The gentle words stroked her husband's hair.

With a slight smile on her lips, she said in a soft voice: "She said that Qin Lianyue had a private life agreement with someone. Later, the second young master Jiang went to the south and went to the Qin Family Academy..."

Qi Wu clenched his hands tightly, feeling panicked and confused. How could this matter be spread?

"I heard that Mr. Jiang is a handsome young man, suave and knowledgeable! He is a first-class polo player. He can also play the flute and play games. He has many friends, spends money like water, and is gentle and affectionate. He is especially popular with women."

 Yesterday, she actually asked Jiang Pingting about the second son of the Duke's mansion.

“Oh, I didn’t have a chance to meet him, and I don’t know if the rumors are true?!” Wen Yu messed with his hair, talking like a nymphomaniac with stars in his eyes.

 What does your excited tone mean?

Qi Wu felt as uncomfortable as eating rotten rice overnight. His mouth moved again but he made no sound.

"Moreover, she was born in the Duke's palace! It is said that Second Young Master Jiang is much better than her lover. Although Qin Lianyue has moved on, I have to say that she is a far-sighted person. She knows how to choose people. !" Wen Yu nodded in approval.

“Brother lover, how ugly is that?! This is none of our business, don’t talk about it.” Qi Wu became unhappy and his face darkened.

Wen Yu ignored him: "I didn't say it, it was someone else who said it, okay?"

Qi Wu broke free from Wen Yu's hand, turned around, and said calmly: "Women's families are really boring. How could they know about this kind of thing? It was just made up at first glance. As the saying goes, don't listen to what is inappropriate, but in the future... you will... Pay attention to these!”

His face is not good, and his tone of voice is not good either. He has been taught a lesson! However, in the last sentence, Wen Yu felt guilty and his tone was also weak.

Wen Yu secretly resented it, why don’t you do anything inappropriate!

"Hey, this kind of thing! It's just that the paper can't contain the fire! Sooner or later, the stuffing will leak out! And it will spread very fast, and then... it will be exciting to watch!" Wen Yu stabbed the knife fiercely.

"What a bustle...don't talk nonsense!" Qi Wuyi thought about that scene and felt that he was destined to die...

“Hee hee… They also said that the lover’s brother is a **** and a fool…”

Wen Yu thought to herself: This is really true, no wonder my mother-in-law said it! This Qi family is really such a scumbag!

“They said that fool gave her a lot of valuables and money!”

"Impossible." Qi Wu murmured, his face changed several times, but under the candlelight, he couldn't see clearly. But I broke into a sweat.

 “Hey…” Wen Yu came over from the side again.

Qi Wuben moved back and leaned on the back of his chair, unable to hide.

"You said... Qin Lianyue and Brother Qingling, have they been having an affair for a long time?"

“No!” Qi Wu shouted out. Feeling that he was too excited, he quickly covered it up: “Don’t talk nonsense! This is a matter of ruining a person’s reputation!”

"I ruined it?" Wen Yu pointed at his nose, his eyes widened, "How could I ruin it? Did those two shameless men and women do it themselves?!"

“Wen Yu!” Qi Wu shouted when he heard it.

“What are you doing, you scared me! What’s your name!?” Wen’s words were not soft at all.

"I don't like you...talking about other people like this." Qi Wu felt like he was going to collapse.

 Heh, you don’t like me as a person, right? !

Wen Yu also became angry, "I'm speaking according to common sense! If the two of them didn't have that kind of thing, how could that stupid man give her money, and how could she have the nerve to take it! Poor Young Master Jiang is among the best among men. But he didn’t know that he had already become a cuckold and became a living bastard!”

 She vented her malice.

"Okay! Stop talking! It's boring! Go to sleep!" Qi Wu decisively refused to talk anymore.

"What are you sleeping for? You haven't finished talking yet... Hey, where do you think they are?" The gentle words were like syrup boiling over low heat, thick and unhurried.

"I don't know! But it's definitely not the case!" Qi Wu said firmly.

"If you don't know, how do you know that it's okay... You're not that idiot, why are you nervous?" Wen Yu was curious and puzzled, and analyzed: "I guess, I must have held my hand. It smells good too. Talk about it! As for whether you have untied her white pink peony bellyband..."

Qi Wu looked at Wen Yu blankly, why is she so shameless?

 Dare to say anything? !

 Yeah, I almost forgot, she is so bold and shameless that she dares to plan her own marriage!

"Look at you, what are you talking about!?" Qi Wu was sweating profusely again. If she knew I was that bitch... No, no, no, my lover! No, no, no, you idiot...

Then I will definitely be dead!

Wen Yu looked at Qi Wu with disgust, "What are you looking at me! If you hadn't done this, why would that stupid man give you money? Besides, even if I had an affair before, I only gave it to her because I loved her. . But that **** broke the promise, didn’t she?

"The money should be returned! But I heard that she didn't return it at all. Taking her lover's money to marry another man?! What happened? Her surname is Qin, and she is Qin from Qin Daru, not Qin Huai Qin by the river!"

Wen Yu stood by the side, angry, with a vicious look on his face.

To be honest, she has never been so mean. Even when facing Wen Huan, she never called him a bitch. Saying it now, it feels so...refreshing!

Qi Wuli stood up in a panic, "Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore! I'm going to bed, I have something to do early tomorrow morning."

"No! We haven't talked about the real business yet!" Wen Yu chuckled and pulled him.

"What... business?!" Qi Wu felt furious.

"According to you, that Qin bitch..." Wen Yu said to Qi Wu.

Qi Wu: "..." He opened his hands and didn't know where to put them.

"My little hand has never been held, my little mouth has never been sweet, and I have never seen any color in my bellyband. I just exchanged glances a few times, and I got so much money. Qi Xiaowu... you and I are matchmakers. The one who will be hired will definitely be a relative..."

Qi Wu thought of his private account again: It’s broken!

Wen Yu went on to say: "The man carrying the sedan chair carried him through the door, and he followed you... not only did the three things above, but he also wore a white skirt to show you, and even did something embarrassing!" She She glanced at him extremely coquettishly.

Qi Wu had goosebumps all over the floor and looked at her in horror...

“You have only one tael of silver and haven’t even given me a hairpin?!”


“Originally, I am a newlywed daughter-in-law with a thin face, so it’s hard to say anything. But now when you compare it like this...that’s not possible! Where is your private money? Where are your valuables?! Give them all to me!”

Wen Yu had a stern look on his face, which frightened Qi Wu so much that he wailed in his heart: How could there be such a woman in the world? ! He swallowed, and then stammered, "I, my private money, went to... to make a living. I used more... more money. So, so, some of the items were also spent. Yes."

 “Do you want to make a living!? What kind of business? Tell me, can you make money?”

"It's not done yet!" Qi Wu began to lie, and he became more fluent. "Not long after I put it in, I did it with a noble man. I'll go back and ask how it went. No...I, I'll take it back and give it to you."

 His heart felt cold, he didn’t know how it happened.

Wen Yu asked: "Does mother know?"

"No!" Qi Wu blurted out, "Mother doesn't know. Don't ask her. What you said just now is nonsense..." Seeing Wen Yu glare at him, he changed his words: "My lover...don't tell my mother. Let's Just talk about it, don't tell anyone else. Don't worry, I will think about it in the next few days and I will give you some money for your family. I didn't expect it before... I didn't mean to give it."

Wen Yu smiled: "Okay, I'll be waiting. Don't take too long! As you know, I've been doing a few things recently. I've spent a lot of money, and I can't make enough money, so I'm in a hurry. Originally, I was in a hurry. , I still want to get it from you... Otherwise, I'd better tell my mother and borrow some from her..."

"No, no, no, no, don't tell your mother. The new daughter-in-law borrows money from her mother-in-law. What will happen? Only in the future, after you give birth to a son, will you have the confidence to say this." Qi Wu advised seriously.

 “Oh, husband, you are so thoughtful...”

Qi Wu felt at ease, so he would deal with it like this first and think of a way to do it tomorrow.

But Wen Yu's little face was red, and she was extremely beautiful. He whispered: "Husband, we're done talking, let's take a rest?!"

Qi Wu felt strange again, but he said calmly: "Okay, go to sleep! I'm a little tired today...I have to get up early tomorrow morning! It's a day's work, so I have to sleep well...otherwise, I will lose energy... "

Wen Yu said: "I'm not energetic, husband~~"

Qi Wu’s heart was beating wildly, “Ah…”

 “The words must be fragrant, and also...”

“Me, me, how about tomorrow? I’m really a little tired and not in the mood…”

 “Are you not in the mood?” Wen Yu said...

 “Hmm…” Qi Wu’s body froze.

"I have it!" After saying that, Wen Yu grabbed Qi Wu's collar, exposed her chest, and she dove in.

“…” Qi Wu had never experienced this before. His hands were stretched out stiffly, and Wen Yu had already hugged him to the bed.

 “I can’t do it, I’m really…tired…”

Wen Yu had already pushed him down... "You just said that you have to have a son before you can ask your mother-in-law for money. Then let's... have a son!"

Wen Yu was filled with anger and hatred, and she wanted to kill him...

  Pounced forward.

 Just asking you if you are surprised.

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