Chapter 63 Never left

 Yesterday when we went back, Wen Jiao complained in tears, which made Mrs. Wen suspicious again.

Even though she usually didn't care about love at all, she still felt that Song Shang seemed to treat Wen Yu differently.

Moreover, this is so normal!

 In the past two days, I don’t know how many people have inquired about Wen Yu!

 Is something really going to happen to them?

 It’s no small matter if it’s possible!

 She looked at Song Shang strangely, trying to figure out something.

Song Shang smiled after hearing this and nodded casually without answering.

 He has no qualifications and no position now, so he cannot show anything in case the situation goes wrong.

  Anyway, I have someone in the Song family, so I can know about any movement.

 Get engaged? Haha, there is always a way to delay it.

 Old Mrs. Wen saw that Song Shang was no different, and she didn't know whether to be happy or a little disappointed.

 After she entered Beijing, she had to rely on Song Shang for matters here. When discussing with Wen Qian before, Wen Qian meant to wait for him to gain a firm foothold before making a decision. If it goes well and helps Song Shang, it will be a good thing.

If his progress is not smooth, then give way to Song Shang again.

 But no matter what, Song Shang is very important to the Wen family.

She had the idea last night that although she couldn't give him Wen Yu as his concubine, if he really had it in his heart... it would still be a tie, wouldn't it?

Since I didn’t test it out at this moment, I stopped mentioning it and got back to business.


When she returned to her residence, Mrs. Wen called a few girls over and ordered: "Get your things ready. Let's go back early tomorrow morning."

Wen Jiao looked at Wen Yu and sneered: "Sister, where is your white horse? Aren't you going to take it back?"

“Second sister, I almost forgot if I didn’t tell you! Grandma, can I take the white horse back with me?”

 Old Mrs. Wen was heartbroken again, "That's your cousin's thing, how do I know?!"

After listening to Wen Yu, he walked to the door and said, "Xiaoji, go to Zhuyuan to find Mrs. Xu. Ask her to ask my cousin for me and tell her that I want to take the white horse back, okay?"

 “You have such a big face!” Wen Jiao shouted with a straight voice.

“Second sister, are you willing to let me take the white horse back, or are you not willing!?” Wen Yu was confused.

 “What does it have to do with me?”

 “ just asked me!”

Wen Jiao was so speechless that she could not speak.

 Old Mrs. Wen frowned, "What's the fuss about? Go back and clean it up!"


 Early the next morning, the girls got dressed and prepared to get on the bus at the second gate.

Then Wen Jiaozhen saw the little white horse being held by the old man riding a donkey beside Wen Yu.

Sun Ying's bodyguard has traveled all over the country and seen a lot of good things in his life.

 However, this is the only one who can hold the reins in his own hands.

 Looking at the beautiful horse, his face was full of smiles and he was so in love with it. Although I can’t ride it, I’m very proud of being able to pull it!

Wen Jiao's face suddenly turned dark.

Mrs. Song and Song Shang came to deliver it in person. They also sent two cars out of the family and brought a lot of things back.

 Old Mrs. Wen shook her head and smiled, "You! What are you doing? It seems like I am here to beat the autumn wind~"

 “What are you talking about! I wanted you to stay a few more days, but I’m so anxious to go back!”

“We will be able to see each other again after the Tianlong Temple Dharma Ceremony in two days.”

Everyone said goodbye, Song Shang watched Wen Yu wrap up tightly and get into the car, and the car swayed towards the distance...

 But the beautiful feeling she brought to him has never left...


 Back at Wen's house, Mrs. Wu went out to pick up Mrs. Wen.

Mrs. Li and the girl helped old Mrs. Wen get out of the car, and Ms. Wu quickly stepped forward to salute.

“Mom, you’ve had a hard journey. How are you, Mrs. Song? Is the house very lively?”

Mrs. Wen was really tired during this trip and nodded: "Everything is fine. Is everything okay at home?"

"Everything is fine at home..." Mrs. Wu had something on her mind, but she couldn't say it, and she looked a little unhappy.

"I'm really tired after this journey. I'll take a rest first. You can go and do something if you have something to do." He turned to Mrs. Li and said, "You have taken care of me these past few days. Go back and have a rest quickly!" Li Shi responded .

 The girls also went back to their houses.

Wen Jiao hummed, hoping that Wu would see it and ask her.

Unexpectedly, after the old lady left, Wu's smiling face also dropped, "You all go back and rest!"

 After speaking, he turned around and left.

“…” Wen Jiao became even more angry!


Wen Yu returned to the courtyard. When he entered the house, he saw it was clean inside and outside, and there were even flowers in the vase. He couldn't help but feel very happy. "Everything inside and outside the house is clean and beautiful. Qinghe and Xiangshu are here. It's different after all! This girl has a big reward!"

Hongxing’s face became even more ugly after hearing this.

Wen Yu divided the things he brought among them and sent them away.

Little Jiniang said: "Girl, there are a few things..." Her temperament has also changed drastically these days, and she behaves like a magnanimous steward.

"There is news from Mr. Zhang Jiangqing. He said that the things you asked him to do have basically been completed. Please contact him when you come back. It may be urgent. Another thing, Hongxing will go home one day, and I will take him with you. I followed Li Tan and took down the things she had hidden in the Peony Pavilion..."

Wen Yu’s face became solemn.

"What is it?"

"It was some powder. At that time, I couldn't tell what it was. So I took it to the drugstore and asked, but the young doctor couldn't understand it. Later, I asked his master to recognize it. He said it was...a kind of powder made by dry grinding of fungi. , born in the southwest, we don’t have it here... it will die quickly.”

Wen Yu was not too surprised. Hongxing had seen Granny Xu and she was hiding outside secretly. She was definitely not a good person.

 But I still didn’t expect it to be this!

If Xiaoji hadn’t been activated in time, we really wouldn’t have discovered it!

I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

  I’ve been having a smooth sailing lately, and I’m feeling a little carried away!

 Actually, danger is always around you and has never left!

Xiao Jiniang said: "The old doctor said that this fungus tastes very delicious. If you put it in the soup, it will have a special taste. But it dies quickly and the symptoms are not obvious."

Yuan Shi... is really thoughtful and far-sighted!

 I laid the trap early. Even if I die, no one will suspect her.

 “Where’s that thing?!”

"The slave thought that this thing was too dangerous, so it was not a big deal to leave it like this. If something went wrong, it would be all over. So I made the decision and replaced it with ordinary mushroom powder and put it back in its original place."

 Wen Yu nodded frequently, this is best.

“The mushroom powder was taken to the yard rented by Xiaoji’s father and placed on the beam on the ladder.”

"Well, you did a good job in this matter." Wen Yu was very pleased that he had found the wrong person after all.

“Girl, if you want to see it, I can bring it to you?”

“Don’t be in a hurry, just leave it for now. Don’t throw it away... just be careful not to eat it by mistake.”

“It’s well wrapped and out of reach of ordinary people. Don’t worry.”

 “Hmm. Hongxing, you still have to keep an eye on it.”


“Let Li Tan look for Zhang Jiangqing. When I come back, I’ll see when he has the time.”

“Yes. Oh...there is something else at home.”

"What's the matter?" Wen Yu looked a little embarrassed at Xiao Jiniang's smile.

 “The second master’s matter...” She didn’t know what to say to a girl.

 “Let’s talk, in our own room.”

"The second master is out there, and he has taken a fancy to a widow with a seven or eight-year-old son. The family has land and a shop, and is actually a well-off family. Not to mention good-looking, he is quite capable. It is said that the second master is very interested, but People ignore him!" Xiao Jiniang laughed.

"The second wife may know that she doesn't look good these days."

"Oh..." Wen Yu's mind turned around. Is this the type that Wu is afraid of? !

She is not afraid that her second uncle will find girls or prostitutes. Only those who are rich, talented and beautiful are the most worried. "Go and inquire about it carefully."


 (End of this chapter)

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