Chapter 377 This life is different

 Xu Minghui was just the grandson-in-law of the family, and Qi Xiao’s official position was not high, so those who came to express condolences were basically the descendants of relatives and friends, mostly women.

Neither Qi Xiao nor Qi Yu were there, and Qi Hua refused to come forward. Only Qi Youyi and Qi Yue were in the front, and they were pestered by Xu Mingshan. On one side, a male guest of similar status came, and he had to socialize for a while.

 The same goes for female guests here. Sometimes it is Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Liu who come forward, and sometimes it is just a few grandsons-in-law who come forward.

At this moment, Wen Yu was idle and listened to Xiaoji's inquiring news, "Mr. Zhou was not born at home. She was bought by Mrs. Tan when she was a housekeeper. She has been living in the second door. Her husband is gone and she has children and grandchildren. But the children and grandchildren are not in the house. Here, she bought a house and land in the suburbs of Beijing. On weekdays, Mrs. Zhou doesn't fight for work and profit, she just works here to make a living! Occasionally, the old lady will ask her to come in, but she has a strict tone and has nothing to do with her. People know!”

Wen Yu nodded, that was the contact person between Tan and Zhou.

Just as he was saying that Laba was back, he shook his head at Wen Yu: "When I went back, I met Mrs. Zhou coming out of the yard. She recognized me and didn't dare to get too close. I can't tell whether she got that thing or not. . If you can’t find another night, use the scent to stun them and go in and look for them!”

Wen Yu nodded: "I can only find another chance!"

 Later, Mrs. Zhou went to see Mr. Tan. He took out a small bag from his arms. Mrs. Tan took it and opened it carefully. Inside were three small glass bottles with the stoppers sealed with wax.

 She knows this thing and has used it before! Colorless and odorless.

“Don’t believe it?” Tan asked.

 “Tell the queen, I understand, and let her rest assured!”

“It’s normal for him to feel uncomfortable, but you can’t be with him! Why don’t you pretend to be sick again, and I’ll tell my mother. She won’t blame you.”

The female official whispered: "The concubine asked my servant to tell you that everything is fine with her. Don't read it. The empress reminded: The Qi family is not at peace either. Please pay attention!"

When she finished packing and came out, Zhang Moqing was already waiting for her at the courtyard gate.

 It was as if it was his dream that he came back and slept next to him yesterday.

"Someone from the Zhang family is coming today. I'll just keep insisting. You can rest assured and be sensible. I'm both looking forward to my grandfather coming back, but I'm also worried about his coming back."

 After a busy day, Wen Yu was extremely tired, so he freshened up and went straight to bed. Qi Wu didn't know what he was doing, so he came back in the middle of the night. When I woke up in the morning, he was gone again.

“What did you say?” Tan frowned.

“Mo Qing, why did you come out so early?”

The two men went to the spirit, burned incense and paper money, and sat aside.

Yesterday, her father-in-law had quite a stinky face! If Aunt Liu dares to come back, she will either be killed or thrown into the temple.

 Zhang Moqing had two big dark circles under his eyes, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. "Fourth Master came back with a message last night. Aunt Liu is not well."

 “That being’s hard for Fourth Master.”

“Your Majesty said, this thing is very valuable. The person who made it is dead and there will be no more in the future. And... Your Majesty said there is one here, which is left for you...”

Mr. Zhou is not too afraid, she is for adults! "My Lord said that you are always playing with fire, and sooner or later you will get burned. When that time comes, kill yourself first! If you have the intention of hurting him, be careful of your children and grandchildren."

Mrs. Tan was immediately furious and glared at Mrs. Zhou.

Wen Yu sighed: "To be honest, her fate is nothing more than this. Even if the injury is healed, the situation cannot be changed, how can her mood be better?"

"My lord didn't write it. But my lord said..." Mrs. Zhou stopped talking.

 Don’t know what he is doing?

Wen Yu is a little worried. Things have happened in a hurry recently! She could never let go of the situation of the prince and grandson. Since the husband is following his great-grandson, there must be a good outcome. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, you will be in trouble every step of the way.

 Early in the morning, the concubine was sent over, and Mrs. Qi and Mr. Liu came out to socialize. The female officer was very familiar with Wen Yu, and Wen Yu pulled her aside politely: "It's been hard to see her recently. How is she?"

Mrs. Tan's face turned pale with anger and she cursed in her heart: "Asshole, you have to be careful about your children and grandchildren!"

The female official said: "This year, the East Palace is very quiet. The grandson was arranged to take care of the crown prince, but there were two troubles in the middle, which made the concubine suppress her. The Xue family came during the Chinese New Year, and it was the empress who received her. The family members were not stupid and did not dare to ask further.

 That Dong Zhanshi, except for his youngest son who was not at home, everyone else was dead. The grandson has already found the younger son and asked the fifth master's men to pick him up. He is expected to come back in the next few days. "

Wen Yu said: "Nowadays, the most important thing for the empress is to protect the child in her belly. The prince and grandson are wise, so she can rest assured about external matters."

 Sent away the female officer. From the Wen family, Mrs. Guan came with Wen Jiao, followed by Song Shang.

The eldest grandma of the Qi family died giving birth to a child, which made Guan family very worried. She should not underestimate this matter, because it might be complicated! The Qi family has a big business, and the competition will definitely be fierce. After walking through the ceremony, I asked Wen Yu. I couldn't ask any more questions, I just gave him instructions quietly.

As for Wen Jiao, it seems that she is even more assertive.

When Wen Yu spoke to her, she just hummed softly. In a gentle tone, Guan said quietly: "Marquis Pingyuan will come to propose marriage, and the old lady accepted."

“You finally chose this one?” Wen Yu was not surprised.

"Yes, Wen Jiao and the prince have met several times, and they are quite satisfied. The two families started talking after the Chinese New Year. However, the person sent by the dignified prince's house to discuss the marriage, when it came to Wen Jiao's dowry, his spirit Head and foot!" Guan shook his head.

“Grandma is so shrewd, how can she not tell that?” Wen Yu wondered.

"Your grandmother is willing! Think about it, she married two girls into the prince's mansion at once, and her son also married the princess. In the capital, this is considered a high-class family, right? She is not willing to let her pay for it. ! It seems that Wen Jiao’s dowry is much larger than that of your eldest daughter!”

Wen Yu was unhappy: "That can't happen! If she wants to pass me, I'll hit my grandmother when she gets back and ask her to make up for it!"

Ms. Guan suppressed her smile, "There's another funny thing! The princess didn't interfere in Wen Jiao's matter, nor did she have any opinions. The old lady wanted her to come forward to talk, so that she could overpower the other party. But the princess immediately gave up. My face is so embarrassing for the old lady.”

"Wen Jiao is not disappointed? Maybe she wants to go out from the princess's mansion?"

"Don't you see how arrogant she is? As soon as she walks in, she is the crown prince's wife. In the future, she will be the marquis' wife. And you, the title of the Qi family will probably not fall on you, right? She is obviously a head above you!"

Wen Yu shook her head: "Let her fill that big hole with her dowry!"

Guan Shi also shook his head and left.

Song Shang stepped forward: "Ruotong felt a little uncomfortable when he got up early. His mother was taking care of him at home, so he didn't come."

Wen Yu said: "Has the doctor come to see you?"

"Go and call. I want to go to Wen's house, so I don't wait. I'll just walk around here and go back. It'll probably be fine." Song Shang looked at Wen Yu with a tired look on his face, "The cause of Grandma Qi's death was strange. ?”

Wen Yu sighed, "Don't mention it! Many things have happened in the past few days."

She didn't hide anything from Song Shang. She kept talking about what happened recently for a long time before she finished. She felt like she was almost exhausted.

Song Shang listened silently and quickly sorted it out: "Zhou and Tan have known each other for a long time. Zhou Zhou plundered all the way and was promoted. With the help of Zhou, Tan killed Qi Wu's grandmother and became Mrs. Hou. Now... She wants to kill people in order to fight for her son's title. Aunt Xiuyun may be her biological daughter and is related to the Bai family. That's all."

 “My cousin is smart, that’s pretty much it.”

"No matter how smart I am, I can't compare to these two people! If nothing else, a peasant girl from the Tan family can get involved with the head of the Bai family and give birth to a daughter, but then turn around and marry the marquis... This is not like a dream Same? Is she a vixen from a Chinese chat room?"

"When Mu Bo comes back, I don't know how many wonderful stories there are! However, these are just speculations now and there is no evidence. Who is Li Qun and what is his relationship with Mr. Zhou? I don't know yet. Oh, speaking of this …I also want you to check Mr. Zhou!”

"Okay! Leave it to me! In addition, the news about me... has been reported back. The case over there has been closed, and all my people there were arrested in the name of being a bandit. Ordinarily, next , people from the county government can first register with Dali Temple in the capital, and then they can come to the Song family to search, and I even took them away.

 It's just that...Song Tao suddenly lost his message. It must have been beyond Mr. Zhou's expectation, and all those who had contacted him were immediately cleared. I just don’t know what method he will use next. "

Wen Yu said: "Cousin, don't worry too much. You have changed a lot in this life. You bought a title, found out about Song Tao, and married your cousin. And the Zhang family and I help each other. The Wen family is also different from the previous life. The most important thing is that you have established a relationship with the prince and grandson. It is not as easy as it was in the previous life."

Song Shang touched his chin: "Normally, his technique is not subtle. How could it be so smooth?"

"The simpler, the more practical. Make a plan, once the family property is confiscated and the population is wiped out, who can know the truth? Who will reverse the case for these people? Like Master Qing's aunt and nephew, let alone revenge, how did the Bai family be destroyed? You don’t even know! Mr. Zhou controls the lives of many officials, but he still makes money and divides it among everyone. There is no risk but huge rewards. Who would not follow? "

 “Ayu, what would I have done if it weren’t for you…”

 Stinky babies, today is just one chapter, really.

 In addition, I want to say something: the outline of this article is...well, there is.

 But as I write, many plots have changed.

 The story to be told next: Qi Youduan is coming back, Mu Bo is coming back, and there are still changes in the court. I am also very unhappy that Wen Feng is still living a good life next to a rich woman.

If the shelf is not set up properly, it will be very difficult to work here every day, and the effect will not be good.

 Some people have reminded me not to just talk about one side, there is also the other side!

 So, next, I want to sort out the plot, intersperse the shelves, and let Li Da Niu happily eat her lunch on May Day...

 I am determined not to enter the palace, but I may stop for a while. I will really try my best, however long it takes.

 Please understand.

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