Jian Pingting was in the East Palace and couldn't get out easily, so she went there because she was worried about her friends and family.

 Today, it’s warm words.

Wen Yu had already sent a message to Yan Zhu to get ready, and then went to pick her up.

 Arrived at the store, Wen Yu first told Master Qing the news he had learned...

“He said he came from Jinzhou. Is that your hometown?”

Master Qing shook his head: "My hometown is in Xijing, more than 300 miles away from Jinzhou. In my memory, none of my sisters married there. Moreover, the sisters definitely didn't marry into such a family. There would be no mother-in-law from a humble background. Wandering around with their granddaughters, they may be affected by the decline of their parents' families, but they will not abandon their daughters and run away with others just because their husbands are dead."

Wen Yu nodded: "Things happened so long ago that the people who knew about them are either dead or missing. These are things that the juniors heard occasionally from the elders. If they are passed down from generation to generation, there will definitely be errors."

"Yeah! I guess most of the people in the rental house are gone. In fact, this is just a thought. I'll just check it out."

"I originally wanted to invite the old lady to the store, but she..." Wen Yu smiled and said, "She has always refused. If you have a chance, go to the house and see if you know her!"

"Okay. However, don't be mean. You are a granddaughter-in-law and a mother-in-law twice above. You must be careful. Mrs. Hou will never see us craftsmen casually again."

"Okay. What is Zhuzhu busy with? I didn't see her even when I came?"

“She’s been busy these days! Did you know that Mr. Song Wu has bought an inn nearby?”

 “No? When did it happen?”

“It should be that our shop is starting to be renovated. He bought it from there and has been tidying it up. It will be ready to open in a few days! I went to take a look yesterday. It’s very high-end!”

“Uncle Song is so wealthy and powerful that it’s incomparable! Is it very close?”

“A few steps away! The front is not big, but it’s big inside. My uncle said that from now on, all meals at the inn will be ordered from us.”

 “Oh, then I’m going to get rich!” Wen Yu was happy.

Master Qing also laughed: "Uncle Song is really generous. Coupled with the work done by the bank's big clients a few days ago, you are going to make a fortune!"

 “Same joy, same joy!” Wen Yu smiled.

“Oh, I forgot to mention that Lord Wen was ill at our place that day.” Master Qing explained the matter.

"Later, Dr. Huang, whom Mr. Song Wu was looking for, and Dr. He, who is often used by Dr. Wen, both came. The two of them had a good chat. After the injection and medicine, they woke up soon. It's just that he is relatively weak, and his home is far away from ours. It was quite far, so Master Song Wu moved him to the inn.

The literary master was quite generous and immediately rented a suite on the second floor to live in. It's better now, Zhuzhu is given three meals a day. He even prepared the medicine himself and was busy taking care of the patients! "

Wen Yu rolled her eyes and felt sour, "Let us Zhuzhu serve you? What kind of behavior is Master Wen doing! No, I have to call her back!"

Run to the kitchen, I saw Yan Zhu cooking medicine and giving orders to the little girl...

"Zhuzhu, are you making medicine? Who is sick?" Wen Yu asked knowingly.

"Ayu..." When Yan Zhu saw her, she no longer had the mindless joy of the past, but became much calmer.

“Zhuzhu, what’s wrong with you?” Wen Yu was startled.

"Master Wen is ill. That day, I was frightened..." Yan Zhu said, her eyes still red.

Wen Yu hurriedly hugged her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Didn't you say it's okay?"

 “It’s okay now, but at the time...it scared me.”

Gu Yue was fanning the fire beside him. Although he didn't dare to say anything, he didn't take it seriously.

 He is very depressed!

That piece of dog-skin plaster is firmly attached. He actually lived next to it!

 He went to see it secretly. Wen Ruoqing's body was obviously fine! He was still working just now, but as soon as Zhuzhu went upstairs, he knew it and immediately leaned over there.

 At such an old age, it is really shameless to still do this!

At this moment, Gu Yue stopped thinking about how much smaller her white hair was compared to others. Sticking to Yan Zhu's side incognito, and pretending to be...

snort! He continued to fan: The emperor didn't check his grades, was he just pretending like this?

Seeing Yan Zhu busy with medicine again, Wen Yu was not happy: "How long will he have to drink?"

“The doctor said, after drinking these three doses, come back for a consultation. Sometimes if you drink this medicine, your stomach will return acidity. So you have to eat some snacks before drinking it. You can’t add sugar, so you have to take it alone..."

 “So troublesome?” Wen Yu curled his lips.

"Ayu, I'm afraid you don't know! Brother Song Wu built an inn right next to the hotel. Seeing that Master Wen was sick here and too weak, he was put in. He became the first guest." Yan Zhu smiled.

 “I just heard what Master Qing said.” Wen Yu said in confusion: Zhuzhu has only treated her like this, who is Wen Ruoqing...

"Zhuzhu, everyone in the Wen family is here. Is there no one here to take care of him?" Yan Zhu handed the things to Gu Yue, and then said to Wen Yu: "We have heard about the Wen family before. His mother It's so pitiful for him. Besides, you don't know... I was the one who caused his illness by asking about his family that day!" Yan Zhu's eyes turned red and he was about to cry again.

"Okay, okay! Didn't you say that he has a root cause of illness? He has attacks from time to time. How can I blame you! Besides, I don't blame those who don't know. If he gets sick because of this, then I will look down on him. Woolen cloth!"

Yan Zhu stopped crying: "It will be fine in a few days. Ayu, I didn't delay anything. We have prepared all the things we need to go to the East Palace! Just send the medicine and leave, okay?"

"Okay! I'll go see...the patient too!" Wen Yu said dissatisfied.

 Gu Yue smiled secretly…

 After a while, the medicine was ready. Yan Zhu poured it into the jar, put it in the incubator, and picked it up: "Let's go! Go and see that inn, it's so luxurious!"

Wen Yu followed Yan Zhu, and he hadn't gone very far when he reached the inn. When he entered the door, he saw a passage, and then suddenly he saw a courtyard, pavilions, pavilions, and exotic flowers and plants. Further forward is the place where guests are received. Further inside, one door after another. There are stairs next to it...and there are also stairs upstairs!

Oh my God, I really didn’t notice it before, but it’s such a big area?

After going upstairs, Huzi stood at the head of the corridor. Seeing them coming, he smiled all over his face: "Miss Zhuzhu. Mrs. Qi Wu. We adults are meeting guests downstairs and will be coming up soon. Please come in. Wait a moment." wait…"

 Having said that, open the door.

The spacious living room is filled with pure light-colored beech wood furniture, light-colored carpets, and beautiful bonsai.

 Elegant, clean and without any fuss.

There are several doors next to it, which should be bedrooms and clean rooms.

Looking at the elegant rooms, Wen Yu thought: What kind of people would I face if I opened an inn here?

Yan Zhu took out something and asked Hu Zi: "Is your Excellency feeling better?"

Gu Yue also followed in, sitting on a small stool by the door, rolling her eyes in her mind: You've already been here once this morning, okay? How can he get better after such a short time? How bad could it be? Haven't you heard that everyone went to receive guests?

 There was a sound of footsteps at the door, and the "patient" was back.

When people entered the door, Gu Yue saw Master Wen's steps as expected... He couldn't tell at all that he was very confident when he was training his subordinates just now.

"Master Wen, how are you?" Wen Yu stood up and looked at him with a half-smile.

Lord Wen was a little surprised when he saw Wen Yu. He coughed and restrained himself a little.

Yan Zhu leaned over and said seriously, "If you are not feeling well, please don't visit us now! If you catch a cold later, you will be in trouble."

Mr. Wen blushed a little: "Don't worry, it's much better! Mrs. Qi Wu is here... Please sit down."

“I was shocked when I saw Zhuzhu just now. Her little face has become thin... Sir, if not, how many girls and boys can I arrange to come over?” Wen Yu said with dissatisfaction.

"No, no, no! No need! In fact, I don't have much to do anymore. I'm just taking medicine to strengthen myself. Thank you for your hard work, Miss Zhuzhu, these days!"

  "Your Majesty, you're welcome! Zhuzhu has a simple temperament, and she feels very guilty because she's just afraid that she might make you sick."

 Master Wen doesn’t like Wen Yu’s tone! But I could only sigh: "Yes, she is smart and simple, she is a good girl..." Suddenly, an idea came to her...

"Miss Wen, I have been chatting with Zhuzhu these days and learned about her life experience... You two little girls grew up dependent on each other. Especially you are both so outstanding. It is really rare!

 These days, she takes good care of my illness, and I like this girl very much. So, I came up with an idea... What do you think of accepting her as your adopted daughter? "

“Huh?!” Wen Yu was surprised, and so was Yan Zhu.

 Does this confirm her? ! Gu Yue's face was solemn, he was not happy.

Once Mr. Wen has figured it out, his words will become smoother. "Although you are younger than Zhuzhu, you are more like her sister. Now that you are married and are the daughter-in-law of the Qi family, you cannot take Zhuzhu with you. Although you have arranged a place for her, people to serve her, and guards . But..." He glanced at the man in blue at the door.

"She is a girl after all. To be honest, it doesn't make sense to keep going like this. She is already so old, and she has to talk about marriage. If her father is still alive, he is probably about my age. With me as his backer, he will still be able to talk about marriage in the future. If I give her a dowry, the marriage will be better."

 Wen Yu is really serious, this... is really good!

 “Zhuzhu won’t marry!” Yanzhu said.

“Nonsense!” Mr. Wen glared at her and said to Wen Yu, “If this happens, I will take care of her marriage!”

He will definitely not ask me to be his son-in-law. Thinking back to Lord Wen's attitude towards him in ordinary times, Gu Yue became extremely excited and stood up quickly.

Lord Wen looked at him provocatively...

The sparks between the two of them were not noticed by Wen Yu. Instead, she looked at Yan Zhu: "Zhu Zhu, you..." She wanted to ask Yan Zhu if he was willing, but it didn't seem right to ask in front of Mr. Wen.

 “Then let’s go back and…discuss it.”

"I have never had any children in my life. If I accept Zhuzhu as my daughter, I will definitely treat her well! Moreover, the adoption ceremony must be decent, a banquet must be held, and my friends must be invited to witness it. When the time comes, I will book your shop Come down and do it! Also, I’ll get the gift for my adopted daughter from your store!”

 This is an inducement... but it tastes good.

 Youstinbao said he hoped Zhuzhu would have a backer, and here he is.

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