.

 When Xingguo Gong was young, he was severely exploited by the emperor several times.

Although he doesn't take care of things much now, the emperor's lingering feelings are still there, so he is good to him.

  The old man's mind is quite normal.

 But his son and grandson...

Jin Zi’s father was asking his son distressedly: “Are you not hurt?!”

 The son was acting recklessly in the East Palace, but the father was only worried about whether he was hurt.

Jin Zi adjusted his clothes angrily, "No!"

“Ah Jin, my father saw that girl from the Zhang family when she was a child. She is not good-looking and she is not young anymore. How could you fall in love with her?”

"I didn't..." Jin Zi felt wronged.

But Jin Zi’s father didn’t think he was wronged: “Even if you want her, why bother running to the East Palace if you want her? This time, you are so shameless!”

 This refers to the fact that the gold should not be used for fornication in the "East Palace", rather than the fornication itself.

 “Grandpa, dad, Jin Zi was wronged!”

"Ajin, did that girl from the Zhang family seduce you?" His father had no principles.

"Oh, listen to me. Zhang Jinjin asked the girl to come and tell me that she could call Qi Yang's beautiful fiancée into the aisle and ask me to come forward and ruin that girl's reputation. Then this girl has to go in Our family is here!

 Grandpa, dad, you don’t know! That girl is a beauty that the capital has not seen in many years! If this is a good thing, I will definitely go! "He looks like it's natural.

Daddy Jinzi listened to the story with excitement.

Duke Xingguo was a little more solemn: Zhang family’s dead girl, what is this?

Want to trick the Duke’s government? !


He quickly thought: Where did he offend that bitch’s husband’s family and her natal family…

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