The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 380: The emperor's heart is unpredictable

Chapter 380 The emperor’s heart is unpredictable

It was also this morning that the emperor woke up very early and found that his left hand was swollen and weak.

I thought it was because I was sleeping, so I stretched and flexed for a while without calling the doctor.

 After grooming, the symptoms seemed to have been relieved a lot.

Sitting at the table, looking at the breakfast on the table, but having no appetite, at this moment, a young man came in without being informed. He is in his early twenties, with a medium build and slender eyes. He looks very similar to the emperor.

 “Grandfather!” He smiled brightly.

“Qili, have you had breakfast?”

“I haven’t eaten yet, but I want to have a bowl of noodles with my grandfather.”

 “You are too careless in eating!”

 “My grandson is very particular and can be dealt with easily!” Although Li Qili is young, he is quite calm and attentive. Seeing the emperor moving his left hand, he first called his grandfather, then stretched out his hand, waiting for the emperor to hand it over:

“Do you feel uncomfortable?” He held it and massaged it gently.

 “Maybe it was pressed while sleeping.”

The young man turned his head and winked at the little **** next to him.

 After eating for a while, the imperial doctor arrived.

 The emperor laughed, "It's not that serious!"

 “It’s better to take a look!”

The imperial doctor needs to check for pulse, and it is said that Qi Li should be avoided. Just as he was about to leave, the emperor signaled for him to stay.

 After a thorough investigation, the emperor saw the solemn look on the doctor's face and asked, "What?"

The imperial doctor said cautiously: "Your Majesty, it's just a very minor illness. I'm not going to make a big mistake. I want to give you injections first. Although the symptoms are mild at the moment, you can't be careless. Your Majesty has to rest in bed. You can't be anxious, angry, or tired."

The emperor's heart suddenly moved, could he have a stroke? What a surprise. Will he also have a stroke?

 Thought for a moment and nodded. The imperial doctor didn't say much. He injected the needle, turned it into a pill, and served it to the emperor to drink.

 The **** helped the emperor to the bedside, and the young man came over and said, "Grandfather, please lie down for a while to save some medicine."

 “Okay.” The emperor lay down obediently.

 It can’t be a big deal, we haven’t even made arrangements yet!


In the other courtyard of the East Palace, after Qi Wu told the prince and grandson a few things, he added: "In addition, there is one more thing. Wen Yu asked me to go back with the two highnesses." He told the strange current situation in the imperial study room .

The prince had not been there recently, so he was a little surprised. The father and son looked at each other for a while.

Taisun still couldn't hold himself back: "It's definitely not King Wu and King An. But who could it be?"

Neither father nor son went to court, but they were not idle either. The emperor also has his own people around him, but this news has not yet spread.

The more this happens, the more serious the problem is.


On the day Xu Minghui was buried, news came: Aunt Liu was dead. The wound becomes inflamed, causing high fever. The key is that she left the house in embarrassment and her future was ruined. Going back would be a death. But if you don’t go back, what’s the point?

Moreover, she also dragged her son down. The master has never hurt Qi Yu since he was a child. Under his influence, I am afraid that he even wants to drive Qi Yu out of the house!

 If I die, will everything be fine? So, she left without any intention of living...

Qi Yu felt sad and returned home to report the news. Qi Youyi was indeed heartless and extremely cold: "She should have died a long time ago! However, whether she dies now has nothing to do with the Qi family. A concubine, without the consent of the family owner, has Go out! It has nothing to do with me! Even if she dies, she can't enter the Qi family grave..."

 He looked at Qi Yu with disgust. "We're already married, so let's separate the families!"

When Qi Yu heard this, he was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Qi Youyi snorted coldly: "We won't talk about you until the family calms down after a while! Get out!"

 Qi Yu hurriedly ran to Mrs. Qi and cried.

 Zhang Moqing came over after hearing the news. She was also anxious. If she really went out like this, life would be difficult, so the couple complained to Mrs. Qi together.

Wen Yu quickly helped Zhang Moqing up and said, "Stop making trouble!"

Mrs. Qi said to Qi Yu: "Ignore him! Go buy a cemetery for burial first. When Xu's coffin returns to his hometown in the future, we will go back together. As for driving you out of the Qi family... Huh! He said it alone. It doesn’t count! Don’t worry! Mother makes the decision!”

Qi Yu wiped her tears and kowtowed to Mrs. Qi, "Thank you, mother! What my father said just now frightened his son!"

As a result, Mrs. Qi said: "If he dares to drive you out, I will drive Qi Hua out!"

Qi Yu cried again when he heard this, "Mother, don't drive your son away anyway!" Wen Yu smiled.

Qi Youyi scolded Qi Yu and went back to accompany Xiuyun.

Xiuyun was also ill this time, had a fever and was depressed. He refused to take medicine and did not want to eat.

Qi Youyi used various tricks to coax her, while Qi Hua cursed Mrs. Zhang and others in front of her... Mrs. Wang and Xiaomao also came to see and serve her, but she looked like she was beyond love.

 Finally, Mr. Tan came in person.

 “Aunt!” Xiuyun moved.

"Xiuyun." Mrs. Tan's face was full of concern: "You know now what your aunt meant when you said it, right? In these years, your good life has been supported by your aunt!"

 “Aunt!” Xiuyun was very excited.

"But my aunt is old and their methods have become harsh, and my aunt can no longer use it."

“Auntie, it’s useless that Xiuyun has made you worry until now.”

"We are real relatives!" Mrs. Tan had real mood swings. For so many years, she has always looked forward, and no matter what she did, she had no regrets.

But recently, she didn't know whether it was because she had failed more often or because things were coming to an end. She often said with a bit of sadness: "Xiuyun, you don't have to worry too much! Your cousin is coming back! He will take over the responsibilities of his aunt."

Looking at Mrs. Qi's yard from a distance: "Don't worry! He will help you get back the sin and humiliation you have suffered! Get it back a hundred times!"

"Aunt, Xiuyun, now I just hope that my cousin can successfully obtain the title. Xiuyun can bear this small setback!"

 “Good boy!” Mrs. Tan nodded, this is her daughter.


Even though the emperor was lying in bed, his mind did not stop. He originally wanted to wait until autumn...

 Now it seems that time is tight. So, two things were thrown out in a targeted manner.

 Everyone was in chaos outside, and they were all speculating: Are the prince and grandson really going to end? it King Wu or King An?

 Wang Wang and An Wang are actually very calm people. But the relationship between relatives, friends, disciples, and dependence only makes me afraid that I will fall behind. There was a lively commotion.

These news have reached the Qi family.

Mrs. Tan was in the room, stroking her hands and smiling, "Are you still sticking to the prince and grandson? In my opinion, your unlucky day is coming! Once the prince is gone, the grandson will definitely be punished. Then, what do you think you are? End!"

 Call the girl. "Let me ask you, what are you doing over there?"

After a while, I inquired back: "Madam is taking the eldest lady to write. Mrs. Wen is planning this year's new clothes, saying it is a new look for spring!"

"Hmph!" Mrs. Tan snorted in her heart. If you are unlucky, I will destroy this shop!

"The people over there have just been buried, and they are so happy, alas! They even kiss their daughter-in-law. Poor brother Xiao! He didn't even have time to see his sweetheart for the last time. How pitiful! Keep an eye out to see when he comes back. I have to have a good talk with him!"

Now, the Marquis should be more determined, right?


Li Qun's eldest son saw that King Wu and King An were so prosperous, so he went home and asked his father: "It's so lively outside, if we don't join in, will we have nothing to do in the future?"

 Li Qun was drinking tea in the house. He can keep his cool.

"You must leave room for everything. Don't rush into anything!" Although he, the King of Wu, did a lot of things, he didn't do it openly. At any time, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend. King Wu's success is due to my contribution. If...he doesn't succeed, I won't follow Gualuo.

“But, His Highness King Wu is already sure of victory, right?”

"What a joke! Who can figure out the emperor's thoughts? And the crown prince's position is still very solid! Even if the grandson is a title, as long as he hangs it, it means he has a legitimate title. Prince An is not someone to be trifled with. He has a long way to go!"

  A few things have failed recently, and the original expectations have automatically dropped.

 At present, we have to keep an eye on Song Shang's affairs. Alas, success or failure is 50%!

If he can succeed, he will have a large amount of money income, industry, and trade routes. The road is long, why be anxious?

The eldest son said: "The emperor's intention today is to go to the prince and grandson. Let's not mention King Wu and An Wang. The prince will only go there a few days earlier and a few days later."

Li Qun disagreed: "The emperor may not be aware of the omissions in the East Palace. The real intention of throwing this out now is not yet clear. You have to consider your own abilities and gains and losses. What can you gain by taking risks? What will you lose?"

Seeing that the eldest son reluctantly agreed, Li Qun shook his head inwardly: He is still like this at his age, he is really not as good as himself...

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