The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 33: The eldest daughter is born

Chapter 33 The eldest daughter is revealed

Zanquan Villa is shrouded in an awkward and depressing atmosphere, but at the moment, the Wen family is solemn and lively.

 The bride is coming in!

Wen Yu didn’t have a deep impression on his eldest brother and sister-in-law. When the eldest sister-in-law in the previous life came in, Yan Zhu had just died not long ago, and she did not come to the wedding at all. Then, he was sent to a separate courtyard by Song Shang, waiting to enter the Song family.

Since blood relatives are few, just follow the rules and don’t expect anything extravagant.

Wen Yu put on makeup in front of the rhombus mirror. On a day like this, bare makeup was not a good idea, so she applied a thin layer of powder and lipstick. I also used gardenia fragrance which I extracted myself.

Yan Zhu was beside her, looking at her with eyes full of love. She looked left and right: "Girl, you are so beautiful! You are so beautiful!"

“Haha, right! Doesn’t grandma’s set of jewelry look good?!” Wen Yu said mischievously. She had given all her jewelry and gold and silver to her uncle before, leaving only a few silver hairpins in her hand.

These days, she wears it every day. The old lady looks very displeased, but doesn't pay attention to her.

Last night, Wen Yu went to the old lady's house with the clothes she was going to wear today, "Grandma, you know, my granddaughter gave all her valuable jewelry to her uncle. Ordinary jewelry is very shabby. When there are no outsiders, That's all. It would be embarrassing for the Wen family to be so simple on the wedding day. My granddaughter was given a set of diamonds, but how old is her granddaughter? You can’t borrow your granddaughter’s jewelry, just return it when you’re done with it!”

 Old Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Yu speechlessly, she has become so shameless! I really don’t want to talk to her...

But if she doesn’t give it to her, she will really wear those silver hairpins... Huh, not to mention the shame of the Wen family, what will the old thing do if she knows about it? He sighed secretly and said to Nanny Song expressionlessly: "Go and take out my Dongzhu set of hairpins. It's just right, it goes well with this dress!"

Not long after, Grandma Song took out a box.

The old lady opened it herself. On the red velvet cloth, eight exquisitely shaped beaded hairpins were shining brightly.

 “Take it and wear it, there’s no need to return it!” She said calmly.

Wen Yu took it over to look at it and nodded affirmatively: "It belongs to my grandmother after all. It's really good! Thank you to my grandmother for the reward!" After that, he hugged it and left.

The old lady looked at her back: After sending away the **** of plague and sending away her son, then think about how to deal with her!

At this moment, Yan Zhu combed Wen Yu’s hair and inserted the hairpins one by one into her head. The gleaming pearls reflected the shiny black hair... She kept sighing, it was so beautiful!

He said a lot of nice things, but the main idea was that he wanted to accompany Wen Yu to join in the fun. Wen Yu really had no choice but to agree.

 When the two of them arrived at the back, the women of the Wen family all dressed up and chatted and laughed together.

Mr. Wen Si at home did not come back, nor did the fourth wife. Everyone agreed and no one asked. Even Guan didn't ask, which made the old lady a little worried. She wondered if the old man knew...

Yan Zhu's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's when looking at clothes and jewelry, and she had a photographic memory. She kept commenting in a low voice next to Wen Yu: "Hey, the second girl's clothes are just like our wife's. Look at this There is nothing careless from head to toe, but no matter how hard she works, she looks very sparse in front of you, girl!"

 Sure enough, this "sparse" situation was also discovered by Wen Wan.

 She would never miss this opportunity. So he said: "Eldest sister has become so good-looking these days. Second sister, third sister, right? Are you going to be that good-looking when you become an adult? I'm really looking forward to it..."

Wen Jiao smiled sarcastically: "It's right to look forward to it! But don't let it become an extravagant hope, otherwise, you will be disappointed."

 After speaking, he deliberately looked at Wen Huan.

Wen Huan looked at Wen Yu with jealousy and hatred in her heart. Being instigated by her sisters again, she felt even more unbearable.

 But she also agrees with her mother’s meaning. What is her identity? What future will there be? Who cares about this with them? When Wen Jiao entered Beijing half a year later, she knew what the difference was between her and me! That being said, she was still young and had little experience, so she couldn't help but change her color frequently.

The women in the room were full of kind words, and no one would feel uncomfortable today.

 A servant reported that a guest has arrived.

Wen Yu unexpectedly stood beside the old lady proactively, gracefully, gently and firmly, and together with her, they smiled at the guests.

 Looks like she is the image of the eldest granddaughter who is most valued by the old lady.

 For a time, all kinds of words of "congratulations" and "congratulations" filled the house and courtyard.

Sure enough, the old lady’s gentle words were so outstanding that all the guests who came noticed her at first sight.

 “Yo! Is this...Yu Yatou!?” A woman asked Old Mrs. Wen.

 “Mrs. Xu!” Wen Yu had a rosy complexion, stood neatly, and saluted steadily.

"Oh, you are such a big girl! So good, so good! Aunt Wen actually raised her eldest granddaughter so well, tsk tsk tsk..." The guests who came all looked at Wen Yu up and down with surprise and appreciation.

 Wen Yu smiled throughout, was restrained but not shy, generous but not ostentatious.

"No! Old sister, I really envy you. Look at these flowers around you! Especially the girl Yu... She is so generous and generous. She is indeed your eldest granddaughter! Come on, come on, let me, old lady, take a look. Look! You look good, you look like me! Girl Yu, your uncle brought this string back from outside!"

Wen Yu glanced at her grandmother first, and when Mrs. Wen nodded, she took it with both hands.

When Wen Huan on the other side heard the words "eldest granddaughter", her face turned pale with hatred.

Not long after, Yan Zhu took a lot of jewelry given to Wen Yu by the guests. It gave her so much joy...

Of course, there are also people who have a good relationship with the Wen family. Knowing that Wen Qian is promoted this time, he has a brighter future, and it is unknown whether he will be able to join the cabinet in the future! So they all fawned over Yuan and Wen Huan.

Wen Huan felt a little calmer, but she didn't want to be as gentle as Wen Yu. Instead, she acted like a young lady and interacted with others in a reserved manner.

Yuanshi saw it but didn't feel anything wrong. When my family arrived in the capital, it was a completely different world! It is unlikely that people here will be able to interact with each other again in the future.

 The manners of an official lady must be practiced now.

Old Mrs. Wen was entertaining people and did not forget to observe Wen Yu secretly. I found that this girl really did everything right. Who is far and who is near, how to speak and how to laugh, are almost completely consistent with my own thoughts.

She couldn't help but wonder, who taught her all this?

No matter who taught her, it was troublesome for her to be so popular. Then, finally finding some free time, the old lady said to Wen Yu: "There are many girls here today, and you don't have to always accompany me. Sisters, let’s go play!”

Wen Yu agreed happily, then turned and left.

As soon as I left the house and walked a few steps, I heard "Sister Yu!" with a cheerful laugh, and a little girl ran in lightly.

It turned out to be Zhang Jinqing, the youngest daughter of Magistrate Zhang, followed by Mrs. Zhang, her daughter-in-law and Zhang Weiqing. Zhang Weiqing is the daughter of Zhang Zhifu's brother.

Zhang Jinqing is ten years old, very innocent and lively: "Sister Jinqing, why are you so happy?" Wen Yu pulled her.

“Brother Wen is getting married! I’ll be able to see the bride soon. I’m so happy! Oh, sister Yu is so beautiful today! Her clothes are nice and her hair is combed nicely! She smells good too!” Zhang Jinqing praised her all the time.

Yan Zhu was nearby and quickly whispered to her that she had combed her hair.

 “Aunt Zhang!” Wen Yu said hello to the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhang family and Zhang Weiqing.

Mrs. Zhang and the others looked at Wen Yu and were all surprised. Why is Wen Yu so good-looking?

 “Ayu looks really good today!” Mrs. Zhang said with a smile. Her daughter-in-law and Zhang Weiqing both nodded.

When the old lady heard from her servant that Mrs. Zhang was coming, she hurriedly greeted her over there: "Hui Xian is here!?"

 Mrs. Zhang took people to see the old lady.

Wen Yu pulled Zhang Jinqing, "Where is your little brother?" He asked Zhang Jiangqing, the youngest son of Magistrate Zhang.

 Zhang Jinqing’s eyes were bright: “It’s in front!”

Wen Yu whispered a few words to her, and Miss Zhang nodded sharply.

Mrs. Zhang has already finished her congratulations. The two families have a good relationship and chatted for a long time. "When I saw Ayu today, I didn't even dare to recognize him! Why are you so tall all of a sudden?"

"Yes, she is an adult! She is a big girl now! You also know that the destiny given to her when she was a child... Although I don't believe it, after all... now, she has passed the hurdle! From now on, everything will be That’s a good word!” Mrs. Wen said with emotion. She was sending word that she wanted to finalize the marriage with the Zhang family quickly to prevent long nights and endless dreams!

 Mrs. Zhang nodded and sighed: "Ayu has always been a good child!"

 Actually, Mrs. Zhang has long been interested in Wen Yu and wants to be her youngest son Zhang Jiangqing’s wife. But the son said that he had to wait until he had a title or a position before proposing marriage, so that Ayu could "have more face."

hehe! That silly boy!

His father has already gone to plan the matter, and things have already taken shape.

I originally wanted to wait until it was implemented, but I just saw how outstanding Wen Yu was and I was worried that many people would take a fancy to this wedding, so I had to take action first!

She had just found a suitable way to express something that would make the old lady feel confident. She was organizing her words when she was interrupted by a new guest...

I have something to do at home, so I finished it in a hurry. I may have made a lot of mistakes. I will correct it tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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