Chapter 341 Everyone is finished

He sent Pingting to call Qi Wu, but he walked back and forth on the same spot, feeling something was wrong...

 Look at the handsome little **** next to the grandson, standing there with tears on his face. He beckoned him over and whispered a few instructions. The little **** wiped his tears and ran away quickly.

 In the room, the Crown Princess could no longer stand, so she leaned on the table and sat down. Her empty eyes stared straight at the big bed. Blocked by the imperial doctor and Li Qihuan, she could only see her husband's legs covered with quilts. Motionless...

I was sweating coldly, my heart was beating fast, and I felt like I was going to collapse.

Why is this happening? ! It shouldn’t be! She tried it twice on people around her, and it was only a little uncomfortable...

 That’s right! It was she who drugged the prince and put it in the white fungus soup.

Last time, she let her husband catch a cold by opening the window. But since then, Li Qihuan has kept a close eye on all aspects. The eunuchs and maids around the prince could not find any loopholes in their work.

 She couldn't take any more risks, but there was really nothing she could do.

Several things happening this time are very important for next year, or even for the next few years.

 She understood it and had already thought about it, and with Dong James's additions, the final summary was already quite perfect!

He calmly dealt with the prince and grandson several times, but they didn't care about his thoughts at all. Don’t even hear if it makes sense!

 Don’t they know how influential this set of things is?

 Is it not good for the Xue family to support them? Doesn’t the East Palace have greater authority over my own ideas?

 Why do everyone have to be so stubborn!

 Finally, she became anxious, found Dong James, and told him: As long as the prince is sick that day, the grandson will not care about anything else, and she will have the opportunity to exchange the things. Now...she can still get the crown prince seal!

Dong James also believed that this method was very feasible, and he also gave her medicine.

 She accepted it, but it was useless. She is not that stupid!

 As a Crown Princess, how can you not be prepared at all? I just chose the simplest one...I was afraid of trouble, so I tried it on the people around me.

 It’s just a little bit of discomfort, it’s nothing serious, really!

  Why is this happening? She was anxious, afraid and regretful, and she also knew that no matter how smart she was, without the crown prince as her backer, she would be in trouble!

Even if the emperor approves that thing, without the crown prince, how can the emperor let the grandson take the lead? impossible…

My mind was confused, but what came to mind was still rights. The friendship with her husband may have long since disappeared from her heart.

How about saying that rights can get lost in the mind? She didn't even think about it. The prince's body was like a candle in the wind. He had taken good care of it, and there was no flaw at all... He could only shine with a faint halo, covering his wife and son.

Where can it withstand a little disturbance?

I don’t know how long it took, but the little **** came back. His delicate little face was a little twisted. He came close to Jiang Pingting and muttered a few words.

When Jiang Pingting heard this, she thought: It is indeed so!

 But she still felt confused: Is the Crown Princess crazy?

 She dares to poison the crown prince and implicate the nine clans? Killed the prince because of this thing submitted?

 This is completely crazy!

Turning around, he told his maid: "Please quietly invite your grandson out. Quick!"

When the grandson heard the palace maid calling, he didn't know what the concubine was going to do. He didn't want to come out, but then he thought: That woman is always safe and stable, and often has unexpected ideas. Could it be that she has a good idea?

So, I ran out quickly...

As a result, I heard that the concubine, who usually had many ideas and strong observation skills, said: "In the morning, when the concubine sent someone to report the news to the palace, she handed over the set of things. There is a new seal... Now, I just don’t know..." Jiang Pingting gritted her teeth, "Whether the father's matter has anything to do with her!"

 She has to say this. However, it is not without risks... losing your life is possible!

Li Qihuan looked at her blankly. He understood, but he didn't understand... Could it be that this woman lost her mind after becoming pregnant? How can this be?

He didn't say anything, turned around and went directly to the study room in front of him. The things they made were originally meant to be submitted, but their father was ill, so how could they care about it?

 He didn't even feel like he was running. Moreover, running such a long distance was nothing to him, but when he arrived in front of the bookcase, he felt that his heart was about to jump out. With trembling hands, I opened the cabinet and found that the set of things was really gone...

Someone took advantage of the critical situation between his father's life and death and secretly handed him over...

 Suddenly, he burst out laughing and doubled over. Laughing wildly, with distorted face and ferocious eyes. I can't help but tremble all over...

 This is so true!

 The emperor is wary of, suspicious of, suppressed, calculated, and exploited.

 Several Wang uncles are even more secretly using tricks. Just pouring the black water and dirty water into the East Palace could not be finished in three days and three nights.

Father...Father, he is so pitiful. He doesn't have a few good days in his life. When he was only a few years old, he helped the emperor to ward off disasters, and he took the medicine for the rest of his life. Until now, he is still being used as a puppet by that person. It sets him up as a target and attracts the malice of others.

Every time he gets sick, he is like an evil ghost in hell. He is in so much pain! I am holding on because I want to protect their mother and son for a long time...

 But he, the person he risked his heart and life to protect, was plotting against him.

Even, hurt him! My feet felt like stepping on cotton, returning to the back.

“Concubine, you are in a hurry and tired. My son can help you come here to rest for a while...” he said softly.

 The Crown Princess still hasn't woken up from her confusion, feeling regretful, scared and at a loss. Unable to think of any way, he followed Li Qihuan out of the house numbly, passed through the outer hall, and reached the small room next to him.

There is no one in the house.

"Mother." Li Qihuan's eyes and voice were extremely gentle, "My son wants to ask you something..."

 “What?” The Crown Princess steeled herself to deal with it. But she knew that she had stepped into the void, the prince was going to die, and the East Palace was over.

  "Is it your fault that your father's illness is the result of your illness?"

“Ah?! What did you say?” The princess’s underwear was still wet and soaked with sweat again. She subconsciously retorted: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Qihuan suddenly went crazy... He stepped forward, grabbed the princess's neck with one hand, and held her against the huge red pillar.

 His eyes were red, and there was blood from nowhere at the corners of his mouth.

He whispered coldly: "You kill your husband, and I will kill your mother. Our East Palace will leave a name in history and be famous for generations to come. How wonderful!" After speaking, he added more force.

 The Crown Princess’s eyes widened and her face started to turn red. Struggling from side to side, he used both hands to break the hand that was squeezing his neck. His feet were dangling in the air, kicking in vain.

 Her face started to turn red again, and there was fear in her eyes, but she could only make a clicking sound but could not speak.

Jiang Pingting felt something was wrong in the outer hall, so she ran in. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was startled. She ran over and shouted in a low voice: "Your Highness! Stop! Stop!"

Go up and pull, but how can Taisun listen now?

His other arm pushed her to the side, causing Pingting to take a few steps back and hit the wall, causing pain!

 He is really desperate for his life!

Regardless of whether she was okay or not, she rushed forward again: "Your Highness! I am still pregnant with your child!" She had no choice but to use this to impress him.

 The Crown Princess’s hands were already hanging limply on one side, and her eyes began to wander...

"My child?" Li Qihuan smiled ferociously: "Silly girl, you can't give birth and you can't live! Pingting, let's go! Leave the East Palace and remain anonymous! Leave quickly! I want to die with her..." He added more force .

"Your Highness! It's not over yet. Father is still waiting for you inside. Just let go!" Jiang Pingting used all her strength to break off Taisun's hand. Only then did she realize how strong Taisun was...

 “You hurry up and leave!” Li Qihuan said coldly.

 The Crown Princess’s tongue was hanging out and her eyes were protruding outward.

 Jiang Pingting was almost desperate, but she really didn't dare to call anyone...

Suddenly, the figure behind him flashed. Li Qihuan suddenly let go of his hand, and the princess fell to the ground!

Someone hugged Li Qihuan from behind and said, "Your Highness, don't get excited!" The voice was low. It turned out that it was Qi Wu who had arrived...

 Pingting was relieved and hurriedly went to see the Crown Princess...

When Li Qihuan heard Qi Wu's voice, he softened and couldn't stand. His whole body was held by Qi Wu. Covering her mouth with both hands, sobbing and crying, trembling all over...

 Jiang Pingting slapped the Crown Princess **** the face. She had some reaction, coughing hard and breathing heavily, with snot and tears all over her face.

Jian Pingting asked the Crown Princess: "My Lady, where did you put the replacement memorial?"

The Crown Princess looked at Jiang Pingting with tears in her eyes. The woman's face was calm and indifferent.

"Your Highness already knows, please tell me quickly! It's too late, everyone is dead."

 Thank you for the rewards and various votes, Shoubao!

 The last day of the festival, are you still happy?

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