Chapter 299 I’m lucky

When I got up in the morning, there was news to Mrs. Tan: Last night, the fifth master and the fifth grandma went out in a hurry and did not return all night.

Ms. Tan became excited, that man’s movements were so nimble!

I didn’t even care about the morning grooming routine and paced back and forth in the room.

 Having been worried for several days, I finally let go.

 If that person dies, there will be no evidence for his death.

  No matter how well-spoken Wen is, he would never have imagined that such a thing would happen. This little girl dares to confront me. Do you think I have today for free?

 Killing two birds with one stone, isn't your shop awesome? Let me see how awesome you are!


Yibai also said to Wen Yu: "I'm afraid there will be chaos in the store for a while. It's good that I'm here. When the fifth master comes back, you can go to the store and take care of it."

Wen Yu said: "Okay. The princess knows about this and has sent a steward. You can live in peace. If you need anything, just tell the steward."

"Everything is very good here. My aunt once taught me how to do work. I took apart the clothes, compared the sizes, and cut them. My aunt said it was not bad, but my experience may be a little less. How about you bring me some work? As long as you measure the size and write it carefully, I think it can be cut. ”

Wen Yu was a little surprised, "That's good. I'll bring some over in a minute and you can try it first. I should have received a lot of jobs before. Although there is a master with good tailoring skills, I'm worried that there will be so many jobs. , all the pressure is on her, if she is too nervous, it will directly affect the quality. "

"This is very possible. You can bring another embroiderer and someone who will help you. It's best to know the characteristics of the fabric. Also, you have to be strict, my identity... some customers may mind. Don't be too late, it's bad. The reputation of the store.”

"Don't worry. Yibai, don't be too stressed in this regard."

 Yibai nodded but said nothing.

"I will let Li Jiang take care of the house where you live and the people you serve. The things inside will be moved to the courtyard where Master Qing lives first. In fact, I originally planned to let you move in with Qing after a while. We lived together with the master. This happened before we had time! Alas..."

Master Qing was lying quietly in a corner. He had used all the methods he could and could only wait.


Qi Wuyi ran to find his grandson early in the morning.

Taishun, something good has really happened to you.

 Mrs. Li is really not a boaster. She got the matter done in a few days. This is really an unexpected surprise. Just when I was happy, Qi Wu came. I told him what happened yesterday, focusing on the special nature of the killer and Duan Muhui's involvement.

Taisun frowned and said, "How can such a man deal with a garment master? Where can I start talking about it..."

 “This Master Qing is a descendant of the Bai family in Xijing.”

The grandson nodded: "The Bai family, I really know a thing or two. Now, I still have things from his family in my hand! But after the Bai family was destroyed, all the secrets were destroyed. Some things can never be made again. Why, Are there any descendants?"

“Master Qing also has a nephew. That nephew was born after something happened in the family. As for who did it this time, it’s just speculation now. Many things are still unclear, so it’s hard to say clearly.

 Next, Ayu will arrange for someone to check. It's just that she is worried that people close to her will be implicated in this matter. Furthermore, if Master Qing recovers, plus this nephew... Before the matter is resolved, there must be a proper place to place them. "

"I have a private courtyard and a hot spring village in Houhai. I can arrange it anywhere."

 “Thank you, Your Highness!”

"Thank you for what?" Taisun was still very happy: "Although your Wen Yu is a troublemaker, she has also accomplished a good thing..." He suddenly remembered: "Go back and tell her that I will help her arrange these few things." Personally, just pay back the favor you owe her, and don’t look for me again!”

Oh, I am so smart, I thought of this all at once.

 Debt-free and light-hearted.

Then he ordered to go down and clean up both places in preparation for receiving people.

After Qi Wu implemented the matter, he came back to discuss with Wen Yu. Wen Yu said: "Then let's go to Houhai. Hot Spring Village is a bit far away. Yibai said he can help me with the work. Houhai is convenient."

“No problem, Your Highness has already made arrangements.”

“Then let’s pick up Lan Zhou now and let him stay in the inn for a few days. After Master Qing gets better, we can move to Houhai with her. You have to tell His Highness that there may be people coming in and out...”

 The two people talked as they walked and got into the car. Wen Yu didn't sleep well yesterday, and his eyelids were so sleepy that he started to fight. Qi Wu gently hugged her and held her in his arms, and she quickly fell asleep.

Qi Wu looked at her, her lower eyes were a little blue, she looked good while sleeping, and his chest was full of love.

 After arriving at the place, Wen Yu went to Lanzhou's yard.

Laba was sitting next to Lan Zhou, and an old man was telling Lan Zhou allusions. I don’t know if he understood it, it was quite quiet.

Wen Yu asked Laba softly, "Is everything okay here?"

Laba said: "Someone was hanging on the roof for a while last night and did not come down. I was worried that Master Lanzhou was alone in the house, so I didn't go out to look."

Wen Yu cursed bitterly in her heart: Thief and witch! Sure enough, it was right to let Duanmu fight Qi Yue. I just hope he hits me faster and harder!

Li Tan packed up Lan Zhou’s things, including pillows and quilts. Lan Zhou accepted the new one and was still not used to it.

Wen Yu made all the arrangements for the yard, and Lan Zhou personally took care of Ping An. Everyone had to help him bring various things for the turtle, and the group arrived at the inn. Song Shang came early in the morning to arrange various affairs. Especially here in Xiulou, everyone knew that Master Qing was seriously injured and they were all a little panicked.

Song Shang put Chen Wenhui and the embroiderer who had been following Master Qing in temporary charge. Chen Wenhui and Chen Wenhui didn't refuse. They stepped forward to arrange what they had to do today. Slowly, everyone settled down.

By the time the warm words came, everything was already in order.

Song Shang said: "Knowing that something happened to Master Qing, Hu Fei increased his manpower. My men were no longer needed, so he asked them to follow Zhang Jiangqing and Li Jiang. They went to the back streets, including Qi Yue's yard. Letting people follow them made me feel sad. It can also be more practical.”

Wen Yu nodded gratefully: "Thankfully, my cousin is here, everything is arranged so well."

 “Come on! When will Mubo and the others leave?”

“It doesn’t take more than a few days. We still have to find a suitable time. My husband has already found a place to house them. It’s in Taisun’s courtyard in Houhai... Now it’s all about the store..."

 Wen Yu thought about it and felt worried and worried. "I'll do more in the next few days!"

Song Shang said: "You don't have to worry about this. If you can't handle it, just take less. Just don't mess up the original order. We don't expect this at all."

 Having said this, Wen Yu could only nod.

Wen Shizhu heard Wen Yu coming and hurried over: "Ah Yu!" Hu Fei followed closely behind her.

Wen Yu reached out to pull her: "Zhuzhu..."

“How is Master Qing?” Zhuzhu asked, both of them had red eyes.

"It's hard to say now." Wen Yu didn't hide anything from her.

Hu Fei said: "I have a doctor and medicine in my hand, let them take a look?"

"Thank you Mr. Hu. The doctors now are good and the medicines are complete. But she still has to rely on herself and luck."

"Just tell me when you need it." After Hu Fei said this, he stood aside to talk to Qi Wu and Song Shang.

 Wen Yu and Zhuzhu were both a little sad. "Master Qing has followed us all the way, and we are all family members."

“Yeah, Brother Song Wu came to talk about it today, I’m so sad.”

"Zhuzhu, let Mr. Hu follow you for the next few days. At ask him if he has any female guards. If not, I will take Laba..."

“No, no, no! Gu Yue has made all arrangements at the inn.”

Wen Yu then thought about what Song Shang said, "Anyway, be careful...don't trust others easily. Let him follow you wherever you go."

"Yes. I understand. Ah Yu..." Wen Shizhu turned around and turned his back to the three men who were talking, "I didn't tell you that that day, Gu Yue said that he liked me and wanted to marry me. He said that he would only like me in this life and treat me well for the rest of his life. If I want to, let me work with him to convince my father. Ayu, do you think it's okay? "

“Zhuzhu, you have to ask yourself, do you like him?”

"I don't know either... Gu Yue is very smart, knows everything, and knows a lot. She is also very patient! Sometimes, my dad still laughs at me, but he doesn't! Now he can make more snacks than I can all good!

 I seem to be...used to having him around. That day, Mr. Shi had something to do and asked him to go out for a long time. As a result, I shouted Gu Yue many times! Not hearing his answer, I felt a little empty. I told my father about this, but he was still not happy. "After speaking, she stuck out her tongue.

“Zhuzhu, you definitely want to get married. Then think about it, is it better to marry a stranger you don’t know yet, or marry him?”

"I won't marry a stranger. Just..." Wen Shizhu felt a little awkward.


"I still remember when you told me about the letter written by Yang Rushi and Mrs. Mu, I cried! I felt that Yang Rushi and Mr. Hu were both so pitiful! I also felt that he was so good to Yang Rushi, such a beautiful feeling , very enviable.

 But, that’s someone I don’t think has anything to do with it. If he still has Yang Rushi in his heart...I won't be happy. Ah Yu, Yang Rushi is really pitiful, shouldn't I think so? "

"You are right to think so! If you feel that Mr. Hu is not bad, just tell him directly: If he still has Yang Rushi in his heart, then you will not succeed."

 “I know!” Wen Shizhu agreed.

“While I’m away, watch Dian Lanzhou. There are many people in the inn, so don’t let him go out.”

"Okay, I will tell Gu Yue and let him handle it."

Wen Yu smiled secretly: There are really three words that cannot be separated from Gu Yue.

He asked Chen Wenhui to come up with a few pieces of work to do, and took an embroiderer and a little girl to drop them off at the princess's mansion, and then returned to the mansion.

In the car, Wen Yu said: "There is fifth brother in the restaurant, cousin in the embroidery shop, and Zhuzhu in the dim sum shop...and you, Brother Jiang Qing, Li Jiang, Laba...even Hu Fei, the incomprehensible grandson, and the new acquaintance Duanmu , it’s all good. I’m lucky…”

"I am the most important and the best." Qi Wu hugged her.

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