Chapter 174 You and I

Yuanyuan finally remembered that she had the experience of being photographed.

 She is the temperament of the Cui family, straightforward and simple.

Although at that time, she was scared and cried.

 But later on, it was nice to be coaxed by gentle words. So much so, I don’t think so, it’s even like an adventure!

 As soon as she was reminded by Mr. Tan, she wanted to show off her "glorious experience"!

“There’s nothing to be afraid of as a photographer, Yuanyuan is here...” She was about to say...

“Old Madam Qi! Under the rule of Emperor Yongde, the times are peaceful and prosperous. It coincides with the Lantern Festival, and the emperor celebrates with the people. The capital is decorated with lights and colors everywhere, showing that the world is peaceful and prosperous. How can there be any frivolous people?”

County Lord Huiyi stood there and spoke unhurriedly, but her voice was not quiet.

“…” Everyone was stunned for a moment. Why did we get to this point?

"Besides, my daughter! How can we stand by those crooked, dirty and dirty people?!"

Mrs. Tan's heart thumped, "It's bad. Why can't I talk?"

Did Mrs. Qi really tell County Master Huiyi about this? !

She reacted very quickly and said with a slight smile: "County Master Huiyi, what I said is just a joke for children. Why are you so nervous?!"

 When people nearby heard this, they also thought that County Master Huiyi was making a fuss. Speaking of which, Mrs. Qi is still the elder of County Master Huiyi, which is very rude.

An old lady with a high status said directly: "Yes! Everyone is telling a joke during the Chinese New Year! Mrs. Cui Si, don't be anxious. Sit down quickly!"

Hui Yi didn't care: "Maybe Mrs. Qi comes from the folk world. She has experienced many such things since she was a child, and she was deeply impressed... so that after so many years, what she has been thinking and saying is still the same..."

Mr. Tan was extremely embarrassed. She glanced at the person next to her quietly and covered her nose with a handkerchief... as if she didn't know what to do.

"Okay, County Master Huiyi! This is the Chinese New Year, and we are still at the Qi family! You should calm down your anger!" The old lady was complaining again.

"Oh, yes! It's at Qi's house. If you don't let me tell you, I'll leave! Yuanyuan, come here, let's ask your father to go home!"

 After saying that, she led Yuan Yuan and walked out in a swaggering manner.

But Bao'er said to Yuanyuan: "Auntie, when you go out to go shopping, call Bao'er!" Her mother said not to go out on the street.

 What she said was very discouraging.

Mrs. Tan wished she could give her a slap in the face.

When County Master Huiyi passed by Mrs. Qi, she said to her: "Third Sister, no matter what, I should not make trouble with you today. I will apologize to you. If my brother-in-law blames me for a while, please tell me something." : Be filial, you have to be a mother! If he doesn’t accept it, whatever he wants, my Cui family will take over!”

The people who heard it looked at each other, why did they say this?

What happened to the Qi family and the Cui family?

 There are older people who know that this Tan family is from a humble background. There were young people nearby who didn't know, so they asked with their eyes. If they were chatty, they would whisper a few words.

 When someone takes the initiative, more people will speak. For a moment, it seemed like everyone was biting their ears.

Mr. Tan regretted it endlessly and felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

Someone finally smoothed things over. "This year, the lights were placed from Zhongjie to Houhai! People from the city defense were mobilized. One is to prevent crowding, and the other is to prevent lights."

Someone else said: "There will be fireworks over Houhai. Several high-rise buildings nearby have already decided to go out. Which of you has decided to do so?"

“That price is ridiculously high! We can’t decide yet!”

  Let this matter be brought to light.

Even though there were many people coming to the rescue... Tan still managed to hold on and survived the night.

After everyone dispersed, Mr. Tan returned to the house, shivering all over, and barely managed to avoid sweeping the things on the table to the floor!

Even Qi Youyi heard something and wanted to come to comfort her, but she didn't even see him! Even the mood to provoke is gone...

 Sit alone under the lamp with your eyes closed...

 What does this mean to me?

 I crawled out of hell, what haven’t I passed through?

 Don’t be angry, don’t be angry…

 Do everything I can do, whoever laughs last is the real laugh!

 It took a long time before I calmed down and wrote a letter under the lamp.

Come out and call someone: "Call Mrs. Zhou from the second door!"

 When she entered Qi's house, there was no one of her own.

 Although the people around her are all her own, no one knows her deepest secret!

 After a while, Mrs. Zhou from the second gate came. Mrs. Tan handed her a letter and said, "Send the letter over."

 She didn’t tell her the address, but Mrs. Zhou knew it.

Very early the next morning, Mrs. Zhou went out, hired a donkey cart, and walked for a long time to Fanghua Temple on the outskirts of Beijing.

The woman went directly into Wanqiyuan.

 This place is for wealthy families to stay when they come to offer incense.

 As soon as Mrs. Zhou handed over the letter and asked about the letter that was not given to her, she came back.

After a while, a man came out and entered the city. Finally, he stopped at the door of a big house and asked someone to report it inside. After a while, a man came out and took the letter.

 That man returned to the temple again.

 In the evening, the owner of this house came back. This man's surname was Zhou. He was nearly seventy years old and had already retired to the official position.

But he is considered a special person in the capital, with his hands and eyes reaching the sky. Can help people do a lot of great things... The servant handed over the letter.

 Opening it, he frowned: You want me to deal with the Cui family? Dealing with County Lord Huiyi?

 Is she crazy?

 Do I think that whoever I am, I can deal with whomever I want to deal with?

 Besides, what good does it do me to deal with them?

I've helped her once, but it's not enough? I don’t know the heights of the sky!

 Burn the letter on the fire and ignore it no longer.

 Sitting there, I thought to myself: I just met with King Wu, and two things happened recently. It was obvious that they were about to be completed, but they were inexplicably messed up...

What went wrong?


On the evening of the 15th, Qi Wu came to Wen Yu’s small courtyard at the urging of Mrs. Qi.

 In the small courtyard, many lamps were also lit, and some blanks were bought and the girls processed them. There are two strange-looking ones, and Master Qing said they were made by her nephew. The queen also had people deliver lamps.

 The girls didn’t get much rest during the Chinese New Year. There was chaos outside today, and Master Qing wouldn't let them go out to play in the street, so he arranged it in the yard.

 After a while, Wen Yu went to the street, and they wanted to drink and guess in the yard.

Wen Yu asked Qi Wu: "Are you okay today?"

“There are always things that happen. However, there are many people on the street today, and my mother is worried about you, so she asked me to accompany you..."

Qi Wu is in front of him, his face is as white as jade, and his eyes are like stars. She has an outstanding figure and dresses so ostentatiously...

 “Can you put on a mask?!”

 “What mask?”

Wen Yu took several masks made of kraft paper with facial makeup painted on them, with eyes and mouths exposed.

 Each one is different…

“You don’t know about masks? Have you never worn one?” Wen Yu thought about the time when he chased her while wearing a mask, “Humph, it almost scared me to death…

“How could you be so scared that you still bite me? Humph!” Qi Wu also snorted.

At that time, how could they have imagined that they would have such a relationship now...

The two of them felt the magic of fate at the same time, and there was something strange about it...

“I wear that because I’m doing something, and I’m afraid that people will recognize it.” Qi Wu thought to himself: It’s not something I’m doing now, so what should I be afraid of?

"There are quite a few girls on the street today to watch the lanterns. You look like this, wandering around in the crowd, I'm afraid you won't cause a commotion! In my opinion, this is the one, with a beard, it looks more rugged and powerful!"

"You think I'm not powerful?" Qi Wu asked smoothly.

Wen Yu blushed and didn't know how to answer.

 “Try it on?”

 “Okay!” Qi Wu didn’t care.

Wen Yu walked behind Qi Wu.

 But he was too tall, so how could she reach him?

 “Squat down!” Wen Yu didn’t even realize that there was some tenderness in his tone.

Qi Wu felt that squatting like this was unsightly, so he walked a few steps and sat on a chair.

Wen Yu followed him, covered his face with a mask, and tied the belt behind his head, "Okay, let me take a look!"

Qi Wu started teasing him and put on a very powerful posture: "How is it?"

Wen Yu was overjoyed, "Very good, very good!"

Qi Wu looked at her and said: "In my opinion, your appearance will cause more disturbances! You must wear one too. Yanzhu, bring it to me!"

Yan Zhu came over and said, "Ayu, you are wearing this, right? There are flowers on your forehead and cheeks?"

But Qi Wu said: "Wearing this? What's the difference between wearing this and not wearing it!? It will still cause commotion. This fat little girl's is very good. If others take one look, they will not look at it a second time. It is safe."

Wen Yu’s face turned slightly red. Does he mean, I look good?

 I do look good!

 I felt a little proud.

 “Sit down!” Qi Wu pointed to the chair.

 Sit down gently and obediently.

Qi Wu was not as dexterous as her. He leaned forward first, saw the position of her eyes clearly, and then carefully pressed the mask gently on her face.

Looking at her fair and slender neck, he was so nervous, and he was afraid of hurting her with his heavy hands, so it took him a long time to tie it up.

 Then, he walked around to the front, took a closer look, and nodded: "This is very good!"

Although it doesn’t look that good, it’s safe.

Yan Zhu is on the side, oh my, they are just taking care of me, okay...

 (End of this chapter)

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