A group of people came out of the temple.

 Old Mrs. Wen thought about Princess Wu's behavior just now. Did she like Wen Yu?

  She knew that a noble lady like Princess Wu would not do unnecessary things.

The emperor has granted a marriage to the Crown Prince of Wu, and then there will be a concubine or concubine. Based on Princess Wu's behavior, she is more likely to be a concubine.

 It would be a great honor for the Wen family, Mrs. Wen, to be excited! Not to mention the benefits, and the potential for a brilliant future.

She has been very busy recently and has no time to pay attention to this girl. She only occasionally feels that this girl is becoming more and more unbearable.

Courageous, meticulous and unpredictable.

At this moment, Wen Yu was accompanying her obediently, socializing with the people around her.

As expected, those who saw that Princess Wu treated Wen Yu differently, even came up to chat with him enthusiastically.

Mrs. Song also came over. The two old ladies got together yesterday and enjoyed the vegetarian meal that Song Shang ordered early.

Wen Yu walked over, gently supported Mrs. Song, joked for a few words, and then whispered to Mrs. Song: "Just now, Yu'er saw my cousin."

"She didn't..." Mrs. Song was worried for Wen Yu.

"Hehe, Yu'er is not afraid of her. Oh, I also saw her sister-in-law! She glanced at me and said nothing. I didn't see them at your birthday party last time. Now, they are dressed more elegantly than before. ”

Mrs. Song felt cold. yes! How could a powerless widow like me deserve to be humbled by the Wei family? For his birthday banquet, the Wei family only sent a mother-in-law to give birthday peaches.

This time, he wanted Wei Xiangyu to return to the Song family, but he approached him enthusiastically.

What if my son is cruel to Webster? !

 Hmph, I’m afraid that my son was afraid that I would be sad, so he didn’t tell me: The Wei family probably treats my son just because he takes it away, and he still doesn’t like it in his heart!

 This further strengthened Mrs. Song's determination to abandon Wei Xiangyu.

“What about this family? I really can’t say anything! At the beginning, if her family hadn’t taken the initiative to marry into our family, would you think I was a stranger?” Mrs. Song said something she would never say easily.

"Exactly! Is my aunt's demeanor any worse than that of any of the ladies here? Her character is actually better than theirs! In front of the Buddha, you have a clear conscience and a lot of incense... The Buddha likes you like this!"

Mrs. Song was made to giggle non-stop.

 Old Mrs. Wen felt sad after seeing it. "Yu'er, didn't you say you wanted to send some candies to the young masters at the Sutra Pavilion?"

 “Grandma reminded me! Yu’er is going now!”

So, Wen Yu took some candies and peanut melon seeds from Xiao Ji, and gave her a wink to let her continue to stare at someone.

The Buddhist Scripture Pavilion is in a corner of the temple. It is busy outside, but it is very quiet here.

 All the big monks have gone to the front to do their work, leaving only a young monk to look after the house. Seeing Wen Yu, he smiled shyly and saluted with one hand: "Sister Donor..."

  Hehe... "Little monk, why are you here today?!" Wen Yu knew this little monk, especially Yan Zhu, and teased him every time they met.

 The little monks here always turn pink every time they see them.

“There are a lot of things going on in the temple these two days, and the senior brothers are all busy! Donor sister, please sit down quickly, while the young monk goes to boil water and make tea.”

Wen Yu handed him a bag of sweets and said, "Stop working and eat some sweets. I want to go to the second floor and read a book."

The little monk took it over in surprise and whispered: "...Senior Brother told me...if anyone comes today, they can only come on the first floor. The door leading to the second floor is locked. But the donor sister comes up from the outside platform..."


 The little monk happily boiled water.

Wen Yu went up to the second floor and looked back and forth on the bookshelves in the room. The surroundings were quiet, the sun shone in through the light-transmitting windows, and the dust was floating in the air. The years were quiet.

I didn’t enjoy being alone for a while, but a woman’s cry seemed to be heard in my ears, the sound was vague and non-existent, with ups and downs...

 Ghost! ?

 She suddenly thought about what had happened before and broke into a cold sweat.

 Open your eyes and listen carefully, but again...

 Shaked his head, what’s wrong with me? !

 But before she could relax, there was another cry.

With his hair standing on end, he moved to the back of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and leaned on the railing of the platform behind to look down.

 I saw two people sitting on the stone bench below.

One of them was a woman, facing herself, covering her face with a veil and crying.

Another person, with his back to me, wearing a big cloak and a hood...who is he? He's quite mysterious? Is it popular to have trysts in temples these days? I met you two today!

But, she didn’t feel fear at the Forest of Steles, so she suddenly became obsessed with gossip, threw a plum into her mouth, and hid next to a pillar. There was a red prayer flag hanging on the pillar to stop her.

 “You...stop crying.” It was a hoarse male voice that was almost indescribable.

 What kind of broken gong voice? This person must not be very good-looking!

Like Na Wulang, although his voice is cold, it is like ice flowers...

 She became infatuated again.

Hearing this, the woman put down the veil.

“…Huh?” Wen Yu almost screamed, was it her? !

I've seen it before. Isn't this the woman in white that I met in Cailuan Pavilion?

 Today I am not wearing white, but a pink gauze dress. My face is white and my eyelids are red. I am trembling and crying. I want to stop talking...

 Tsk tsk...that looks good.

 Seeing her pink outfit reminded Wen Yu of someone.

The Wen family didn't let her go to the tea party in Jiangzhou last year, but Wen Jiao and Wen Wan went with the snacks she made.

When she came back, Wen Su was very excited. She said: There was a strange woman at the meeting, wearing pink clothes and pink blush. Made a peach blossom cake.

The beauty shocked everyone, the skill also shocked everyone, and the one who won the first place.

Because of this, she got the reputation of "Peach Blossom Fairy".

The real identity is Qin Lianyue, the daughter of the Qin family in Chu Qingwan.

The person in front of you is the "Peach Blossom Fairy", right? !

Wen Yu's curiosity aroused and he boldly leaned out. I want to see what that adulterer...no, my lover looks like.

But I still couldn't see it, I just saw a tall figure.

“…Miss me Qin Lianyue, even though I am a woman in a boudoir…”

ah! It was indeed her!

 Tsk tsk... I'm quite excited, what can I say?

"But I think I am a descendant of the Qin family. I look up to the sky and bow to the ground, and I have no regrets in my heart. But... I didn't expect that the first person in my life who I can't forgive is the person who is most precious to me!"

  What are you talking about? I didn't see the beginning.

 But his expression... was sincerely moved, weeping and complaining, he was such a decent person.

 If I were this man, it would be over!

She spit out the plum core into the veil and threw another one into her mouth...

"Don't say that." The man's voice was too hoarse, and it was hard to hear the gentle words. He couldn't help but feel secretly guilty, and he didn't even clear his throat!

“…This matter is not something you can decide. It’s just that it’s too unexpected…”

 What's going on?

 What happened?

Wen Yu regretted a little, why didn’t he come earlier?

 Such a romantic drama, it’s the perfect match for Hua Mei! It was sour and sweet, and the feeling was so wonderful that she got carried away with it, spit out the plum core in her mouth, threw in a peanut, and bit it open with a click. Then he lowered his head and threw the core aside...

 But at this sound, although the man did not turn around and look up, his ears moved and his body tensed.

But the "Peach Blossom Fairy" didn't know anything. Her tears were flowing, non-stop...

The voice was trembling and clear: "Since my cousin left the Qin family, my heart has also traveled far away with my brother... I wanted to write a letter, but I was afraid that my aunt would find something wrong. So, I wrote and tore it up. Bit by bit, It’s only in my heart, but it’s not what I want. It’s about to happen, but I have to separate. This makes me how to face you and how to deal with it!”

The man took out a white cotton handkerchief and handed it to her, "Don't cry. I can still come to see you today. I just want to ask... about the marriage. If you don't want to... I will find a way."

 What kind of marriage?

Wen Yu couldn’t even chew his words: Does it mean that Qin Lianyue was in love with him, but she was engaged to someone else?

 Someone is beating up the mandarin ducks! ?

 Jiao Zhongqing and Liu Lanzhi…

 Or Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng?

Which one?

When Qin Lianyue heard this, her hand wiping her tears paused for a moment, and she immediately said: "...Brother's words made me so sad. Since she was eight years old, Lianyue has only had her brother in her heart, so how could she be willing to marry? To the Wang family? Just..."

 Alas, Wen Yu sighed: After talking for a long time, it was nothing more than a "just"...

 (End of this chapter)

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