The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 407: Extra: The love between children

Chapter 407 Extra: The love between sons and daughters

Everyone has left, and Li Qihuan is sitting there by himself.

 Everyone is so angry with me! What did I do wrong?

Just as he was getting lucky, the **** came to deliver the news: The Queen was feeling unwell and had called for a doctor.

He was still angry and thought to himself: Is this pretending to be ill? Do you want me to persuade Ruan'er to visit her? !

I won’t go!

 You were fine just now, but now you are sick after being so good at martial arts? Most probably because I accepted the anger of those two people. She is close to that jealous woman Wen Yu, so she must not be too broad-minded! Hum, after a while the imperial doctor said she was fine, I'll see how she steps down!

After walking around the room for a while, another **** came back with a smile on his face: I am so happy, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty, our Queen is pregnant again!

Li Qihuan was stunned, scratched his head, and found it again...she is really suitable for childbirth!

 You weren’t so angry just now, were you?

 What did I say? He didn't seem to say anything...

Come on, let me go and take a look. For the sake of Huan Lang and the future child, I won’t argue with her...


As soon as Wen Yu left the palace, his anger could not be suppressed. She doesn’t want to press it either!

Even Li Qihuan knew about his love for Qin Lianyue?

 Isn’t he not talkative? It seems that I really like it, and everyone says it everywhere!


 He was focused on walking forward, completely ignoring Qi Wu who was following behind him. There are thousands of words in my heart that I want to say and curse, but not a single word comes out.

If you don’t marry Qin Lianyue, will it be the same if you marry anyone?

good! Then I...

Qi Wu followed her closely, with a confused look on his face. He didn’t understand. That incident had already passed, so why did it pop up again? Is it all over? Seeing Wen Yu running away like an angry hen, what if he falls? What should I do if I get angry?

 “Ayu, don’t be angry.”

 “It’s all my fault.” He said these two sentences in vain.

 Where does Ke Wenyu want to hear this? He didn't even go back home, he went straight back to his yard. After entering the gate, he turned around and pointed at Qi Wu and said, "I'm waiting for your divorce letter here! If not, you will wait for mine! Don't let him in!" After yelling, he entered the hospital.

She refused to let him in, and Qi Wu really didn't dare to go in. He saw the door closed at the tip of his nose. I was sweating all over in a hurry. I stood there all the time in the evening, but no one paid attention to me, so I had to have someone move me.

Mrs. Qi came, and Wen Yu let in.

 But because he was really angry, he looked very bad and felt uncomfortable all over. He even vomited for a long time when he first entered the room. She briefly talked to her mother-in-law about the palace affairs, felt aggrieved for a while, and cried for a long time.

 Mrs. Qi has seen all kinds of expressions and expressions of Wen Yu, but where has she seen her like this? She knew her son well, and even if he said something like that, he would definitely find it troublesome to shut up the emperor.

With Qin Lingyue, I was ignorant about children's time. Where can I do it?

  How Xiao Wu treats Wen Yu on weekdays, he can clearly see.

However, when a person has a body, it is easy to get obsessed with everything, let alone when something really happens?

 So, she could only coax him softly, but she didn't dare to say a good word for Qi Wu. "He is really lying! Huh, every man in the Qi family is suffering from hysteria! Look at his grandfather! His father! How much effort did it take to get Qi Xiao to come over?

 I thought Xiao Wu was different from them! The result is so confusing! No, the tape at the root must be cut off! Don't worry Ayu, I will take care of the children and I will take care of them! "

Mrs. Qi gritted her teeth and cursed for a long time, which made Wen Yu feel embarrassed.

"It's all Li Qihuan! Just after a few good days, he started making trouble over nothing! Didn't you see that Miss Guo and Miss Feng are no weaker than me and Zhuzhu! We were born together, just like weeds and wildflowers. But she is such a beautiful flower in the greenhouse! Her rules and manners are impeccable!

From now on, life will be difficult for my sister! Huan Leng is so young... Sister Jiang is a lady of the family, so she's not his fault! He did this to her! "As he said that, he started to cry again.

Mrs. Qi sighed: "He did this on his own. Can't you see what others are plotting against him? When he was in the East Palace, in the other courtyards, and when he was deposed by the emperor, why didn't the Guo family and the Feng family join forces?!"

Wen Yu said bitterly: "That's right! Who cared about him at that time! Why didn't Sister Jiang help him! And I... how much did I do for him? I saved his father, this bastard! He actually did it while I was there You were so angry with me when you were pregnant! Mom, let’s go to the northwest! We’re not in the capital anymore!”

"Okay! It just so happens that Qi Xiao is over there, so I can't worry about it. I have to find a wife for him! Let's go when you feel more confident!" Only then did Wen Yu remember that there was still a baby in his belly, so how could he go on the road so easily? !

She was extremely depressed, "Mom, please go back! I'll stay here for two days. I'm pregnant, and I want to go to the temple to offer incense to my mother. Let's talk about it!"

 “Okay. I’ll wait until you’re solid for two days before going out!”

"I know!" Wen Yu was tired and lay down and fell asleep.

Mrs. Qi came out to see Qi Wu's appearance and felt distressed. "If she stays here for a few days, you can find a room in the front yard to rest. Wait for her anger to subside."

Qi Wu stayed in this courtyard, but the next day, the emperor sent several groups of people to look for him. He reluctantly entered the palace and complained to the emperor!

The emperor retorted a few words at first, "I am doing it for your own good, don't I hate that you are being manipulated by her?"

“Then why don’t you ask me if you are willing to be manipulated by her?!”

Li Qihuan looked at Qi Wu with dark circles under his eyes. He probably didn't sleep all night. "Come on, come on, stop talking! Let this matter go. Another day, I will make amends to her! Isn't this enough?!"

Qi Wu hummed twice but said nothing.

Li Qihuan laughed again and told Qi Wu the news that Pingting was pregnant again: "Go back and tell Wen Yu that they are both like this, so stop making trouble. Take good care of yourself! Women don't always take it seriously. Children? Why are you making a fuss..."

Qi Wu was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly returned home, shamelessly squeezed in and told Wen Yu the good news.

 Sure enough, Wen Yu is very happy now!

"Pingting is really capable! Pingting, Zhuzhu and me!" Her eyes were red, "We are all good. Lanzhou is also good! This time, I hope Pingting will give Huanlan a sister. You'er. If you have a daughter, who cares about your husband?”

Qi Wu was very depressed, and thought secretly: It seems that whatever happens to Ayu this time will happen again next time, so just go with it. Otherwise, if she has children, I won't be important.

Wen Yu suddenly stopped being angry and went to the temple to burn incense.

Qi Wu felt relieved and went with him without saying a word. Unexpectedly, he met an old friend here.

“Young Master Qi! Fifth Young Master, please help me!”

As soon as he finished burning the incense and left the mountain gate, a woman knelt at his feet.

Qi Wu kept his words behind his back and frowned, "Who is it?"

"Fifth Young Master, this servant is Aqin! She is a girl from the Qin family. When you were studying in the Qin family, my servant served you."

Wen Yu suddenly felt funny. He turned around and saw that Qin Lianyue was here too?

Qi Wu said coldly: "I don't remember who you are! But I did go to school in the Qin family. What do you want to do with me?"

 He was so angry that Ayu finally got over it. It seems that if this matter is not resolved, it will never end.

Aqin said: "Fifth Young Master, our wife is your cousin Qin Lianyue. She married into the Jiang family..." She already had this person in mind, so she didn't dare to look up at him.

Running out of home, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, he was stopped just as he was about to enter the mountain gate. When he inquired, it turned out that the fifth master and fifth wife of the Qi family were inside. She waited for a long time and finally waited for someone.

"Why are you telling me this?" Qi Wu's face turned pale with anger.

“Fifth Master, help me, our wife wants to marry me to the blind son of Aunt Jiang who lives next to the old lady...”

 “It’s simply baffling. Who should I marry you to? What does it have to do with me?”

"Fifth Master! I know something. If you are willing to save me, I will tell you about it!" Aqin kowtowed.

"I'm not interested! Ah Yu, let's go!" "Qin Lianyue has harmed your wife, so you're not interested either?"

Wen Yu was bored and was about to leave when he heard this sentence.

"When have you ever harmed me?" Wen Yu thought about it. Did she show off her relationship with her cousin to me last time?

Aqin shook his head: "Mrs. Qi Wu, if you promise to save this slave from the fire, I will tell you everything."

Wen Yu smiled and said: "How can a slave who betrays his master be worthy of being rescued? Even if she tried to harm me before, I would be fine. I have no intention of getting into any entanglement with her."

"Fifth Madam... you don't know that as a slave, I have already fulfilled my duty. Even those who should not be taken care of by a slave have been reminded one by one at the risk of being attacked by her. Therefore, I am not sorry, slave." !

 But she, for the sake of that unreliable fantasy, pleases Aunt Jiang..." Aqin shook her head helplessly: "That simply won't work! As soon as the slave said this, she became anxious. I want to send the slave! The slave has served her for so many years and has no regrets. She can't treat me like this! Fifth Madam, as long as you promise to save this slave..."

Qi Wu saw that she was speaking solemnly, "Ayu, let's listen. Let's settle this matter thoroughly. Otherwise, I will always jump out and make you angry. I will really feel sorry for you."

Wen Yu nodded and Qi Wu helped her sit down.

Aqin was overjoyed. The Fifth Master said this and he would definitely help.

So, when I came up, I talked about what happened at Feng Lingdu.

Qi Wu and Wen Yu stared, both in disbelief.

 “Laba!” Qi Wu shouted.

Laba was chatting with people outside and waiting for them to come out. When he heard the shout, he came over quickly. When I asked, it turned out to be true.

 “Why didn’t you say anything then?” Wen Yu was shocked.

Laba said honestly: "At that time, my subordinates thought they were the flower-picking thieves on the pier. Moreover, even if the slaves caught such a thing, it would be ugly if it was spread out. Therefore, my subordinates immediately killed them. He threw it into the river. He didn’t mention it again afterward. Oh, he told the master when he came back, but the master also thought that you and Miss Zhuzhu were seen by the thieves. "

Wen Yu thought about it, and it was not wrong to deal with it this way.

Aqin brought Young Master Jiang to Qin's house again. Qin Lianyue moved forward and persuaded him. Qin Lianyue decided to marry into the Jiang family, and she told her how to persuade her. He also asked the Duke's wife to adopt the concubine and daughter born to the second master to the eldest family. Then the matter of Dafang inheriting the title was discussed.

Wen Yu looked at Qi Wu with a smile but not a smile: Look at your eyes!

Qi Wu was so embarrassed that he nodded: "Follow my escort! I'll give you a new identity when I turn around, and you'll also get money to settle down, but you can't stay in the capital."

 “My slave, thank you, Master…”

Qi Wu sent Wen Yu back to the Qi family and went directly to the palace.

When Li Qihuan heard this, all his anger in the past two days was directed at the Jiang family. He called the Jiang family's father and son and scolded him. If the eldest son of the Jiang family hadn't fallen ill on the spot, he would definitely not have been spared lightly.

  Turning around, the news came.

 Qin Lianyue is dead.


 “Your Highness, please walk more slowly!”

 Many years later, a group of eunuchs followed a young man in small steps.

 The young man is tall and looks like he has been practicing martial arts all year round. It was such a hot summer day that I was sweating all over after walking. But he still carried a heavy box himself.

 “Slow?! If you are any slower, the little white-haired guy will run ahead!”

"Brother, don't be afraid of him. Little white hair, sister will deal with it!" Behind him, a little girl followed up with an anger.

 “Why are you here again!?” The young man frowned.

“I’m helping you look after my future sister-in-law, and you’re still mean to me?” The little girl who looked exactly like Li Qihuan stared at her little eyes in disbelief...

 This is the daughter of the queen. It has to be said that Li Qihuan has strong genes. This son, daughter, and the younger son born later, all look like him!

"What sister-in-law? Stop talking nonsense! She should be angry when she hears this!"

"No matter who the Qi family sister is angry with, she won't be angry with me! Brother, if you want to marry her, I have to play a big role! Why don't you give it to your father..."

  The prince in front walked away in a hurry, and the little girl behind him followed closely, saying, "This little white-haired guy... Huh, I'll hit him with the move taught by Master Zhang when I turn around!"

The brother and sister walked to the door of the courtyard, both sneaking and walking softly.

ˆ Two pairs of bright little eyes were smiling, "I'm playing the piano."

Just as he was about to step in, he heard the sound of a string being pulled away, and a clear voice said softly, "Sister, your hands haven't been trained yet, so don't use force, it will hurt."

 Sure enough! Little White Hair is here!

 The two brothers and sisters looked at each other with murderous intent!

But a voice said slowly: "Cousin. Why don't you change to this set of strings? They were just made by the Bai family..."

broken! That thief from the Song family is here too!

 Hurry up, hurry up, it’s still too late! These two stinky guys...

 “Little White Hair!” The princess jumped in first…

His Royal Highness the young prince straightened his clothes, puffed up his chest, raised his breath, and stepped in!


I don’t know how many years passed, but a handsome young man, with a maturity that did not match his age, personally led a middle-aged man to the mountain.

There is a cemetery with good feng shui, with a mountain at its back, facing the sun, and a river at its feet.

“Dad, grandparents, grandparents, and aunts are buried here.” The young man pointed to the tombstones, one of which read: Liu Lanfang.

The middle-aged man held the young man tightly with one hand and held the cage with the other.

 In the cage, there are two well-nourished turtles.

 They are called: Peaceful.

 Full text completed.

 It’s really over. There is no more below.

 Thank you all for being with me. Your support and companionship are my honor!

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