The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 47: Colorful Luan with Broken Wings

Chapter 47 Broken Wings Cai Luan

 There are now five "big girls" in Wen Yu's house.

At the moment, he was showing various expressions in front of her, probably wanting to follow him to the legendary "Cailuan Pavilion".

 In the end, Wen Yu ignored everyone and ordered Xiao Ji directly.

Xiaoji, who is fat and ambitious, finally goes out as a first-class girl!

Afraid of provoking hatred, Xiao Ji forced a smile, which was a bit weird...

Hong Xing'er was very angry. These days, she was used to the girl taking her with her whenever she went out. But she didn't expect that several people came in at once and squeezed her out.

Xiangshu, on the other hand, thinks that she came from the head wife’s side and is of a better background than the other girls! It's her turn!

Although the two of them were angry, they only looked bad and complained in their hearts, but they didn't dare to do anything.

And Yan Zhu almost fainted from anger...

Cailuan Pavilion! ?

 The girl didn’t even take her there! ?

 What about conscience? !

Soft and hard bubbles, crying and laughing, none! All she could do was turn her grief into appetite, ignore Wen's words, vent her anger on a table of snacks, and then roll her eyes at Xiaoji.

When getting on the carriage, Xiaoji was immediately shocked and despised by the gentle and charming eldest girl Chunhui. He covered his mouth with a handkerchief and smiled sarcastically. He leaned close to Wen Jiao and bit his ear.

Wen Jiao turned around and saw Fatty Xiaoji. She immediately looked disgusted and told Wen Yu directly: Taking a girl like Xiaoji out will bring shame to the Wen family.

Wen Yu smiled and ignored it, turned to observe Xiao Ji... only to find that this fat girl was quite strong inside, not ashamed at all, and calmly maintained a "decent" smile that she thought "a big girl should have" …

All right!

 In the past, when going out to make clothes, the fourth wife, Liu, was always the most active. She supported the old lady and kept talking about this and that. Now, she has disappeared...and no one even mentions her again.

Now, I go to Cailuan Pavilion to make new clothes, and she doesn’t know where she is suffering!

 It’s really good!


Cai Luan Pavilion was originally a small shop. Later, the business gradually expanded, and it was renovated again.

 A woman in her thirties was already waiting outside the door. Seeing everyone from the Wen family getting out of the car, they stepped forward to salute with a decent smile, "Excuse me, are these the old ladies and young ladies of the Wen family?"

 Mother Song quickly responded: "It's our old lady and girl."

 “The old lady is well, the ladies are well!” The steward was dressed in well-fitting clothes, slim and had narrow sleeves, his hair was in a simple bun, and he wore light makeup, a proper smile and manner, and looked smart and capable.

 Old Mrs. Wen looked at her, could this be "Master Qing"?

The woman quickly said: "The little woman is Manager Liu of Cailuan Pavilion! Old ladies and ladies, please come in."

Mrs. Wen nodded and took the lead.

Going in, you will see a spacious lobby, with the cabinets and side cabinets in the middle filled with cloths. There are also several exquisite bamboo dolls on both sides with clothes on them. If you don't pay attention, you might think they are real people!

 There is an open space at the end, and pictures of ladies in colorful clothes are hung on the wall. Below are small tables and stools, as well as exquisite teapots and cups. There is a flower stand in the corner, with flowers in bloom... and there are five shelves with handkerchiefs, purses, wallets and other small items on them.

The store smells very good, and it’s the kind of very elegant incense...

 Ching Yishui'er's female shop assistants all dress the same and even have similar smiles.

It was Mrs. Wen’s first time here and she couldn’t help but nodded secretly. No wonder the charges are so expensive! Here, it is indeed different from other places.

Manager Liu said: "Old lady, Master Qing has something to deal with and will be here soon. Let me introduce you to the ingredients first!?"

Mrs. Wen nodded: "Okay! I saw a relative wearing Song brocade a few days ago. It's so beautiful. I wonder if you have it in your store?"

"Yes, old lady! The latest one, a batch just arrived!" Manager Liu was happy when he heard this, and asked for good ingredients. Today's business is not small...

Wen Yu looked around,

 Last life, around this time, she came here once.

Haha, that guy Song Wu is just sitting there with his legs crossed and pointing...

 In the entire Cailuan Pavilion, except for Master Qing, a group of people were busy with their feet in the air. She went through almost all the ingredients, and in the end, she was exhausted!

 But the proud way he looked at himself...

  I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart, my nose was sore, and my eye circles were slightly moist. Asked a teenage girl next to me, "Where is the most convenient place?"

The little girl also whispered: "Miss, please come with me!"

 Going through the main room, you will find the backyard.

Wen Yu winked at Xiao Ji. The fat girl was very smart and pulled the little girl: "Little sister..." The two started talking.

After looking at it, I guess this place is also the work of Master Qing, and it is more stylish than the Wen Family Garden! Girlfriends sit drinking tea and embroidering, it will be a beautiful picture of a good time...

 One side of the wing is a warehouse for storing fabrics, and the other side is the embroiderer's dressing room.

The wind blew gently and everything was quiet.

Wen Yu had just calmed down when he suddenly heard a woman screaming from a small room at the back: "Why did you just do one thing? How long has it been? I specifically told you to do these first!"

"I've taken good care of you by doing this, otherwise it would have taken at least two months." This one was also a woman, but her voice was calm, not anxious or annoyed.

"Ha! I'm just confused! I can't finish several pieces of clothes... What do you do for food? Do you do it on purpose?!" There was provocation in his voice.

 “The store is short-staffed!”

"Don't do this! There are so many embroiderers! Just the ones I introduced? Why don't you use it?" "The craftsmanship is not good. There are indeed many good embroiderers, don't you think they want a lot of money?" said the cold voice There was a hint of ridicule in the female voice.

"...How can the craftsmanship be any worse? The asking price is much worse! Why?! Hmph! I'm not sure what's going on!" the shrill woman said with meaning.

The cold voice also had a hint of impatience: "Mrs. Liu, in other embroidery shops, you can make a very good dress with only seven or eight taels of silver. In Cailuan Pavilion, seven or eight taels of silver is the norm. A few hundred. There are two or even a thousand taels, so why are they all the same?

“Don’t tell me that! I can’t tell the difference!” the shrill woman said.

“Since you can’t tell, just let my cousin do it somewhere else!”

"Oh, whose business is this Cai Luan Pavilion?! Is it your turn to decide? Don't..." She wanted to say that the dove occupied the magpie's nest, but she didn't know how to say those four words, so she changed it to: "Take the chicken feathers." Timely arrow!”

The cold voice was still calm: "Since we are doing it here, don't be anxious and don't get angry. It's useless! This has always been the rule in Cailuan Pavilion!"

“You ask me for rules?! What a joke! What does Cailuan Pavilion have to do with you? Who do you think you are asking me for rules!?”

“Grandma Liu, at present, Cailuan Pavilion has nothing to do with you.” The cold female voice said slowly.

 “Me! You...bah!”

 It sounded like the irritable and shrill woman still had some taboos. Although she was very angry, she did not dare to curse.

The cold female voice added: "I don't have to be the boss here. If you are unhappy, just go back and tell the master!"

 “You threaten me?!”

"I'm sorry, Grandma Liu, I don't have time to do this. The guests have arrived, please leave first!"

 There was a sound at the door, and a woman came out.

Wen Yu was startled and wanted to hide. But I saw the man in green shirt who had just come out and climbed directly to the second floor from the small ladder next to him.

 Scared me! She patted her chest...

 Then, I heard a shrill woman cursing in a low voice: "What's so big? You're a **** who pretends to be a coward with me, and rides with thousands of people..." Vicious words kept popping up...

"Madam, isn't she just relying on the old lady? How about..." said a woman.

"No! We have to be careful lately. The old immortal is not in good health, and he probably won't last long! When the time comes, my eldest son will get a big share. If you mess around... let that **** Zhao take it. Handle, it’s troublesome!”


"Haha, I have to think about it again... When the old immortal is gone, this bitch, where did she come from, and where do you want her to go back!"

“Madam, how old is she? She is willing to go, but others are not willing to take her!”

 The two people laughed sarcastically...

"You don't understand this. Although she is not young, she is still quite pretty! I don't want money to be given away for free, how can anyone else want it?"

"You are right, but you have to think about the young masters! Our young masters want to be officials... we have to pay attention to our reputation!" The two people laughed again.

Hearing this, Wen Yu turned around and returned to the lobby.

 It seems that this is a conversation between Master Qing and this "Grandma Liu". Grandma Liu should be from the boss's family.

 But why did she treat Master Qing like this? "You don't need money... give it away for free?"

 The old lady had been watching for a while, and suddenly she was dazzled and a little tired. She sat there drinking tea.

 But the sisters next to her were very interested, especially Wen Jiao, who simply didn’t know which one to choose...

Cousin Hui saw Wen Yu coming back and said, "Ah Yu, come here...see! How well do you wear this material?"

Before Wen Yu could understand, Wen Jiao rushed over: "I want this!"

Cousin Hui chuckled, "Then...Ayu will do this..." She picked up another piece and made signs under Wenyu's neck.

Wen Jiao took a look and said, "Ah! This is beautiful...I want it too!"

There was a soft sound of footsteps on the stairs, and a woman came down.

Slender figure, long shiny hair like black satin. In terms of appearance, it is not too outstanding, except for the eyes, which look like a smile but not a smile, and are full of water, as if they contain feelings.

Every walk, every move, the whole person is filled with an indescribable charm.

 Master Qing!

Wen Yu looked at her and couldn't help but marvel: Even if she is a girl, her heart will beat wildly when she sees such a person...

  Although I know she is quite old, it is difficult to guess her specific age. Doesn’t look young, but doesn’t look old either…

 Perhaps, that kind of innate elegance will make you ignore her age!

“Mrs. Wen, ladies!” Master Qing was neither humble nor overbearing, his voice was slightly deep but gentle and pleasant...

 (End of this chapter)

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