The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 402: Extra: Prosperity fades away

Chapter 402 Extra: The prosperity fades away

 The two people thrown on the ground were Wen Feng.

 He lost his usual coolness and looked a little embarrassed.

 There was a woman behind her, who was also very frightened and did not dare to say anything.

 Old Mrs. Wen couldn't help shouting: "Wen Feng?"

As soon as Wen Feng got up, Mrs. Wen's old eyes were so good that she saw the woman behind her at a glance. What else didn't you understand? He rushed over, raised his hand and slapped him twice: "You bastard! Where have you gone? Do you know that the princess is about to give birth?"

Wen Feng covered the painful area and did not make a sound.

To say the least, the princess is the only woman he has ever been loyal to, and that was for a long time. But after the princess became pregnant, she lay in bed for several months. The two of them have lost the elegant time in the past.

 Looking at it, I was upset, so I ran out to play with people outside.

I met this dancer.

This dancer was very good at it, and she made him dizzy and lost a lot of money. It's been several months, but I finally have a breakthrough and am on the top.

When the princess complained that she had a stomachache, the dancer sent a message saying that she fell from the rope while practicing dancing.

When Wen Feng heard this, he felt very anxious and called the doctor to the princess, but he ran to see the dancer. When I saw her frowning slightly and looking so pitiful, I felt heartbroken. He invited a doctor and took care of her himself. He had long forgotten about the princess!

 Have just arranged everything and are about to return home. But suddenly someone rushed in, and without saying a word, they threw him and the dancer into the car and took him back to the house.

At this moment, he spotted Duanmu from the corner of his eye. He was a little scared and didn't know what to do for a moment!

 Old Mrs. Wen suddenly burst into tears: "You bastard! Do you know that the princess has left..."

"What?" Wen Feng was dumbfounded. "Mother, what did you say? What do you mean by leaving?"

"You are such an evil deed. The princess tried her best to give you a son, but then she gave up! So many doctors and so many good medicines couldn't keep her! My poor daughter-in-law!"

Wen Feng looked at the people in the yard one by one: "But... how could this happen? How is it possible? She just..."

The old lady was still crying bitterly: "I'm sorry for my little grandson. He lost his mother just after he landed on the ground..." She cried while talking and peeked at the woman on the ground.

 This piece of shit! Before marrying the princess, I told him everything! If you marry the princess, you will never be able to get involved with other women in your life.

 He promised well!

 What can we do now?

 The old lady cried sincerely!

Wen Yu was also looking at the dancer kneeling on the ground. Tsk, this woman looks like a vixen!

Thin, curved eyebrows, high brows and drooping brow tips.

Curved eyes, with lower corners and upward tips.

 The nose is like hanging gallbladder, and the mouth is like a cherry.

 Long arms, long legs, and a small waist that is too small to hold. Sitting on the ground and crying, Wen Yu couldn't help but feel pity...

Duanmuhui glanced at the woman lightly: "Take her away!"

Two sergeants took the woman and left.

Wen Feng did not dare to stop him. Suddenly he shouted: "Princess..." and ran into the house, and then let out a heartfelt cry.

Duanmuhui followed in with steady steps.

Mrs. Wen hurriedly said to Wen: "Ayu, your second uncle has the same old problem again... What should we do? The princess is dead, and General Duanmu will definitely not let it go. You have to be saved..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Feng suddenly shouted from inside the room, "You! What are you going to do! No...ah!" After one miserable scream, there was another miserable scream...

 Old Mrs. Wen's eyes widened: "Wen Feng?!" She hurriedly walked into the house and almost fell down.

 Duanmuhui came out of the room and said to Dr. Huang outside, "Stop his bleeding."

 Doctor Huang didn't know what was going on, so he hurried in.

Wen Feng fell to the ground, his lower body clothes were torn, there was a pool of blood under his body, and he was covering his crotch with his hands. Twisting his body back and forth, howling at the top of his lungs.

Old Mrs. Wen stood there stunned, like a piece of wood.

Doctor Huang walked up in two steps, pulled Wen Feng's hand away and took a look.

 The bottom part is gone…

 He became a eunuch.

Saving lives and healing the wounded is something Dr. Huang has in his heart. He is not surprised or afraid. The young disciple following behind quickly took out the hemostatic medicine.

 “Wen Feng!” Mrs. Wen howled.

 Duanmuhui was outside, as if nothing had happened. Instruct the chief steward to organize the funeral for the county according to the procedures.

Then, he came over and said to Wen Yu: "Mrs. Lao Guogong came to the palace to report this matter to the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother. My mother is leaving and wants to make peace with Wen Feng. The title on her body, please be kind to the Queen Mother, It fell on Wen Rui. Wen Rui was raised by me and my mother was buried together."

Wen Yu wiped her tears and nodded: "Wen Rui was born prematurely and needs to be taken care of very carefully. You are a grown man, so I'm afraid it won't be possible. My cousin-in-law is about to give birth, and my cousin has prepared a capable person for her. If it doesn't work, Wen Rui will be taken care of." Send it over?"

Duanmu shook his head: "I don't want him to leave me!"

“Then I will send two reliable people to take care of you together.”

 “Sorry to trouble you!”

 Old Mrs. Wen’s cries were louder and lower inside. But he couldn't hear Wen Feng calling, maybe he fainted.

Duanmuhui ordered: "Send the Wen family out of the house!"


Doctor Huang sewed and bandaged Wen Feng's wound and carried it on a stretcher. He had to go to Wen Feng's house to settle him down.

Old Mrs. Wen was crying so much that she could no longer walk, so she was helped back to the house by the girl.

Wen Qian was in the study at the front. He heard the commotion and came out to take a look!

 “Wen Qian!” When Mrs. Wen saw him, she shouted again and opened her hands to him. Wen Qian was shocked and said, “Mother!”

 Old Mrs. Wen pulled him: "It's over, it's over! Wen Feng is over, the Wen family is over."

"Mother?! What's wrong?" Wen Qian saw the unconscious Wen Feng, "This..." Mrs. Wen was about to open her mouth, but stopped. Covering her face and crying, the house manager quickly asked someone to carry Wen Feng back to his room and sent everyone from the Duanmu family away.

Mrs. Wen’s eyes were red and she told the story while crying.

Wen Qian looked at his mother intently. Suddenly, he coughed violently, and blood spurted out from his mouth, which fell to the ground in red spots.

Old Mrs. Wen screamed again: "Doctor Huang, Doctor Huang, help me!"


Wen Yu entered the palace and briefly explained the matter to the empress dowager and empress. When the empress dowager heard this, she couldn't help but think that when the princess got married, she also gave her a quilt...

 The intention was to make fun of her, but I never expected that she was really going to give birth!

She felt sad and asked the queen to tell the emperor: the title of princess will be passed to Wen Rui equally.

Wen Yu arrived home with a heavy heart, but Qi Wu still hadn’t come back.

Thinking of the princess and the little package, tears flowed out again...

He fell into a deep sleep and didn't even know when Qi Wu would come back.

 Early the next morning, when I was talking to Qi Wu about this, Xiao Ji came in and said, "Madam, someone from the Wen family said on the door that there is something urgent and I want you to go home quickly!"

Wen Yu thought something had happened to Wen Feng again, and he was unwilling to let go! As a result, Xiao Ji said: "Maybe the old man is not very good!"

 When they arrived at Wen's house, as soon as they entered, Doctor Huang was waiting outside the house and stepped forward to stop her and Qi Wu: "Madam!"

 “Doctor Huang, how are you doing?”

"Your suffering from tuberculosis. It is not convenient for you to see him now."

Wen Yu stood there quietly, Qi Wu was afraid that she would be sad, so he supported her. But Wen Yu's heart suddenly became clear.

 The Wen family moved from their hometown to the capital. His father rose through the ranks, and his second uncle even married the princess. It seems that everything is different, but in fact, I have gone round and round and haven't left the original path.

 Father paid the price for the evil he had done, and the friendship disappeared like a cloud of smoke. I have a brilliant career, but I don’t have a body that can bear it.

 Second uncle, who harmed so many women, eventually became a eunuch...

 This is really funny!

When Qi Wuyi heard that she was suffering from tuberculosis, she was unwilling to go in with Wen Yu, so he took the initiative to help her walk to the backyard.

They were both startled again when they saw Mrs. Wen again.

 In this world, there really is a night when your hair turns gray...

Wen Yu sat there, listening to the old lady's random words, not knowing what she was talking about.

After Wen Qian vomited blood, he suddenly collapsed.

Wen Feng woke up without saying a word.

The old lady had no choice but to tell Wen Yu that she could not stay in the capital any longer, so she took her two sons back to her hometown.

The affairs in the capital cannot be left unattended, leaving the eldest grandson and his family behind. There is also Wen Jiao’s marriage, and I want to entrust Wen Yu to help.

Wen Yu shook his head: "If you are really good for Wen Jiao, break the marriage and find another suitable marriage for her in your hometown. If you want to continue the original marriage, I won't care."

She can speak now, and the old lady has no choice but to ask Aunt Song to ask Wen Jiao.

Wen Jiao said she would never return to her hometown until she died.


On the day the Wen family left, Wen Yu, Qi Wu, Song Shang and Mrs. Song were sent to the outside of the city.

Wen Qian wanted to talk to Wen Yu, but the father and daughter stood a little further away. Wen Qian stood considerately downwind, covering his mouth with a handkerchief and coughing twice. "Wen Yu, I don't know how long my father's body can last. I'm afraid we, father and daughter, may never see each other again. It's my father who can't forgive you and your mother."

Wen Wen said nothing and looked at his father silently. There was an unusual redness on his cheeks...

"You and Qi Wu should have children as soon as possible. Otherwise...ahem, I'll go and you'll have to observe mourning for one year."

"Father." Wen Yu turned to look south: "Last year, my uncle and I bought a geomantic treasure land as the Chen family's ancestral tomb. When it is cleaned up in a few days, I will move my mother's tomb there. "


“I think my mother doesn’t want to be buried with you. My uncle promised that his descendants will treat my mother as their ancestor and offer incense. My mother will stay with my grandfather, and I will feel at ease.”

"You know?" Wen Qian asked with difficulty.

 “Yeah.” Wen Yu nodded.

"No wonder..." Wen Qian thought of the sweet woman, "I agree to move the grave. Tell your mother that I am not a good person, and tell her not to meet me again in the next life."

 “I’ll tell you.”

 Old Mrs. Wen was talking to Mrs. Song. She seemed to have been drained of muscles and bones, and her eyes had lost their luster.

Wen Su was waiting beside him to return home together.

Wen Yu feels that this girl does have some character.

 What makes Wen Yu even more moved is the Wu family. She actually ran back, stayed with Wen Feng, served him, and followed him back to his hometown.

Wu also knelt down to Wen Yu: "Madam, I hated you and harmed you before. The Wen family has never treated you well. Now, we have all suffered retribution. I don't ask for your forgiveness, but if For the sake of your blood relatives, I would be very grateful to you for taking care of Brother Feng!"

Wen Yu asked: "Don't you let me take care of Wen Jiao?"

Mrs. Wu shook her head: "I taught her, she is not a good person! You don't need to pay attention to her!"

 Old Mrs. Wen looked at Song Shang and Mrs. Song with tears in her eyes.

Song Shang consoled him: "Auntie, the good thing is that you still have enough food and clothing. Just look at it!"

 The convoy set off, staggering southward, slowly disappearing into the distance...

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