Wen Qian had no sleep all night.

 In my mind, Chen’s image was clearer than ever.

 Then he thought of Yuan Shi again, the little things they had just gotten to know each other.

 After such a comparison, he realized that there were too many "coincidences" between him and Yuan...

 You can always meet her with beauty, and you can always hear her say what you want.

 Her sadness when he became engaged to Chen.

 My own feelings of emotion and surprise when I fell into my arms like a moth to a flame.

From that moment on, he was determined to create everything for her. Even, he doesn’t hesitate to take action...

I wiped my tears silently, not knowing the last time I cried.

 He has always believed that the most useless word in the world is: regret.

 However, at this moment, my heart feels cold and painful, and I wish that nothing had happened. So what is going on?

 In the morning, he got in the car and went out to pick up Wen Huan.

 The old lady also stayed up all night, sighing...

 The sun rose and just after noon, there was a commotion at the door.

The footsteps were noisy, "Something happened to the old lady!"

Old Mrs. Wen was restless and was startled when she heard this sound.

 The man at the front door ran in: "Prince Wu's Mansion has sent our second girl back!"

 The old lady’s heart skipped a beat, something was wrong!

 “Where is her father?!”

 “The old man went out of town and hasn’t come back yet!”

  “Didn’t you encounter it? Hurry up and look for it on horseback!”

Just after giving the instructions, two people helped Wen Huan in.

Wen Huan was wearing a cloak and couldn't stand. When the person next to her let go of her hand, she suddenly sat down on the ground.

 The hat fell off, revealing messy hair.

 The old lady looked at her quietly.

The people were too frightened to say anything. At this time, a person who looked like a female official came in.

When she saw this man, the old lady looked nervous: "Sir! What is going on?"

The female official's attitude was very arrogant, "Wen Huan, last night in the middle of the night, I had a private meeting with Li Duoxin from the Xingguo Duke's Mansion, and my empress discovered it. As a result, she was sent back!"

 Xingguo Gongfu?

Old Mrs. Wen's face turned pale, but she was secretly planning in her heart, "Xingguo Duke's Mansion?" Which one is this?

 “This…” She couldn’t speak.

 “Sir!” Wen Yu came in. She was waiting for news at home: everything went well.

 The female official remained motionless and her eyes squinted. "who are you!?"

 “Wen Yu, a folk girl, is Wen Huan’s sister!”

 “Are you her sister?” the female official said mockingly.

"Yes. I just heard from your lord that Wen Huan had a private meeting with someone and was discovered by the empress?"


"Sir, Wen Huan is just a little girl who was invited by Prince Wu's Mansion to be a guest in the annex of Prince Wu's Mansion! I don't know what the rules of the Prince's Mansion are. But even in a small family like the Wen family, if a girl wants to leave the house in the middle of the night, she has to go out. Impossible. I don’t know how the palace provided the opportunity and place for the private meeting!”

 “You are so presumptuous!” the female official became anxious.

Old Mrs. Wen was shocked, she really dared to say it.

"Sir, after you send this person back like this, why don't you allow us to ask a few more questions? Although the Wen family is not a high-ranking family, it is also a law-abiding family. Moreover, the guests invited by Prince Wu's Mansion must all be of noble character. How could something like this happen to someone with a clean background and a good life?”

The female officer: "If we really caught her with real evidence, would the empress still accuse her unjustly?"

"Of course, the character of the empress is a role model for women. She would never do such a thing! Therefore, it is even more strange! There may be some misunderstanding, or there may be someone framed. I hope the empress will investigate again!"

 “Hmph! I’ve seen it with my own eyes, what else do I need to check?”

"Last time in the East Palace, everyone was well aware of what Li Duojin, also known as Jin Zi, did. He was escorted out of the Duke's Mansion by someone sent by His Highness the Crown Prince. How could Prince Wu's Mansion invite someone with such evil deeds? Where is he going? Moreover, he appears where boys and girls sleep at night..."

 Gold is for both men and women, so this is even more embarrassing!

The female officer felt a little guilty: "Of course I have to check again! The Wen family should also ask their own girls properly!"

As soon as Mrs. Wen heard about the gold, she remembered that it was the Duke of Xingguo!

Oh My God!

How did she get into trouble with this demon king? "When my father comes back later, he will also go to the palace to ask for an explanation! It's better to leave than to send him away!" Wen's words were really arrogant, and he waved his sleeves and left the female official.

 Old Mrs. Wen was ashamed and angry. Suddenly he went up and slapped Wen Huan twice.

Wen Yu stood aside and admired it.

Wen Huan was beaten, and when he woke up from his daze, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth.

 Look at the old lady, then look at Wen Yu.

 “Honestly, what’s going on!?” asked the old lady.

Wen Huan just stared at Wen Yu and said nothing.

Old Mrs. Wen didn't like her, so she said something like, "What do you think she's doing? Say it quickly! Otherwise..." She pulled a hairpin from her head, "If you ask me again, I'll blind you!"

Wen Huan shuddered and woke up: "Grandma, I don't know what's going on..."

 “What do you mean you don’t know! Don’t you say yes?” The old lady raised her hand.

"I said, I said..." Looking at her grandmother who was about to take action, Wen Huan was convinced, "But I really don't know what's going on... I want to be the concubine of Prince Yongqing. But, he obviously treats me very much. I had a good impression, but there was still no news. I saw him talking to Yan Zhu very much, so I was anxious to take this opportunity to express my feelings to him. "

"So I wrote a letter with my left hand... and asked him to come and meet in the small garden. I set up a piano and played there. But, somehow, what came was gold!"

"When he saw me..." Wen Huan whimpered, "he came up and said crazy things. I felt something was wrong and wanted to run away. But he pulled me and tore my sleeves. Just like that... clothes Messy, discovered.”

"Have you ever lost your virginity?" Mrs. Wen asked coldly.

"No! I don't have a real grandmother!" Wen Huan explained anxiously.

 “What did the princesses and others look like when they saw you?!”

Wen Huan's face turned red with embarrassment.

 Gold has torn off her coat...

Inside, she wore a beige peony tube top, exposing her two jade arms...

Old Mrs. Wen shook her head, "Hongxing wanted to poison Wen Yu, was it you who instigated it?"

Wen Huan neither acknowledged nor denied, and just stared at Wen Yu blankly. "Wen Yu, are you happy?"

 “I’m very happy to be alive!”

“Grandma, Huanhuan is wrong! Try to find a way to save your granddaughter!”

 Old Mrs. Wen sat there, looking gloomy. Save her? It is not easy for Wen Qianqian to escape from it.

 “Take it down!”

His wife helped Wen Huan up and took him away.

 “Mom! Go and deliver a message to my mother quickly!” Wen Huan’s voice came...

“Wen Yu, what do you think we should do?”

"Grandma, now you have to think about how your father can get away from this! Let your own daughter have a tryst with the prince of the Duke's palace in the middle of the night, and sell yourself to the rich and powerful to make a future for yourself. This is not a good idea!"

 Sure enough, others would say that!

 Old Mrs. Wen was so angry that she really wanted to kill Yuan and Wen Huanquan.

"If the Qi family doesn't care about this and still welcomes me in...my grandfather will come to Beijing even if there is no chance...If something happens to anyone, I can't let anything happen to my father."

Wen Yu looked at the old lady's expression and felt happy.

 Originally, she planned to dig out old scores and clean up Wen Qian together.

 But after talking to Jiang Pingting last time, I changed my mind again. This person still needs to use it...

 Just let him not feel bad!

"Grandma, fortunately, the Xingguo Duke's Mansion has a bad reputation. But the bad thing is that his family is shameless when they have power. If Jin Jin's father comes to make trouble like he did to the Prince Consort's Mansion, then the Wen family will be embarrassed. Of course, this is just my granddaughter’s opinion. It’s up to my grandmother to decide. At worst, we will go back to our hometown in despair..."

Wen Yu stood up and left.

go back home?

Old Mrs. Wen's mind quickly went through the things in the capital: Zhang family, Song family, Qi family, Cui family.

 Wangfu, royal palace, shop…

  Her proud tone when she wrote to the dead old man...

 It’s all over? !

 Happiness and glory come quickly, but then they are lost?

 It’s really like a big dream.

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