The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 398: Reach out and take over the power

Chapter 398 Reaching out to take over the power

Qi Wu had something to do, so he left two guards with Wen Yu and went out.

Wen Yu went to see Mrs. Qi. Mrs. Qi was frightened when she saw her embarrassment. Wen Yu only said that Pingting was fine now to reassure her mother-in-law. I went back to the house to freshen up and change clothes. Although I was exhausted, I still had a lot to do.

Call Zhang Moqing, take Laba, the guards and Xiaoji and several other girls, and go to find Liu in a menacing manner.

 The husband left in a hurry and never came back. Later, the mother-in-law still confiscated the coffin. My father-in-law came back injured again. Coupled with what happened before, Ms. Liu was confused and didn't know how to clean up this mess.

The street is not peaceful yet, the incident happened suddenly, and no coffin was even prepared. Mrs. Zhu even lost her temper and couldn't come out of her yard. Ms. Liu frowned and calculated...

Wen Yu came and said as soon as he entered the door: "My grandfather has ordered me to take charge of this house now. Madam Hou, please hand over the keys, accounts, and cards!" Xiao Jin'er is very powerful.

This is all the fault of this stinky woman!

Ms. Liu glared at Wen Yu fiercely: "How presumptuous! Who are you talking to?"

Wen Yu has just changed into the latest spring clothes and new jewelry. I hadn't slept well for several days, and I was afraid that my face would look ugly, so I applied the powder thickly to make it look even more radiant.

On the other hand, Mrs. Liu's face was sallow. Although she had not started to wear mourning, she had already put on plain clothes.

Wen Yu took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and said with a smile: "Who are you talking to...Li Da Niu's daughter-in-law?!"

 Several people behind him laughed.

Especially Xiaoji, her temperament loves to flatter others and push others down. When I heard about Li Da Niu’s background and experience, she was even worse than me! At this time, he shook his fat muscles exaggeratedly and hummed loudly.

Mrs. Liu was so angry that she was half dead: "Wen Yu, don't forget, the emperor's decree has been issued, and the head of the Qi family is our Lord Marquis!"

"Won't the emperor be deceived? Look, the old man loves the most, King An, and the well-dressed King Wu... I'm afraid this prince can't be anymore, right? Nothing in the world remains the same? Oh, if the emperor takes back his life, , Then Qi Youduan will become the prince who has been in office for the shortest time in history, right?"

Mrs. Liu was furious: "You fart, get out of my yard!"

Wen Yu ignored her and continued: "Besides, although Li Daniu's crime is extremely heinous, she should be handed over to the Yamen to be punished according to law. How can anyone commit lynching? Qi Youduan killed his mother, which has been quite rare throughout the ages. Already…”

"You are so slanderous, come here, throw her out!" Mrs. Liu was simply annoyed to death.

Qi Youduan also left her with guards and a yard of slaves.

Wen Yu said: "Mrs. Hou, you haven't seen their methods yet? If you get in the way, it will be you next time..."

Liu's back felt cold: "Get out!" she screamed.

The guards came forward, and the people Wen Yu brought met them, and they were torn together. Wen Yu said: "Let me tell you, I have asked someone to invite someone from the Yamen. When my grandmother passed away, her symptoms were heart disease. Tan Shuya also died of heart disease. Just now, I heard that Li Danniu The symptoms are the same... This time, before the body is buried, we can find out what the real cause of death is!"

Ms. Liu really wanted to kill the woman in front of her...

 Who in the world would want to die and have his body disembowelled to find out the reason? How could such a pretty little lady speak so viciously: "Wen Yu, are you a devil? Did you say such a thing? It's not enough for you to harm us like this. You won't even let go of a dead person." Pass her?"

Wen Yu disagreed: "Who are the dead? There are too few people removing coffins and making boards? The evil ghost who killed my grandmother and stained the Bai family with blood deserves to die without a burial place! Don't worry, she can't enter the Qi family From the ancestral grave! So do you!”

 “You!” Mrs. Liu held it back for a long time before she rushed over and grabbed Wen Yu and beat him...

 Because that won’t work, filial piety cannot suppress her. They completely fell out with each other in two moments. It was useless to argue and it couldn't kill her. what to do?

  Until the girl said at the door: "Fifth Grandma, Mr. Zhang is here!"

“Oh, Cao Cao will be here soon! Invite him in!” Wen Yu said with a smile.

 Is it this person again? Liu felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

Zhang Jiangqing came in, and Wen Yu hurriedly asked: "Brother Jiang Qing, is everything okay at home?"

Zhang Jiangqing also looked at Wen Yu and Zhang Moqing with concern, "Everyone is fine at home, are you two okay?"

"We are fine, but at home... Mrs. Hou is dead!"

Zhang Jiangqing frowned when he heard this tone. Although it didn't make you look sad, why was he so excited?

"There's no coffin for burial! Madam Hou, is she still in her room, right?" Wen Yu asked Mrs. Liu, then turned to Zhang Jiangqing and said, "It's scary, I'm really not prepared at all."

Zhang Jiangqing shook his head: "I brought a thin coffin. It's okay to put it in temporarily. The past two days... it's been a bit chaotic."

 “Brother Jiang Qing, have you brought Wu Zuo?”

“Brought it, but to find out the cause of death, we have to take him to Nancheng…”

"Then..." Wen Yu said while looking at Mrs. Liu. "Don't move! If you dare to act recklessly, I will fight you tooth and nail!" Ms. Liu pointed at them and shouted.

Wen Yu smiled and said, "Am I afraid? To be honest, if you die now, your death will be in vain!"

 “What on earth are you going to do...” Mr. Liu was convinced.

"Hand over the accounts and cards. Then, you are only responsible for collecting Li Da Niu's body and carrying it to the back yard. Find a woodshed to store it first. After asking the Marquis, you can reason."

Liu had no choice but to hand over everything that belonged to the housekeeper, and watched Wen Yu being carried away. I have made up my mind to let you die in my hands sooner or later, otherwise, I will never be happy again for the rest of my life!


Mr. Zhou was at Ermen. She couldn't figure out what was going on outside and at home, but she had heard about Mrs. Tan's death. Afraid of getting in trouble, he ran away after seeing it was quieter outside.

 Li Qun knew that King Wu was going to take action, so he made two preparations in advance. He predicted that if the action was too hasty, there would be little chance of success. If we can't capture the palace in one go and hold the emperor hostage... I'm afraid it will be over.

 However, he can see clearly, but cannot interfere. Otherwise, if you get stuck too deep, you won’t be able to get out.

 It really doesn’t work…

If the King of Wu is captured, it would be a big deal if the gossips turn him out again.

Hearing that it was quiet outside, I quickly called my son’s family and took out the boxes I had prepared in advance. There are new identities, money, and some land deeds and house deeds inside.

He told them to leave as soon as they could leave the city. He will arrange for someone to follow him, and then when he reaches the agreed place, he will be asked to open the letter and read it.

 The younger son was confused, but his father always said the same thing. He could only obey and go back to clean up.

Li Qun silently straightened his clothes. He had to leave. He would come back after the limelight... and nothing would happen. Something's wrong...Oh!


The emperor's oral message was passed to the other courtyard. Li Qihuan was surprised, happy and stupid. He didn't understand why the emperor had such an oral message?

 Turning to look at his father, the prince had stood up safely and ordered people to change his clothes.

Li Qihuan’s eyes were red and he couldn’t help himself with excitement. These days, he was angry and frightened, jumping up and down, and never felt at ease.

The father, who has been ill for decades, is physically like a candle in the wind, but his heart is like an iron wall. Be unfazed by favors and humiliations, and face everything calmly.

With tears in his eyes, he walked over and helped the prince put it on himself: "Father, you are the backbone of my son!"

“Silly son, aren’t you always protecting me? You are my backbone!”

“However, when my son heard the news, he couldn’t believe it was true.”

"The situation is not bad, but it is not over yet. We still have to hold on!"


Today in the court, all the ministers looked panicked.

Li Qili stood in his old position, with a solemn expression on his face for the first time. The emperor was never seen. The imperial doctor said that the emperor never woke up.

what to do?

 He had to come to the court. But it's no use coming. A reliable person has been arranged to deliver the message. The only thing we can count on now is that the emperor will wake up. One is to wait for support. Qi Youduan, it’s up to you at the critical moment!

 Hingguo Gong... He turned around and looked for him in the crowd, but he was not there. The emperor has not yet handed him over to him, so the eight thousand ready-made elites can only watch but cannot be used!

 Otherwise, my business will be settled! Thinking that the old man Xingguo Gong was polite and distant towards him, and even looked like he was afraid of being misunderstood by the emperor if he got closer to him, he felt anxious and scratched his heart.

 It’s a strange combination of circumstances! Doesn't God really give me a chance?

 “His Royal Highness is here!”

 The prince is dressed in fine clothes and has a golden crown. He has a noble demeanor and a graceful manner. Slowly walking in front of the officials, he was more serious than usual after such a big incident.

Li Qihuan followed closely. Today he was very energetic and his eyes were cold.

 The ministers looked at the prince and had an involuntary urge to worship him. His Highness has always been like this! When I was sick or in trouble, I was challenged by the emperor and scolded by the ministers. He is like this today...

 Some ministers were in tears and fell to their knees involuntarily without making a sound.

 The prince walked to where he usually sat. Although the sound was not loud, the officials at the scene almost held their breath, so they could still hear it very clearly. "Just now, Gu went to see the emperor. The emperor's condition is stable, but this is heartbreaking. The stability of the court is also the stability of the world. Gu is the first to supervise the country, and his abilities are limited. The key is to count on the ministers. Help. Let’s get through this extraordinary period together!”

 The ministers knelt down and responded with their mouths full.

Li Qili bowed deeply and secretly resented it. Is it because the prince's people have already taken control of the harem?

Qi Youduan...

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