The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 71: One word "qiao"

  071 One word "qiao"

Outside the gate of the Qi family, there are two huge stone lions, majestic and majestic, showing the aura of the wealthy family.

 At the gate, everyone looked nervous, some were going out and some were coming back.

 Everyone looks bad.

As soon as Wen Yu's car arrived, someone came over and said seriously: "Go forward, you can't park here."

Xiao Ji got out of the car and walked up to the man and said, "This is my girl in the car. I have something important to see your wife."

 In the room, Mrs. Qi’s eyes were as weeping as a peach, she couldn’t get up, and her voice was hoarse: “Still…no news yet?”

The grandmother next to her also looked defeated. She whispered: "Fourth Master has already said hello to Magistrate Zhang. Magistrate Zhang sent people to block several exits in the town. He also said hello to the temple. He also said hello to Magistrate Zhang. The local gangsters got in touch...if it was done by **** photographers, they would know."

"It's all my fault. She didn't bring her's all my fault." Mrs. Qi stamped her feet and beat her chest, regretting it endlessly. "When will Wulang come back?! Why is he always not with me..."

At this time, a girl hurriedly ran over, "Madam! Madam! Our girl is back!"

"What did you say?"

Mrs. Qi suddenly stood up, feeling dizzy.

"Our girl is back. A girl sent her back."

"Don't lie to me, don't lie to me!" Mrs. Qi ran out in a panic, and almost fell out as soon as she passed the threshold.

 The people next to you are holding on to you.

Just in time, Wen Yu came in with the little girl, holding a rabbit in her round little hands.

Mrs. Qi's eyes widened and she looked at her: "Yuanyuan?!" She simply couldn't believe it.

Yuanyuan grinned when she saw her aunt: "Aunt..."

The servants all gathered around, their faces full of excitement.

 Some kowtowed directly in the direction of Tianlong Temple.

Mrs. Qi ran over and hugged her, her tears flowing uncontrollably. "Yuanyuan, where have you been? You scared aunt to death..." She seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare, feeling happy but afraid that it was not real.

He said softly: "Madam, Yuanyuan is back safely. Please stop crying."

Mrs. Qi’s eyes full of tears looked at Wen Yu and she was speechless.

Wen Yu smiled and said: "I am the granddaughter of the former Jiang Wen family. I came here with my grandmother to offer incense. When I went out to do some business, I met this little girl chasing a rabbit. She may have been running too fast and fell unconscious.

 When I saw it, I rescued her. But she remained unconscious and had to be taken to the hospital first. The old doctor showed it. She may have been frightened when she woke up, and couldn't tell where she was, which took quite a while. Therefore, it was sent back a little late. "

 “Thank you...girl!”

Mrs. Qi felt much more at ease all of a sudden. Although she didn't believe it, in front of so many people, this was definitely the best way to say it.

Mammy said: "Madam, can this girl please sit inside?!"

“Oh, girl, please come in.” Mrs. Qi pulled Yuanyuan tightly.

Yuanyuan hugs the little rabbit.

After entering the room, Mrs. Qi stared at the little girl tremblingly: "Yuanyuan, does it hurt anywhere?"

Yuanyuan shook her head: "Don't worry, aunt, Yuanyuan doesn't hurt. Look, aunt, little rabbit! My sister also asked me to name it, I'll call it Tuantuan. Do you agree?"

  "Okay! What a moral! Take the girl down quickly to wash up and change clothes. Oh, check this rabbit to see if there are any lice."

“Auntie, there are no lice in Tuan Tuan. Tuan Tuan is clean.” Yuanyuan spoke for her rabbit.

"Okay, okay, no. Go quickly..." Mrs. Qi was very gentle.

Yuanyuan turned around and said, "Sister, don't leave in a hurry, Yuanyuan has something interesting for you!"

Wen Yu nodded: "Okay!"

There was no one in the room, so Mrs. Qi stepped forward and saluted regardless of the cause and effect, "Thank you girl for saving your life."

Wen Yu was startled and hurriedly stepped forward to help her, "Madam, you have broken the little girl! Wen Yu was just meddling in some other business, and you should not take this seriously."

Mrs. Qi shook her head: "No matter what, for me, this is a great favor. Girl, please sit down and let's talk in detail."

 Both parties take their seats.

Wen Yu looked at Mrs. Qi. Although she looked tired, her eyes were red and swollen, and her voice was hoarse, she was sitting here with a generous demeanor that could not be compared to her grandmother and the Yuan family.

 The house and furnishings are obviously several floors higher than the Wen family.

 It is conceivable how prosperous the Qi family is in the capital.

 How should I get along with her?

Mrs. Qi didn't know what Wen Yu was thinking, and was looking at her carefully. She couldn't hide her surprise: Why is this girl so beautiful?

Especially these two big, flaring eyes, which are calm and clear, and make you look smart and sensible!

 And her sitting posture is stable. Even if she knows her identity, she is not shy or trying to please.     She seems to be better than all the ladies in the capital...

 What kind of family can raise such a daughter?

 “Is it Miss Wen?” she asked softly

"Yes. Wen Yu. My father, Wen Qian, was transferred to the capital last month."

“Oh. Miss Wen, can you tell me about this matter in detail?”

Wen Yu said: "To describe this, I can only use one word to describe it: Qiao!" She probably knew how she should behave.

"The Wen family has a villa in Tianlong Town. Our sisters came with my grandmother to offer incense. We just arrived this morning. My grandmother wanted to take care of the housework, so we little sisters secretly let the eagle fly. I spent a long time shopping around the shop, so I planned to bring my servants with me. Going home. But a new shop opened and the road was blocked, so I chose to take a detour.

Just as I reached the fork in the alley, my car was hit by a speeding donkey cart. A woman and a little girl were thrown from the car to the front of the car. Let me see it clearly! "

When Mrs. Qi heard this, she held the handkerchief in her hands, feeling distressed and filled with hatred.

"I had a slight bump, and the servant was angry, and we had a quarrel for a long time. The other party was very arrogant at first, but later he apologized. Originally, I thought it was over and I was leaving. But by chance, I saw Yuanyuan skirt."

  “...brocade yarn?”

"Yes. Master Qing, who made my clothes, cherished this material very much and introduced it to me. Although it looked good, the price was extremely expensive, so I didn't buy it. But the characteristic of flowing luster was also remembered in my mind." Wen Yu A smile.

Mrs. Qi saw that the girl was speaking in a leisurely and playful way... She felt like a mouse was scratching her heart, and she felt numb.

“But that woman said that Yuanyuan was her daughter. I was very surprised. With her condition, how could she have such a daughter!?”

 Mrs. Qi likes to hear this even more!

 Pooh, Yuanyuan’s mother, she is the county head, okay?

 Let me catch this **** and skin her!

 Then, Wen Yu explained the process again. Of course, it wouldn't be as verbose and disorderly as Li Jiang...

Mrs. Qi listened quietly and remained silent.

"...Madam, this is the process. Three of them have obvious identities, and you can tell at a glance what they do. But the man in blue, the guard I hired, saw something different. Moreover, seeing that things were in trouble, he left Extremely decisive. So... I’m afraid my wife will have to find out what’s going on.”

Mrs. Qi calmed down, "Although the girl said it lightly, I know that the process must be thrilling!"

However, Mrs. Qi had another suspicion in her mind: Wen Yu was just a teenage girl, and she was so beautiful. Wasn't she just eating tea at home, doing embroidery, and quarreling with the little sisters?

 Why do you act so calmly, bravely and decisively? ? The analysis is succinct!

If it is as I suspected, the man in blue is a murderer without batting an eyelid!

 Even if she had guards and neighbors watching. It is not difficult to kill her.

 This beautiful silly girl! He doesn't know anything, but he is very courageous.

 Looking back, I have to check her again.

“I’ve remembered Miss Wen’s kindness. I’ll ask someone around me to take you back for a while and pay a visit to your grandmother. Later, I’ll take my son and Yuanyuan to visit to say thank you, and see what time is convenient for her.”

Wen Yu said: "Mrs. Qi's intention is accepted by Wen Yu. However, Yuanyuan is frightened and needs to be taken care of. There are many people coming from all sides of Tianlong Temple these days. Before the matter is found out, there is no need to worry about it." It’s too convenient to make a big deal about.”

Mrs. Qi looked at Wen Yu intently and analyzed in her mind.

"One more thing... If the grandmother in the family knew that Wen Yu saved Mrs. Qi's niece, she would definitely be happy and honored. Wen Yu would also be praised. But... Wen Yu, as a girl under the age of sixteen, Going out without the company of elders and arguing with people like that on the street... I'm afraid it will be difficult to go out alone again in the future." She smiled mischievously.

Mrs. Qi's heart suddenly brightened up, and she smiled and said, "You! I come from a family of military officers. When I was a girl, I wore a riding uniform and swaggered through the city with a whip in hand!"

"Really? Madam must have been so dashing and heroic at that time!"

“Haha, that’s in the past. But if I don’t accept Miss Wen’s great kindness, how can I feel better?”

“Madam, as time goes by, I may be able to pray for my gentle words in the future.”

 “Okay. You’re fine!”

Mammy came in and leaned into Mrs. Qi's ear: "Everything is fine, Miss."

Mrs. Qi was completely relieved.

The smile became brighter, "Yuanyuan is my younger brother's daughter. I don't have a daughter, but I love her the most. This time I went back to my hometown and brought her to learn a lot. But I never thought that such a big thing would happen. If it weren't for the girl ..." How will I explain to my younger brother and sister-in-law when I go back?

 “I would rather have something happen to myself than...”

"Madam, Yuanyuan has an open heart. When she woke up, she only cried twice and saw the little rabbit. That's fine! You don't have to blame yourself so much. The little girl is smart and has a good future. If you are always angry and regretful, she will be too. uneasy."

“Haha, I want you, a teenage girl, to enlighten me!” Mrs. Qi shook her head and smiled bitterly, but her impression of Wen Yu became even better.

Here, there was a big chaos outside, and a person flew into the house: "Mother, Yuanyuan has been found?!"

 Wen Yu’s eyes were the sharpest, and he could clearly see the person coming with just one glance.

There is only one word in my heart: What a coincidence!

   There are comments and votes from the bad guys, as well as rewards.

I am very excited.

A large chapter of three thousand words is presented.

Several people helped me catch insects! So good, so good.

  (End of this chapter)

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