Once Song Shang came, things were different.

Get the materials first, and then call everyone.

With a quick look, he opened his mouth again and asked the key point.

There are still people who are being scheming and trying to fool us.

Song Shang’s men came up one after another and pierced through...

 It made the people working look at each other in confusion: Here comes the expert!

So, a quick decision was made to cut through the mess quickly.

 Everyone started working down-to-earth and stopped acting like a monster.

 Wen Yu and Mrs. Qi went to the small courtyard and saw a whole yard of things.

Several embroiderers and the little girl were recording and moving into the house.

"What's this?"

An embroiderer replied: "Girl, this is... sent by Uncle Zhongqin! It is the latest material, let the girl and Master Qing take a look first..."

Mrs. Qi asked: "Ayu, did you want to make him a shareholder from the beginning?"

"I had this idea at first, but I didn't decide on it. Then I thought, if I can do it, I won't cause so much trouble. When I do something, I don't have the same opinion. It's too much trouble to talk about it! "

Mrs. Qi looked at it, "But now it seems that shareholders are not just giving money. Oh..." She picked up a piece, "This kind of weaving method is so fresh, I have never seen it on the market! If he can get it When we get new materials like this, we are much ahead of others..."

“Cousin Song has a weaving field in his hands.”

 “Oh, you are so young and capable!”

“My cousin is very capable. His mother is very kind! My cousin and his previous cousin-in-law divorced and he still doesn’t have a wife! If you have the opportunity, please introduce me to a good one!”

"Don't tell me, I have an aunt who is very good at this. Go back and tell her!"

"Eh?! Where's Zhuzhu?" Wen Yu has been back for so long, but she hasn't been seen yet.

 Looking around, I found that she was in the small kitchen. She must have made something to eat and was packing it into a food box!

 “Zhuzhu, what are you doing?”

"The Queen wrote to me that she wanted to eat bacon rice dumplings. I made some for her! Just in time, you said yesterday that you wanted to eat crab roe and lion heads, so I made eight of them. Give four to the Queen! There are also some Poria cocos. The cakes and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes...are ready, and Qiu'er will come to pick them up soon!"

 “Miss Wen!” A little loach appeared at the door.

Wen Yu smiled: "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Okay, I think it's still hot. We won't keep you, so take it back quickly!"

Qiuer smiled, picked it up, turned around and went back.

Wen Yu pointed at her: "This little loach doesn't even say thank you. I'll complain to Pingting later!"

“Thank you, Miss Wen, Miss Yan, and Mrs. Qi!” Little Loach shouted in the yard.


Seeing Qiu'er coming in with a food box, Pingting was surprised: "You're back so soon?"

“Yes! When I went there, Miss Zhuzhu was packing boxes! Miss Wen said to come back quickly and eat it while it’s hot! Oh, Miss Zhuzhu, she also steamed crab roe and lion head..."

 “Crab Roe Lion Head?!” A voice sounded from the door.

 Pingting frowned, why is he here again? It really smells good!

She forced a smile and said, "Your Highness, why are you here?" Her tone showed dissatisfaction.

Taishun was unhappy and his face darkened.

"Oh... I mean: Aren't you doing official business at this time?"

"Hmph! I took time out of my busy schedule to come and see you. Why do you have such a tone?" After speaking, Taisun sat down at the table unceremoniously.

Qiuer finished the ceremony and was still getting things out.

 There isn’t much of anything, and the aroma is very complex.

“Of course I am happy that you took the time to come see me during your busy schedule! Your Highness, have you had your meal?!”

  …”This woman!

 “I’ve eaten, but I can still eat some more.” Let’s compete to see who is more shameless!

 Jiang Pingting was also a little speechless. She is a great grandson. If you can't eat anything you want, why are you just trying to get a bite out of me?

"I want to eat bacon rice dumplings, so I asked Ayu to make some. People in the north eat sweet rice dumplings. I don't know...your highness's habit of eating them."

The grandson ignored her, picked one up and ate it.

When I was almost finished eating, I said, "Didn't you say it was bacon rice dumplings? Why do I taste like salted egg yolk rice dumplings?"

 Then, I saw him taking another one, "How do I taste the bacon again?!"

"...Your Highness, how about you try another crab roe lion head?!" "Okay, I'm almost done, just scoop two out!" He took a look, there were four in total.

 He is still very fair!

"...I'm afraid there's too much meat that won't be cooked well, so let's try one first! I'll keep the rest for you. If you like it, I'll steam it and send it to you in the evening." Jiang Pingting didn't tolerate him.

 Everyone has said so, and there is nothing the grandson can do. "All right!"

"Your Highness, I can just bring things from outside the palace and eat them myself. If you eat them, or if you want to take them to the prince to eat, it would be inappropriate. Later, the crown prince and empress Xue will know about it. I'm troublesome. Up!"

 “Don’t worry about this! I will tell my mother and concubine.”

 He means that he plans to eat it at my place?

“Actually, he can’t eat anything from his father’s place.” Taisun felt a little sad.

Jiang Pingting said: "Spring is here, and those who are weak should be extra careful. There is no need to take a lot of supplements, just eat small amounts and eat frequently, and you will be nourished slowly. Your Highness, would you like to try this Poria Cake? If you think it tastes good, you can ask His Highness the Crown Prince to try it." Half a piece."

Taisun took it. It was delicate, slightly sweet, and fragrant: "Well, it's very good."

Pingting took a snack box and put a small piece of each kind in it: "Put a few snacks in it! Meat dumplings won't work..."


 Suddenly, someone came from the front and said, "Your Highness, Gong Lixuan wants you to come over quickly."

The grandson's expression changed, "Have you declared your father the king?"

 “No. Just leave it to yourself!”

"Okay, put this in the study room! Don't let father see it. I'll talk about it when I get back."

He glanced at Jiang Pingting and said, "I'll go first."

"Your Highness, don't be impatient, walk slowly." He held Pingting steady.

Taisun's heart sank: "Okay!"


 Song Shang arranged the matter and went directly to Wen Yu's courtyard.

 At first glance, Wen Yu, Mrs. Qi, Yan Zhu, a few other girls and little fools, and the boy from the Zhang family were also there!

 Drinking tea and eating snacks.

 I don’t know what to say, but the laughter can be heard in the courtyard.

 He was so angry in his heart! Will I be the only one tired of co-writing? !

Seeing him coming, Wen Yu quickly stood up and said, "Uncle is here!"

Zhang Jiangqing came over with a smile: "Uncle Song!"

Song Shang glared at Zhang Jiangqing and said softly: "Jiang Qing, you are a bad student!"

“Cousin, please sit down quickly! The snacks have just been served! Is Master Qing back too?”

Master Qing said: "As soon as my uncle takes action, he will succeed immediately! We don't need to keep an eye on him!"

“My cousin also gave me a lot of materials! Go back and take a look, and we can discuss it later!”

“Yes.” Master Qing left.

 A separate table was set up for Song Shang.

He sat down and took a look, wow, it was really rich. No need to be polite, even eating and drinking.

Mrs. Qi said: "As the saying goes: laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the door. Even if we want to do it, Mr. Song will understand it immediately."

Song Shang calmed down for a while and then said: "As long as you understand, it's not difficult. From now on, it should be quick. In addition, I have brought people from the Southern Restaurant here! If I open a restaurant, can I let Yan Zhu do it? ? Isn’t that exhausting her?”

"We found a few people, and their skills are pretty good. We tried the dishes, and if they taste the way we want, we still have to adjust them. At the dim sum shop, Yan Zhu's recipe is almost ready, and Ling'er and Wenjie are here Just keep it in mind."

 Zhang Jinqing raised his little hand: "There's still me!"

"Yes, there is Jin Qing! The recipe is ready, just find a few people and follow it. Zhuzhu has to come to the key places in person. Just wait until you find the right person to bring him out. In addition, there are various There are also places to buy utensils, spices and ingredients. ”

“Hey, I really did a lot!” Song Shang couldn’t help but think of Wen Yu when he was making bamboo salt... The sadness in his heart could not be calmed down.

Mrs. Qi said: "Yes! She is gentle and thoughtful."


 In the evening, in the teahouse, there were thick clouds, fire and lightning.

 “I’m really angry!” Taisun said bitterly.

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