The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 42: Making things difficult for no reason

Chapter 42 Making things difficult for no reason

Wen Qian was about to leave, and the old lady was hard-edged for a long time, but before he left, she still gave him a lot of money.

"Although I have sent Song Fu to clean up the yard a long time ago, there are so many people here at once, especially when guests will be entertained in the house in the future. The garden and hall must be made more presentable! And...if there is a good property and Opportunity, you have money in your hands, it’s easy to handle it.”

"Yes. Don't worry, Ajun will have no problem doing these things." He will definitely not have time after being promoted, and he has to rely on his wife to take care of everything.

But the old lady quit: "This is in your hands! Boss, in all the years since she came here, Yuan has never served me as a mother-in-law! I can say the ugly things first, and I will come in half a year later." Jing, please let me know! If I don’t have any rules, you’ll be in trouble!”

"Yes. Mother, don't worry, Ajun is sensible." Wen Qian didn't take it seriously.

If you want to be sensible, you won’t use Chen’s dowry!

How on earth did this **** fool my son into this?

 For a time, the old lady was a little discouraged about the life she was looking forward to in the capital. But looking at my son, I can't bear to bother him with trivial matters anymore...

 I just sighed in my heart, I really love him, but I don’t know if that woman feels any pain.

 Take a step and talk about it!


 Until Wen Qian got in the car and left, he never spoke to Wen Yu again.

Wen Yu was only among the sisters, and she sent her father off at the gate according to the rules.

No matter how well-educated Yuan is, she cannot restrain her grief and anger when faced with what she has lost, and is unwilling to practice Tai Chi with Wen Yu anymore. Just listen to the old lady's instructions gently.

Wen Huan said goodbye to her sisters with a happy smile, and talked a lot about how they would meet in the capital in half a year. She even talked to Wen Yu for a long time!

“Sister, I’ll go and familiarize myself with the road first. When you go, I’ll take you to Houhai to enjoy lotuses and Xishan to watch the snow!”

 Haha, want to see you in Beijing? Dream on you!

"Okay! Then we have an agreement!" Wen Yu said with a smile, secretly making up his mind: If you don't let me go, will your "family" live happily ever after?

 What a beautiful thought! I'm going!


 After sending Wen Qian away, Wen Yu was ready to ask Wu for help.

She first asked Hong Xing'er to take Yinqizi to find Nanny Wu who was next to Wu, and wanted to ask when Wu would be free.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Wu didn’t even glance at the money from the corner of her eyes, but said a few words in a weird way...

Hong Xing'er was already depressed because the eldest master really didn't take Wen Yu to the capital, but she hit a snag here again, and she wasn't angry when she came back to talk to Wen Yu.

Wen Yu already knew that Hongxing had met Nanny Xu and had hidden something in the Peony Pavilion when she came back, but she only let Xiao Ji observe it secretly and was not in a hurry to see what it was.

Now seeing Hongxing's face, he was not angry, "That's it, I'll go by myself later!"

After a while, Wen Yu arrived at the place where Wu's daily business was done. Aunt Wu was talking to a few people at the door, "Mother Wu, is the second aunt in there?"

Mother Wu said calmly: "Hey, it's a big girl! Why are you here?"

“I have something to do. Grandma asked me to find my second aunt!” Wen Yu didn’t bother to talk nonsense to her, so he came up and carried the old lady out.

 “The old lady asked you to come here now?!” Mother Wu didn’t care at all.

 “That’s not true. But…”

"Madam has something important to do, and I don't have time to see you now. Please come back when you have time!" Grandma Wu interrupted her.

"Then..." Before Wen Yu could finish speaking, Mother Wu had already turned around and walked in.

I thought it would be troublesome, but I didn't expect that I wouldn't even be allowed to see him. After standing for a while, there was no other solution, so I had to go back first.

 In the afternoon, she went again and said that her wife was not in the house.

Going back and forth, it took a whole day.

 The next day is again...

 Early on the third day, when Wen Yu was greeting the old lady, he met Mrs. Wu.

“Second Aunt…” Wen Yu spoke sweetly and smiled sweetly: “Yu’er has something to do with you. When will you be free?!”

With a smile on her face, Mrs. Wu responded generously and happily: "Oh, I will finish the housework in a while, so you can come over!"

This time Wen Yu went again, but Wu let her in.

Going in and taking a look, Mrs. Wu was sitting behind the table looking at something, with two people standing respectfully in front of her.

Wen Yu came in and she didn't even raise her eyelids. After a while, he took out the pair of cards and said to the two people, "Okay, let's do this first!"

 The two men nodded and bowed, took the sign and left.

 Wu, however, picked up another account book and still ignored Wen Yu.

In the last life, Wen Yu had never had any dealings with Mrs. Wu. When she saw her in front of her grandmother and second uncle, she was always so docile, never smiling or opening her mouth.

 Be careful and considerate towards your own children.

 Being noble and capable in front of the mother-in-law and housekeeper.

 In front of relatives and friends: easy-going and meticulous.

 What a well-rounded person!

 But now when he faced me, his face was full of arrogance and rudeness, and he looked like he didn't want to pay attention to him at all. How can you smile in front of the old lady?

"Second Aunt!" Wen Yu pretended not to notice and said softly: "You must also know that Yu'er accepted the mother's dowry. But now I am really confused. I don't know if Second Aunt is free and wants to ask for help. Please give me some advice!"

"I don't dare to take it!" Wu said calmly, without looking at her, and still turned over the account in his hand.

"Second Aunt...I always hear people talk about the ten-mile red dowry you wore when you entered the house. I don't know how many newlyweds have envied you! In these years, you have not only taken care of your own dowry, but also taken care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of our family. Yes. Although Yu'er doesn't know what your skills are, judging from my grandmother's affirmation of you, you are definitely very impressive. You can give me a few pointers, and Yu'er will benefit a lot!"

 Haha, this is true!

After listening to this, Mr. Wu felt really benefited.

She thought to herself that everything was good, even her looks... From the first time she saw her husband, she couldn't let him go and almost went crazy. In order to marry him, she worked hard.

 Now, her mother-in-law respects her and her husband relies on her. He has power, wealth, children, and everything seems to be fine.

 However, what she cares about most is her husband's friendship. But in the face of his lust, not only can't object, but also must cooperate unconditionally and take the initiative to make arrangements!

These negative emotions have long since become moldy and deteriorated in our hearts.

She despised the Yuan family from the bottom of her heart: it was so embarrassing to take the dowry of the person in front of her! But I can get my uncle’s undivided attention! This is really unreasonable...

 What is envy, jealousy and hatred? That’s it!

She was happy to see Yuan return the dowry to Wen Yu, but that didn't mean she was willing to help.

Therefore, although the words were pleasing to the ear, he was not moved at all, "...I am busy these days, and the old lady is very tired. You did not tell me in detail about your matter. I will ask you again later!"

"My dear second aunt, at present, Yu'er just wants some manpower to help me look after the business of the shop. Otherwise, you can send two capable men over to help Yu'er!" Wen Yu looked flattering. .

"This can't be done! Looking back, people will think that I also covet your mother's dowry. Haha, with what you have, you really can't do it!" She shook her head slightly, with a pretentious look on her face.

"Second aunt, Yu'er knows that you don't like her!" Wen Yu still smiled: "Look, you are so busy all day long, how annoying it would be if Yu'er kept chasing after you for help! We are going there soon It's so troublesome to go to the Song family! You have to be careful when you go out, okay?"

 This is true!

"You go back and write a list first." Wu said directly.

“Second Aunt, the list is easy to write. Can I give it to whomever Yu’er writes?”

"What are you thinking about?! How much money do you have at home to support the idle people? They are all given to you, what should I use?!"

Then what’s the use of writing it?

"Oh, that's right...Grandma said that both you and grandma know very honest middlemen. If not, why don't we just look for them from outside?" She seemed to be talking to herself.

"Wen Yu. Is this something you, a big girl, can do? I'm not talking about you! Don't be complacent just because you have some property in your hands!" Wu was angry and frightening.

"Second aunt, you have confused me. You don't have anyone to spare, and you can't buy it outside. Then... what can you do?"

“Didn’t I tell you just now?! Write a list and I’ll take a look at it before talking! Go back quickly, I have something else to do!” Wu simply ignored her.

 The roster had been written long ago and was on Wen Yu's body. Just as he was about to take it out, he stopped again.

 It’s not possible yet…

 (End of this chapter)

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