Mrs. Qi finally came to Tianlong Temple, holding Yuanyuan in her hand.

 He was accompanied by several wives and girls from the Qi family.

As soon as Yuanyuan came in, she was looking for that "beautiful sister". Aunt said she would be there.

That day, when she woke up, her beautiful sister was gone. There were still many things to tell her about Tuantuan!

“Cousin!” A soft and clear voice came from the side.

Mrs. Qi's heart sank when she heard it, but she pretended not to know and continued walking forward leisurely.

 As a result, a woman blocked the way. "Cousin~~ I've been calling you for a long time! Why are you ignoring me?"

The person who came was none other than Du Liu.

Mrs. Qi looked at her lightly...

 The **** in front of me is radiant and has a smile on her face...can she still smile?

Moreover, looking at himself, he actually responded with anger?

 Is she really not afraid that I will slap her in public?

When I was young, I never hit anyone!

Mrs. Qi's eyes were wild and her heart was beating wildly. She knew what kind of character she was without looking in the mirror.

Du Liu's expression as if nothing had happened reminded her of the Marquis of Zhenyuan...her mother-in-law, who always had such a smile on weekdays.

Obviously she is embarrassed, obviously angry, and obviously hateful, but she can still laugh!

 Is it fashionable to be thick-skinned and shameless these days?

Du Liu immediately took her free arm and whispered pleadingly: "Cousin, it's all my fault. Please, let me talk to you, let me apologize to you..."

Mrs. Qi struggled, but she didn’t break away...

Yuanyuan didn’t recognize this person, so she stuck out her little head and looked at her curiously.

“Sister, just a few words, please...really, okay? If you scold me and hit me, I will admit it!”

Mrs. Qi's face turned red with anger and she looked at her silently.

“We’ve been sisters all our lives, don’t you understand me yet? Such a big thing happened for nothing, so you have to let me explain a few words, right?” Du Liu was smiling, but there seemed to be tears in his eyes.

Although Mrs. Qi has a bad temper, is straight-tempered, and speaks without mercy, in fact, she is really not a cruel person.

Seeing Du Liu's begging in such a low voice, he said coldly: "I still have something to do. If you have anything to say, just say it."

 “Good sister~~come on, come on! Just come over here, just say a few words and it’ll be done in a moment!”

After saying that, he took Mrs. Qi’s arm and pulled her to the side.

Mrs. Qi still held Yuanyuan in her hand and didn't want her to hear this.

He handed over Yuanyuan’s little hand to his most trusted nanny: “Keep an eye on Yuanyuan, I’ll be there in a moment.”

Mammy held on tightly: "Don't worry!"

Mrs. Qi then said to the other ladies: "You go and sit down first, I'll be there in a moment. Keep an eye on Yuanyuan for me, don't let her run around, and don't eat randomly."

Everyone agreed.

The two of them entered a small side courtyard next to it. It seemed that Du Liu had prepared it for a long time. It was simple and elegant, and there was tea.

Mrs. Qi stood there: "If you have anything to say, say it! I can't stay still."

"Sister!" Du Liu pressed Mrs. Qi on the chair and said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry. Sister! No matter what, this matter is all my fault! Really! If you hit me and scold me, I Everybody admits it!”

"Ha!" Mrs. Qi sneered, "...climbing onto a high branch, what's wrong with that? People go to higher places! What are you doing here to find me?"

 “Sister!” Du Liu sat down next to Mrs. Qi with a dejected look on his face.

Mrs. Qi looked at this distant cousin. Her eyebrows were like spring mountains and her eyes were like autumn pools. She still looked so young and good-looking.

"Sister, you also know... The Du family married me into the Qin family, and that's all. The Qin family... Well, after my grandfather passed away, there was no one in the younger generation who could succeed him. The glory has passed. ! It will only happen sooner or later. My parents-in-law are very angry. Your brother-in-law and I are also aware of this. "

Seeing her low profile, Mrs. Qi felt better.

"Wulang, please give him to me. In the past few years, I have taken better care of him than my own son. Does my sister agree with this?" Du Liu looked at Mrs. Qi excitedly and sincerely.

This is not false! Mrs. Qi kept a close eye on Qi Wu’s affairs. According to what she knew, Du Liu did a good job with his son for several years.

 Otherwise, could she agree to this marriage?

 He could not help but nodded slightly.

"Wulang, that is really the good son-in-law I have been waiting for for so many years. You are coming back to get engaged to them, I am so happy! The wish of many years can finally come true..." Du Liu's tears flowed out and he took out a handkerchief to wipe them away.

"But I never expected it! Erlang of the Jiang family only met Lian Yue from a distance once when he was studying in the Qin family! When he returned to the capital, no one noticed him. There were so many people who came to the Qin family to study, who still remembers him! As a result, just a few days ago, the Jiang family actually came to propose marriage... When my father-in-law and mother-in-law heard about it, they were so happy! How could I say anything else? "

 The Jiang family has a government office!

 It’s still the Queen Mother’s natal family! The emperor valued it very much.

Although the Qi family is good, it is still far behind compared to the Jiang family.

"How could that girl Lianyue be willing? She cried bitterly several times and became seriously ill. For the sake of the reputation of the Qin family and Wu Lang, she didn't dare to let anyone know about it. Looking at her weak breath...sister, my heart hurts and my heart aches. Ah!" Du Liu hit his heart with the handkerchief, tears streaming down his face.

Mrs. Qi was stunned for a long time, then sighed and said, "Even if you had all kinds of reasons, you still tricked Xiao Wu and ruined my big business! If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't blame you so much."

"I told you earlier... How did I know that Mr. Jiang would fall in love with Lian Lian and come so far to propose marriage?!" This is not a lie. What kind of noble lady is there in the capital? !

 Both of them were stunned for a while.

Mrs. Qi said: "No matter what! The Qin family is not honest in doing things! Does your mother-in-law know how we decided? Isn't it time for her to greet Xiaowu?"

 “Alas, mother-in-law, she...” Du Liu was vague.

"Not to mention Xiao Wu and Lian Yue, don't you know how they get along? If the Jiang family knew about it, would they come to propose marriage? If this matter is exposed in the future, even if Lian Yue gets married, what good life will there be? Pass?"

Du Liu's body was tense, and he was frightened and frightened. He could not hide it, so he could only cover his face with a handkerchief...

After a while, she sighed and said: "Oh, what a coincidence, it only takes a few days! If you come back a few days early, our affairs will be done! No matter how tyrannical my mother-in-law is, she can't regret the marriage!" "

 At this point...Mrs. Qi has something to say.

"Okay, it's useless to say this. Now that the matter has been decided...just prepare for Qin Lianyue's marriage! I have to go..."

Mrs. Qi just wanted to stand up.

"Sister...Wulang's marriage, do you still want to settle it here?"

Of course she knows something about the Qi family! This cousin, in desperation, might have made a reservation for Wulang right here.

"When Wu Lang comes back, there are a lot of things. I haven't had time to talk to him yet, let me take a look!" How could Mrs. Qi tell her the truth?

"Cousin, mother-in-law said the other day..." Du Liu said.

 “What did you say?” Mrs. Qi wondered.

"My mother-in-law said...that the eldest brother's second daughter also a very good girl. If my sister doesn't dislike her..." She hummed like a mosquito.

"What did you say?!"

Mrs. Qi suddenly stood up, anxious! "Well, Du Liu! I think you are really... I didn't expect that Qin Da Confucianism would have a bunch of shameless descendants like you! Isn't it about to decline?! I didn't marry you, but Xiao Wu What a blessing! Du Liu, Du Liu, you are so depraved!"

Mrs. Qi flicked her sleeves and left.

 She suddenly became angry, which shocked Du Liuer and made him speechless.

 Looking stupidly at Mrs. Qi leaving, I couldn't help but regret a little: I said I shouldn't have asked!

Mother-in-law has to ask!

Now, are you even more offended? !

She sat there regretting for a long time, then she thought again: Anyway, my Lian'er has already settled in the Duke's mansion. In the future, she will be the Duke’s wife!

Hmph, Cui Fengying, even if you are angry now, you will turn around and stick to me in the future!

 Lian Yue is so well married, she can help me a lot! From now on, I have nothing to count on you!

 If you don’t move around, you won’t move around anymore!


But suddenly I thought, oh...this cousin has a very bad temper. It will make her anxious, and really bring out those things in the past...

That’s going to be bad!

 Don’t leave any clues! She thought carefully: I remember that Lian'er did some work for her cousin and Wulang, but they were all relatives, and some interactions were normal.


 She just remembered something...

 Hurry up and go find your daughter.

   Joined V today, thank you all for supporting me.

  (End of this chapter)

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