Chapter 5: Sadness

 Old Mrs. Wen couldn't control her **** son, so she had to watch him leave angrily.

 Looking at the daughter-in-law next to her with a low eyebrow, she didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ding Xiang, the eldest girl next to her, came into the room and whispered a few words in her ear.

  "What...what? Her?" The old lady was really dumbfounded and looked at Ding Xiang in disbelief. Seeing Ding Xiang blushing, she nodded affirmatively. Her old face also turned red, until it turned purple, and she began to tremble with excitement.

 “Bring her...bring her to me!” She was so angry that she lost her temper.

 Looking around blankly, exhaling loudly. After a while, he looked at the second daughter-in-law again and said, "You, go down and make arrangements first. Everything that can be dealt with will be dealt with. Even the inconvenient ones will be kept silent! There is a happy event at home, and... your father will be back soon. Come on, don't cause any trouble to me!" The old lady said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

Wu responded softly and went out, thinking about what to do about this matter.

 A girl came up to greet her, "Madam, I want you to come over."

  Wu cheered up and returned to the house.


 Two strong women "invited" the fourth wife, Mrs. Liu, to the old lady's house.

As soon as you enter the door, throw it to the ground with a bang, turn the door and go out, and close the door.

Mrs. Liu knew it was over, so she straightened up and knelt down. Tears flowed non-stop...

 Old Mrs. Wen stared at her fiercely for a while, then suddenly got down from her seat, rounded her head, and gave her a mouthful. He directly beat Ms. Liu to the ground.

"You bitch! You were helpless since you were a child, but I kept you by my side, provided you with food, clothing, and reading and writing! I also let you be a wife at home. Is this how you repay me?! Huh?! You’re hurting me like this! Bitch…bitch.”

"Aunt... Si'er deserves to die. Si'er really... can't help herself! Woo hoo... Aunt, Si'er has always liked my second cousin!" Mrs. Liu covered her face, crying out of breath, and knelt down with all her strength. good.

"You like him?!" Just as Ms. Liu sat up straight, the old lady slapped her hard again, so hard that she almost missed her waist.

"You marry him, you like to be a butt! What kind of sin is this? Huh?! This is adultery, you bitch! Do you know that you are going to dip the pig cage?!"

"Aunt... spare Si'er..." Liu Si was beaten to the ground again and she couldn't get up.

"It's been exposed. You didn't kill yourself when you got back home, and you waited for me to ask you about it! What made you so shameless?! Huh?! It's so thick!" The old lady bent down and said fiercely He pinched her face hard...

Liu's thin-skinned and tender face immediately showed a few streaks of blood.

"Auntie, please forgive me! Forgive me..." Liu Si's face and mouth were pinched, and she begged for mercy vaguely.

“…Spare you? In public, your ugliness has been seen enough! How can I spare you?!”

Liu's messy hair covered half of her face, and she was whining and speechless... lying on the ground, shaking all over.

Old Mrs. Wen looked at her and sighed. She had been by her side for thirty years!

Even a biological daughter would not be able to stay for such a long time. She has always been... very lovable.

 And...I paused in my heart.

 “The second child has been a **** since he was a child.” He followed his dog father the most! "Don't you know? There are so many of them! Almost every one of them, before they get it, is full of promises and extremely diligent.

 But the lasts for a few days, but lasts for a few months.

 Who did he really like? ? Um? ! Tell me who he liked from beginning to end? ! "The old lady yelled with tears in her eyes, "You are rushing to reach your forties...ignoring your husband and not having children, but you are fooling around with him! What can you do? "

 “Woooo…” Liu Si just lowered her head and cried.

"That's all. I am really... raising a cat and being scratched by a cat, raising a dog and being bitten by a dog! Come here! Take care of her. When the city gate is opened, send the second daughter-in-law to Zhuangzi!"

 “No, aunt... don’t!”

“Don’t let her talk nonsense here, take her away!” Old Mrs. Wen frowned.

Ms. Liu was also anxious and sat up straight, "Aunt! You know that I am devoted to my second cousin, why don't you help me?!"

 “I’ll help you?! What’s your background? How dare you think about him?!” The old lady had a look of contempt on her face.

Seeing that the situation was over, Mrs. Liu also risked her life and said hypocritically, "I have no background! But I didn't raise you for nothing! You hold my dock in your hand, how much money have you collected over the years? How much money have you raised for raising me as a girl? Three lifetimes can’t be spent rolling around!”

When the old lady heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Wharf!? How funny! The Liu family let people plot, the boat capsized, and everyone in the family died. If it weren't for me, you would have been sold to a brothel! Haha... I can't believe that you took advantage of it when you got there! You stinky bitch, drag me down!"

A servant girl covered Liu Si’s mouth and dragged her down.


  Wu went back to her room, and Wen Feng sat there crookedly, with one foot on the chair next to her. Even after experiencing such an embarrassing situation, his demeanor is still so indescribable.

 Slender figure, even in middle age, without any trace of fat.

His face is as white as jade, and his two peach blossom eyes are raised at the ends. A tall and long nose, very thin and very pink lips.

When you want to please someone, be cheerful, considerate, and generous, as if you are the most important person in the world!

 Wu had been married to him for so many years, and every time she saw him, it was still like seeing him for the first time... her heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

 "Husband..." Her voice was soft.

“Did you do this?” Wen Feng asked coldly.

Wu was stunned for a moment before she understood what her husband was referring to.

I couldn't help but feel so wronged, my eyes were red, "Master! God can tell you! How could I do such a thing?!"

 “In this family, except you, who would know and who has the ability to do it?!”

Mrs. Wu's excited voice shrilled: "Master! Don't say that I am not a jealous person! Even if I feel... Mrs. Liu is not right, she will not bring shame on her husband, or even his life, on the eve of her son's wedding. ?”

Wen Feng thought about it: It is indeed true!

 But today, it is too dangerous and too embarrassing...

Wu continued: "Master, you are suave and like beauty. You knew this before you married me. It was my own choice! You have given me the dignity I deserve, so what else can I care about?" !

 Beautiful woman, how many concubines can I arrange for you? We are husband and wife. No matter whether your reputation or body has been damaged, what is the glory of my body? ! You can’t be wronged…”

 She shed tears.

Wen Feng sighed, "Oh, I'm so angry! I believed you..." Thinking about it again, he was still depressed, "Go and check, what's going on?! Who locked the lock outside!" "

 He was so angry!

 For the sake of convenience, neither he nor Mr. Liu took anyone with them.

 Moreover, I went there after it was already dark and the garden was deserted.

The door of Furongxuan Courtyard was ajar, so the two of them planned to go back to their houses after finishing.

Achieve good things without anyone noticing!

Just when he was about to score twice happily, he caught fire. The fire is so fast! If you don't run away, you will be burned to death in the house...

The lights went out and I was so panicked that I didn’t even put on my clothes or shoes!

 In the end, I escaped to the courtyard...only to find that the door was locked from the outside!

Two people were naked, and the fire fighters were blocking them!

His grandma’s!

Who put the lock on it? !

This is running to kill him!

 In comparison, the shame is nothing!

 If you want me to know who it is, I won’t have to cut him to pieces with a thousand swords!

 Thinking of that cry again...well, it should be her! female. who? Think carefully about all the things he provoked at home, which one is so fierce?

 Wu responded softly and came out of the house.

Mother Song who was beside Mrs. Wen came over and told Mrs. Wu what the old lady had done to Mrs. Liu.

Wu Shi nodded in agreement, and said to Aunt Song a little embarrassedly: "Nanny Song, please go in and say something to the second master."

 Mother Song nodded and went in.

Mrs. Wu said to the nanny beside her: "As soon as day breaks, arrange for Wu Qi to send this **** out! Let the people in the village do double duty and treat her well... greet her!"

 Her usually honest and gentle face showed a hint of a sinister smile. Before, none of those things within her rights that her husband was tired of had a good outcome!

This Mrs. Liu is the most hateful. She seduced her husband at an old age, ruined her husband's reputation, and almost killed her husband. What was even more hateful was before her eldest son got married!

 Hmph, no mercy!

 Mother Song went in and told Wen Feng about the old lady's treatment of Liu Si.

After Wen Feng heard this, he paused, then snorted and said nothing...

 Go to bed and sleep.

Warm birch residue.

Sorry, the next chapter I posted yesterday may need to be reviewed due to wording issues. I am on vacation right now, so I haven’t released it yet. The next update has also been delayed...

Happy National Day to everyone!

I plan to go to Tiananmen Square tomorrow to see the flower beds and join in the fun. There must be a lot of people, but I don’t know how many pickets there can be?



 (End of this chapter)

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