Chapter 50: Old friends again

 Songjiazhuang is not close to the Wen family, so we need to stay on the road for two nights.

The old lady of the Wen family set off with her eldest grandson, his eldest grandson's daughter-in-law Li, and several granddaughters.

 I plan to go early and stay at the Song family for a few days.

There are the Song family's villas and inns along the way. Song Shang should have given instructions in advance to pick up and drop off the Wen family along the way. Everything was well arranged.

This makes Mrs. Wen feel very proud.

If it weren't for the fine tea sets in the house, the exquisite bedding, and the exquisite midnight snacks that only she had... Wen Yu would really believe that Song Shang was giving face to his grandmother.

These special treatments made her feel a little weak...

Even though I have made up my mind, I still don’t know what to do when these things happen.

  Yan Zhu and Xiao Ji were extremely satisfied. Yan Zhu kept praising: "Song Wuye is so interesting!"

Xiaoji nodded while eating, she would wrap up all the leftovers from Yanzhu...

This time when he came out, Wen Yu still nodded at Xiao Ji, with an unquestionable expression on his face. With Webster's character, he still doesn't know what he will do to himself. You must surround yourself with people who follow you!

Qinghe finally understood. Xiaoji and his whole family were working with the girl, so of course they trusted her the most! I have nothing to fight for.

Hongxing, on the other hand, was angry and gloomy for a long time. She walked around the Peony Pavilion for a long time, looking at the beam, accumulating reasons for herself to take action in the future.

 Xiao Ji's second brother drove the cart, and Master Sun rode a donkey to follow behind the cart.

 Old Mrs. Wen was stunned again when she saw it. This girl is so weird!



 After walking for two days, we were almost at Songjiazhuang. The carriage was traveling on a path along the lake.

On one side are weeping willows by the lake, and further into the lake are lotus flowers.

 On the other side are flower trees, and further inside are rice plants.

 The girls, even Mrs. Wen, raised the car curtains and admired the scenery along the way.

 After walking for a long time, I saw a large house at one end of the lake in the distance. That was the Song family!

Wen Yu stared blankly into the distance...

Song Shang's father was Song Rupeng. He was the eldest son of the eldest son of the Song family and had a high status in the Song family.

Although Mrs. Song was not from a high family background, her natal family owned a kiln and was very prosperous.

  It was Song Rupeng who chose the two of them to get engaged. The relationship between husband and wife is very good.

More than a year after getting married, Mrs. Song gave birth to a son...Song Shang's eldest brother Song Chen.

 At that time, the Song family had gradually expanded its business from a small wealthy family, and became quite wealthy.

 Then, something happened to Song Rupeng while he was out on business, and he died.

 At that time, Mrs. Song was pregnant with Song Shang.

Not long after the funeral, Song Chen, who was less than two years old, fell into the lake and drowned without supervision.

If Song Rupeng's death can still be regarded as an accident or accident, then Song Chen's death is obviously caused by someone, and it should be the Song family!

  Mrs. Song is usually weak and naive. Without her husband as her backbone, she almost cannot survive.

 But the death of her eldest son woke her up again. It is truly said that a mother is as strong as steel. She took all kinds of precautions to protect this fetus.

 From the time Song Shang was born until he grew up, he experienced countless dangers.

Although the Song family's fortune has grown rapidly, several people have really died!

 Including Song Shang's second brother...his second uncle's eldest son Song Jian.

 Still remember him…

Wen Yu suddenly had an idea in his mind, and the tall and strong Song Jian appeared in his mind... He was so afraid of him at that time...

 Hiss...I just remembered something!

But she heard Yan Zhu shouting: "Hey, hey, hey! Ayu, Ayu, look, several people are coming to greet us, eh?! The one leading the way is the Fifth Master!?" She put up an awning with her hands and watched carefully.

Wen Yu leaned forward and took a look, and it turned out to be Song Shang! He took several of his men and ran all the way, arriving at the old lady's carriage.

I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but I just looked very happy and looked at him from a distance with his mouth full of white teeth.

Wen Yu looked at him blankly, and suddenly saw him turn to one side and look at her.

  Shrinking his neck in fright.

Yan Zhu stretched her neck out for her. Seeing Song Shang looking here, she waved vigorously to Song Shang.

 Hehe, this girl is not afraid of him at all!

 The convoy moved forward again.

Song Shang was sitting on his horse and did not move at the same place.

Wen Yu's carriage was at the end. When he reached the front, he picked up the reins and followed Wen Yu's carriage: "Eh?! Is this A Yu's new carriage?"

Before Wen Yu could say anything, Yan Zhu said proudly: "Fifth Master, this is our new car. Doesn't it look good?!"

Song Shang was dissatisfied: "Excellent! Hongdou, your taste is not good..."

"Fifth Master! My name is not Hongdou now, my name is Yanzhu! It was named by Ayu, who called me Zhuzhu!" "Yanzhu?!" Song Shang was a little strange. He really didn't know about this. "Okay! Then I'll follow Ayu and call you Zhuzhu, okay?"

Yan Zhu giggled, as beautiful as the lotus in the lake.

Wen Yu shook her head... As long as she is happy!


 A group of people entered the Song family and came to a large courtyard. Every time the Wen family comes, they stay here.

Song Shang said to Mrs. Wen: "Auntie, please rest for a while. Someone will pick you up soon and take you to Chunhui Courtyard. Mother is waiting for you there!"

 The old lady nodded in agreement.

Song Shang ordered his servants, then glanced at Wen Yu and rode away happily.

 The girls lived in the old lady’s backyard, each of them had three small rooms.

 The mother-in-law and the girl have already prepared hot and cold water.

Yan Zhu moved very quickly and finished cleaning up herself first in a short while.

Xiao Ji also served Wen Yu and finished washing her face, and Yan Zhu came to comb her hair.

Wen Yu ordered a set of clothes. As soon as he put them on, a girl came and called: "The old lady asked the girls to go to the front, they are going out."

The Song family is very big, so everyone walked for a while before arriving at Chunhui Courtyard.

As soon as you enter the courtyard gate, you will see the yard full of flowers and a large pot of koi carp.

 Wealthy and peaceful, Song Shang was really attentive to his mother!

He is a son who is not easy to bring up, but he is much more filial than his father!

 Everything has been arranged, Mrs. Song does not have to worry about anything. If she has another grandson, her life will be perfect...

 There was a woman and a girl who welcomed the Wen family and the others in with a smile.

Mrs. Song had already stood up and walked to the door, "Aunt! You are here!" The voice was full of joy.

Mrs. Wen also had a soft smile on her face and walked a few steps closer, "Xiang Ci! I haven't seen you for a while, how are you!?"

“Aunt, everything is fine with me! Tsk tsk, you are in great spirits now that you are married to your eldest grandson’s daughter-in-law! You look like you are several years younger!”

“Hahahaha, no wonder Brother Shang speaks so nicely. I learned it from a mother like you!”

The two women were very affectionate when they met. They sat down together holding hands and had a small talk.

Wen Yu glanced at the little girl sitting next to Mrs. Song, Song Chihan, the daughter of Song Shang and Wei...

 She is just four years old now, with two buns, a pink gauze tie, and a pink butterfly shirt.

 Small round face, single eyelids. The skin is very white, and there are cyan blood vessel marks on the eyelids.

Hand appearance is not outstanding, but at a young age, he can sit upright.

 The little face is sullen and very arrogant.

He didn't even smile at the Wen family who had just walked in. They seemed unhappy.

 Haha, she is always unhappy!

Old Mrs. Wen grandly introduced her eldest grandson-in-law, "The eldest daughter-in-law has gone to the capital. The second daughter-in-law is looking after the house! I brought Brother Feng and his wife! Let her recognize her aunt's family!"

 “Ouch, let me see…”

As soon as Mrs. Song stretched out her hand, Mrs. Li came over with a peach-like face. Mrs. Song liked it in her heart, "Yeah! Good! Good! You look good!"

 The newlywed couple bowed to her.

 Mrs. Song took a box from the person next to her. "Brother Feng and his wife, let's wear it and play with it!"

Mrs. Wen hurriedly said: "Brother Shang brought your gift!"

"It's not the same! I'm so happy to see this new wife! Sister Han? Come on! Call someone...this is your great-aunt! And this is your uncle and aunt Feng!"

But the little girl remained proud, and the girl beside her quickly helped her down from her seat.

She ducked away irritably, glared at the girl, and then reluctantly jumped off the seat.

  She bowed, and although her movements were very formal, her reluctance could still be seen.

Old Mrs. Wen laughed and said, "Xiao Han'er? Do you still remember your great-aunt?"

 Song Chihan said nothing.

Mrs. Song said: "Sister Han? Why don't you speak?"

Old Mrs. Wen took a small stuffed doll from Mother Song, "I saw this when I went to Cailuan Pavilion a few days ago. It's true, there are people who do this! It's fun to look at. Sister Han..."

Song Chihan became happy when he saw the puppet wearing beautiful clothes, "Thank you, great-grandmother..." He thanked her softly. Then he took it and started playing with it.

Wen Yu looked at the little girl who was happily playing with her dolls, but in her mind she could see her harsh expression, harsh words and curses towards herself in the previous life.

Finally, the kicking and punching in the cell...

 (End of this chapter)

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