Chapter 8 As thin as spring ice

 A group of carriages stopped in front of Wen's house, and a middle-aged man got out of the first carriage.

 Tall and straight.

He has a fair face and a short beard. Her two dark eyes looked a bit like Mrs. Wen's. Wearing a low-key fine cotton cloak. Clean gray satin shoes.

 Hands and movements, calm and elegant.

 So magnificent that the passers-by were stunned.

The man got off the ground, first looked up at the door of his house, then turned around and said softly: "Xijun, we're home, come down!"

Two girls came from behind and helped him lift down a woman wearing a thin cloak. Wearing a thin veil, you can't see clearly.

As soon as she landed, the woman first lowered her head to see if her clothes were neat, then turned her head, looked the man up and down, and said softly: "Husband, please go in quickly! The mother must be waiting for her son in a hurry."

  There is a teasing tone in the tone.

 The man also smiled slightly.

At this time, two more teenage boys came from behind, dragging a slender girl with them.

The girl was also wearing a veil. The veil was thin, and her little white teeth could be vaguely seen: "Dad, mother, my daughter is going in with you!"

The man had no limit to his patience with her and said with a smile, "Okay. Let's go in together."

“Dad, when we were entering the city just now, my younger brother threw stones at my daughter’s carriage.” She complained in a delicate voice, leaning close to the man.

 “Dad, there is no son!” the little boy retorted.

 “You have! Even Yun’er has seen it!”

 The family was chatting and laughing, and walked toward the door.

 Seven or eight servants have been welcomed into the mansion, some called lords and some called lords.

  The steward who had been with this gentleman had already directed them to start unloading their luggage.

 After entering the second gate, there is a huge water stone bonsai next to it, which is covered with moss.

That man frowned involuntarily...

Every time I come back, that girl will always hide there and look at herself secretly.

 Him in fear and a bit of a petty spirit! Now, 80% of the time it will be there too!

Looking at the daughter Wen Huan who is accompanying the wife, her gait is light, her posture is elegant, and she also has a hint of pride and delicacy...

This is my eldest daughter, Wen Qian!

He pretended to be looking around the garden at home, but in fact, he was looking behind the stones.

…no one? !

Looked carefully again, there was indeed no one!

 He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief... That girl's admiration was an invisible pressure for him.

 He considers himself to be a smart, calm, and noble person.

Those unbearable past events are now a thing of the past! I will never come back to taste it!

Mother Song, who was next to the old lady, came over with a smile on her face and said, "Sir, Madam."

The eldest wife, Mrs. Yuan, looked at Grandma Song with a smile on her face, "Mother Song. Is the old lady in good health?"

  "Okay! It's okay! I'm just thinking about the old man and you, as well as the young ladies and young gentlemen!"

The servants along the way bowed to them respectfully.

Wen Qian was very happy. In a flash, he hadn’t been back for almost two years!

This time, it can be considered a homecoming! Thinking about the upcoming future, I feel even more energetic.


 The old lady and the Wen family were all waiting in the back hall. She stretched her neck involuntarily and looked out!

 Ever since they got married, she has been at odds with her husband Wen Rujiang. That **** is so disgusting that he never knows what decency is. If he hadn't been ruthless, both sons might not have been saved!

 Later, the eldest son Wen Qian gradually became successful and supported himself! Thinking of her eldest son's new future, she stroked the bracelet on her wrist with a smile on her face.

Wen Jiao, the third girl next to her, said to Wen Yu in a pretentious manner: "You miss your uncle too, don't you!? In the past, I would have to run outside to greet him, but why can I keep my composure now!?"

“I was young before. Now if I run away casually again, grandma should tell me.” Wen Yu said with a heartfelt smile.

"Ha!" Wen Jiao rolled her eyes. Isn't it because she always gets a bad reception?

Without you, my uncle probably wouldn’t even remember that there is such a daughter!

“I heard that my uncle will go to Beijing in a few days. This time, he must take his eldest sister with him, right?! I’m so envious!” These sour words were said in a gentle way. "In my opinion, you are envious for nothing." Wen Jiao smiled mysteriously, as if she knew a lot of inside information.

Mother said, uncle will not take her there!

"Oh? Third sister means..." Their eyebrows were gleaming.

 It’s so boring!

Wen Yu smiled slightly and had no reaction.

Wen Jiao saw that Wen Yu was not sad. She felt that she had not achieved her goal, so she curled her lips again. I didn't even do a haircut ceremony for you. How could anyone in Jiangzhou have heard of such a thing? Even poor girls have to go through the motions.

 There is no "eldest daughter" in the world who is more cowardly than you!

Wen Yu sighed in her heart, and immediately felt the "father-daughter love" as thin as spring ice...

 It’s just that at present, I have no power, no wealth, no one, and no one.

 And they have filial piety to suppress each other, and power to force each other...

It’s not easy to achieve your goal, and you have to make some calculations!

“Come on, come on! Old lady, our eldest lady is back!” A girl opened the door curtain and said with a smile.

 Then, two adults, a man and a woman, entered the house with a girl and two boys.

 “Mother, my son is back!” The man spoke with excitement.

 “My mother is well, my wife is in good health!”


 Several people knelt down in unison.

The old lady was laughing so hard that she couldn't even open her eyes. "Get up! Get up quickly. Just come back! Just come back! Heng'er, Jin'er, come here and let grandma take a look!"

   These are the two sons of the father.

Wen Huan saw that her grandmother called her two younger brothers but did not call herself. Her face was unhappy and her mouth was pouted.

Wen Qian knew that his daughter would be jealous, so he looked at her with an angry smile.

 The old lady looked at her two grandsons with satisfaction. They had bright eyes, white teeth, smart looks, and strong bodies.

 "Well, good! Good! How is the journey going smoothly!?" She turned to ask her son and looked up and down.

Wen Qian was born well. In the past two years, his official fortune has been smooth, his demeanor has calmed down, and he has become more like a person in a superior position! The old lady looked at her from head to toe and was not satisfied with anything.

 “Don’t worry, mother, everything is fine! Second brother, second brother and sister.”

 Wen Feng and Wu exchanged pleasantries with their eldest brother.

As soon as they entered the door, Wen Yu stood up with the others and looked at them calmly.

 In the last life, my admiration was indeed justified!

 The middle-aged man in front of me has lost his youthfulness and is now as elegant and gentle as jade!

 His wearing a light gray heavy silk dress and several jade hairpins with simple shapes.

He has a fair complexion and black hair.

Stand dignified and smile gently.

Even if there are light wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, they don’t look old and add more elegance.

And Wen Huan standing next to him...

 Wen Yu could not suppress the panic and hatred in his heart.

 Wen Huan... At this moment, she has not yet experienced herself in the circle of ladies in the capital, so she is still just a little girl with an obviously proud expression.

 With the parents next to me, it is natural that they are warm and cheerful. Two arched eyebrows, a pair of big smiling almond eyes, and a small red mouth even without lipstick.

 She was already quite tall, but her overly straight back and neck highlighted her superficial arrogance and strength.

 Although what she wears is very suitable for her identity as a young girl, she is exquisite in every aspect, and no small details are careless.

 A picture of a worry-free life and a wealthy life!


 Coming back this time, Wen Huan had something on his mind, so he was more sensitive. At this moment, she felt like someone was looking at her, looking back. Isn't this her...eldest sister?

 My heart pounded a few times, and I couldn't help but avoid looking at him.

How did she become so beautiful?

 Wen Huan was a little confused...

 (End of this chapter)

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