Chapter 198 She wants to be quiet

 In Li Ge's hometown, Mrs. Li was losing her temper at home, and several servants were kneeling in the yard.

Her sister, Mrs. Yang, entered the yard with a smile and was a little surprised to see them, "Are you being punished? What mistake did you make again?"

Most of these people are Mrs. Li’s dowry, and Mrs. Yang also recognizes them.

When he saw her coming, he was overjoyed and said, "Miss Fourth, help me!"

 She glared at a few people and entered the house.

Mrs. Li was sitting in the room looking at the accounts, "Sister, here I come!" With a sweet smile, Mrs. Yang got into the room.

“You’re yelling!” Mrs. Li scolded her, but she quickly looked down at the account book in her hand and looked at the girl: “Where are the children!?”

 “I met Sister Yin in the garden, where we were playing! What delicious food did you make for lunch?!”

“You know how to eat as soon as you come here! Are you coming to the east too?!”

"not coming!"

 “Isn’t he taking a break today?”

 “It’s because something happened, so I only brought the children!”

Mrs. Li was in a trance for a moment. Yang Xiangdong, why do you feel like you haven’t seen him for a while?

 “Sister, what’s going on in the yard?!”

 “Hmph! I was caught smoking a pipe and gambling in the warehouse!”

“Oh sister, just give me a scolding and a punishment. Kneeling there, it looks really annoying.”

"This is no small matter! You have to pay attention to it. All fires must..."

"I know, sister, I know! Let them get down quickly, I have something else to tell you!"

Mrs. Li glanced at her helplessly, then turned to signal to the girls.

Not long after, several people came from the yard and shouted, "Thank you, Miss Fourth, for interceding!"

Mrs. Yang smiled.

Mrs. Li scolded: "You, you, you!"

To be honest, she treats this girl more dearly than her own daughter. A year after his mother passed away, his father remarried. The young stepmother gave birth to a daughter a year after entering the house. She was really afraid that her sister would suffer, so she took it with her.

 Bring it with you when you get married.

His biological daughters are all served by maids and mothers-in-law. She has a strong temperament and manages the back house. She says everything she wants and no one dares to treat her badly.

 So, her good temper was given to this girl.

 The two sisters were sitting together and chatting, very happy.


At this moment, Yang Xiangdong took Wei Shi to the pear garden next to Fanghua Temple on the outskirts of Beijing.

 At this moment, it is the time when the pear blossoms are in full bloom.

Webster is wearing a light pink dress, walking among the pear flowers, the scenery and people are integrated, and he is unparalleled in beauty.

Yang Xiangdong looked at it crazily, imprinting this moment deeply in his mind.


Wen Yu, several cars and a large group of people were getting off at the gate of Fanghua Temple.

 Fanghua Temple and the nearby pear garden are exactly where they went on their outing today.

Master Qing took several embroiderers and little girls with him.

The Chen family sisters brought the two sons of the Zhao family, as well as Lan Zhou and Mu Ling. Chen Wensi and Zhang Jiangqing were accompanied by Zhang Jinqing.

The reason why I came here was because Li Jiang found out that Fanghua Temple had few people and was quiet, and there was a pear orchard nearby.

Those embroiderers and little girls have never had any outings, and they are all beautifully dressed.

When I got off the bus at the gate of the temple, I chatted for a long time before going in.

Everyone was hanging out while offering incense and kowtowing. Wen Yu asked Yan Zhu to stare at Lan Zhou.

She, Zhang Jiangqing, and Chen Wensi walked back, preparing to go to the master to ask for a lucky bag.

Fanghua Temple is not big, nor does it have a very grand hall, but the buildings are scattered in height and the gardens are small and exquisite. It looks like it was designed by an expert at first glance, and I feel very comfortable walking in it.

There are some doors on the courtyard wall, similar to Tianlong Temple. The outside should also be a Zen courtyard for guests to stay. They were about to turn when they suddenly heard a voice speaking angrily in the passage next to them. Wen Yu was stunned, who was still arguing here?

Out of curiosity, I leaned forward and looked over. I saw a middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes, with only a mother-in-law by her side, standing at the entrance of a courtyard.

 There was a man standing at the door, apparently speaking to the woman. "If there is news, I will pass it on to you! I didn't ask you to come here!"

After hearing this, the woman turned around and left without saying a word.

Wen Yu glanced at her. She was well-dressed and definitely not an ordinary woman. Her appearance is not that good-looking, but her eyes, with their dark eyes, add to her charm.

 Maybe he was a little annoyed, with a sullen face and pursed lips. But his steps were steady and not messy at all.

 The mother-in-law next to me accompanied her carefully.

Wen Yu was a little strange: judging from the dress and demeanor of this woman, she must be of high status.

And that man looks like a disciple. Why are you talking to her so hastily? !

I don’t know who lives in that monastery...

 “Ayu, let’s go!” Zhang Jiangqing called her.

“Oh!” She turned around and followed Zhang Jiangqing and the others, entered the hall, paid homage to Manjushri Bodhisattva, donated incense, and picked up some blessing packages such as success and victory.

 Going back to the front, Li Jiang came over mysteriously, "Girl, guess who is here?"


 “That old lady from the Qi family!”

 “Mrs. Hou?”


 For some reason, Wen Yu's mind turned around about the noble lady he had just seen. But then I think about it, it’s unlikely!

 If it were her, how many people would dare to talk to her like this?


 "Go in there..." Li Jiang pointed.

Wen Yu thought for a while: "I've got the blessing package, let's go! If she knows I'm here, it wouldn't be appropriate not to go and say hello, but it would be boring to go!"

 “Okay!” Li Jiang quickly sent someone to call the girls.

Wen Yu went out directly and got into the car. "Watch and see if she goes to the Liyuan too!"

Li Jiang quickly agreed.

 Mrs. Hou did not go to the Liyuan, but at the entrance of the Liyuan, Wen Yu met Wei Shi and Yang Xiangdong.

It’s just that neither party saw it.

Wen Yu was about to get out of the car when Wei Shi and Yang Xiangdong got in and left.


What Wen Yu saw just now was indeed the Tan family.

 She felt very bad: Cui Fengying specifically mentioned "eldest son and eldest grandson", which meant that she had an idea.

 This is more troublesome...

 After all, Qi Youyi is also the eldest son and has the eldest grandson.

Although he has never been in Qi Jiajun, he has not been idle in these years and has done a lot. Although I can seduce him into not fighting, who doesn’t know that power and wealth are good! If he is incited by Cui, won't my work be in vain?

 Don't touch him unless absolutely necessary.

 Sigh, it was just what happened with Yuan Yuan last time that offended her, I really regret it.

The Cui family should not interfere with matters in the back house, but it involves the inheritance of the title...

 She has experienced too much darkness and has a sensitive mind. As I get older, I can’t sleep well when something happens.

For two days in a row, she dreamed about the past, things she tried hard to leave behind.

My mind is confused and I want to find that person to get an idea. As a result, even if she came in person, she would still be disappointed at the door!

 This piece of shit!

 At this moment, in a small hall, everyone had been cleared out, and a person was sitting in a corner thinking about his thoughts.

 She never respected ghosts and gods, she just wanted to be quiet here.

 (End of this chapter)

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