The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 333: Can't believe it all

Chapter 333: Don’t believe it all

Just after Song Shang’s wedding, the Qi family suddenly got good news: Zhang Weiqing was pregnant.

Qi Si has been busy with things in his hometown and has been back for less than a month.

On this day, Zhang Moqing was having breakfast in the house. Suddenly he felt terribly sick and kept vomiting. He called the doctor and found out that he was pregnant.

 It is so easy to get it, which can be regarded as the result of Aunt Liu's unremitting efforts.

Wen Yu heard that her friend was asking for a doctor early in the morning. She was worried about it and ran outside Zhang Moqing's yard to hear the news. When the girl saw the doctor out, she winked at her.

 I understood immediately and quickly came in to congratulate him.

 “Congratulations! This is really good news!”

 Zhang Moqing sat on the couch next to the window, his face red. At this moment, she did not have the worry and shock of her first pregnancy, but felt a little relaxed: Aunt Liu's ubiquitous pressure was relieved.

Wen Yu understood, sat next to her and smiled: "Is Aunt Liu happy now?"

"Amitabha! It's true." Zhang Moqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Ayu, you don't know! Other mothers-in-law are making fun of their daughter-in-law and saying weird things when they think her daughter-in-law is not pregnant. But caring day and night, without any blind spots. "I prayed to the Buddha, burned incense and made soup, and was told to wear warm clothes every day and not eat ice..." She blushed, "It made me feel unspeakable. At this moment, I feel that this matter has nothing to do with me." It doesn't matter, it's all for her..."

Wen Yu said with a serious face: "Don't pay attention to her! There is a serious mother-in-law here, so she has to lean back..."

Just as he was talking, Aunt Liu arrived after hearing the news. She made a fuss before she even entered the door, "Is Fourth Grandma in the house? I heard a message..."

Zhang Moqing smiled helplessly. It seemed that Aunt Liu also had people in her yard.

Aunt Liu appeared with a grin on her face. She seemed surprised when she saw Wen Yu was there, " turns out...the fifth grandma is here too!"

The eyes and eyebrows were flying wildly, as if he was surprised, surprised, and a little concerned. The unspoken meaning was: Pregnancy is a delicate and sensitive matter between sisters-in-law. There is someone here who is just pregnant. What do you think? Don't you know how to avoid suspicion?

Wen Yu and Zhang Moqing could see these words on her face...

 The two of them are so angry and funny!

Zhang Moqing had evil thoughts. He protected his stomach with one hand and looked at Wen Yu warily, "Fifth younger brother and sister... my aunt is here. I'll talk to her... you..."

Wen Yu blinked at her, and gently moved his hand over to caress her belly. Zhang Moqing looked nervous: Don't come over here...

Aunt Liu stepped in between the two of them decisively like lightning.

“Oh, Fifth Grandma! At this time, I can’t touch it, I can’t touch it!”

Wen Yu didn't touch it after all... He stood up with some regret, "Oh, okay then! Then you take good care of it, I'll go back first."

Aunt Liu breathed a sigh of relief: "You walk slowly. When she is stable, you can come and play with her again!"

Wen Yu took a few steps outside, then turned back and said, "Huh? Aunt Liu, Fourth Sister-in-law, according to the rules, shouldn't Madam add someone to Fourth Sister-in-law's house?"

Zhang Moqing was suddenly shocked by her words of tiger and wolf. His body trembled and his eyes turned red.

Aunt Liu was annoyed when she saw it, "Fifth Grandma, you said this too?! It's across the room! Oh, you have the nerve to..."

“Fourth sister-in-law and I are not outsiders! Isn’t this for the sake of fourth sister-in-law?! Ask her what kind of people she gets along with easily. I will go to Madam’s place now and remind Madam to keep it in mind so that we can make arrangements quickly!”

 Zhang Moqing moved again and almost shed tears, "You..."

Aunt Liu became even more anxious, "Fifth Grandma! Look what you are talking about! Aren't you good sisters? Why do you say these things to make her anxious at this time?"

  She said warmly, as if her anxiety was my purpose: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I'm young and ignorant! I don't know where I've ever heard such a sentence."

Aunt Liu turned to look at Zhang Moqing who looked sad and sad, and said quickly: "There is such a saying, but it can't be said to be a rule. It was all negotiated by the young couple. Even the wife must respect them. Meaning. But no matter what, the most important thing is the son in your belly!”

 Son... Zhang Moqing discovered distressingly: New pressure has come again. Life is hard... Wen Yu didn't even hear it, he nodded and said, "That's right... Then I'll go and tell the madam, don't make any arrangements yet. Wait until the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law have an idea, and then mention it to the madam!"

Zhang Moqing nodded quickly: "Ayu, I'm sorry to bother you. I'll go and say hello to Madam when I feel more at ease."

 “Okay!” Wen Yu said beautifully and left.

Aunt Liu looked at Zhang Moqing and said, "These days are the most important. Don't be careless. Don't go out! Just send a girl to tell your mother, but outsiders can't tell! From now on, you The girls in the yard cheered up and couldn't touch anything they hadn't eaten..."


 Zhang Moqing listened and nodded slightly, still feeling a little proud. I got it so quickly. Aren’t I quite capable?

After Aunt Liu had said enough, she added cautiously: "Auntie knows that you and Fifth Grandma are close friends. have to pay attention too. As the old saying goes: You must be on guard against others. No matter how good the relationship is, it will affect future generations... You can't trust her completely. Just talk to her on weekdays and don't accept anything from her,'s from the entrance." Her expression was mysterious and her eyes were shining.

Zhang Moqing knew who she was and didn't tell her apart. He just nodded.

Aunt Liu was relieved to see that she was obedient. While he was verbose, his thoughts were flying far away... If the Xu family was pregnant with a daughter, then her son would have a chance to give birth to the eldest grandson of the Qi family!

 I couldn’t help but laugh wildly in my heart, it was really a blessing from God. Although I have never received the general's love in my life, I just got along. But the great-eldest grandson of the Qi family came from...that was different.

Qi Yu came home after finishing his work and heard that a doctor had been invited in his courtyard. He hurried back to his house and heard such good news. He is usually a very smart person with a big grin on his face.

Aunt Liu gave instructions for a long time, and even called Qi Si out to explain the affairs between the couple again. As I was about to go back to the courtyard, I suddenly thought: Oh, I have two girls in my courtyard to give to my son. My natal family also has a good cousin. Why just now...did I block the road myself?

Hearing the laughter of his son and Zhang Moqing in the room, he stood there thinking for a while before reluctantly leaving. After a while, my son will know how powerful it is. Then, I will mention it again...

Even though there was no deliberate publicity, the news spread quickly as if it had wings.

 The Tan family was the first to know! She smiled: "Oh my god! This is a great thing! Go and open my warehouse quickly. I remember that Mr. Hou just got back two boxes of blood swallows and gave them to the fourth wife! Tell her not to go out. You don’t have to run and I’m dangling in front of you.

 Everything will be done after three months of pregnancy. I won’t disturb her yet! Let her take good care of herself for now, and don't let outsiders see her for now. Amitabha, you really need to burn incense in the temple! "

 After the girl listened to her instructions, she took the blood swallow and went out.

When there was no one in the room, Ms. Tan leaned over there and cursed bitterly: "Ms. Zhu, this is useless! What do you do for food! How long has it been and you still can't get pregnant? You are getting more and more arrogant day by day. As a result, , Wen Yu can’t handle it, and she can’t even conceive a child! Mrs. Liu’s vision is so bad that I’m so polite to them.”

 You are sitting here thinking about it, and the more you think about it, the more unhappy you become!

Mrs. Xu also heard the news. Although this was not surprising, she couldn't help but feel upset.

 The circles under his eyes turned red again.

"Grandma!" Another girl came in and said, "The old lady sent two boxes of blood swallows. Wen Yu came out of the fourth grandmother's house and went directly to find the madam. After hearing about it, the madam didn't go there either. Let Cui beside him Grandma gave me a set of Cuizhu Flower Head Noodles, and she also took some banknotes! She said... I don’t know what she wants to eat, so she can buy it herself with the money!”

After hearing this, Mrs. Xu became even more angry, "Give me back the money? At that time, I only gave it to the richest man! A concubine's wife is more important than a eldest son's wife. There is no one in the world who is more stupid than her!"

 How much injustice I suffered by marrying him! As of now... I am no longer in charge of my family. He also traveled far away, and he didn’t know when he would come back. Bao'er is a little heartless person who goes to Cui's house to enjoy the blessings and never comes back easily. My grandmother is distant from me, my mother-in-law doesn't love me, and my sister-in-law still laughs at me! I..." She covered her face and cried.

 The girls in the house are also very helpless. Girls used to be competitive, but now why are they so easily angry and crying when they don't get in touch?

The clever nanny quickly advised: "Grandma! In today's day, you can also tell whether it is a boy or a girl. Tell your sister-in-law and ask her to bring the doctor quickly?"

Xu Minghui stopped crying for a moment, "Really, how could I forget it? Go home and tell your sister-in-law to ask the doctor to come!"

Just as the girl was about to leave, Xu Minghui called out again: "Wait!" After thinking for a while, "Bring her two jars of the good osmanthus honey. There are also the odds and ends that the family brought from Wen Yu's shop. Bring it to her! There's no way she can control that short-sighted thing."

Just like that, her sister-in-law came with the doctor the next morning.

The old doctor took his pulse seriously.

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